NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 707: There are monsters and gods in the body

Oh! !!

The guilt of being transformed into a bat-like monster has inspired players to be chopped off by Haruji Volley and fall heavily. .

It still wanted to struggle, but it was pierced by Xiao Shi’s make-up knife, and it stopped moving after screaming.

Then Xiao Ni appeared brightly, and “Hey” smashed it out of the game!

Qingji then recovered Xiao Ren, and looked around to confirm that there were no enemies.

“Are you all right?”

Small poems are fine. After fighting back to the original state from the state of guilt, it also showed no obstacle.

After leaving the magma area, they marched and fought all the way, knocking down many players.

Qingji asked Xiao Ren to send most of them out of the game, but a few failed to take care of them. Overall, I have tried my best.

In successive battles, the fighting grows fast.

Now he inspires the guilt mask to transform in just three seconds. In battle, he can transform other weapons besides pistols, thus using different moves.

But with the exception of pistols, other weapons are difficult to use continuously.

He will not be in a weak state after the war, but he will have to take a break before he can transform again.

The growth is obvious, but there is also a part that has not improved at all, that is, the mental state after transformation.

You have worked hard, but you ca n’t control it, your head always gets wrong.

When he thinks about how he turned, he feels ashamed. Although both teammates didn’t say much about it, he still felt that he was too much.

Actually, what really makes Yong Dou feel ashamed is that deep down in his heart, he feels that state is very cool … It’s like **** and running on the street, but he is ashamed to have the thrill of breaking taboos.

Admit it, you are essentially enjoying that state. You are a pervert who wants to run naked with naked eyes.

No, no! That’s just a metaphor, I’m not a pervert! Didn’t enjoy the state very much! !!

After self-talking, Yongdou forcibly stopped himself from thinking more, and instead asked his teammates what he always wanted to ask

“Bai Ye, I want to ask … what is that little girl with silver hair?”

Among the extraordinary strength exerted by the two teammates, this white night released from his hand and wielded a golden hammer larger than his body to smash the silver-haired luoli severely, which he most concerned about.

Because he was worried that he might offend anything, Yong Dou didn’t ask. Until now, he couldn’t help but fight together.

“She is a little monster. Swinging a hammer to hit a person is a soul attack, which has the effect of forcing the player to quit the game.” Haruhi explained.

“Oh …” Yongdouban didn’t understand, “She … lives in your body?”

“That’s it.” Haruhi smiled, “In fact, not only do I have cute little monsters in my body, but also a beautiful goddess.”

“Goddess?” Yong Dou widened his eyes.

“Yes, a very beautiful and powerful goddess.”

After speaking half-heartedly and half-seriously, Haruhi heard the soft laughter of the female lord soul.

Huang Quan laughed without saying a word, and made no comment on his words.

There are monsters and gods in the body … Is this a normal spiritual power? Yongdou didn’t understand.

He knows nothing about true psionics.

But judging from Bai Ye’s combat effectiveness, this should be a more powerful psionicist, right?

Anyway, Yongdou is pretty sure, he can’t beat Baiye. Even if he multiplied by ten after the transformation, it is likely that he would not threaten the strong man.

What do you want to do? I’m not a spiritual person, and I can’t become a spiritual person …

Is it really impossible?

Yongdou couldn’t help thinking of what Miss Double-faced Snake had said.

This is an opportunity to transform from an ordinary person to a spiritual person, at the cost of betting on life … If that’s the case, do I dare to gamble?

Or do you want to bet?

Yongdou felt he was afraid to gamble.

But if you want to gamble … he can’t answer it.

At this time I heard a rumbling voice.

“This area will be flooded too, move quickly!”

As the magma spurts out, the three move quickly again.

When you encounter a player, you must avoid the battle first. If you ca n’t avoid it, or you ca n’t avoid it, you will fight.

It’s easier to deal with ordinary players, but players who have inspired the Guilty Mask are not so good at it.

As you move, you see more and more motivators of sin, as if you are heading for a monster’s lair.

Magma blast, monster attack, danger is around!

Fighting with teammates running like it feels like a fantasy wind disaster action blockbuster.

Many times he feels that it will be sprayed and hung by hot lava, or hit by a monster and hung up, or dragged by a monster and ca n’t be hung up, but Bai Ye can always get over the crisis and take him before high OK, leap, bounce …

It’s cool!

After realizing that his teammates are super reliable, Yongdou feels that this experience is like a roller coaster, exciting but safe.

However, when he thought that he would reach the safe area like this, he suddenly felt that there was a strange existence ahead.

This existence feels like a person but not a person … What I want to say is like a cold, heavy, **** thing condensed into a human form, which seems to contain terrible energy, which makes him give birth A little fear.

“White night, there is something in front …”

Without warning words, I saw many red objects approaching from the front … bugs! locust! !!

The crowd of red locusts is coming up densely! Can’t avoid it at all.

“Knight of Zero!” Haruji signaled Xiao Shi to approach himself, and at the same time opened the turtle armor.

The swarm hit the enchantment and was blocked off.

Haruji felt the pressure of defense, and then saw the guilty motivator who was rushed to the body by the insect swarm. The latter screamed and rolled, his voice exuding great pain, because the locusts that crawled on it bored into the body with red light!

The sight is daunting.

The red bug … Haruji remembered what he saw when he examined Miyamoto Kaori.

At this moment, you can basically be sure.

The “that person” mentioned by Kamiya is Kaori!

The double-sided snake is very scared at this moment.

As a woman, she hates bugs like most girls.

She is now surrounded by countless bugs. The whole person is entangled with many long crickets and cannot move at all!

If this is true, she’s probably fainted long ago, but she can still maintain consciousness here.

The two-sided snake wants to faint or die, as long as it can leave from here.

However, I do n’t know why I ca n’t even close my eyes. I ca n’t help but watch countless bugs squirming in my field of vision, hearing crunching sounds, smelling the stench, and falling into deep fear.

Suddenly the swarm in front moved away to both sides, forming a passage.

Someone came over.

A girl in a bright red dress with a proud bust and a colorful butterfly mask.

The dress has a weird and complicated black pattern, like many insects of different kinds turned into stripes and embossed and printed on it, showing an indescribable strange beauty.

The neckline of the dress is a low-cut V-neck, showing a pair of extremely full snow-white hemispheres, which are full of temptation. If walking on the street, the towering twin peaks and the deep trenches between them are enough to attract the attention of men throughout the street.


This is the double-faced snake’s view of the girl in front of her … No, it looks like a girl’s existence in front of her.

The other person ’s clothes and figure are eye-catching, but even more striking is the butterfly mask.

The double-sided snake looked at the mask with complicated colors for a few seconds, and felt dizzy and blurred.

Then she saw a thick, red, knotty thing, rising from behind the other, and stabbed sharply!

Well … violent pain surged.

The snake girl wakes up with pain, but quickly loses consciousness and sinks into darkness in fear.

She doesn’t know what happened to her, she can’t think, only to fall in terror.

Before being completely swallowed by the icy deep darkness, she felt regret with the last trace of ingenuity.

No one knows what to regret.

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