NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 706: So weak … too weak

“I …” Xianglian didn’t know how to answer.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a headache, as if something cold was poured into her head through the mask, and then she heard a strange noise, her head dizzy, her vision changed, and she smelled a thick, **** smell. Consciousness becomes blurred …

I feel that the thing that is injected into the head and the thing that is in the body start to collide fiercely, which is extremely uncomfortable and painful.

Xiang Lian instinctively resists, but the retained thoughts stop this instinct and accept it instead.

This is the power of my demon. It belongs to me … no matter how unbearable, it must be accepted, it must be endured, it must be sustained!

For my sister … Kaori …

She forcibly maintains her spirit, keeps herself, and never gives up!

Even in the face of the violent cold and wind and rain, he persisted without bowing his head.

After the two forces collided violently for a while, under her acceptance, they began to mix, maneuver, and blend together … and finally became one.

The storm is over, the pain subsides, and everything returns to peace.

After consciousness returns to soberness, Xiang Lian realizes the strange feeling that is beyond words.

She has extraordinary power!

No … she had power at first, but now she knows how to use it.

It’s like getting the key of the locked Kumen, and finally you can open the warehouse and use the contents inside!

“Oh …” A muffled sound sounded.

It’s a three-eyed cat man.

He raised his hands and covered his head, as if having a headache.

“Mr. Three-eyed cat …”

“Did you get it too?”


“There was some kind of energy in the head just now … didn’t you feel it?” The three-eyed cat man looked at the butterfly girl.

“I … feel it.”

“You’ve got strength, too, haven’t you?”

“Hmm …” Xiang Lian nodded.

Instead of gaining power, her condition is more like awakening, but it’s not wrong to get it.

“It hurts … at least give a hint to add new gameplay, garbage management …” Three-eyed cat man rubbed his head. “But this new gameplay is pretty good, making me more murderous. Powered up. “

“Mr. Three-eyed cat …”

“You haven’t answered the question just now. Who are you and your sister?”

Xian Lian is silent.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t say it. No matter who you are, my requirements for you will not change.” Three-eyed cat man calmly said, “If you don’t accept it, you can go, but we will be our opponents from that moment on. , I will kill you without hesitation. “

“Mr. Three-eyed cat … Do you like to play such games?”

“Do you want to ask me if I like to kill people?”

Xiang Lian is the default.

“I don’t like killing people, but I don’t hate them,” the three-eyed cat replied.

“This is a killing game. The people here are equivalent to enemy monsters in other games. The feeling of killing here is the same as that of killing monsters in other games.”

“That is to say, if the game’s combat object is changed to something other than humans, I will accept it, and I will not be happy for it or lose it.”

“This dream is very weird, but it ’s quite fun in terms of the meaning of the game. After all, there is no such realistic game in reality. And the crow people say that if they live to the end, they can get 100,000 yuan in reality. Bonus. “

“Since I’m playing a game, I deserve to win, and I want the prize so I want to win.”

He does n’t know what to say about it.

The three-eyed cat seems a bit wrong, but it seems nothing is wrong.

“How about you, do you want to win?”

“… I don’t want to compete, I just want to see my sister.”

“You said your sister brought you in … what’s your relationship?”

Xian Lian is silent again.

Three-eyed cat guy probably guessed it, no longer asking.

So weak … too weak.

After killing many players again, Kaori feels empty.

The initial battle was quite difficult and exciting.

But with the increase of the power she can use and the improvement of her control skills, she soon became strong enough to crush the enemy and felt no excitement.

Even if you deliberately seduce players from all sides to come under siege to increase the difficulty of combat, you don’t need to work hard to solve everyone, and it feels like mowing.

The enemy is too weak to be interesting.

Although killing many players at once, there is also thrill, but Kaori still thinks that this is not interesting and not fun enough.

“Is this game to such an extent?”

She had the idea of ​​killing players for fun in an instant, but she didn’t find it interesting.

“It’s boring … get out of my sister, if she’s still here.”

If the stupid sister did not use the power of the demon, she must have been killed and quit the game now.

If you use your power, you may survive.

It will be as she wishes.

Kaori firmly believes that it will be his victory, and the stupid sister has no chance of winning.

She made up her mind to kill her sister with overwhelming power, kill the latter to quit the game, and then let her shut up completely!

Of course, provided that my sister lives to this day alone. If her sister can’t even survive, she doesn’t even have the qualifications to become an opponent.

“It was said to be boring, and I feel ashamed to be the one hosting this project.”

The sound suddenly sounded behind him.

Kaori was startled, and turned sharply to see the silver-haired figure in a black bathrobe and a crow mask.

Although she couldn’t see her face, she recognized from the clothes and voice that this was the teenager who had given her a game card.

He claims to be a **** valley tree, and suddenly appeared like this that day, saying that seeing that she was in the power of a demon can help her control this power.

Kaori is naturally skeptical of such a person, but then Kamiya showed his magical powers and made her feel that he was his own kind!

Kamiya gave her a **** weird card, said to be a game card, which can be triggered by a demon to enter a dream game.

“You can use the magic power in the game to quickly control this power, just like doing sports training.”

“The reason I help you is to make friends with you. As a companion who also bears the power of the demon, please take care of it in the future.”

“You enter the game to play, it is good for me. In other words, this thing is mutually beneficial, don’t feel that it is due to me.”

After speaking, the silver-haired boy left.

Kaori then took a long time and decided to try a card. So she smoothly entered the dream game and really used the power of the demon to enjoy it.

When my sister asked for a showdown, she thought of this game, thinking that she might be able to bring her in, so she tried it, and it really worked.

“Mr. Kamiya … Sorry, I don’t know you are …”

“It’s okay, I have to apologize. I’m sorry to make you feel boring.” Kamiya smiled, “I have added new things to the game, and it should make you feel more interesting next.”

The voice falls, and a thick black mist emerges.

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