NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 686: 001

This is not the end, it’s just the beginning.

A very common line, but it seems unexpectedly many when it can be used.

Actually, “End is a new beginning” would be more appropriate.

Haruji feels that way now. Obviously, just after the end of a war, you can wake up from your deep sleep and find that bad signs are emerging everywhere, and the next flame will be ignited at any time.

In addition to the things of Kaori and Chiaki, Xingxiu also expressed that after serious consideration, she still chose to help Lilith to fight for this mysterious elf girl.

And Xiao Lingyang. Because Fengwu said that the child was a bit wrong, Qingji seriously asked Lingyang, and it turned out that the latter started more than ten days ago, that is, after the ceremonial night, I sometimes heard strange sounds during dreaming, like It’s sighing, it’s screaming, it’s roaring, it’s like a lot of people are talking …

I also asked Dai, and the answer was that I had dreamed of hearing strange noises after that night, but only once.

Haruji told Dai about Kobayakawa Risa, and if the latter feels anything abnormal, he will inform him in time.

Hexin woke up, indicating that the state has recovered. But when I opened the field, I once felt that there was a similar existence. This similarity refers to the “opener” similar to her, not the “room owner” like Lilith.

Chi Jiu reports that the price of bliss medicine has decreased, and the supply has increased, and it is estimated that it will begin to expand its business rapidly.

Ana notices that there are very powerful hackers on the Internet … or similar ones similar to her, who are moving around.

Zi Ji said that she received a very beautiful illustration from a strange mailbox, which depicts a spider woman. When she saw it, she had a strange feeling that could not be explained, and when she looked back, the painting had disappeared automatically.

Afterwards, she always thinks of this painting, and occasionally loses her mind. Although it is not a big problem, she has an ominous hunch.

Yahara Ishihara also said a similar experience: I received a novel draft from an unfamiliar mailbox, and read it out of curiosity. I felt very uncomfortable, and then found that the novel draft was deleted by itself. Afterwards, I didn’t want to think about it, but I couldn’t help it.

Standing on the peaceful grassland, looking at the distant scenery, admiring the vast and beautiful sky.

However, there are flames, one, two, four, eight … soon there are flames everywhere! The flames burned and burned everything.

Haruji opened his eyes.

I find myself lying on a hospital bed, with a poem sleeping next to me.

It’s just a dream.

But it reflects his feelings.

Qing Si sighed and wanted to get a glass of water.

In order not to wake up Yimei, he carefully got up and got out of bed, only to realize that someone else was in the room!

The girl in a black trench coat sits quietly on the sofa.

“Weimeng … sister?” Qingji blinked and whispered softly.

“I plan to sit here until dawn.” Weimeng responded softly, “I didn’t expect you to wake up so early.”

“Sit until dawn … why?”

“I just finished my job, because it ended a little earlier than expected, and I didn’t want to sleep, so I came.”

Wei Meng signaled. Haruhi sat down beside her.

“How are you feeling now?”

“Fine … I think it’s all right.”

Wei Meng stared at each other.

“This is a miracle, Haruji.” She said seriously, “You have created a miracle, not only for those who are resurrected, but for yourself.”

“Thanks to you, Sister Weimeng.”

“I did help you, but you can be proud of me, not me.”

Haruji was a little embarrassed and scratched his face.

“As a reward, you and your partner’s combat equipment will be given to you.” Weimeng said.

“Thank you.” The equipment that Bihua lent was originally owned by Weimeng … Qingji was not surprised.

“What are you going to do next?”


“I’m asking you about your future development.” The girl looked at her brother who was once a scrap.

“You have strength now, you have contacts, you have wealth … Although they are not many, they are enough to make you live a completely different life than before.”

“What are you going to do, how do you develop it, do you have a clear idea?”

Haruji: “………”

“It doesn’t seem to be.” Weimeng saw the other’s embarrassing look.

“I want to talk to him after leaving the hospital …”

“Bihua can only assist you. Haruji, after this incident, do you really have no thoughts of your own?”

The scene is quiet.

Qing Si realized the meaning of the other side, his eyes flickered.

“Sister Wei Meng, what you said is not completely absent,” he sighed.

“The messenger organization is very strong and dangerous, and this time it has killed so many people.”

“To fight against them … or to protect the people you want to protect from their threats, you cannot rely on individuals or small groups. They must be equally powerful.”

“However, this incident proves the stupidity of the great forces in related aspects.”

“They could have prevented this completely, but chose to let it go for their own benefit. As a result, there were unexpected and serious casualties, and almost even the naval warship was sunk!”

“The root of this stupidity is their greed for interests, which is basically incurable.”

“A hole has appeared in the old order, which must be supplemented by new power, and this power is the spiritual court.”

“Ling Ting will be centered on the awakened, and it is a brand new organization with hope compared to vested interests that have become rotten.”

“While Ling Ting has hope, it is just hope …”

“The old forces will not let it grow smoothly, but they will fully seize control and turn it into a profit tool.”

“What the **** it will be, it is impossible to predict now.”

“I want to protect my companions, and I want to do more if possible … that’s the so-called happy daily life.” Qing Si smiled, “For this purpose, maybe you should join the spiritual court, but among them The risks are unknown, and you should not invest rashly. “

“Whether you want to develop independently or join the emerging forces that have hope but also contain crisis. This is an important choice. I must discuss with him, talk to my partners, understand the situation, and think carefully before I can do it. Make a decision. “

Wei Meng silently listened to his words, his eyes flickered.

“Nice.” She said in praise, “I have such an idea and I have passed.”

Then she took out a golden card with a complex red pattern, and in the center was a black and white two mighty dragons entwined to form a Taiji-like pattern.

Qingji instantly recalled the picture when he received the blood wine ceremony battle card. What is this time again?

“This is the login card for Ling Ting.” Wei Meng explained, “As long as you enter the psionic power and sign the name, you will become the login unit, you can contact Ling Ting to obtain information, conduct transactions, accept tasks, etc.

“Logged in?” Haruhi expressed doubt.

“Is a person or group who is logged on and can deal with Lingting, similar to a website member.”

“… that’s just a member.”

We only dreamed.

“Okay, I’ll call it a member in the future.”

Haruji took the card from her and looked at it, and found the number on the back


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