NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 683: It’s great to have a girlfriend!

When Xia Ye mentioned the resurrection of the dead, Qing Si had the urge to speak out of Wei Meng’s intervention, but he was patient.

Since the handsome sister requires confidentiality, keep it secret.

Even if you don’t want to carry a reputation that is not in line with your own strength, you have to carry it first, but some people should not need to hide the other flower.

Does Bihua know Weiwei’s actions? If so, how much?

Contact us later and talk about it. Haruji thinks so.

Kinakura watched him and Xia Ye for a while, then stood up.

“Brother, I’m going out to buy food.”

“Uh?” Haruji nodded.

“Come back in thirty minutes.”

Leaving this, the girl left the ward.

Going out for shopping?

A question mark pops up on the forehead of Qing Si who watched Yi Mei leave.

The hospital provides high-end meals, and you do n’t need to make it yourself. As for the young Lingyang at home, she is being taken care of by Fengwu, so she does n’t need to go back to buy vegetables?

“Haruji …” sounded charming.

He turned his head and saw that Xia Ye looked here with affection, and instantly understood.

The phrase “I’m going out to buy food” is a bad excuse he once said! At that time, the purpose was to be alone with Meijia, but I did not expect Xiaoshi to remember it.

Thirty minutes is a time for him and Xia Ye to be alone.

In the face of his girlfriend’s stinging eyes, Haruji stretched out his hand.

The rosy summer night fell into his arms, closed his eyes, and slightly opened his lips.

Qing Si kissed up and tasted the sweetness of the charming young lady.

“Hmm … hmm … hmm …”

Summer night first bears, caters, and then gradually starts to ask.

The body is soft as if it is about to melt, but ** has become more intense, intoxicated by the wonderful taste of mellow and crisp.

Not enough, not enough, not enough …

She has been thirsty for too long.

Qing Si was almost overwhelmed by the momentum demanded by Xia Ye.

Feeling the challenge, he responded enthusiastically, holding her tightly, tenderly *** ing her back and hair.

“Uh … oh … um …”

Summer night feels more comfortable, the consciousness gradually rises, keeps accelerating upward, and finally crosses the threshold, reaching the peak of joy!

A very charming voice sounded, she trembled in the arms of her boyfriend, enjoying the pleasure of happiness.

It’s amazing.

Hiroshi is holding a girlfriend who can kiss by light kissing, lamenting that the other person’s color is so high that it is hard to hold it as a man.

Just pull out the real gun rack …

No, stop! Don’t think about it, stop it! !!

Imagine for a moment that his lower body is firm and uncomfortable.

Summer night noticed.

She slowly moved away and touched it.

“Uh …” Haruhi felt embarrassed.

“Is it uncomfortable?” Xia Ye gently touched and asked.

“… a little …”

It’s even more uncomfortable because you touch it! Qingji couldn’t say.

Xia Ye’s eyes flickered and his face flushed.

“I … do it for you by hand, will you?”


“It’s … helping you … with that …”

The charming young lady blushed to the extreme, exuding an embarrassing breath.

Sunji is down. After understanding what the other person was saying, I suddenly felt blood rushing into my head and my face became hot!

What should I say at this time?

Reject … it’s impossible to refuse!

And you should n’t refuse … right?

Anyway, Qing Si can’t restrain this **! If this situation is still forcibly suppressed, he may explode! !!

“Okay …” The heat-filled response came out of his mouth.


As a result, Qing Si refreshed twice

Summer night is very jerky, but the service spirit is very high, not only with the hand but also with the mouth, and almost swallowed everything.

Haruhi cherishes the whole process in his mind, and he will remember it clearly throughout his life.

It’s great to have a girlfriend!

It’s great to have a beautiful and charming girlfriend! !!

It’s the best to have a beautiful, charming and high-minded girlfriend! !! !!

He has the urge to stand at the window and shout at the world like this.

In fact, it was great to do it only once, but Xia Ye saw that his lower body did not soften at all, and offered to do it a second time.

After the second time, it still hasn’t softened, but time is running out. Xiao Shi is about to return, only to this end.

After clearing all traces, the two are still blushing.

“Summer night …”

“Why … what?”

“I … was comfortable … thank you …”

“You’re welcome …”



Ah, what did I say? Seiji wants to slap himself!

He wants to express his feelings, but the words are uttered without the brain, which seems strange.

Seeing him awkward, Xia Ye, who was also embarrassed by himself, suddenly wanted to laugh and really laughed.

“Oh … I don’t need to be so embarrassed,” she said softly. “I’m your girlfriend, and my family has acknowledged the relationship.”

“Although so …” Haruji scratched his face, but couldn’t think of how to express it.

“I’ll do more for you.” Xia Ye’s eyes were as bright as water, softly, “As long as you want, anything can …”

Speaking, some imagination appeared in her brain, and her face became red again.

Ah, what did I say? Xia Ye wants to fall to the ground and roll!

Although it’s true, it’s too shameful to say it directly! “Everything is OK” doesn’t sound like a pretty girl! ?

“I should say this right.” Seiji finally found the point, “I have worried you for so long, and I should compensate you, as long as you want, anything.”

Facing his sincere eyes, Xia Ye felt his heart.

For a moment, she felt that the torment she had endured while he was asleep was worth it.

“Stupid …” Her eyes were wet again, “It should be me to make compensation … If it wasn’t for me, you don’t have to fight at all.”

“That’s not what it said.” Haruhi took the other’s hand, “I volunteered to fight for you. I could have returned early, but I was so long for something unrelated to you that made you worry about sadness … wrong In me, you have nothing wrong. “

Tears came from Xia Ye’s eyes.

“Stupid … Stupid … Haruji you are … big stupid …”

The chest is full of warmth. Although I don’t want to cry, the tears can’t stop.

Haruji took her into her arms and hugged softly.

Xia Ye cried for a while, then completely calmed down.

The two stayed silent until Xiao Shi returned.

“… Do I need to go out and buy vegetables again?”

After entering the door, Kagura looked at them and asked calmly.

“No need … thank you, sister Kagura.”

“You’re welcome, sister Wanhua.”

Seeing their peaceful and harmonious conversation that seemed to hide something, Haruji blinked.

What happened between Xia Ye and Xiao Shi in the past ten days? u

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