NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 663: We are making history

When Izawa rushed to support Ghana, Kagura poems approached the special commander Han, and the seal was cast.

Broken “Icethorn”!

Ice suddenly spreads along the ground at high speed.

Dahan moves to dodge, but the ice surface bends sharply to catch up, brushes the ground to form sharp ice spikes and hits the target hard! Jacked him off the ground.

Kanakushi speeded up in a straight line at this time, and the monster knife village was swelling with cold chills, flying and holding a knife to condense the huge ice blade into the sky!

Well … it wasn’t cut.

Dahan suddenly burst into a dark mist and turned around to avoid this attack, and countered with a double knife!

The two confronted in midair, separated for several seconds after a fierce battle, and then collided again.

The Kagura poems gradually prevailed in the fight.

Wanting to solve this enemy as soon as possible, she rushed back to support Haruji. She did not hesitate to take an aggressive approach, like a blizzard that destroyed the opponent’s bodyguard! The price is that his enchantment is weakened too soon to collapse.

It’s over.

She freezes Dahan with “Xue Ning”, then she will use “Ice Crush” to end it, however

Boom! !!

The black mist erupts fiercely, breaking the ice seal instantly to release a powerful shock wave!

The Kagura poems that were suddenly counterattacked were blown away, and then tightly bound by something, the bodyguard could not bear being broken! !!

Well …

As she flashed this thought in her head, she felt a violent shock and a sudden pain in her head …

“Town Magic Clock”!

With the sound of a bell ringing, the huge golden Brahma bell appeared to cover two trench coat men, and incidentally destroyed a house.

“Woohoo,” a terrible strange sound sounded inside the bell jar.

In the face of this scene, Seiji seems to have won but cannot take it lightly.

It turns out his caution is correct.

Suddenly, a thick black mist erupted, blasting the bell and rushing over him! !!

Haruji evades quickly, blocking the dark mist with an enchantment.

A figure clashes and breaks the enchantment, and he is stunned by his evolutionary psionic energy!

Another figure raided from the back at almost the same time, and he was separated by a “shadow cut” with his sword! !!

“Want to play Jedi to fight back with me for at least another ten years!”

A burst of high-speed slashing followed by another “shadow cut” cut the windbreaker male No. 2 in half.

The consumption is not small, but it finally wins.

Haruji went back immediately to find someone else.

As a result, I saw a picture of blood flowing back: Xiao Shi fell on the street!

“Little poem !!!”

He yelled and ran to check on Yimei’s condition and found that she was not injured.

After calling, Kagura poem wakes up.

“Brother Haruhi …”

“How are you, little poem?”

“I … a little dizzy …” The young girl said weakly.

“Why dizzy? What just happened?”

“… didn’t you save me, brother?”

“When I rushed back, I saw you falling to the ground.” Haruhi explained.

“Is that Mr. Isawa?” Kagura looked around.

There was a loud noise before the voice fell.

“Ize Jun and Ganai are still fighting there.” Haruji looked in the direction of the voice.

The Kagura poems are silent, eyes blink.

“I just careed, the enchantment was broken … unconscious … It should be Shelley protecting me, she is asleep now.”

Shelley, is the name of Xiaoshi’s Royal Soul Snow Maiden.

“So … thank you very much.” Qing Si said fortunately, hugging Yimei tightly.

“I’m sorry, brother … Shelley fell asleep, and my strength became weaker.” Kagami guilty.

“Don’t apologize, you’ll be fine.”

The fighting stopped at this point.

After a while, the figures of Izawa and Ganai appeared in the field of vision, and they seemed all right.

All people are safe. This is the best result.

Lu Tian Dahe is enjoying this moment.

The Seven Masters of the Yin and Yang Division, the Samurai Imperial Family, the two ninja factions, and the one hundred ghosts … all these high-level participants and their vassals were defeated!

It was defeated by him and his comrades.

The opponent is as powerful as his origin, a level that ordinary spiritual ability cannot reach. If we follow the original strength, it will undoubtedly be our own.

Your own power in the new era!

This power is as powerful as expected. It can defeat the old forces and open up a new future. This battle is the beginning and the first proof!

We are making history.

After the new order is established, this battle will definitely go down in history, and I … and comrades will leave names in history!

No … it doesn’t matter if you don’t leave a name.

None of us do this for the sake of name.

But to change this wrong world! For justice, for a new era! !!

This is the most important thing a person should do in a lifetime. It has nothing to do with personal reputation and interests.

“Mr. Lu Tian, ​​he is ready.”

As he felt his own sublimation, someone came to report it.

“Let ’s get started.”

On a large cleared field, more than a dozen people who were firmly bound were forced to kneel in a row.

Foreseeing what will happen next, some of these people have a blue face, some are desperate, some are swearing, some are crying, they are crying, some are begging …

Zonglun Nayue belongs to the type of despair.

Her style **** died while covering her, and she failed to escape after all. She was caught alive.

When he was just arrested, he still had a hint of luck that these guys didn’t dare to really start with, but when he saw the scene today, he understood.

This group of lunatics … sentenced executions …

It’s all crazy, totally crazy … she thought numbly when she saw the men and women who showed happy smiles on the opposite side, showing a frantic look.

On her left, Liu Sheng Zhengxiong kept screaming and screaming.

On her right, Chuntian Jundou was crying, her voice hoarse.

Noisy … Nayue wants to be quiet.

The expression of the lunatics in front of her, and the ugliness of others beside her, made her feel very upset, so anxious that she even forgotten even despair.

The guy who seems to be the leader of the lunatic group speaks in public, saying that the revolution, the old forces, the new era, making history, etc., make the lunatics cheer and cheer … It is like a monkey group.

Nairue looked coldly and listened indifferently, as if he were a spectator watching a boring and funny scene across the TV screen.

However, this is not a TV picture after all.

When Chuntian Jundou next to her was kicked out and rolled into the middle of the open space, she was pulled back to the cruel reality.

“Mr. Springfield, what is your last words?” Lu Tian asked, looking down at the children of the Springfield family.

He couldn’t help but recall the scene of playing cards with that “Springfield” … I felt deeply different from that time!

“Woohoo … don’t kill me … please don’t kill me … woowoohoo … I don’t want to die … I don’t want to die!

Chuntian Jundou collapsed completely and howled.

“There are many, many people crying to your family like this, and your family has never let anyone go, so you will not be let go.” Lu Tian made a ruling.

Then Xueliang’s long knife was raised and dropped.

The crying came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, the other shore flowers blooming everywhere seem to bloom more beautifully.

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