NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 528: It’s too intense …


You should have read it correctly. Summer night is OK.

And she didn’t know exactly what the smile meant. Although the other person’s expression made her feel a little bad, it was more of a surprise.

“What’s wrong, Xia Ye?” Qing Si asked the chairwoman when her expression changed.

“Nothing …” Xia Ye didn’t plan to pursue it, and looked back.

After that, the three head to the casting room together.

Kagura went to the center of the Taiji chart and looked at Haruji.

Haruji also looked at her.

The two of them staring at each other with a soft smile, showing the same mind.

Watching this scene on the summer night feels even worse.

The ceremony begins.

“Please answer me, what’s your name?”

“Poem of Kagura.”

“Are you willing to accept the spirit of the heaven and the soul of the earth and sign a contract with me under the sacred witness of the East Qinglong, West White Tiger, South Suzaku, North Xuanwu, and Middle Yellow Dragon?”

“I do,” the girl’s eyes twinkled, and she answered in a calm voice with deep emotions.

“Take my blood as proof, my seal as a guide, call the heaven and earth souls to put on you, fight for your strength, fight for me …”

Haruji solemnly chants and casts a summon.

A powerful existence with the power of freezing cold is close to the poem, and the two sides immediately accept each other.

“The advent of the imperial spirit! The **** of style ushers in! Anxious like the order !!!”

Ice cold exists into Xiaoshi’s body!

For a moment, Haruhi seemed to hear the distant song, feeling cold but full of enthusiasm, seeing the vast white background of the world, and the blue-haired girl in white looking back with a smile.

“… I finally saw you …” A faint voice came from the girl’s mouth.

Qingji seemed to be hit hard! In my mind, I swept across countless scenes, heard countless sounds, and then a violent dizziness, feeling like I was chaos …


Xia Ye’s voice made him suddenly wake up.

His head was dizzy, and he found himself half-knelt.

What happened? Questions emerged in Qing Si’s head.

“What happened to you?” Xia Ye cared.

She just saw him tremble and fell to her knees, as if under some kind of attack, but she didn’t notice any abnormality.

“I … suddenly feel dizzy.” Haruji rubbed his head.

Is the ceremony wrong? ? He quickly looked to the opposite, seeing Yi Mei standing silently with her eyes closed.

“Little poem!” Haruhi stood up and approached.

Kagura slowly opened his eyes and looked at his face.

“Are you all right?” Haruji worried.

Kanakushi didn’t answer, her fair complexion quickly turned rosy.

“Huh ~”

She made a charming voice and rushed into his arms!

Haruji: “………”

It seems that the expected state of affairs has had a side effect of empowerment!

Kinakura hugged him tightly, rubbing his cheeks, making coquettish sounds one after another, like a coquettish cat.

I said beforehand that Xia Ye will take care of this little poem, but the latter has no intention of letting go now.

Qing Si had to face the cold eyes of the old lady and hugged the strange Yimei, waiting for her to calm down.

Xia Ye didn’t want to watch such a scene, but at this time, it seemed that there would be a loss when walking away, so he stood still and looked coldly.

Holding a “poisonous” poem in my arms, I feel very hot. The back bears the sight of summer night and feels cold.

Is this a double fire?

Haruji feels this sour taste, and he doesn’t know what expression he has on his face now.

After a while, Kagura poetry calmed down.

She slowly let go of her hands and lowered her head shyly.

“Are you all right?” Haruhi asked carefully.

“It’s okay …” the girl replied softly.

“Qingji, you said you were dizzy, how are you feeling now?” Xia Ye asked.

“I feel okay.” Haruji turned to her, rubbing his head, “I’m not dizzy at all.”

“What was it just now?”

“It was a sudden dizzy head, and then I found myself kneeling.”

“Maybe your spiritual power is still a little unstable.” Xia Ye looked at him, “Although I can’t see anything wrong, just go to the hospital for a check in case of accident.”

Qing Si nodded and looked at Yi Mei again.

Kagura poems raised her cheeks, her cheeks were rosy, her eyes were charming, and she exuded a delicate atmosphere.

It’s like going through … no no! What do you think! She just strengthened her spiritual power, but nothing else! !!

Haruji forcibly stopped his delusion.

“Xiao Shi, what is your Imperial Soul?” he asked.

“Snow Girl.”

“Sure enough, it’s Snow Girl.”

“Her name is Shelley.”

“Shelley …” Qing Si heard the words, and an inexplicable subtle feeling rose in her heart, “Who gave her a name?”

“She didn’t say,” Kagura replied.

Snowgirl named Shelley … Qing Si cares a little, but she doesn’t know why she cares.

Forget it, don’t think much.

“The ceremony is basically smooth … Thank you for being my style god, poem.” He smiled.

“Thank you for accepting me as a god, brother Seoshi.”

The Kagura poem smiled back. The smile showed tender affection and was extremely beautiful.

At night, it is estimated that after Xiao Shi has been lying on the bed, Qingji opens the system and looks at the “style **** contract”.

The “Kagura Poem” is displayed as “Contract Signed”, which meets the requirements for signing the “Bound Contract”.

Once the “Bound Contract” is signed, the “spiritual” attribute value occupied by the poem will drop to 10 points, and you will get the ability and growth bonus beyond the general contract state, and awaken new skills!

There are many benefits and they must be used.

However, Qing Si thinks that Xiao Shi may be strengthened by this contract, and feel the same, even stronger, strange feeling when he forms a contract of God.

So, he did this after she went back to the room, and it was estimated that she was already in bed.

“Sorry, little poem, bear with me.”

With apologies to Yimei, Qingji clicked “OK” and signed a “bond contract”!

In the next moment, the Kagura poem in the room was suddenly shocked!

“Huh huh ~” She uttered a soft voice beyond her control.

This is the third time.

Once when signing the contract, the second time when I took a bath just now, and the third time now … I feel stronger than the previous two! !!

Kagura poem covers her mouth with a quilt, trying not to let herself yell out, but the thick warmth in the body is becoming more and more intense, and the whole body feels so numb that there is an electric current passing through, and the indescribable sense of refreshment keeps rising …

Don’t … no … it’s too intense …

Her mind flashed through the above thoughts, and it gradually became blank. She didn’t know where she was or what she was doing. She just felt continuously rising, rippling, flying, and sublimating … entering the noble state full of glory. .

Awesome …

The girl who is extremely comfortable, vaguely understands in the unknown realm …

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