NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 51: Don’t ask, just go!

Snowgirl, second only to SSR’s SR-level god, the big move is group attack and group control …

Qing Si’s mind flashed past memories, it is really nostalgic, but this is his first SR.

Cough, I’m lost again.

In Sakurajima, Snow Maiden is almost a household name monster. Because of its legendary high beauty and the coldness of being unrelenting in human life, it forms a very vivid and fearful image.

In anime, her appearance rate is also very high. As long as it is about the works of demons and ghosts, almost all relevant characters will appear.

For Haruji, the most impressive thing is the **** O teacher who married Snow Girl as his wife (incorrect!) …

In short, Snow Girl is such a famous monster, beautiful, deadly existence.

“You will encounter Snow Maidens after further investigation … it sounds like a joke, but I think they will believe it.” Haruhiji touched his chin.

“Just so, I will talk to them without precluding too much.”

“But … you, can you handle it?”

Haruji looked at the two girls in front.

Wan Huaxia Ye was silent with Zong Fangying.

“It doesn’t look great … I’ll just ask again, what will happen if this situation continues?”

Still silent.

It looks like there is no answer. Haruji thinks so.

Just as he was about to leave, something popped onto his back and hugged him!

“Ah … the fog is hidden?” Seiji was startled, and found that the cat girl who was holding her from behind was a ghost girl!

“Lona?” Seeing this scene, Ying Ying said in surprise, “how do you …”

Like Xia Ye then, she was surprised that the silent cat-eared girl was so close to a guy.

Wu Yinlonga hugged Haruji’s back like a koala, her face resting on Haruhi’s shoulder, looking at Xia Ye and Yingying, her eyes did not blink.

“Lona …” Xia Ye looked at the peculiar pupil of Cat-eared Girl and felt something.

The scene was quiet for a while.

“Lona, come down from his back!” Ying Ying said.

But the girl did not let go, but narrowed her eyes slightly, and her cheeks narrowed towards the teenager’s face.

Haruji felt a little itchy.

He doesn’t know what it means to be close to him suddenly, what should he do next? Just stand like this?

Wan Huaxia sighed.

“You think Jun Tianjun can help us, Rona?”

“Uh?” Ying stunned.

“Meow ~” Rona hummed gently, and then choked Haruharu’s cheek.

It’s so cute! Haruji was cute.

“Miss?” Ying Ying looked at Xia Ye.

“I don’t know what Rona thinks, but she seems to think that we should tell Chuntian Jun more information.”

“How could … although he is ‘Springfield’, now he is only …”

“I know,” Xia Ye sighed.

Then she looked at Haruji again.

“Lona seems to think you should know more … Do you really want to listen?”

This is not a matter of hearing it, Wan Huaxia Ye’s eyes reveal such a meaning.

Would you like to go one step further?

Haruhi smiled.

There is no need to hesitate.

Even if the young lady who helped him to go back to school is experiencing a crisis, regardless of his blood and family affairs, he just wants to see “there” Look.

I was born again. I still have a powerful plug-in on my body. How can I counsel in the extraordinary field? ?

Don’t ask, just go!

“Tell me, although I’m not sure what I can do, but … I don’t want to stand by and see you, the chairman!”

Qing Si said frankly, his eyes showed a strong color.

Xia Ye opened her eyes slightly.

Ying Ying also looked surprised in his eyes.

The imposing presence of the young man in front of him instantly shakes the two young girls in the extraordinary field.

“Okay … as you wish.”

Summer night nodded.

“Yingying, pour a few cups of tea first.”

After a while.

The three sat around the round table, and all poured a cup of hot tea with a light aroma.

Haruji originally wanted to hug the cat-eared girl as he did last time, but the latter hugged him on his back and closed his eyes to sleep.

It really became a koala.

Well, it’s not heavy at all, it feels very warm, soft, and cute, just like that!

Qingji once again tasted the tea in the student union room. Well, good tea.

“Chuntian Jun, I think you can see that we are not in a good situation right now.” Xia Ye also took a sip of tea before he said.

“The other party has already begun operations, and we still know nothing about the person coming here.

“If this situation continues, the other party will complete the formation and further preparations.”

“When the duel is launched, the opponent is fully prepared … what does this mean, no need to say more.”

Haruji nodded.

“Since you ca n’t stop the other party, why not prepare yourself? The other party has the other party ’s formation, and you should have the corresponding means?”

“Our battle is already here.” Xia Ye looked out the window.

“The entire Yuanhua Middle School is our formation.”

The whole school is involved all at once! ?

Sunji raised his eyebrows.

“You don’t seem too surprised.”

“It’s still a bit … just how much you can imagine, after all, there are similar plots in anime.”

“So too …” Xia Ye smiled slightly.

This smile reminds Seiji of another question that he wanted to ask since the last time he met, but now is not the time.

“You can think of Yuanhua Middle School as the castle where I am hiding as a yin and yang teacher. The area occupied by the school is in a huge enchantment. Various organs and traps are arranged throughout it. There are monsters and goblins arranged as guards. “

“Yingying and Rona are my left and right generals, and I, as the general, and the student council president on the surface, control everything here.”

“So, it’s basically safe here. Generally, it’s difficult for ordinary Yin and Yang divisions to invade.”

“But, the duel of the yin and yang division is another matter.”

Xia Ye paused.

“It is still a metaphor for castles. If my side is a castle with a solid defense, what the other party is doing now is to line up troops and build siege equipment.”

“When he is ready to launch a duel with me, he is besieging the city.”

“That’s it, you should understand, Chuntian Jun?”

Haruji touched his chin and nodded.

The siege is initiated when the attacker thinks there is a big chance of success. If there is no chance of success, then no action will be taken at all.

In other words, when the opponent launches a siege, it means that the castle defense on summer night may be broken!

In this case, the defense has already achieved the ultimate summer night party. The other thing that can be done is to disrupt the preparation of the other party so that the other party cannot build a sufficient battlefield.

Or, dig out the identity and hiding place of the opponent, and take the lead in the duel before the opponent completes the preparation!

“I … I understand.”

“The ability to intercept the opponent ’s lineup is the key now.

“Whether it is to prevent the opponent’s preparation work or to dig out this guy who is still secretly hiding, that **** is the only breakthrough.”

Haruji looks towards Xia Ye.

“Yes, that’s it,” Xia Ye sighed, “and we’re stuck at this step now.”

A moment of silence.

“Assumption … I mean hypothesis.” Haruji said again, cautiously.

“If the situation continues like this, you haven’t been able to stop the opponent. The opponent is ready to launch a duel and attacked … What will you do?”

“What about this school?”

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