NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 498: Fox?

This is a dreamlike realm, which may be hurt by the real. .

Actually, Kiyoshi Harano said this thing, but Ji didn’t fully understand it.

It wasn’t until she saw Ms. Hashimoto’s injuries that she really understood.

This is like a dream, but not a dream.

It hurts, it hurts, and even … it can die!

When leaving the battlefield, Yaji could not help but glance back.

Seeing Kiyohara Hara and ghost Xiaoya confront the zombies and insist on fighting.

Nothing to do.

So praying in her heart, she retracted her eyes and followed behind Matsuya, who was holding Miss Hashimoto, quickly away.

After leaving the battlefield for a long time, Matsutani put down Yuko, pulled out the sharp arrow, and stopped the bleeding by surgery.

“Do something with your power!” he said.

Nomura wanted to make a cure, but it was unsuccessful.

Ya Ji stared at Yuko’s pale face, then slowly closed her eyes.

Focus … Focus … Receive …

When the author asked her how she had gotten better, she actually lied.

Rapid ascension is not done “unconsciously”, but when you concentrate, you feel something in your body.

As long as you continue to feel and accept, you will become stronger … feel like this.

However, Yaji rejects this because she feels that she will no longer be ordinary.

She doesn’t want to get involved in the extraordinary side too much, she just wants to be an ordinary girl and live a peaceful life.

But at this moment she was fully aware that the idea was selfish.

If you want to go back safely, you must exert your power! Now it’s not a fantasy adventure, but a real survival!

Sorry, Miss Hashimoto.

Sorry, everyone.

I won’t run away anymore.

With apologies and consciousness, Ya Ji is totally immersed in his body to accept the potential.

Matsutani and Nomura saw a white glow from a cat-eared girl.

Her skin has become extremely fair, with red spiral marks on her forehead, lips and nails of both hands becoming gorgeous bright red, a pair of cat ears turned white and became longer and sharper, and her tail turned white And become longer and hairy, the whole person exuded a strong demon breath.

“This is … the demon fox?” Matsutani murmured.

White light converges. After the change stops, Yaji opens her eyes, and the pupils in the eyes blink bright red.

Then she stretched out her hand, stroking Miss Hashimoto’s wound, and white light appeared on her palm.

“Well …”

Yoko’s mouth groaned.

A moment later, Ya Ji retracts her hand.

The wound has disappeared!

“This … is cured !?” Nomura marveled.

The author slowly opened her eyes.

“What happened to me …”

“Ms. Hashimoto, do you still feel pain?” Aki asked.

“Don’t … Miss Ishihara?” Yuko blinked in surprise when she saw Yaji, “How did you … look different again?”

Ya Ji smiled right.

This smile has a charming beauty, which makes the female author look a little lost.

“From catwoman to foxwoman … is this evolution?” Matsutani watched this scene.

“I think it should be said that it is a second stage transformation,” Nomura said.

Anyway, it’s a good thing that teammates get stronger.

Yuko is grateful to learn that Yaji saved herself after being transformed.

“Where is Mr. Harano and Xiaoya?” After thanking, she noticed that two people were not in the team.

“They are still fighting in the same place, we need to meet with them as soon as possible,” Yaji said, “Miss Hashimoto, can you still face the battle?”

“I …” Yuko paused. “Some scared … but it’s okay, let’s go back!”

Her hands are shaking, but her expression is calm.

“… Mr. Nomura, please protect Ms. Hashimoto.” Yaji instructed.

Nomura nodded.

Then no more to say, everyone immediately returned to the battlefield direction.

Peng! Haruji was hacked again, and the bodyguard circle collapsed again.

He stubbornly endured the blow, slashed the opponent with a knife, and then stepped back to avoid the attacks of other zombies.

There are not many remaining enemies.

Retreat after you resolve these. Haruji thought so. However, a new zombie group appeared in sight!

Three of them are wearing helmets. Walking in front of the two are long sickle and chain hammer, a unique weapon called “lock sickle”!

Which one is walking behind, not only wearing a helmet but also a majestic military commander’s armor, holding a weapon is a slashing sword with a large sword body … No, it should be a “big sword”!

The moment she saw these three young girl zombies, Haruji felt bad.

In the next second, two chain hammers break through!

Qingji blocked one with a long knife, but failed to completely avoid the other, and was hit on the right shoulder!

It hurts … but it’s bearable.

Other girl zombies are taking advantage of this opportunity! He had to step back.

The warrior armored girl with a big sword is charged towards Xiaoya who is fighting on the other side!

“Little Asia …”

Haruji wanted to remind him, but the two sickle girls on the other side attacked again.

The sickle is flying this time!

He waved his sword quickly, but he missed the direction of the two sickles and resolved the offensive.

“… Hide!”

But it’s late.

Brush! Da Taidao’s knife light swept away, as if flashing a half-round silver moon.

The ghost that protected Xiaoya was cut in half!

“Wow! What a terrible !!!”

The ghost child avoids the knife with a tumbling roll, then crawls away with his hands and feet.

The Tai Tai Dao girl chased away.

Haruji wants to support Xiaoya, but he is under siege.

Just as Da Tai Dao chases the ghost child, an arrow hits her helmet mask!

It’s Yaji.

She rushed forward, firing a crossbow in her hand!

The Tai Tai Dao girl resists the bullet with a weapon, gives up chasing Xiao Ya, and rushes towards the shooter!

Matsuya, who runs behind Masaki, casts a body fixation technique and hits the girl with a big sword.

However, the maiden of Tai Taidao gave a roar, and the spell was immediately lifted! And there was a layer of red light on the armor, blocking all the arrows of the magic crossbow!

Enchantment! ?

“Get away!”

Matsuya yelled at Yaji when she saw the big Tai Dao girl who was actually enchanted approaching quickly.

But Yaji did not hide, but greeted her!


The sword swept across, and another half of the silver moon flashed.

The fox-eared girl was killed twice … No, it is an afterimage!

Ya Ji flashed to the side of the Tai Tai Dao girl, flew into a roundabout, and hit her in the head with a kick!

The beautiful fox girl jumps into the air, with white hair dancing and white tail flying … The picture is quite beautiful, deeply reflected in the eyes of Matsutani and a little bit behind Nomura and Yuko.

Peng! !!

The girl zombie in full body armor fell to the ground and made a heavy noise.

The next moment, she turned over and jumped up, and the big sword in her hand waved homeward, making the extremely fast pick!

However, the afterimage is still cut.

Ya Ji swept short! Dump it to the ground again.

The girl from the big sword picks up again, picking up and picking up diagonally!

What remains is the afterimage.

Fox ear girls flip each other for the third time, steadily suppressing the strong enemy with close combat!

“Wow! Sister Cat is amazing!” Ghost Xiaoya cheered.

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