NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 469: Just a minute at most

Silentness lasted for a while, then it was broken by the ringtone of the phone.

It’s Tomohisa.

He slowly took out his phone, saw the caller, and froze.

The ringtone from the latest anime ed song of “Honey Juice” continues to ring.

Zhijiu didn’t answer, he refused to listen, just waited until the bell stopped.

Then the phone for Haruji rang.

It’s Maple Dance.

Haruji stared at the phone for a few seconds and chose to answer.

“Good evening, Harahara.”

“Good evening, Ten Character Teacher.”

“Sorry, this time suddenly called you … because I felt a little … uncomfortable.” The other side whispered softly.

Haruji is silent.

“Mr. Harano … what’s wrong with you?” Feng Wu noticed something keenly.

Haruji looks to Tomohisa.

Zhijiu still lowered his head.

“Ohara Jun?” the tone in the opposite side raised a little, “You … will you not be with Jijiu now?”

She guessed it.

Haruhi sighed.


“What happened?” Feng Wu’s voice was a little tense.

“Your elder brother … there is something wrong with Ten Words.”

Feng Wu rushed home.

Seeing the big brother’s alien appearance and the second brother’s frustrated appearance, she felt the chill covering her whole body.

“What the **** is going on?”

Haruji explained to her.

After listening to Feng Wu, her face became gloomy.

“Stupid … both …”

When she was in the apartment, her heart suddenly became agitated, as if she had forgotten something very important, but she couldn’t remember it, she was restless.

After thinking that she hadn’t contacted her for a while, she called Zhijiu and wanted to talk, but the latter didn’t answer.

So I called Haruji again and wanted to talk, but I didn’t expect …

Looking at the two dumb brothers, Maple Dance wanted to get angry, but couldn’t get angry, and finally sighed.

“Second Brother, what are you still doing? Let’s save Brother, get up quickly.”

Chi Jiu slowly raised his head.

“To save him … sister … if I fail, my father will ask you.”

“Huh?” Feng Wu frowned. “You … want to save it by yourself?”


“Don’t be stupid! Hara Jun said, alone …”

“I know! But I can’t let you take risks too!” Jijiu’s tone suddenly rose, “someone must stay and take care of his father.”

Feng Wu was silent for a moment, her eyes flickered.

“Then you stay, I’ll save it,” she said calmly.

“What did you say …!”

“If the second elder brother and you are no longer there, I can’t maintain the ten-gram group! I can’t take good care of my father. Otherwise, if the second elder brother stays, you can!”

“Don’t say stupid things! It’s all my fault that this is the case. I didn’t stop the elder brother in time, so I just had to take responsibility to save him, but I couldn’t turn you on!”

“What you say is stupid! It’s your responsibility to save the elder brother, isn’t it to maintain the Shiwen group !? It is your biggest responsibility to stay to ensure that the Shiwen group exists!” Road.

“It’s not my responsibility! It’s brother! I will drag him back !!!”

“What should I do if I fail !? Whoever saves is the same, it would be more reasonable for me to save it …”

“Reasonable head! Can you bring that stupid back !? I’m definitely more successful than you !!!!”

“The dumb elder brother who didn’t stop the dumb brother in time is not qualified to say such a word !!!”

The two siblings quarreled.

Qing Si walked away silently.

He can’t say anything. This is the choice that Zhijiu and Fengwu have to do. He can only wait for the result.

From the quarrel about life, you can feel the deep feelings of family.

“Huang Quan, can we really do nothing but cast a spell?” Qingji asked the female imperial soul.

“If the two of them save people together, and both of them sincerely accept you, you can help them. But the time they can help is very short, at most one minute.”

“One minute …”

“Well, this is the limit.”

Haruji is silent.

The quarrel continued for a while.

After the voice subsided, he walked back and saw the Shiwen brothers and sisters standing face to face without looking at each other.

“What is your decision?” Haruhi asked softly.

“I save!” Zhijiu and Fengwu looked at him at the same time and said in unison.

The two siblings then looked at each other and stared at each other.

“I want to give you some more time, but the more it drags on, the worse it gets.” Qing Si sighed.

The expressions of Jijiu and Fengwu dim, and they look at the black stranger together.

“In addition, I want to say …” Qing Si paused. “This is not a suggestion, but a supplementary note. If the two of you save him together, I can help you, but the time is very short. Help for a minute. “


“One minute?”

“Well, you are all people who recognize me as a friend, so I can be a leader as an outsider, but only as a leader.”

Zhijiu ’s friendship and maple dance are very high, and the fetters are also in line with Huang Quan’s “sincere acceptance”.

The two siblings looked at him.

“It means … we have a good relationship with you, so can you help?” Zhijiu pushed his glasses.

“You can say that.”

“So, if you have a better relationship with you, can you help me for a longer time?”

“No, one minute is the limit,” Haruji denied.

“That’s it, Cannian.” Zhijiu sighed.

“Well, Cannian … If I can, I’d be happy to have a closer relationship with Harano Jun … Chuntian Jun, you will become closer.” Feng Wu’s cheeks were slightly ruddy.

Haruji: “………”

“I’m also happy to have a close relationship with Kiyo … Haruji,” Chihku added.

Haruji: “!?”

To see Junxiu’s expression of horror, Jijiu smiled.

Feng Wu also laughed.

The atmosphere of the scene has eased a bit.

The ten-character brothers and sisters looked at each other and communicated with their eyes.

“That’s it.”


After making a decision, turn to Haruji.

“We decided to save Big Brother together.”

Haruji looked at them.


“Of course it was because of what you said just now,” replied Zhijiu.

“I said that is not a suggestion … I can only help you for a minute at most, it may not help for a minute, maybe only half a minute, or even a dozen seconds …”

“You said at the beginning that it would be better to save two people, plus you can help, even if the time is short,” Feng Wu smiled.

“She doesn’t believe me and I don’t trust her, but we all believe in you. Even if you can only hold hands, it is a solid guarantee.” Zhijiu smiled.

Qingji felt their trust and was a little moved.

“You guys … really sure?”

The two siblings nodded together.

“Well … wish you success,” he wished sincerely.

If unsuccessful, you can only read the file.

“I’m going to risk my life, but I only get a simple wish … I don’t feel satisfied.” Feng Wu stared at the other person’s face, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, “Chun Tianjun … I can ask you for something Something? “

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