NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 443: It feels like a couple quarrel

The call is over.

Xia Ye stared at the mobile phone dumbfounded with a complex feeling in his heart.

“Sorry …” she murmured, and then put the phone down.

Although it is for his good, it would hurt him if he said that.

How does Haruji feel now and what she will think, she dare not imagine.

The chest is stuffy and a little painful … but don’t regret it.

Because this is correct, it should have been the case since the last time.

Qingji grows fast. As long as you don’t force yourself to do anything, if you suffer an accident, you will definitely become a strong one! There is no need to carry it with someone like Mishou Akira now.

Xia Ye confirmed that he was doing the right thing, but he still felt sorry for hurting him, and he could hardly calm down for a while.

She forced herself to continue working, trying to put the matter behind her.

After a while.

The door of the study was knocked, and it was Bu Yi who brought tea.

“Student Chuntian has just arrived, and he is now driving underground.” The maid reported.

This sentence made the president miss.

Qingji came to practice, it ’s common, but it just happened …

“He … has I been there?”

“No, I greeted me and went down, my face was a bit gloomy.”

Xia Ye showed a look of uneasiness.

Bai Yi looked at her and blinked.

“What happened? Miss.”

“Nothing …”

Xia Ye subconsciously wanted to deny it, but in the face of the big sister who had known him since childhood, she softened quickly.

“Actually … he wanted to do something stupid because of me. I stopped him and said something awkward …”

“That’s so … sweet.” Bu Yi smiled. “He was going to do stupid things for the young lady, and the young lady said something bad to stop him. IMHO, it feels like a couple quarrel. “

“Love … couple …” Xia Ye’s face turned red.

“Only those who have a close relationship will have this situation. It seems that when I didn’t know, the young lady and Chuntian Xuedi have already crossed the boundary of being friends.” Yi Yi smiled, “as a maid, I’m curious as to where I’m going, because I might change the name of Chuntian Xuedi depending on the situation. “

“No!” Xia Ye shook his hand shyly, “I and he are just friends, nothing special …”

Speaking on his mouth, his mind came into contact with him before, his cheeks became more rosy.

“Oh …” Seeing this, Bu Yi’s smile became a little deep, “It seems tortured … No, ask for a clear need.”

“Uh?” Xia Ye didn’t hear what the other party said.

“I’m saying, Miss, you look so cute ~”

“But … cute …”

“Well, it’s very cute, please allow me to take a few photos.”

“Do n’t! Stop shooting!”

“That video.”

“No recording!”

The maid stared at by the young lady put away her cell phone with disappointment.

“Say back, does the young lady want to make peace with Xuetian Xuedi?”

“Huh … of course.”

“Go and talk to him, it should be fine.” Bu Yi said gently, “School Chuntian may be a little unhappy, but as long as the young lady conveys her mood, he will definitely understand.”

“Hmm …” Xia Ye nodded.

“In fact, even if I do n’t talk to him, I think he will calm down and understand the mind of the young lady for a while. But compared to this, it is better to talk and avoid leaving any gap. It ’s also a chance to make progress! “

Summer night: “………”

“Specifically, how to progress, it is not that the maid can just make a casual suggestion, but if the young lady hopes, I will be very happy to give suggestions ~” A smile of Mai Yi added a little ambiguous.

The face of the maid’s elder sister’s smile, the blushing lady and the elder lady said nothing for a few seconds before finally expressing-

“No, thank you.”

Haruji casts summoning.

A faint green smoke appeared before him, slowly condensing … but in the end it failed to take shape and dissipated.

“It’s still not right.”

He touched his chin, thinking again, trying to find the trick of the technique.

At this moment, the corner of the clothes was torn.

Haruji turned his head, and saw the petite cat-eared girl looking at it quietly with strange eyes.

“Moon Yin, good evening.”

Catwoman’s ears trembled, then she picked up the bag she was holding and unfolded it.

Haruji smelled the scent, and saw that the bag was filled with fish-like dessert-sea bream!

“Thank you.” He took one and thanked him with a smile.

I couldn’t help but think of the scene where I brought sea bream to the hospital for a visit. At that time, I played a game with Rona and Xia Ye, which was very pleasant.

He took a bite of dim sum, and the sweet smell spread in his mouth.

Lona picked up one herself, opened her mouth to eat, and a cheerful expression appeared on her face.

This cute look makes me cute no matter how many times I look at it.

Haruji thought so and looked at each other with a smile.

The two stood facing each other dimly and were quiet for a while.

“Are you taller? Compared to when you first met.” Haruji noticed.

Lona nodded.

“Keep growing and grow into a great beauty in the future.”

Lona narrowed her eyes.

“Uh … did I say something wrong?” Haruhi asked when he saw the other person’s expression that seemed unpleasant.

“Meow.” Kitty girl puts half eaten sea bream and puts it in the bag, then hands the bag to him.

Haruji: “?”

After receiving the bag, he saw the other person take a few steps, then closed his eyes.

The dark red glow gradually grew on the cat-eared girl, and then the glow turned into a thick mist, covering her up and down.

The smoke reminds Haruji of the fighting stance that Rona had seen during the duel with Taikubo.

Is she so angry that she wants to hit me seriously? No way?

When the thought came to his mind, the fog became more intense, and white light shone in it, giving off a strong momentum.

“Meow … meow !!!”

A loud howling came out of the fog, and the light suddenly radiated, and the fog was scattered!

Suddenly exposed to strong light, Haruji couldn’t help squinting.

Then he looked back and saw that —

A beautiful and beautiful catwoman!

“What …”

Qing Si was stunned and couldn’t believe his eyes.

This catwoman is tall, with a full chest, a round waist and a round buttocks, and has dark red hair on parts of her body, covering her sensitive parts like clothing.

Two cute cat ears on the head, a beautiful pair of unusual colored pupils on the face, long and sharp nails on both hands, and a towering tail swaying gently behind.

“Meow ~”

The catwoman smiled charmingly, made a soft and tender sound, and retracted her nails … paws, folded her arms, held up a pair of breasts, and formed an extremely attractive r groove.

Seeing this picture, Qing Si felt a sudden surge of blood!

“Mr. Yin, you …”

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