NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 383: Gongkou was taken away by Yimei! How to do?

That big bag of adults is doujinzhi!

Haruji’s eyes widened.

Did you remember it wrong? I have put those books away?

No … no, no.

Haruji recalled carefully that he did put the paper bag in this position and did not put it away afterwards.

A whole bag of adult books is indeed here, but it’s gone now.

Xiao Lingyang hasn’t returned yet.

There is only one person who may have taken this bag of books.

“Little poem …”

Haruhi’s mouth was drawn.

A whole bag of workers was seen and taken away by Yimei! How to do? Waiting online, it’s urgent.

He has the urge to post this question on a web forum.

No, no … This is too trivial, isn’t that something taken away? Just ask.

Although it is a bit embarrassing, it does n’t matter if you see it. Go knock on the door of Yimei ’s room and ask where the things are.

But … did Xiaoshi take the book away to help put it away, or …

If you just put it away, it’s fine, but if you take it in your room …

No no! How did Xiao Shi do that? It shouldn’t.

But … it’s possible, isn’t it?

Haruhi tangled.

Suppose Xiaoshi took the work book in the room to see it, then hurriedly asked the whereabouts of the book and stepped on the mine properly!

The scene will be awkward.

For the young girl who peeked into the adult notebook she bought, Haruji really didn’t know what to show.

The reverse is also true, Xiao Shi will not know how to face him.

To prevent the scene from becoming like this, don’t ask it rashly.

After thinking about it, I decided to search it first. If I found this bag of books, there would be no problem.

So he found it.

Study … No.

Our room … none.

Living room … Still nothing.

The kitchen … Still nothing.

After all the places he can find, he can only face the facts.

The book was taken to her room by Xiaoshi!

Looking at the door of Xiang Yimei, he could not help imagining the beautiful girl with dark hair holding the adult to the fanzine. She could see the picture with red ears and red eyes.

………… Good job.

Just imagine it, it feels very eloquent! Xiaoshi looks like that.

Haruji wanted to have a look at it for a moment, but immediately stopped the idea and thought as calmly as possible.

This is just pretending not to know, right?

Now knocking on the door is not allowed, and after that, it is better not to ask! It was as if she hadn’t found the book and was taken away by her, and quietly returned when she finished reading.

Haruji feels that this is the only way to avoid embarrassment.

No … it should be said to avoid being too embarrassing. Embarrassment is inevitable, and he is now in embarrassment.

Don’t pick things out, just confuse them! Haruji makes a decision.

Kagura opened his eyes.

Oops, I fell asleep!

After waking up, she looked at the time and panicked.

At this time, Seungsi is probably awake. And the worker she got in the room hadn’t put it back!

I wanted to put it back after a while, but … I couldn’t stop.

She read all the books!

Then ……… asleep without knowing it.

Thinking of what she did, the girl’s face became flushed.

Calm, what matters now … is my brother waking up?

Kanakushi got out of bed, got dressed, and quietly opened a door to check.

No one was seen.

She casts a stealth technique and walks out the door silently to the study.

I saw Yi Xiong drawing intently in front of the computer.

It really woke up!

Is he missing the book? Kagura was nervous.

Looking at his utter absent-mindedness, it seems that he didn’t notice it?

Theoretically you will find it, after all, it is a large bag of books just bought. But if he was thinking about drawing, he didn’t notice it for a while, it was normal.

In short, take the book out of the room first!

Kagura returned silently to his room, put all the work books back into the bag, quietly took it out, entered the brother’s room, and placed it in a humble position.

Then I told my brother that he put things here when he was sleeping, and it should be fine.

She went back to her room silently again, and then pretended to just get up, and usually walked out of the door to the study.

Qing Si heard the footsteps, turned around and saw Yi Mei.

“Little poem …”

The moment he saw the girl’s face, his mind unconsciously emerged the imaginary picture of the other person secretly looking at the worker’s book, and his expression seemed a bit unnatural.

He immediately suppressed the imagination and his expression became normal.

However, pay close attention to his expressions of Kagura and see the change of his expression.

Brother … I found it! ?

She was nervous and her heartbeat accelerated.

“What will you eat tonight?” Haruhi asked naturally.

“… ready to make Mapo Tofu,” Kagura replied.

“Classic Chinese cuisine, I like it. But don’t put it too spicy, otherwise Xiao Lingyang will be very sad.” Qing Si smiled.

He still asks questions in as natural a tone as possible

“In other words, did you help me collect the fanzines I bought today?”

Hearing this question, Kagura was nervous.

“Yes … yes, I put it in your room, while your brother is asleep.” She responded hard and calmly.

“That’s good.”

Then they talked a few words and ended the conversation.

Kagura returned to his room, closed the door, and threw himself on the bed.

Have you found out, Brother Seiji! ?

She embarrassedly buried her face in the quilt, her feet swinging up and down.

From the moment of his unnatural expression, it seemed that he had found it … but then he behaved very naturally, as if he noticed that the book was missing, and thought that she had put it away, but didn’t think she took Look at it.

Kagana poems are uncertain.

Are you really not aware of the truth, or did you actually notice it, but pretended not to notice it?

Kagura wants to believe that it is the former, but … reasonably tells her that it should be the latter.

If it’s not the latter, he can’t explain the strange expression he showed at that moment.

He actually found that she took the book into the room to see, but in order to avoid embarrassment, he decided to pretend not to know.

Brother Seungji will do this.

The more I think about Kagura poetry, the more I feel like this. When I feel the gentleness of the righteous brother, I feel extremely shy.

Too ashamed!

Why should I secretly look at those books?

At this moment, she really wants to go back to the front, and chopped herself who reached out to Gongkouben!

Woohoo … Sorry, brother Seiji, I’m a lascivious bad girl.

The shy girl with a blushing face got into the quilt, wrapped herself up, and turned into a snail form.

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