NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 369: Is that really the truth?

In the evening, Qingji arrived at Fengjian’s house with the snacks bought on the road.

After pressing the doorbell, the door opened soon. The blue-haired girl in a dress was opening the door.

“Big brother, welcome.”

“Hello, younger sister in the wind.” Haruhi smiled.

Seeing his smile again, Airi’s face turned slightly red.

“Please … Please come in.”

“Excuse me.”

Haruji entered the room.

In the living room, I saw a handsome blue-haired middle-aged man wearing casual clothes, combing his back.

“Meet you for the first time, Harano, welcome you.” He greeted him with a slightly low voice when he saw Haruji.

“I’m Hakata Kazama … at that time, I really appreciate your help.”

“Meeting for the first time, Mr. Kazama. Don’t be too polite, I just did what I should do.” Haruji responded. Recognize this voice as the man talking to himself at the time.

He presented the cake as a meeting gift, and Mr. Kazama accepted it politely, and then he sat down on the sofa and poured tea for him.

“Ali, go call Hao Yuan.”

The little girl nodded and was about to go, and saw her brother appeared.

“Hello, Harano … Welcome.” Feng Jianhao Yuan walked to the living room and said to Qing Si. His expression was a little indifferent, but his attitude was polite.

“Hello, Fengjian, I’m glad to see you’re all right.” Haruji replied. I felt that the other person’s face was much better than when I saw it last time, and he returned to a normal state.

“Thank you for helping me.” Hao Yuan bowed and thanked.

“I would like to say” Thank you very much. “” The middle-aged father said in a slightly stern tone, “Bend the waist down a bit, and say it again in a sincere manner!”

“You don’t have to …” Haruji wanted to stop.

“No, you need it.” Haotuo looked at Xiang Qingji.

“The gratitude to be expressed is not only that time. Until then, you care about the vast situation and specially sent him home to avoid accidents. This is also a kindness.”

“If it weren’t for you, Hao Yuan would not be able to stand here … he must thank you well.”

Qing Si Moran.

In fact, if he hadn’t dragged Feng Feng away when he was about to be hit by a truck, the latter would probably have died.

Listening to Mr. Fengjian’s words, he didn’t know that his son was almost hit by a car, but thought of this possibility … In other words, Fengjian Haoyuan didn’t say anything about a car accident.

“… Thank you very much for your help!”

Under the pressure of his father, Hao Yuan bowed again and thanked him in a bowing posture of ninety degrees.

“You’re welcome, classmate Fengjian.”

Although Haruji feels that the other party is still not very sincere, it doesn’t matter. It can be a form.

Hao Duo is still not very satisfied with his son’s performance, but didn’t say much, so he sat down.

“I can ask, at that time … why would Fengjian be in that state?” Qingji asked his doubts.

Hao Yuan is silent.

“I will explain this to Harano, please later.” Hao Duo said, “I won’t mention it for now, let’s talk about others.”

At dinner, Haruhi saw Hao Yuan and Ai Li’s mother, Kazama Aiko.

Her dark blue hair is in a bun, with beautiful red eyes. She has a sweet face. When she smiles, a dimple will appear on her lips, which is very beautiful.

Ai Li is very similar to her. I think she will be such a beautiful lady when she grows up.

The dishes are hearty and delicious. When Seiji was having a meal, he had a good time talking with the couple and Keri.

Hao Yuan looked rather gloomy and didn’t say much.

Haotuo looked at his son’s performance and showed a hint of helplessness.

After a meal.

Hao Yuan immediately went back to the room.

Ali and her mother clean up the dishes and wash the dishes.

Haotuo led Qing Si into the study.

He asked the boy to sit down on the sofa in the study and poured tea for him. Then he poured himself a cup of tea, sat down, and took a sip before speaking.

“Your previous question, I answer you now …”

“Hao Yuan became like that because of a weird girl.”

“Weird girl?” Haruji blinked.

The middle-aged father took out his mobile phone, manipulated it, and brought up a photo to show each other.

That’s a photo of Feng Jian Hao Yuan with a beautiful girl.

This girl has bright brown curly hair, pink eyes, bright red lips. On the beautiful face, a slight ambiguous arc radiated from the corners of her mouth, her eyes and even her expression exuding obvious charm.

“She was Hao Yuan’s girlfriend at the beginning of the month … According to him, when he was walking alone on the street, the other party came over to make a conversation, and met.” Hao Duo said in a low voice.

“The girl calls herself Cangtian Lizi, a high school student of Youcheng High School and a member of the Drama Department.”

“She watched Hao Yuan’s performance at the Yuanhua Middle School Academy Festival, and felt that it was very good. She had a good impression on him. So when she met by chance on the street, she had the courage to talk.”

“After meeting, she met with Hao Yuan every day and acted very proactively. She made an appointment with Hao Yuan a few days later, and then … there was a relationship on the weekend.”

Haruji: “………”

He remembered the “truth” that short red-haired boy with the last name of Nakashima said in the study meeting.

Is that really the truth?

“They did it many times and met on Monday … and then on Tuesday, as you know, Hao Yuan fainted due to excessive fatigue.”

The middle-aged father is expressionless.

It really is! Haruji twitched his lips.

“I was on a business trip, and although Aiko noticed that Hao Yuan was wrong, he was confused when he asked him. After the fainting happened, he said nothing and still met the girl at night. . “

“Then that happened on Wednesday.”

Haotuo’s eyes became sharp.

“After knowing what happened, I came back the next day after a business trip and asked what happened to Hao Yuan.

“The boy didn’t want to say at the beginning, I asked him angrily before let him be honest.”

“He said that he was confused at that time, thinking he was his girlfriend, Cangtian Lizi, and overwhelmed him … I continued to question the relevant situation and let him say everything.”

“I feel that this girl named Cangtian Lizi is not right, so I let Haoyuan contact her, call her out and meet.”

“However, the call was dialed out, but the response was an empty number! This was the case several times.”

“I feel that Hao Yuan has encountered a liar, but Hao Yuan said that she was not deceived by anything.”

“I confiscated Hao Yuan’s mobile phone and let Aiko look at him. Then I went to Youcheng High School and wanted to see if I could find this girl.”

“It turns out that Youcheng High School does not have a student named” Cangtian Pear “now. But one student ten years ago, that student … committed suicide in school.”

Haruji frowned slightly.

“Ten years ago … committed suicide?”

“Yes. My first reaction at the time was that the girl Haoyuan had met impersonated the girl student. The same was true of the teacher who received my Youcheng High School, and was indignant about using the name of the dead “Hao Duo looked dignified.

“And when I showed this group photo, the expression of the old teacher changed and looked very surprised.

“He taught Cangtian Lizi ten years ago and is a witness to that suicide. The girl who took a photo with Hao Yuan looks exactly like Cangtian Lizi!”

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