NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 330: Want to come to my house?

“I know, but I want to meet with you.” Zi Ji clenched her phone, “Aren’t you willing?”

“Not just” Haruji thought about it and decided to speak.

“I told you, do I have a resident?”


“This person is my righteous sister. She told me that she doesn’t want me to be a girlfriend soon, and wants to get along with me for a long time like this.” Haruhi said.

“I promised her, I will keep the status quo until she can settle down.”

“So, not unwilling, but for a while, do n’t want that”

He didn’t know how to express it properly for a moment.

“I can understand it, don’t you want to go too close to the girls in the near future?” Zi Ji asked.

“You can understand it this way.”

“What about your date at the Winter Snow Festival?”

“That’s not dating, it’s helping me and that person.”

Zi Ji was silent for a moment.

“Yimei, you said, was that pretty girl with black hair around you when you met you in the bookstore before?” she remembered.

“Yes, that’s her.”

After getting this answer, Zi Ji felt the taste of “miscalculation”.

If it was known at the time that the beautiful dark-haired girl was the other person’s resident, she would definitely not be that attitude.

Lack of information, and it’s too careless. You made a mistake in a place that you thought wasn’t critical but actually important!

Would you have asked Qingwu out after that, but was hindered by Wakaba and Uehara classmates, because of this “right girl”?

It’s quite possible.

Zi Ji feels like seeing a black hand behind the scenes.

This description is a bit exaggerated, but this is really what she feels at the moment.

Emerging from her mind, the young girl looked at her eyes, Zi Ji had the urge to sigh.

“What’s her name?”

“Her name is Kagura.”

Poem of Kagura.

Zi Ji remembered.

“May I ask? About Kagura poetry.”

“What do you want to know?”

“Of course why did she live with you? How could she be your righteous sister?”

The opposite is silent.

Isn’t it a question to ask?

When Zi Ji wondered if it had touched a landmine, there was a quiet voice on the phone.

“Because something happened, I ca n’t explain it. Maybe she has no family anymore, and I want to accompany her, so I became a righteous brother and sister.”

The words are calm, but the content is deep enough.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t ask casually.”

“It’s okay, this is nothing. I can’t elaborate here, sorry.”

A moment of silence.

“I still want to meet with you about the game.” Zi Ji whispered softly.

“It’s not about talking about games. I just want to meet with you, talk, just talk about games or whatever.”

“I really want to see you at the time of the Winter Snow Festival. I don’t see anyone I like. I feel lonely.”

Haruji felt the intention of the other party.

It would be a bit unfriendly to insist on refusing.

But if I go out to meet each other, I agree with Xiao Shi

By the way, just meet.

“Will you come to my house?”


“If you meet and chat, you can do it outside. Come to my house and sit, is this okay?”

Zi Ji’s eyes widened.

You can do more than you want!

I didn’t expect the other party to make such a suggestion.

After being surprised, the girl with purple hair responded immediately: “Yes! I’ll be happy.”

Well, fine.

This way you can meet and make sure it ’s not a date, it ’s just entertaining friends.

Haruji thinks so, and praises his wit in his heart.

“Then you have time to come tomorrow, you can come in the morning or afternoon, the address is”

Zi Ji hastily recorded.

“Just contact us before you come. Tea and snacks will be prepared to entertain you.”

“Thank you, Kiyo.”

“It’s nothing to thank you for being an important friend of mine.” Haruhi expressed his heart.

Zi Ji felt it, and there was a little warmth in her heart.

After saying good night to each other, the two hung up.

Late night.

Soul Realm Space.

The conditions are full. After paying the points, Qingji has learned another spell, “Guardian Shield”.

The purpose of this technique is to form an enchantment to protect itself around the body. As long as there is psionic energy, it can be maintained forever, and it can withstand psionic and physical attacks.

A powerful attack that exceeds the resistance limit is broken.

But before this attack, if you ca n’t stop it and proactively activate the enchantment, you can block the attack that exceeds twice the limit. After that, the enchantment will collapse and must be re-cast.

Haruji checked the system, and this time he didn’t see anything new.

Brother, you have been a bit lazy lately.

Attack and defense have been learned. The next thing to learn is healing, which is the “primary cure.”

I don’t know if I can learn before the party.

Try your best!

Qingji continued to cultivate with a positive attitude.


Ashimiya Asahi is troubled.

How can I dress up when I go to the home of my favorite person for the first time?

Dressing is not the same as going on a date. It should be simple, but it should not be too simple.

It’s hard to grasp the level, it’s really a hard time.

Another problem is the gift for the Winter Snow Festival.

Qingwu ’s Winter Snow Festival gift is ready. It was supposed to be given to him when he was alone with him, but now it can only be given normally.

Worrying, do you want to give a gift to his right sister, Kagura.

If you do n’t give it, it feels a bit rude. But if you send it, you do n’t know what to send first, and secondly, it may cause adverse effects.

After all, it’s because I don’t know her.

I don’t know her preferences and temperament, so I can’t deal with it well.

Want to know more and ask me?

No, it does n’t feel good, and if he said it was a gift, he would definitely say that it does n’t bother him.

The purple-haired girl lay on the bed and sighed helplessly.

I regret that when I first met at the bookstore, I didn’t talk to it, but it didn’t help to think about it again.

There are two figures in my head.

Students Uehara and Wakaba must know them.

Are you asking?

It’s a shame to ask the opponent for information, but this is also an opportunity.

Previously, they conveyed the news to them. Although they are in the name of indemnity, they can be regarded as showing some attitude.

It should be possible to reach a certain degree of alliance. Zi Ji judged so.

After thinking about it, she decided to call.

Who should I call?

Which one is better at talking, it should be Uehara Mika.

But for some reason, Zi Ji wants to call Wakaba Chiaki.

So she picked up her phone and dialed the number.

“Good morning, Asamiya, it ’s a surprise”

After the call is connected, you hear a random tone there.

“I didn’t expect you to call me, I almost drank it with the juice.” (.)

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