NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 293: Mom … where?

Li Hua Ling Yang is flying.

Under the night sky overhanging by the moon, the magpie flew like a bird, overlooking the lights below, being blown by the oncoming wind …


I went to various places to find it, but I never saw it.

Mom … where?

Want to see her.

I want to hear her again.

I want to be embraced by her again and feel her warmth.

Where is it?

Lihua Lingyang has been flying, or wandering.

Suddenly, the eyes flashed scarlet.

I feel it, over there, there is …

Similar to my mother.

“Come here!”

Receiving the message from Mai, Haruhi immediately got up from the bed and hurried out of the room to the next door.



As soon as the voice fell, he saw it.

A black mist appeared outside the window.

Exercise psychic observation.

In the vision of spirit vision, I saw a weird figure with wings in the black mist, as if the eyes were shining with blood red light.

Hurry up!

Qingji immediately picked up Dai, who had just gotten out of bed, and performed a physical exercise to quickly run away.

The dark mist broke through the window and entered the room.

The buddha knot prints a spell that has been arranged in advance.

Layer-by-layer array flashes, and many chains shoot out from it, entangled in the shadow of the black mist!

Boom! !!

The black mist burst suddenly.

Not only did I smash the chains and the map at once, but I also slammed the girl against the wall!

“So strong …”

Buyi frowned, took out a grenade, pulled out the pull ring and threw it out.

The dull booming sound shocked the room.

After Qingsi hugged Dai out of the hotel, he dashed along the street, leap across the wall, and entered Yuanhua Middle School.

On the playground, he put down Dai.

“That …” The female cartoonist looked in the direction it always was.

Qingji also looked back, and saw the black mist figure flying!

“Lihua Lingyang, is it you!?”

No answer.

The black mist continued to fly closer.

When the monsters defending the campus attacked, it sent out a large wave of mist, which instantly wiped out the monsters and nearby institutions.

Qing Si also felt the impact. He stood still and protected Dai with his body behind him.

Strong, but …


As the black mist approached the two, a rapid light bomb hit it, exploding with a dazzling white light!

The black mist was blown up, and its figure was washed away more than ten meters away.

Before Seiji sees exactly what that figure looks like, a black mist comes out again.

Bang! !!

The second glowing bomb blasted on the black mist, and once again blew the mist away, knocking that figure into flight.

Haruji looked in the direction of the light bomber, and saw the bud clothing holding a heavy sniper rifle.

Girl, big gun, no bullets.

The scene during the simulated gun battle is reappeared at this moment.

But this time, Yiyi is not holding a laser simulation gun, but a genuine one that is larger in size and more powerful in appearance!

Spell-type anti-spiritual sniper rifle, customized model …

Raise a gun, aim, launch!

Bang! !!

The strong recoil caused the girl’s body to shake slightly, and her dark gray hair flew in the wind.

This screen is quite impactful.

Haruhi sighed inwardly.

Dai behind him also took a look.

Looking at the black mist again … there is no more black mist.

After being hit in the third round, the figure did not release a thick mist anymore, so that it could be seen clearly.

Sure enough, Lihua Lingyang!

The little girl with scattered hair and a red dress has a dull expression on her face, and her eyes are scarlet.

Behind her, there is a near-essential ghost.

A beautiful woman with light green hair, covered with green feathers, and has a pair of bird-like wings.

She closed her eyes, smiled, and clasped her hands on Ling Yang’s body.

It feels like a mother.

If you look closely, the woman looks similar to Ling Yang.

Is this … Hanzahoko! ?

Haruji’s eyes widened.

Is she attached to her daughter! ? Or is it just an image?

Just as he was stunned, Ling Yang raised her hand towards the gun girl in the distance.

Mae Yi decisively fires a fourth glow bomb!

A lot of green feathers shot out of the air, blasting the light bombs, and continued to fly away!

Bai Yi threw the sniper rifle upward, took out another grenade pull ring and threw it out. After the grenade exploded, a shield-like enchantment was formed.

She then took back the big gun, quickly changed the magazine, and fired again when the enchantment blocked the feathers!

This time it is a sharper blue light bullet, which brings out a spiral trajectory and hits the target, with green feathers running through it.

Ling Yang was hit by this glowing bomb and flew backwards, but stopped in midair.

She raised her hands, behind her the ghostly wings were folded on both sides, and countless feathers flashed together, forming a huge ball of green light quickly.

Bu Yi shoots another round of bullets, but the light bullets are evaporated in the volley when they approach the light ball!

Not good.

If the light ball is launched, it can’t be blocked!

Haruji clenched his fists.

It’s up to you … Little poem!

A section of the blade emerged from the darkness behind Ling Yang, with a silver rune flashing on Xueliang’s body.

Masao Knife Village.


A sharp slash!

The green hair of a woman with broken hair fell on the head of the little girl.

Ling Yang was shocked, her eyes became blank, and the ghost of the green-haired woman disappeared.

She falls forward.

Kagura reached out and grabbed Ling Yang, instantly dragging her away from her place.

The green ball that lost control shakes … explosive!

Boom! !! !!

After a dazzling green light bloomed, a large pit appeared at that location.

“Little poem!”

“I’m fine, brother.”

Seeing that there was no damage to Yimei, Qing Si was relieved.

After learning the information that Gei investigated, he speculated that it was Tachibana Lingyo … or the mysterious energy of the late Hanazahoko, which caused this.

Linghua Lingyang inherited the mysterious energy from her mother, and this energy was inspired.

Hiroshi Hirai was affected by this and turned into a ghost who attacked the peach teacher who also had this kind of energy.

After Hirai falls, it’s Lingyang’s next attack … In other words, Haruhi guessed that Lihua Lingyang would attack Tian Haidai in a state similar to Hirai Morio!

Assuming this conjecture is true, how do you deal with it?

After Seiji talked to everyone, the plan worked out just now.

Stay in a hotel near the school and be on guard.

Once Ling Yang appears, she will be delayed slightly by Mai Yi, and Qing Si will take Dai to move to the campus.

When Lingyang chased over, Qing Si was responsible for protecting Dai and Bu Yi engaged with her to attract her attention.

The Kagura poems sneaked around and knocked her down without harming her life.

If Ling Yang’s strength is very strong, it can only be Wanhua Xia Ye’s shot.

Summer night is still in recuperation. I really don’t want to bother her to that extent.

Fortunately, the actual action is very smooth, and you don’t have to work hard to miss the president and lady.

After approaching the fainted Linghua Lingyang, Bu Yi began to cast a spell to seal its power.

“Can that child … return to normal?”

Dai asked.

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