NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 291: She will measure well

Dai slowly started talking.

What she said is the same as what Haruji heard from Saxi, but it is only from her perspective and more description.

During the bile test, she was scared when she told the story, but she was always happy with her friends.

I didn’t expect that to happen.

Speaking of the moment when something was called out, Dai trembled so much that Saxi, who was sitting next to her, kept holding her hand.

Haruji and Xia Ye listened carefully to her words.

Finally, she finished all the words, her body softened and she leaned on the female editor.

“Good job, Miss Tianhai, hard work,” Xia Ye said sincerely.

“Teacher, you have faced the fear, and you are brave,” Qing Si also praised.

The cartoonist smiled slightly.

“I know the whole process. I want to ask questions. What happened to the Minister of Literature who was as sick as Miss Tianhai and another girl?” Xia Ye asked.

“Like Dai, they have been ill for a long time and have nightmares, but they are all getting better,” Saxi said.

“The girl transferred later, and the minister graduated a year later, and there is no contact.”

Summer night is silent.

Qingji suddenly thought.

“What’s the name of the minister and the girl?” he asked.

Saxi looks at him.

“The minister’s name is Hanazahoko, and the girl’s name is … Kobayakawa Risa.”

“Oh …”

“Why ask this?”

“Because I suddenly thought of a possibility.”

Haruji explained the results of Gei’s investigation of Hirai’s residence and Tachibana Rei.

“During the nightmare of the teacher, Hirai attacked … Are these two seemingly unrelated things actually connected?”

“Maybe, that Hanesako or Kobayakawa Risa is actually related to Hirai Shigeru and Tachibana Lingo?”

“This conjecture was on my whim, it may be completely out of bounds, but … it is possible, isn’t it?”

A moment of silence.

“Indeed,” Xia Ye agreed, “you should tell Sister Ye Yi these two names, maybe she can really find out.”

Qing Si immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Ma Yi answered the phone.

Haruji said something about it and told her the two.

Ma Yi said he would investigate.

The call is hung up.

“Just take a break …” After drinking tea on a summer night, stand up, “I’ll get ready first, and I’ll start later.”

Then she walked away.

Qingji drank another tea.

“How is it treated?” Saxi asked.

Haruji explains.

“… That’s about it. Last time, because the girl was damaged in the soul, in order to avoid secondary harm, an intermediary was needed.”

“This time, the teacher’s soul is not damaged, it is intact and should be able to be checked directly.”

“Of course, if necessary, I can act as an intermediary again to assist in the inspection, as I did last time.”

“After finding out the cause, try to get rid of it.”

Saxi nodded to understand.

After a while.

Summer night in a witch costume returns to the hall.

Dai and Saxi are amazed by her body, especially Dai, her eyes are slightly shining.

“It’s time to start, come with me,” said Ms. Witch.

She leads Haruji and others to the room at the end of the second floor.

Tai Chi map on the floor, Wumang star array on the ceiling, no windows, white lanterns, inscriptions and maps everywhere … Entering the room to see this scene, Dai and Saxi stayed again.

Summer night put Dai on the reclining chair, and then cast spells.

The bell sways, and the mantra is recited.

During the eyes of Haruji and Sae, Dai slowly closed her eyes.

Xia Ye stood next to the chair, reached for his forehead, and closed his eyes.

The scene is silent.

Qing Si silently performs spiritual observation.

I saw a large array above and below the room, and many small arrays scattered all over the place. At this time, they were all rotating and emitting halo, and some mantras were glowing.

The white lantern presents a variety of different colors, and there are many light spots flying out and in. These light spots seem to be messy in the entire room, but they circle regularly and have a special beauty.

Summer night standing in the middle of the room was shrouded in several layers of halo, and the maiden suit on her body also showed a strange pattern, and the palm touched on Dai’s forehead flashed a strong white light, which covered the whole body Up and down, the gray ripples continued to ripple.

After observing, he converged and waited quietly.

Time passes.

Dai on the lounge chair moved.

“Don’t … uh … ah …”

She slanged, her body shaking, her expression becoming a bit painful.

It’s the same as on the return tram.


Saxi showed an expression of concern and wanted to look closer to the past.

Haruji put her hand on the shoulder of the female editor, begging her not to move.

“Uh … don’t … it hurts … yeah … um …”

Dai continued to groan, shaking even harder, sweating her forehead and face, and frowning deeply, looking very uncomfortable.

Saxi was more worried. She looked at Xia Ye and then looked at Qing Si, her face anxious.

Haruji shook her head.

“Dai is already in pain! Why do you want to continue!?”

“I don’t know, but I believe in the president.” Haruji insisted, “She will be a good measure and will not really hurt the teacher.”

Saxi showed an unacceptable look, but Haruhi stopped her and she couldn’t do much.

You can only watch.

Dai panted, her breath became heavier and thicker, and a lot of sweat came from her face. Not only did her body tremble violently, but she began to twitch.

This scene made Qing Si feel uncomfortable, but the trust in Xia Ye kept him in place and stopped the female editor.

Sweat drops ran down on the face of the president, and the palms trembled. Obviously, she was trying hard.

It’s been a long time.

Dai, who was panting constantly, even began to show a painful expression of suffocation, and the gasping voice became hoarse, and it looked worse and worse.

“Stop it! Dai can’t bear it anymore!” Saxi could not help shouting.

After a while, Xia Ye slowly opened his eyes.

The tremor in her hand stopped, then she slowly and slowly lifted up, leaving her forehead.

Dai’s pain began to ease, and her breathing gradually calmed down.

“How is Dai !?” Saxi asked.

“It’s okay, no damage, don’t worry,” Xia Ye calmly replied.

With a light wave, she removed the sweat from the cartoonist’s face, making her look like she slept for a while.

“Let her rest for a while.”

Miss president also wiped off her sweat.

“How are you, President?” Seiji cared.

“I’m fine too … just a little tired.” Xia Ye looked at him and responded.

After seeing a trace of exhaustion in the face of the president and lady, Qingji thought that she was discharged from hospital last week, and she is still in recuperation.

“It’s hard for you, President.” He said earnestly.

“Nothing … the real hard work is Miss Tianhai.” Xia Ye sighed.

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