NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 257: Innocence is not equal to harmlessness

“Can Meijia wake up?”

“It should be possible … with a spell.” Kagura said, “But this creature … looks hostile to me.”

Qing Si understands what Xiao Shi wants to express.

In this situation, if she casts a spell on Mei Jia, Xiao Zhenbai might do something.

Although I don’t know what this psionic creature can do now, it is clear that she is no longer a light ball that can only fly, and may have the power to belittle it.

What should I do?

Haruji thought about it.

“Meika, can you hold me in a hug?” He approached the other, smiling.

“Okay.” Mei Jia smiled and agreed, “Xiao Zhenbai, let my dad hug ~”

“Gua?” Yinyi Loli glanced at Meijia, looked at Qingji again, and blinked.

Haruji reached out her hand.

Under the impetus of Meijia, Xiaozhen Baifei flew into Qingsi’s arms.

Haruhi hugs Yinli, and gently touches her little head, turning quietly at the same time, so that she can’t see Meijia and Kagura.


Kinaku poetry seized this moment and quickly printed the seal to cast a spell on Meijia.

The twin ponytail girls trembled, the expression on their faces first became dazed, and then they became awake.

“I just …”

The memory is a bit fuzzy, and it feels like a dream … a happy and joyful dream.

“You were just confused, Miss Uehara.” Kagura said to her.

“I … bewildered?” Mei Jia was surprised.

“I’ll talk about it in detail. Now, please put away that creature first.”

Meika took back Lori Wing from Harumi, soothed and recovered her palms, and the three sat at the table to discuss the matter.

Xiao Zhenbai already has spiritual power.

She can confuse Mei Jia and make the latter feel happy and joyful, like dreaming.

It has no effect on Haruji.

“When holding her, I wanted to let go as soon as I felt something was wrong, but I didn’t feel anything,” Haruhi said.

“This should be because Brother Seiji has a more determined will and is on the lookout,” said Kagura.

“In my opinion, that psionic creature … that is, the demonstrative ability revealed by Xiaozhen Baifang is not strong. If Ueda pays conscious attention, she should not be confused again. >

“However, I don’t know how strong Xiaozhengbai’s power can be … she just did not take the initiative to show her ability, but she naturally radiated her ability because she wanted to please Miss Uehara.” /

“That is to say, if Xiao Zhenbai actively exerts this kind of power, the intensity may increase sharply?” Haruhi said.

“Yes.” Kagura nodded.

Quiet for a while.

“I think Xiao Zhenbai’s power should be tested. To understand what kind of ability she has and how strong it is.” Qingji frowned. “You need to know the situation clearly, otherwise … it could be bad. “

“True white is not a bad boy!” Mei Jia stared. “She just wanted to make me happy. It didn’t cause any harm. She shouldn’t say that …”

“No, Meijia, you misunderstood me.” Qingji glanced at her, thinking she was like the mother of her own baby child.

“I mean, no matter how good a child is, it can be troublesome. And troublesome children … the so-called bear children’s destructive power are sometimes terrible.”

Meijia: “………”

“Innocence is not equal to harmlessness. Ordinary children are still so, let alone a child with spiritual ability.” Qing Si sighed, “I don’t mean to say Xiao Zhenbai, I also believe that she is a good child, but always Be aware of her condition in case something really happens.

“Hmm …” Mei Jia nodded.

She thinks Haruhi makes sense, but Haruhi sees Xiao Zhenbai as a “child” and believes that she is “a good boy” and is happy.

When she was confused just now, she taught Xiaozhen Bai to call Qingsi “Dad” … This is actually her inner thought.

Haruji must be a good father. Mei Jia thought in her heart.

Imagine the three people getting along together after teaching Zhenbai to call them “Mom” and “Dad,” and she felt her cheeks warm.

“How to test specifically … you have to trouble President Wanhua again.”

Sunji took out his mobile phone and dialed a familiar number.

It’s on.

“Hey, good evening, president.”

“Good evening, Jun Tianjun.”

“I’m disturbing you again. How is your health? Have you been rested for a week, is it better?”

“Thank you, I have been discharged from the hospital, and I am drinking tea with people outside now.”

In the luxuriously decorated Sakura-style room, the mobile phone is turned on hands-free on summer night, so that the girls across can hear the voice.

“Congratulations on leaving the hospital,” Seiji said sincerely, “I’m sorry to bother you. I want to ask you something, but it’s not urgent, let’s talk tomorrow.”

“It’s okay to say now.”

“Ah? But you are not …”

“It’s okay, she won’t mind.” Xia Ye looked at the girl sitting opposite and smiled slightly.

“Oh … then I said, actually …”

Haruji explained the situation of Xiao Zhenbai and made a request.

“Strength test … Of course you can.” Xia Ye simply agreed, “Just after school tomorrow, you and Uehara will come to my place, will you?”

“Okay, thanks.”

After Seongji responded and thanked her, she said good night to the chairwoman and missed the phone.

“Uehara Mika … isn’t the daughter of the apartment owner a normal person?”

The sound of indifferent and clear voice came from the mouth of the beautiful dark-haired girl opposite Xia Ye.

“Yes, but she had an adventure … I was surprised when I heard it.” Xia Ye smiled, “Do you want to hear this story?”

“… Let me have a little time.”

“After all, it’s his business, right?”

“Please don’t say extra words.”

“Oh … well, this happened actually at the school festival …” Xia Ye began to tell.

The dark-haired girl listened quietly while drinking tea.

“… that’s the way it is.”

After a while, summer night is finished.

“Now besides Kagura poetry, he has another soul-controlling priest. If he becomes a yin and yang master, I think at least these two are very willing to become his gods.”

“One is the” Scourge of Calamity “, and the other is an ordinary girl who happens to get a weird spirit …”

“While it is, but it’s very good for a boy who has been expelled from the family without any family resources, I think.” Xia Ye said, “If it is me, under the same conditions, But he can do the same without him. “

“… Are you mocking me?”

“Of course not, I just want to show that he has done a good job. And, he will definitely do better in the future.”


“You actually think so, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t specifically ask me to meet him and ask him in detail about it.”

“Wanhua Xia Ye, I meet with you mainly to talk about business, and just ask him by the way.”

“Is it mainly for business? The one who talked for less than five minutes, by the way, said it for a long time.” Xia Ye chuckled.

“It really doesn’t look like you, Chuntian Weimeng.”

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