NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 247: Popularity is power!

“Raffle card” … this kind of thing finally came out, what a special “fragment”!

Qingji understood what he saw at first sight, and then looked at the system description carefully, and found that it really did what he thought.

“Gathering five” Raffle Card Fragments “can be combined into one” Raffle Card Fragment. “When the” Raffle Card Fragments “are less than five, you can also use the redemption points to make up.

“After using the ‘Raffle Card’, I can get a random item.”

It’s a “lottery” and a “fragment”. You, the system brother, have finally fallen. Haruhi vomited in his heart.

Everyone who has played online games or mobile games knows how complicated the words “draw” and “fragments”, or elements, make players feel.

The excitement of the “lottery” is addictive, the surprise of “ssr” and the frustration of “forty-two unshipped”, the contrast between heaven and hell, the war between the emperor and the emirate … attracts players Continue to sculpt gold. If you cut off the hands, you may be able to circle the earth many times.

Although “fragments” can give players specific gains, the experience of completing tasks regularly and finishing the liver overnight to check the levels in order to reach them is not very pleasant.

Sometimes players will even be able to give birth to what they are doing, whether I am playing a game or a game playing me. This time is not worth it. What is the meaning of life … such a philosophical thinking.

All in all, if you think about it carefully, Seiji can talk about these two widely existing game elements for three days and three nights, but for now, let’s forget it.

Anyway, rewards are good.

Magazines will continue to be sold, and more and more readers will see the novel. The more people who like his work, the more rewards they will receive.

With such gains, it is even more important to write novels. Haruhi thought.

Popularity is power!

As long as you write better novels that will be loved by more readers, credits and props will clamor.

He continued to write and brush.

It’s time for lunch.

After reading the novel, Chiaki and Mika, they gave a good evaluation.

“I think your novel has the potential to write growth articles … or, you should write growth articles.” Qian Qiu said, “After I read it, I still want to read it, and I feel that these words are not enough.”

“I also think that Qingwu wrote really well!” Mei Jia said sincerely, “I … I don’t know how to say it, but I think it looks good, and the ending is very touching, and I want to read on.”

“Just like it,” Haruhi smiled.

“As for the next story … I may write again in the future, but I have no plans for now.”

“At the moment I want to write‘ Brother Story ’, I ’m confident that this one will look better than this short one! Because it ’s the collaborative effort I made with Xiaoshi.”

He showed a firm expression.

Mei Jia and Qian Qiu both watched as if they were moving. They thought he was serious and handsome.

“I’m looking forward to seeing … Can you show me the manuscript after writing?” Chiaki made a request.

“I want to see it too,” Mei Jia said.

“Yes. Rather, I hope you guys have a look and give a comment.” Haruhi smiled.

At this point, someone came over.

“Original … Harano classmate …”

It is Kaori Miyamoto.

She was holding a bento, her face was red and she looked nervous.

“I … want to have lunch with you, but … may I?”

Haruji stared at Chiaki and Mika.


“Welcome, classmate Miyamoto.”

“Sit down …”

The three naturally accepted the classmate.

Kaori breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed a little, but still nervous, and sat down carefully.

She was struggling to take this step with the encouragement of her friend Songgang Taozi.

According to her own idea, it is good enough to be able to talk to Kiyo Hara during the class now. It ’s a feat like having lunch together, and it ’s here to stay …

But Tao dismissed her idea, saying that in order to strengthen the friendship, she must do so as soon as possible.

Lunching together during lunch break is an iconic friend behavior. If you do that, your friend relationship will be basically stable.

Conversely, if you don’t do it late, the relationship of friends established on the lip will fade, and it will unknowingly become “talking.”

Kaori felt that Peach made sense and was encouraged by her and decided to take steps.

Get close to him and join his circle … She did it once in a shootout game, but this time it’s different. It’s not a special event, it’s just lunch.

Playing together at a special event is very different from ordinary.

This is a step that really crosses the line. She stepped forward, but had not completely crossed.

You must spend this lunch well.

What should I do? What to say? Should I start the conversation myself? Can follow the topic follow them? … Such worries flood the young girl’s atrium.

Everyone can see her nervousness.

Haruji smiled.

“Mr. Miyamoto, do you like to read novels lightly?”

“Uh … like.”

“We are talking about light novels … I write light novels.”

Kaori’s eyes widened.

“Written by Harano …!”

A magazine was passed to her.

Haruji told her about writing a novel, let her see it, and give a comment.

Kaori was surprised that Kiyohara Hara actually wrote a light novel and published it!

She admired it from the bottom of her heart. She quickly read the article in the magazine and found it very attractive at the beginning.

Qingji naturally brought her into the topic, and chatted with the three girls around the light novel.

The topic is something I like, which makes Kaori forget to be nervous before she knows it.

By the time she returned to God, she had already had a pleasant lunch.

I succeeded!

No … it’s Harano classmate …

Aware that Kiyoshi Harano let her smoothly integrate into the circle, Kaori felt her chest warm.

It’s not “just talking”, he really treats her as a friend.

The tender smile of the handsome boy was reflected in her mind, and it did not fade for a long time.


Suzuki Junshi is an ordinary junior high school student.

In the class, it is neither superior, nor marginalized. It is just a general student with friends, ordinary grades, and ordinary sports.

Because my brother likes to despise novels, comics, and animations, he also likes them a little bit. But to the extent that he does, he almost borrows such things from his brother.

Today, my brother bought the latest issue of Thunder Library Magazine. After reading the works of interest, he placed it on the table and looked at the animation. Jun Shi didn’t want to watch the animation, so she took the magazine and entered the room.

Open the magazine and browse the catalog. A title attracted him.

“‘ You will die if you do n’t become a handsome guy ’…” It seems like it ’s interesting, let ’s look at this first.

Chun Shi turned to a page of this novel, plugged his headphones into his phone, and read while listening to music.

Then, I quickly became fascinated.

He laughed for the funny plot inside, and then became nervous because the plot suddenly turned, frowning because the protagonist was decadent, because he finally cheered up, rushed to the battlefield to fight desperately, was excited, and was moved by the final scene.

After watching it, Jun Shi was still a while.

He then turned back and read the short story again more carefully.

It’s so good.

Why not write longer? Not enough to watch!

He thinks this novel is too appetizing for himself.

Especially in battle scenes, Jun Shi feels like reading an animation … No, it’s more exciting than ordinary animation! The picture reflected in his mind is completely the level of theatrical version!

Awesome, this author.

The name is … “The shore Xianyuan”.

A bit strange pen name. Jun Shi thought.

He remembers the name.

This is the first time in his life that he has paid attention to the pen name of a light novel author, and it is also the first time that he wants to write a reader’s reply to express his love for a short story.

Hunshi stepped out of the room.

“Brother, can I write this letter for this magazine?”

“Huh? Of course … but why did you suddenly want to write a letter to the magazine?” His brother was surprised and asked casually.

“I think a novel is very good-looking, so I want to write about it and support the author.”

“Oh, which novel?”

Sun Shi told his brother his name, and then wrote back to the room.

He ranked the novel “Become a Handsome Guy and Die” as the number one favorite novel in this issue!

The reader who did this is not the only one.

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