NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 222: Stop!

One punch is not enough.

Shishen’s body is tough, and a “light flash” punch is not enough to cause damage.

Need more.

Haruji continued to punch.

Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng Peng

It’s like a machine gun … No, it’s even better than a machine gun!

He is now in the state of “strengthening”, his fist power has been greatly enhanced, and the super speed of “bullet time” and “light flash” is superimposed. The result is …

Hasebe Aya is smashed!

The single boxing power that fell on her was not that great.

But the speed at which the opponent punches … incredible!

How is it possible …

It’s just the time she passed through her thoughts, she doesn’t know how many punches she took.

All fists are hit on her belly.

As long as the number of times is enough, even water droplets can penetrate the stone.


After many blows, she finally got a punch that really hurt her!

Aiba cannot believe it.

As a **** of style, he was injured by an ordinary person and a person who is not a **** of style. ?

Her powerful punch is still on her way.

It’s too slow.

Sunji can definitely avoid it … not even.

He just keeps punching his opponents!

How many punches did you hit, and how many more?

I do n’t know. I do n’t need to know.

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

Deform your opponent’s movements.

The opponent’s body is twisted.

After confirming that he did hurt him, Haruji stopped his fists and raised his feet.

“Light Flash” kicks! !!

This skill is not limited to boxing.

At this instant, he is simply the incarnation of Chuno.

The green curly girl was kicked and flew out by this flurry of light.

The whole man spins up and flies high.

In the air, the girl’s expression was blank.

My head is also blank.

She could have adjusted her posture and landed safely.

But I could n’t get back to it, so I fell heavily and hit the ground, rolled over a distance, and then stood subconsciously.

There is bleeding in the corners of the mouth, and it looks a little embarrassed.

Haru’s kick left a lot of shoes on her clothes.

After soberly realizing what happened, Aya Hasebe’s anger reached!

“You …”

“Is this power enough?” Haruhi looked at her and asked.

When you say I show enough strength, you will listen to me.

That’s enough power?

He expresses this meaning.

Aiba received this meaning.

She should calm down, but … no, impossible!

I … I actually … was given by this guy …

The intense anger fills the body and mind.

She couldn’t think any more.

“You … go to die”

Killing outbreak.

The intangible energy from her surroundings was suddenly cleared by the intangible energy emanating from her. At the same time, she raised her hand and aimed at Haruhi.

This is coming!

Haruji felt great danger.

Just when he was about to respond.

“Stop it!”

A figure suddenly appeared beside the girl with green curly hair.


Stolen a sharp blade from the darkness.

Then the figure waved his hand and disturbed the pose of the curly young girl around her.

Mighty Psionic Attack is launched from the girl’s hand to the opposite side.

Haruji didn’t move.

He couldn’t see anything coming, he could only feel a storm passing a few meters to the right.

Peng Long! !!

The storm blasted on the carousel wreckage, blowing up all the wreckage.

It’s almost like an rpg rocket.

The broken Trojan and various fragments are lifted up to the sky, and then fall, making a harsh sound.

Haruji looked across.

Surprised at the figure I saw.

“Little poem …”

Yes, it’s a Kagura poem.

She didn’t know when she appeared behind the curly-haired girl, holding a long knife, and it looked like she was going to chop it around her neck.

What blocked the blow was the figure that suddenly appeared, a yellow-haired boy in a black jacket.

This boy is holding a short dagger … No, it should be something called “bitlessness”, which is used to hold the blade of Kagura.

At the same time, his other hand was pressed on Caiye’s shoulder, so that she should not move rashly.

A few seconds of confrontation.

“Hirano Kiyogo … I’m sorry I can only call you that for the time being.” The boy with yellow hair said in a voice.

“Will you let this Kagura lady back down, please? I promise Caiye will not be impulsive anymore … we are not enemies!”

Haruji blinked.

“Little poem … come here.”

Kenaku poetry heard the words, slowly withdrew the long knife, and took a few steps back to hide in the darkness.

After a while, he appeared silently near Haruji and approached him.

This is really cool.

A dark-haired beautiful girl holding a long knife and moving silently in the dark is very assassin-like.

Haruji saw a whole new side of Yimei.

Why is this poem here? He knew it after thinking about it, he must be very worried … so he followed quietly.

Kagura looks at Xiang Qingji’s face.

Gaze with Haruji.

Her heart was actually a little embarrassed, but when she saw the righteous brother’s mild eyes, she let down her heart.

Brothers and sisters can talk later.

Now the opposite is important.

“Introduce yourself, I’m Naoki Hasebe, my elder brother.” The boy with yellow hair patted the shoulder of the girl next to him.

“Because you are concerned about the situation here, quietly come and take a look … As far as the situation just now, I am right.”

“Meeting for the first time, Mr. Kiyohara Harano.”

Haruji looks at this person carefully.

Buff short hair, wearing a black jacket and trousers, looks … in general, ordinary features, feels very public face.

Well, to put it bluntly is to look very human, and it is easy to ignore in the crowd. It looks like a teenager who has nothing special at all, and is a little short.

However, it was this “ordinary” teenager who not only blocked the chopping of Kagura but also deflected the direction of Aya ’s attack and beautifully controlled the scene.

People must not look … this sentence is very appropriate for this person.

“First meeting, Hasebe … Mr.”

Haruji responded.

“I’m really sorry just now. My sister’s temper is not very good. Please forgive her for the sake of no harm.” Naoki smiled.

Cai Ye’s face changed, and she wanted to say something, but felt the palm on her shoulder and didn’t speak.

Haruji noticed this detail.

“You’re too polite, forgive or something … I’m also embarrassed here, my sister Yi … a little impulsive.”


If you almost cut off your head, it ’s considered to be “slightly impulsive.” What about ordinary impulses? Turn into a murderer?

Naoki spat coldly in his heart.

Contrary to his apparent friendliness, he is very angry with the two in front of him.

Although her younger sister Aya is really bad-tempered, she is arrogant and unreasonable, but she is his sister after all.

My sister was beaten right in front of her, and she was almost killed.

However, this anger must be suppressed.

Otherwise, it really wo n’t end.

Kirano Harano … The deportee who was kicked out of the house by the young lady, no matter what, she is also the younger brother of the young lady!

Kill him … It’s very simple, but I really want to do it. There is absolutely no place for myself and my sister. Maybe it will be the young lady’s hands.

Naoki definitely doesn’t want to end in that miserable end.

So you can only laugh at this time, you must laugh, you must smile.

“Let ’s just reach an understanding … Then, let me talk to you instead of my sister, how about it?”

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