NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 196: Old knowledge

“Please take me to … that place.”

After calling Seiji, the little girl blushed and said wryly.

That’s cute.

Seeing this scene, Seiji praised it in his heart, but apparently kept calm.

“Okay, come with us.”

He stopped saying extra words to little girls and started to lead the way.

According to the signs, Haruji and Dai took the little girl to the place set up as a lost child.

I just saw a young man with green hair, anxiously saying something to the committee member in charge here.

He is tall and thin, wearing a dark jacket and trousers. He has a handsome face and slightly narrow eyes. He is almost sweaty at this moment, looking anxious and worried.

“Oh!” The little girl shouted when she saw the man and trot over.

The green-haired man turned his head, and when he saw the little girl running over, he suddenly showed a surprise expression.

“Ling Yang!”

He squatted down and hugged the little girl.

“Fool! Where did you go !? I’m looking for you everywhere !!!” The words revealed a lot of worries and complaints.

“舅舅 …”

“I just didn’t notice a little and you disappeared! I couldn’t find it in the middle and middle school! I had to go to the high school to find me and I found you!”

The man let go of the girl and looked at each other’s small face, frowning harshly.

“Why did you come here !? With me, you should wait in place or ask for help nearby, why did you come to the high school side!?”

“I … I don’t know …” The little girl questioned, looking away, and lowered her head.

“It is very dangerous to go far! I will not find you !!!” The male with green hair raised his tone.

I can see that he was very worried, because he was too worried and was a bit angry.

“Sir, calm down a bit. Your mood is understandable, but please don’t get angry here.” Haruji walked over and gently advised.

The green-haired man looks at him.

“You are …”

“I’m a student of our school. I just met your niece standing alone and brought her here.” Qing Si said calmly.

“Your nephew is very clever and guards against strangers … it will come from the middle and middle school, maybe to avoid some strange people.”

“Yes … is this so?” The young man frowned, looking at the little girl again.

The little girl nodded slowly.

“If that’s the case, then you did nothing wrong … no, slow down, why did you follow him?”

Men’s eyes moved from little girls to strange teenagers.

Because I am so charismatic … I ca n’t say that.

“Because I’m wearing a school uniform.” Haruji spread his hands.

“Wearing a school uniform means that I am a student of this school, and I have a female companion around me, which is more trustworthy.”

“Oh …” The green-haired man looked towards the woman next to the boy.

Suddenly, his expression freezes.

“You … are … Hai Hai Dai?”

The name of the cartoonist, from his mouth!

Huh? Turn out to be someone you know?

Haruji looked at Dai.

But she saw her body tense, her face pale, and her eyes showed obvious fear! Holding the rabbit doll’s hands, he even shook slightly.

“It’s Tianhai …” The young man stood up and looked at each other’s face.

“I’m Hirai Shigeru, I haven’t seen you in years … Remember me?”

Demo silently lowered her head without answering.

Seeing this, Qingji frowned slightly.

“Uh … I don’t seem to remember it, haha ​​…” The man smiled, smiling reluctantly.

The scene is a bit awkward.

Haruji was about to say something, and the green-haired man turned to look at him again.

“Are you Tianhai’s boyfriend?”

“… No, just ordinary friends.” Qing Siji replied.

“I’m her college classmate.” Green Haired Man smiled, “I haven’t seen her in years, I didn’t expect to see her here …”

After sighing, he bowed his head.

“Thank you for helping my niece.” Thank you solemnly.

“Lingyang, thank you too.”

“Thank you …” The little girl thanked her obediently.

“We just did what we should do, you’re welcome.”

Haruji spoke politely, then looked at Dai.

“Let’s go, teacher.”

The cartoonist nodded slightly, slowly turned and walked away.

Haruji finally glanced at the green-haired man and the little girl and accompanied the female cartoonist away.

The man named Hirai Shigeru watched them leave, his eyes flickered slightly.

After walking a distance.

“Teacher, who was the man just now?”

Haruji tried to ask.

Dai didn’t speak, just lowered her head and moved forward in silence.

“Teacher?” Haruji felt a bit wrong.

The footsteps of the cartoonist stopped.

Then she shook her body and fell forward!

Haruji reached out and hugged her in time.

The touch is very soft, and the smell of shampoo can be secretly smelled … cough, distracted thoughts!

Haruji put his hand in the right place, and held the dai that passed out with the princess hug.

This move is quite noticeable, and many passers-by have taken a curious look.

“The princess hugs! Great!”

“What’s wrong with that woman?”

“That guy is so handsome! I want to be held by him like this”

“It’s Harano classmate … who is that woman?”

It’s not good to be so noticed.

Haruji hastened his pace and went to the only place where he should go at this time.


Blonde health teacher is drinking tea while looking out the window.

It’s so lively outside, only here is so quiet … That’s a good thing.

If the infirmary is lively, it’s bad.

Thinking about it, I heard footsteps coming in.

The ten-character Maple Dance turned around and saw the person, her eyes suddenly turned on.

“The wilderness king …”

“Ten characters teacher, please look at this one.”

Qingji walked to the bed and placed Dai on it gently.

Feng Wu puts down her cup, approaches the bed, and checks immediately.

“What’s going on with her?”

“She … has male phobia …”

Haruji briefly explained the situation.

After a while.

“She’s okay … no big deal, as long as you take a rest like this, you will wake up naturally.” Feng Wu said.

“That’s all right.” Haruji nodded.

“You said she saw that … college male student, and then fainted after walking a distance.” Feng Wu looked at him.

“Then I estimate that the college male student left her a deep psychological shadow.”

“… I guess so too.” Qingji raised her arms. “After seeing that person, her condition has obviously deteriorated. There should be some special reason.”

In the bus, the teacher cried uncomfortably and did not faint. After seeing the man, he soon fainted!

The man’s negative stimulus to the teacher is far greater than the degree of being squeezed on the bus … Or, the teacher was stimulated after passing the bus and was overwhelmed, so he fainted.

Either way, the man … a classmate named Mori Hirai, who is the subject of particular fear by the teacher, is certain.

Qing Si frowned.

Hiroi Hirai … This man doesn’t look like a bad guy … what did he do to the teacher?

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