NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 188: Discipline Commissioner

Not good … Not good Not good!

Oops! Mei Jia shouted in her heart.

At this time, she was hiding behind the bushes, and quietly watched the scene where Qingji’s confession was confessed.

How could this happen?

Time goes backwards.

As a stand-in for Haruji, she made clear about Chiaki and Xingxiu about Kagura poetry.

“It turns out that this is indeed what seniors will do.” Xingxiu expressed his understanding after listening

“Um … brothers and sisters, right, it’s not difficult to accept, but it’s hard to ignore living together.” Chiaki touched his chin and looked at the classroom. To such an extent, it is really … “

Men’s beauty is a bit helpless, but also expresses understanding.

Xingxiu said goodbye and went back to his class.

Meika and Qianqiu watched the situation in the classroom for a while, and took a picture of Haruji wearing clothes, then left for a while.

The two strolled around the school and patronized some shops.

I ran into several confession scenes on the way and politely avoided them.

“Do you want to guess, how many times will Seiji be confessed at this school festival?” Chiaki said in a joke tone.

Meika doesn’t have such a joke.

Seeing that she didn’t answer, Chiaki didn’t go on.

After that, Chiaki will help the community and be separated from Meijia.

The twin ponytail girls strolled alone for a while, and when the time was almost up, they went back to the classroom.

I met the head of the tennis department on the road … No, it should be the former head, Aizawa Hideo.

Meiga didn’t know the situation there after she retired from the tennis department. She only heard the minister step down.

I met him now, and I feel that the former minister has not changed, or that he is not so reliable.

She talked to him out of politeness, but she got caught up.

Aizawa and a few boys who walked together surrounded Mei Jia, and all kinds of persuasion were to keep her away.

Just when Mei Jia was angry and a little scared, the unexpected figure appeared.

“The former head of the tennis department, Hideza Aizawa, and three outsiders.”

“You are surrounded by first-year students Uehara Mika. What are you doing?”

Qing Yue’s voice sounded.

Two unique and beautiful figures, a unique way to speak left and right

Tianhai Lingyin and Tianhai Qinxin!

Second grade “Witch of the Twins” … the former “Witch”.

“Uh …” Seeing the two men, the second-year student Aizawa Hide also suddenly flinched, but immediately remembered something, her chest was raised again, and a satire smile appeared on her face .

“Oh, it ’s Tianhai classmates … we didn’t do anything, we just wanted to invite her to eat something.”

“Making an ‘invitation’ in the form of a bracket is the ugliest way to invite.”

“Uehara Mika, do you want to accept such an” invitation “?”

Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin’s expressions are calm and quiet.

Meika shook her head.

“Hey, what’s the matter? We ask her sincerely!” said the boy with a brown earring on the right side of Aizawa.

“Yeah, what a” ugly “thing, you ’re welcome! What kind of spring onions are you!” said another golden boy.

“It looks pretty, twins … Hey, Aizawa, who are these two?”

“Oh, they are …”

“We are members of the discipline.”

“At this moment is responsible for maintaining the order of the school festival.”

Ling Yin and Qin Xin spoke again before showing Aizawa, showing the armband.

“First grader Uehara Mika has made it clear that she does not want to accept your ‘invitation’.”

“So if you don’t let her leave again, you’re going to disrupt the order blatantly, and we will give a solemn warning.”

A moment of silence.

Except for Aizawa, the three boys from outside laughed together!

“Member of Discipline … a serious … hahahaha so funny!”

“Maintain order … solemn warning … oh ha ha ha! For the first time, I heard someone make such a stupid thing! Hehe ha ha no more, I will laugh to death!”

“There is something wrong with the brains of these two women! Hahaha Mingming looks pretty good, but they are a pair of stupid people!”

The three men laughed wildly and looked at the twin sisters with mockery.

Affected by them, and thinking that the other party is no longer the former “witch”, Aizawa laughed.

Meika feels uncomfortable and looks worriedly at her twin sisters.

Slightly squinting at seeing Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin who had a calm expression.

The atmosphere changed suddenly.

As if there is an invisible knife pulled out, there is a sharp breath.

Aizawa’s expression froze.

The three boys from outside are still laughing, but they notice that the laughter has become a little lower when they notice the change in atmosphere.

“Now a formal warning is issued in the name of the Disciplinary Commissioner of Yuanhua Middle School.”

“Aizawa Hideya and four outsiders, please give up the entanglement immediately and let Uehara Mika leave.”

“The time limit is ten seconds.”

“Countdown starts now.”

“Ten … nine …”

The three boys in “Hahahahaha” laughed louder all of a sudden.

“It’s so funny! What’s going on with these two women!?”

“It’s really a” warning “! It’s also counting down !!! This is definitely a brain problem !!!”

“Hahaha! It’s so funny, Aizawa! Why is this so in your school …”

“Shut up !!!”

A loud drink, from the mouth of Aizawa Hideo.

The cold eyes of the twin sisters, and the countdown coldly, caused fear in his heart.

They are no longer “witches”.

But they have not lost all their power.

After Tian Hai Ling Yin and Qin Xin were defeated, they lost all their previous forces and fell into a bad situation. But they joined the Discipline Committee, which gave them a new background.

Taking care of a person with their minds and methods, while taking advantage of the truth …

Aizawa Hideo just feels cold all over.

This is no joke! The Discipline Committee, as the original “witches”, relied on their words … No! It must not be so!

“Let’s go!” he shouted.

“Ah … Aizawa, why …”

“I shut up! Let’s go !!!”

Aizawa yelled at the three, looked at the twin sisters, and turned away.

“What’s going on? Aizawa”

The three boys stared at each other, confused, and caught up.

Meika stands in place, watching these guys walk away.

That’s it.

She looks at the twin sisters again.

“Thank you … thank you.” Thank you sincerely.

“You’re welcome.”

“This is our responsibility.”

Tianhai Lingyin and Qin Xin calmed down.

Then they left.

Meiga watched the twins go away with a wonderful mood.

You should talk to Seiji about this … She thought about it and kept walking.

When I was about to go to the classroom, I saw Haruji coming out of the classroom.

Mei Jia was going to stop him, but he was stopped by two strange girls.

Yes … confession!

Mejia was shocked.

What should I do?

She didn’t think about it, but subconsciously followed behind Seiji quietly.

So, I saw a very beautiful purple beauty girl, expressing her heart and soul to the handsome teenager.

This confession … is too touching!

Surprisingly, she felt shocked.

The impact of Haruji, who was facing such a strong offensive, is evident.

Meika saw it with his own eyes, he showed a shaken expression!

So she shouted in her heart.

Not good!


What to do! ?

She can’t figure out how to do it, but she must do something, otherwise …

“I …” Haruhi said, and wanted to answer.

Meika’s body moves and she stands up.

This moment.

“A sneeze!”

A sudden noise sounded.

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