NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System Chapter 130: Go out

The room quickly darkened.

All the doors and windows disappear, the TV picture becomes a snowflake, and the cold chill fills the space.

Many small hands stretched out on the sand, grabbed Haru’s hands and feet, body, and head tightly.

Two more chains, like snakes, crawled up along his feet, apparently to completely block him.

It suddenly turned into a ghost! Qing Si sighed.

The little poem in front of me is just crying, without being aware of the surrounding changes, as if it is a matter of course.

Haruji kept calm.

Although his intuition tells him, it would probably be bad if he was completely **** by the two chains that slowly climbed up!

“Little poem …”

He stroked the girl’s head again with his only barely moving left hand, and was also thinking.

He made a mistake.

I do n’t want Xiaoshi to take risks, but I ignore Xiaoshi ’s feelings.

After “Brother” left, the little girl waited for a long time alone … Lonely, worried, and afraid became her deepest psychological shadow.

He wanted to leave her out alone, which stirred her shadow and caused this situation.

So how do you make it up?

The answer is obvious.

“Sorry … I was wrong.”

Haruji sincerely apologizes.

“I shouldn’t leave Xiaoshi alone, and leave alone.”

The gentle words fall.

The cry of the little girl … was lower.

The dark space is slightly brighter.

“It’s my mistake not to take into account your mood, Xiaoshi … Please forgive me.”

Frankly, sincerely, make a request.

At the same time, gently touch each other.

The cry of the little girl stopped.

She sniffed and looked up at Seiji.

Small white face with tearful eyes and small mouth pouting, a pitiful appearance.

Sure enough, it’s so cute … even the crying face is so soft and cute.

Haruhi smiled.

Many small hands stretched out on the sand gradually loosen, shrinking and disappearing.

The chains on the feet stopped crawling and retracted into the floor.

The entire space slowly re-lights.

Haruhi picked up the poem and held it in his arms.

“Do you forgive me, poem?”

The girl nodded, her expression relaxed.

“Thank you, Xiao Shi is such a good boy.”

Haruji said sincerely.

The little girl smiled slightly.

“Brother …” Embraced in her arms by her favorite relative, she felt warm and at ease.

“I won’t leave Xiaoshi, but I have to go out if something happens, so Xiaoshi … go out with me.”

The gentle voice contains power.

It’s risky … so long as it’s protected!

Let her alone, not a real guardian.

Take her out, if you are in danger, try your best to protect her! This is the right way to guard.

“Hmm … I want to be with my brother …”

Xiao Shi’s answer was happy.

As long as she can stay with her brother, she is happy wherever she goes.

Qing Si went out with Xiao Shi.

The darkness outside the door is not as thick as you saw in the room through the window just now.

This is a change caused by taking small poems together.

The sky is getting brighter … but the environment is still bad.


Heavy snow is falling.

Qing Si has already been wearing a heavy cotton coat at this time, and he has also put on a thick thermal jacket, gloves, and a hat for Xiao Shi.

But still feel chill.

“Little poem, is it cold?”

“It’s a little … it’s okay.”

Seeing the stubborn smile of the little girl, Haruji has a little pain.

“Chairman, this situation … what to do?” He described the situation and asked for support.

“I’ll help you, just a moment,” answered the calm voice.

After a while.

“Okay, I’ve cast a spell on you, now you … try to imagine what you want, and it should be created.”

Imagine … Haruji thought about it.

I want a car!

He carefully imagines a high-end off-road vehicle that can run in the snow, has strong heating, and is as comfortable as sitting at home …

Then a golden light suddenly flashed in front of my eyes.

This golden light is like a stream of water. It quickly forms the shape of the car, then freezes … stabilizes, eventually changes color and becomes a solid!

A silver-white su just appeared.

“Cool!” Haruji couldn’t help but praise it.

This car has no brand mark … he didn’t imagine this detail, he just wanted the appearance and function of the car he wanted at the moment, and the result was the result.

It looks good outside, but what about inside?

Haruji opened the door.

Now … it looks pretty good.

Although some details are obviously missing, there should be some.

And when Xiao Shi saw the car appearing out of nowhere, she just blinked and didn’t think it was strange, she didn’t even ask.

Haruji put the little girl in the front passenger seat, fastened her seatbelt, took the driver’s seat by herself, and fastened the car, turned on the heater, and turned on the music.

The animated op of “Honey Juice” sounded in the car, and the output heating quickly dispelled the chill.


This is exactly what I want. Haruji smiled.

“President, this is great!”

“It just works … in other words, what did you create?”

“A snowmobile!”

In reality, Wanhuaxia Ye who heard this answer showed a surprised expression.

Created a car?

In such a short time! ?

As far as she knows, the strength of this “creation” ability depends on the spell strength of the caster and the spiritual strength and imagination of the subject.

She is somewhat confident in her spell, but after all, this is the first time she has actually used it, and the intensity of the cast is not high.

It is not impossible to “create” a car.

But it ’s not easy to imagine such a large and complex object! It takes a long time to make it.

But Harutari Harutoshi in such a short period of thirty seconds … No, within ten seconds, he did it!

Xia Ye clearly knows the strength of his spell, which is definitely not enough to support ordinary people’s spiritual knowledge to achieve this level, then the reason is on the other side.

The spiritual strength, or imagination, of Haruharu Harada is just about ordinary people!

And it’s not ordinary.

The higher the specific, the harder to estimate at summer night, but it must be measured by multiples!

The spiritual intensity is high, it may be caused by the blood of the Springfield family, or some other factors.

And the imagination is high … because he is a otaku? No, there may be some impact, but it is obviously ridiculous to attribute it all.

Why the Haruharu Haru has such excellent qualities is unknown for the time being. And this quality means …

Xia Ye passed through various thoughts in his heart.

But soon.

Right now, we need to do what is right now.


The teenager lying on the chair talked again.

“I’m driving to Snow Mountain now … I think there must be something on that mountain.”

Because it’s too obvious.

The snow is flying, and there is pure white sky above the blizzard. Only one place is dark.

That’s on top of the “Snow Mountain” in Xiao Shikou.

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