My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: Conflict in 575 Shield of China

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Conflict in 575 Shield of China

So Li Fan and Shield of China have finalized a deal. He ca n’t even go back to city a and can only stay in Shield of China with Bai Linluo.

Bai Linluo was invited by Shield of China the next day and accompanied Li Fan to receive training at the base.

“Members of Hunter are not strong in their own combat, they all rely on their gene extraction technology for mutant.”

The class was given to them by an ordinary staff, said to be an Female Doctor returned from overseas.

She wore a white coat and seriously taught them Li Fan. “They used the genes of mutant to create a capable weapon and named it weapon x. The doctrine of hunter is to hunt all mutant for All-gods. All mutant, including potential people with the mutant gene, are their hunters partner. “

“What do potential people mean?”

Bai Linluo is famous for being serious and studious. He listened very seriously and still recorded what Female Doctor said in his notes. Look at Li Fan again, legs are on the table, and the whole person is like raising an uncle, so there is a cigarette in his mouth.

Female Doctor also knows the identity of Li Fan’s, so she did n’t dare to say much, so she gave a dull lecture. During class, her eyes were basically staring at Bai Linluo. A good student like Little Four-eyes would not like it without a teacher.

At this time, hearing Bai Linluo questions, Female Doctor is very satisfied with nodded.

“Good question, this potential person is the person who has the potential mutant gene.”

Female Doctor explained, “That is to say, either me, or you, or someone else, we may all become hunters to kill partner.”

Female Doctor pointed to Li Fan.

“Why? How is the potential partner judged?”

“There is not yet a perfect scientific and technological means, but the awakening ability to become a mutant body is generally after the brain domain is opened, and it has different capabilities from other people. Our human brain domain is not yet fully opened You all know. So according to Hunter ’s standards, every one of us is a potential owner of the mutant gene. ”

“This means that the hunter wants to say who is guilty, so he says who is guilty. If you want to kill someone, you can kill someone, right?”

Li Fan summarizes it.


Female Doctor nodded, confirmed the statement of Li Fan’s.

“This class is almost the same, here is your Esper class.”

Female Doctor reminded them, “Esper class is a standard class, there are some students over there, you have to take classes with them.”

“How come there are people?”

Li Fan is a little dissatisfied, “Do n’t you just train us two?”

“We also have some interns in training classes.”

When talking about these, Female Doctor looks proud, “They are our pride! Our glory! It is our hope!”

Ok-ok-ok, I will join the party as I said later.”

Li Fan waved his hands impatiently, “Isn’t it just a group of little fart kids, go together and go together.”

Li Fan is particularly helpless, but the meaning is straightforward. He signed a contract with Shield of China and got a deposit.

The one million still lie in their own small vault. After returning to city a, it will be handed over to Lin Yuexian to help the dart board.

Li Fan is not lacking now, but it is short of money.

Since the contract is signed, what the customer asks and how to do it by himself.

Under the guidance of Female Doctor, Li Fan and Bai Linluo went out of the laboratory and sat on the elevator, all the way to the roof of arrived Shield of China.

The top floor is a pretty room with glass on all four walls and ceiling, so you can see the scenery outside. According to Su Su, the glass here is special. They can see the outside, but they cannot be seen outside.

“The classroom is in front.”

Li Fan opened the front door, and a large classroom with clear windows appeared in front of them.

In this large classroom, they were taught a somewhat serious bald old man.

And across from him, there is a group of students in class. Su Su and Qing Yu also sat among them and listened to the lesson. And here are all some young children, the youngest is 7-8, the oldest is ten ** years old, a total of more than ten people, everyone wears Shield of China uniforms, chest with the intern ’s logo .

They saw Li Fan and Bai Linluo coming in, and they were both novel and excited. It seems that in this Shield of China, there have been no newcomers for a long time.

“Welcome new classmates.”

The bald male teacher said without looking up, “Bai Linluo, mutant of Summoning Class. Welcome him … oh yes, and the man next to him is his assistant, incapable.”

Li Fan is full of black lines, what the **** is the assistant!

mutant of Summoning Class?”

“Welcome welcome, I am also Summoning Class.”

“Welcome to join our big family.”

Almost all students are welcoming Bai Linluo, and everyone takes care of Li Fan. Bai Linluo wanted to say something, but Li Fan patted his shoulder gently.

It ’s like this, he has a good time.

Bai Linluo, Li Fan, you two sit here.”

Su Su pointed to the seat next to him.

Li Fan walked over and was about to sit there. But at this time, a boy in a basketball uniform pushed Li Fan away.


The boy yelled, “You are not allowed to sit here.”


Li Fan raised her eyebrows, “Is this your seat?”

“No, but you are not allowed to sit!”

The boy is holding his arms and looks proud. What surprised Li Fan was that the bald male teacher didn’t care, but just looked at the scene calmly. Su Su didn’t care anymore. He smiled, looking lively.

“Okay, then I ’ll sit somewhere else.”

Li Fan does not want to cause this trouble, he is here to make money, there is no need to live with Shield of China people.

“Poor species.”

The boys in basketball uniforms are ridiculous and ironic. Li Fan is completely inaudible, and he is too lazy to argue with such people.

“Stop, shall I let you go!”

The boy did n’t seem to intend to let Li Fan go. He stood up directly and blocked him in front of Li Fan.

“Why, this road was also opened by your home?”

Li Fan holds his arm and looks at the boy in front of him.

“Here, there will never be any assistants talking! Remember, assistants are only inferiors, and we must serve mutant unconditionally!”

The boy ridiculed, “You have to do what I want you to do! If you want to leave, leave your treasure sword, and then drill under my crotch!”

No one around him stopped him, as if his assistant’s status was indeed very low.

But Bai Linluo stood up and took out the Liao Wushuang card from his arms.

Li Fan, are you going to destroy him?”

Hahaha, are you going to be an assistant?”

The boy laughed.

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