My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 679 Infighting

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679 内 斗

Li Fan did n’t do anything too shocking. He stretched out his hands and grabbed the protruding stones on the wall. (

This is originally a simulated climbing facility. For Li Fan, it is not a problem at all.

He even grabbed and stepped on it, slowly crawling towards the upper wall.

The situation of the soul flies away and scatters and what is this seen by Bai Jie, he is too bold, he climbed up without any safety measures, he is not afraid of falling!

There is also Lin Yuexian, is she also moron?

impossible …

Although she refused to accept her defeat, Bai Jie knew in her heart that Lin Yuexian is a clever woman and she could not do such a dangerous thing!

And the Li Fan’s moves steadily, without any feeling of panic.

He climbed up step by step. Lin Yuexian also hugged him tightly. The two seemed to be alone, and they quickly climbed the height of arrived five meters.


Cheng Mohan and Jin Jiumao are also under the arrived five-meter high wall, Cheng Mohan also asked.

“Fool only crawls!”

As Jin Jiumao said, the whole body jumped more than three meters in one shot. Then, she pressed her palm against a stone brick and pulled up two meters, easily falling on the arrived high wall.

“It’s too much for you!”

Ling Yue also followed. She stepped on her feet and stepped on the high wall a few times, catching up with Jin Jiumao.

Cheng Mohan and Liu Zhu glanced at each other, and the two stood on the high wall while take action.

With a wave of Cheng Mohan, True Qi photographed Ling Yue and seemed to throw her out. Liu Zhu immediately took off his hand and threw a black dart, which was blocked by Cheng Mohan with the other hand.

At this moment, Xia Yi carried Murong Ai on his back and jumped directly over the heads of four people.

“You guys play slowly!”

Murong Ai waved at them, the four women looked at each other, stopped the war between them, and chased them up.

Bai Jie and Wang Chen are completely stupid. They were already tying security measures. This time, they were struck by lightning!

How is this possible!

Do n’t talk about them, the students in the whole experiment one were stunned.

They … really taking stimulants?

But doping can’t achieve this effect either!

But the students of Private (#2) School were not surprised, and they looked at the gang of students with a contemptuous look. These people are really mountain guns. What’s so strange about this!

It skipped the high wall and was a 50-meter flat road.

For Li Fan, they simply gave it away.

He ran at the front, all the way to the third match point of arrived.

The third match point is a physics question, with a bunch of lines drawn on it, and it is asked to modify which places can make three lights turn on at the same time.

This kind of question is already a professional difficulty. Ordinary students will immediately break the pen when they see it!

However, if the weight of Lin Yuexian is light, I changed a few strokes.

“It ’s over, it ’s over …”

The staff is really stupid, they have several answers in their hands, but Lin Yuexian actually answered a combination of update!

This girl … genius!

Lin Yuexian has already been run by Li Fan on their backs, and they are walking the last way.

In front of you is a large swimming pool. A narrow wooden board stands in the middle of the swimming pool, like a single wooden bridge, waiting for each team member to pass.

This is easy to fall into the water. According to the rules of the game, if you fall into the water, you can choose to come again.

But these can’t help Li Fan, he steadily stepped on the planks of these two hands and walked towards the opposite side.

The water below is sparkling, and under the blue water surface is a white checkered tile, which is very neatly arranged.

“Shall we go slower.”

Lin Yuexian lay on the back of Li Fan’s and said softly.


Li Fan is a little surprised, “Don’t fight for the first?”

“We are already far ahead.”

Lin Yuexian said.

Li Fan turned around and saw that the people behind were struggling to get the physics question.

Everyone sees different drawings, and the answers are different.

Murong Ai‘s answer is the fastest, and the drawings are being revised. And several other people are still thinking.

But for the Murong Ai and Xia Yi groups, it will take some time to pass through the Dumu Bridge.

“Walk slower … I want to enjoy more victory.”

Lin Yuexian stuck to the ear of Li Fan’s and said.

“Isn’t the arrived destination more enjoyable?”

“I want this moment …”

Good-good-good, you are what you are.”

Li Fan can’t take this girl, he stepped on the dug bridge and slowed down.

Xia Yi is approaching and approaching Li Fan.

But Li Fan is standing in the middle of the Dumu Bridge, blocking the front of Xia Yi.

Everyone is watching them. How should Xia Yi pass now?

But Xia Yi is not vegetarian. She suddenly jumped up and jumped up, trying to jump over Li Fan’s.

With a woman on her back, she can jump to a height of more than two meters, and many people in Experiment 1 are already stupid.

In this case, is this woman still human?

But what’s more powerful is Li Fan. He suddenly stretched out a hand and pulled it directly on Xia Yi‘s feet, pulling her from the air.

Xia Yi fell back to the one-way bridge, Murong Ai was immediately difficult!

She stretched out her claws and grabbed the Li Fan’s Tianling cover directly!

This girl is very strong!

Li Fan hastily took a step back, avoiding the paw of Murong Ai.

But Xia Yi moves forward so that Murong Ai can continue to attack Li Fan.

The Li Fan group has only one fighting ability. He ca n’t hurt Lin Yuexian, and he ca n’t perform too shockingly.

Without looking back, Li Fan stepped on the wooden board and stepped back freely.

Xia Yi quickly followed, but at this time, Li Fan suddenly lowered his body, even stepped on the board with one foot, his body rotated, swept his legs, kicked arrived Xia Yi!

The Xia Yi has a crooked body, lost its center of gravity, and planted towards the swimming pool!

But Xia Yi is worthy of being a Mountain Hua’s disciple. She turned True Qi on her feet and stood upright on a wooden board.

“I go …”

Li Fan wants to vomit, wouldn’t it scare people?

But Xia Yi only absorbed for a moment, she immediately turned around and fell on the arrived board again.

The lightweight art of Xia Yi is quite powerful. The girl stepped on the board again and looked at herself with Murong Ai.

Both Jin Jiumao and Ling Yue also caught up. The two of them scrambled and chased forward in the shocked eyes of the students in the first school.

“Smash the plank.”

Lin Yuexian made a judgment in the ear of Li Fan.

Li Fan believes Lin Yuexian’s judged that he raised his foot and broke the board.

The plank broke in two and fell towards the lake.

And Li Fan stepped on the board that hadn’t fallen yet, and left behind.

Xia Yi, they were all in a hurry and immediately caught up.

It does n’t matter what experiment one is. Now it’s a contest between these four teams!

Li Fan, arrived immediately!”

The last match point, to be precise, should be the finish line!

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