My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 442 smuggling

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442 smuggling

After filling up Ling Tian with the so-called Russian Ross dinner, Li Fan took the black box and took advantage of the night.

Although it is a tightly guarded junction, it is so wide that it is impossible to set up a sentry every meter. So after nightfall, it is time for these smugglers and smugglers to take risks.

For the first time, Li Fan was smuggled. For him, this should be called darts. In the world of darts, whether it is China or abroad, as long as the employer lets him go, he will go. As long as those who stop him, he will turn the other side!

Li Fan touched the arrived barbed wire fence, preparing to leave his country for the second time. He took out the gps and searched for positioning. But the GPS didn’t know what the **** happened, lit it twice, and then wiped it out completely.

Fuck Fuck …”

Li Fan shakes the gps vigorously, but this thing seems to be dead, not responding to Li Fan. Damn, Ling Tian bought yourself a defective product, when it is critical, it is not easy to use?

“No movement!”

At this moment, Li Fan heard a whisper from behind, followed by the sound of the bolt pulling, “If you move again, I will shoot!”

This sound is familiar, but I ca n’t remember where I heard it for a while.

“Dude, everyone is all the way, why bother with each other.”

From the way the other party spoke, Li Fan concluded that this guy is definitely not a sentry.

“Bah, who is the same person as you! Lao Tzu is the People’s Liberation Army, specializing in you smugglers!”

The other party has justified his words, Li Fan is about to turn around, he yelled again, “Do n’t move, otherwise you will be holed!”

“You can shoot if you have one.”

Li Fan said with a smile.

“Are you afraid of death?”

“Afraid, of course.”

Li Fan has a sense of self-confidence, “but judging from the sound of your pulling the bolt, you should use a privately made shotgun. If you hit one, you will need to change the bullet. Even if you kill me, the gunshot Once it rings, you can’t do anything tonight. “

“Lao Tzu is the People’s Liberation Army, afraid of shooting!”

“Then you will drive.”

Li Fan urged, “If you are a man, you will drive!”

“B raised, I still don’t believe it!”

The sound of the bullet being loaded, and there was a sound beside it hurriedly dissuaded.

“Yeah, don’t shoot! Let’s point to this sale! It’s messed up and this smuggling line will be completely finished!”

“Take care of him! The big deal is to grab it from others!”

But at this moment, Li Fan suddenly moved. Like a gust of wind, he snapped his fingers and then disappeared in front of the two behind him.


Human Fiend, who is breaking free of his younger brother, looked around, and Li Fan was already behind him, patting his shoulder.

Without any hesitation, Human Fiend immediately turned around and pulled the trigger!

But Li Fan’s finger is under the trigger, so Human Fiend can’t shoot!

“We are quite fortunate.”

Li Fan smiled, “It’s so far away from home that you can meet it.”

“My God made me kill you!”

When Human Fiend saw Li Fan, he gritted his teeth.

No no no, God sent you to arrived in front of me.”

I was worried that the GPS was broken, so I sent a humanoid GPS to myself! Human Fiend is smuggled all year round, and this line should be very clear. Let him lead the way for him, can’t he find Vladivostok Square?

Smart and lucky, Li Fan feels really good.

Human Fiend, you can’t beat me again, and you can’t kill me. Why bother asking for trouble?”

Li Fan asked Human Fiend, who was staring at his eyes.

“Am I killing your whole family, or are you selling your son? Why should I be so hostile to me?”

“My Human Fiend has one purpose! Whoever provokes me, I will return ten times and one hundred times!”

Human Fiend growled in his mouth, Li Fan looked at him, feeling he was more like a beast.

Just when the two of them were stalemate, several lights suddenly swept over them.

Several old Maozi’s language, grunting, I don’t understand what it is. But there is no doubt that the opposite sentinel has already appeared to them.

“God, let’s go!”

The younger brother urged Human Fiend to leave here quickly. Generally speaking, smugglers are scared. But I do n’t know why today, the sentinel across the ground shot, and the bullet exploded the golden flower on the stone beside them!

Human Fiend was all stunned, and the younger brother was so frightened that he grabbed himself Big Brother and shouted, “Big Brother, no good, they are going to get to death!”

“Afraid of a dick, people will die, and they will not die for thousands of years! Damn him!”

This guy is a real tiger. He took his shotgun and shot it at the opposite light source.

The other side is in trouble, it seems that Human Fiend has hit someone. The younger brother couldn’t help but took out a handful of Old Fifth and shot at the opposite side repeatedly, suppressing the firepower on the opposite side.

But after all, he has few people. He just shot three times. This younger brother was shot in the head by the opposite shot and fell into the pool of blood.

“Have you guys!”

Human Fiend‘s eyes are red. He is carrying a shotgun and is ready to do it with the other party!

dumbass! Go!”

Li Fan could n’t let his gps hang like that. He grabbed the collar of Human Fiend, but Human Fiend laughed.

“Go? Where can I go, why not kill one or the other!”

This guy is definitely tough enough, but his brain may be flooded!

Li Fan pulled the collar of Human Fiend, and his feet shook. The whole person suddenly vacated more than four meters high, and jumped directly over the wire net! At the same time, he stepped on the air continuously under his feet and moved around a few times in the air, so that the sight of the Russian Ross sentry could not lock himself!

Human Fiend is stupid. I did n’t understand it at all, so the whole person left the border with the fog!

Li Fan carried the big man Human Fiend, and ran for a while in Russia’s Ross, without any trace of snow! Almost in a blink of an eye, he ran a distance of two or three kilometers, and the gunshots behind him finally went away.

In front of a cliff, Li Fan directly dragged Human Fiend, easily climbed the cliff, jumped a distance of 100 meters, and then threw Human Fiend to the ground.

As a result, the sentries will not find themselves for a while. Even if their hound’s nose is so good, can it smell along the cliff?

“Grass, do you **** him …”

Human Fiend seems to have not responded yet. Is this really true? Are you dreaming?


Human Fiend suddenly struck a wit, a bone-chilling cold, drilled into the neck from the beginning, and then poured arrived soles!


He shivered greatly, stood up at once, and shook the snow from his clothes.

“Calm down?”

Li Fan sits on the stone next to him and looks at him so expressionlessly.

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