My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 419 Sword Theory Meeting

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419 Sword Theory Meeting

A round of the sun rises high from the mountain stream, and the bright sunlight shines on the observatory.

Half of the entire stargazing tower is sprinkled with brilliance, as if the yin and yang are polarized and the Jingwei is distinct.

Hundreds of Mountain Hua disciples surrounded the cliff, waiting for the start of this Sword Theory Meeting.


Xia Yi stands on tiptoe and looks desperately inside. But there were too many people in front of her, and she was short, so it was hard to see.

“Damn, why are there so many tall people in front … I can’t even see it!”

Senior Sister, do you want to ride on my neck?”

Li Fan asked.

“Go to you! I am not a kid!”

Xia Yi gave Li Fan a fierce glance, do n’t want anything to ride on the neck, and have n’t been killed by jokes!

“Then I hold Senior Sister and see.”

Li Fan couldn’t help but say, hugged Xia Yi directly from behind and raised a little. Because it is Martial Artist’s, Li Fan’s is very strong, and Xia Yi is not heavy. Lifting her up, Li Fan is not tired.

“Um …”

Xia Yi was held by Li Fan, blushing slightly. But in this way, you can really see the competition in the center of the field.

Because Heavenly Sword Sect is the master of Mountain Hua, the disciples of Heavenly Sword Sect are responsible for guarding.

At this time, a young disciple of Mountain Hua Heavenly Sword Sect is already standing on the ring, and is fighting with a disciple of Yellow Sword Sect. And Chen Junhua as the finale of Heavenly Sword Sect expert, it is impossible to take action so early.

“This year’s other Sword Sect disciples are also amazing!”

Xia Yi looked very excited, and seemed to wish that he would play together for a while. And she has a faint lily fragrance on her body, because it is very close to the Li Fan’s nose, so the fragrance is also touching the Li Fan’s nose.

Little Senior Sister, do you want to go on to compare two games?”

Li Fan suddenly asked.

“Ah? How can I do it!”

Xia Yi hastily shook his head, “My sword technique hasn’t practiced well, just go on stage, I will definitely be laughed at, and it will shame us Heavenly Sword Sect!”

“Do n’t be afraid of Little Senior Sister, let me help you.”

The sound of Li Fan sounds in the ear of Xia Yi, which makes Xia Yi feel itchy …

“How do you help me …”

“When Little Senior Sister competes, it will naturally be known.”

“Well, do n’t go, you must be pitting me!”

“How come, why did I ever pit Little Senior Sister.”

The sound of Li Fan’s does not know why, but it gives Xia Yi a particularly stable feeling …

“And practice training should be more practical, this Sword Theory Meeting, for Little Senior Sister, is a rare opportunity.”

Li Fan is like a fiend, constantly tempting this Little Senior Sister, “No matter winning or losing, it will be of great help to practice after Senior Sister.”

“It seems quite right …”

Xia Yi was tempted by Li Fan’s-confusing arrived, and at this time, the disciples of Heavenly Sword Sect happened to be defeated, and the young Swordsman of Yellow Sword Sect proudly held treasure sword and asked, “Who else? Heavenly Sword Sect but there are people who dare to come to one Fight! “

Li Fan does not give Xia Yi the opportunity to think, just push gently behind her. Xia Yi‘s body immediately flew out, and in the surprised eyes of the disciples of Mountain Hua Heavenly Sword Sect, he fell on the arrived ring.

“Yeah, how did Little Junior Sister get up?”

Little Junior Sister is so bold!”

Because Xia Yi‘s strength is not strong, so she came to power, which caused the discussion of these fellow Senior Brother.

“No problem.”

Big Senior Brother Yang Yuansheng said with a smile, “Little Junior Sister has a shallow experience, so she can see what she sees.”

Since Big Senior Brother said it ’s okay, the other disciples will not say anything, but there are still people who are worried that Little Junior Sister will be injured or something.

“Everyone is a disciple of Mountain Hua. They will naturally be at the end, so you don’t have to worry.”

Yang Yuansheng put his hands in his sleeves and looked at the Xia Yi on the ring.

The Yellow Sword Sect disciple of precisely opposite Xia Yi. The other party held treasure sword, looked at Xia Yi, and laughed twice.

“Oh, Mountain Hua is just such a beautiful little girl. But looking at you, can the European suit hold my two swords?”

The other party ’s sarcasm obviously made Xia Yi a little angry | vitality. She hugged treasure sword and arched towards the other party.

Mountain Hua Heavenly Sword Sect, Xia Yi!”

Mountain Hua Yellow Sword Sect, **.”

The voice of Yellow Sword Sect just fell, and the body suddenly appeared in front of Xia Yi. The treasure sword in his hand directly cast three consecutive thorns towards Xia Yi!

The three swords of shuā shuā are as fast as the pole shadow, and the three cold friends in precisely Mountain Hua sword technique!

Although Four Great Sword Sect sword technique shares the same path, there are still some subtle differences. Heavenly Sword Sect focuses on sword intent, Earthly Sword Sect focuses on sword move. Profound Sword Sect and Yellow Sword Sect like quick sword.

One year old Han Sanyou exhibited in **, as fast as lightning. Xia Yi was stunned for a while. Although she usually consults with Senior Brother on weekdays, most of them are intentional attempts by Senior Brother. And this year-old Han Sanyou is also a little different from what she practiced, and quickly made her unclear!

She was a little flustered, and also regretted it a little bit. Why did she listen to Little Junior Brother‘s bewilderment and ran to the ring … If this is defeated by one move, then Mountain Hua’s will not die …

But at this very moment, Xia Yi suddenly got shocked, she felt as if her body was wrapped up, and then she moved involuntarily!

She lifted Charming Sword in her right hand, and at that moment, Xia Yi felt like she was seeing arrived‘s flaws.

Her hand continued to move by herself, carrying Charming Sword, and immediately wrapped around the treasure sword, and then picked it.


The treasure sword of ** was taken off and the long sword of Xia Yi rested on the neck of **, then the face was flushed!

And Xia Yi was also surprised, at this time, Li Fan’s sound rang in Xia Yi‘s ear.

“The world is at ease, just leave it to me.”

Xia Yi was shocked. What means did Little Junior Brother use?

Although Li Fan is standing far away at this time, it is already in the state of switch arrived Star Gathering Divine Art. He made his True Qi into a coat and put it on Xia Yi. In this way, if you only control True Qi, you can control the actions of Xia Yi.

Senior Sister just relax, let me do the rest.”

Li Fan continues to sound transmission into the secret, “Senior Sister as long as you feel this competition seriously.”

Xia Yi did not dare to say anything, for fear of being noticed. But how did Little Junior Brother do it and actually control his body?

Can it be that when he hugged himself … did he use any means?

But waiting for Xia Yi to understand, the next Profound Sword Sect opponent has jumped up.

“I will teach Junior Sister Xia‘s tricks!”

He stepped on lightweight art under his feet, his body moved quickly in the air, and his long sword was constantly waving.

Mountain Hua sword technique, Yunlong Wuxian! This powerful trick is so strange in sword technique that it is unpredictable!

This is high level sword move in Mountain Hua sword technique. I did not expect that the other party would use such a sword technique. As a result, even Yang Yuansheng was a bit worried.

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