My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 1463 Zhang Fei armor

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1463Zhang Fei armor

When the car is on the road, Li Fan is actually whispering in his heart. The first three mutants were all radiated by Nine-tailed Divine Fox‘s consciousness. The local residents have great strength and have a long life. After these three people came back, they spread out again, so that many people’s Spirit Force mutation became a rare mutant.

But all three of them should have died. China and other mutant were all brought with arrived Li Family Island, and they used special methods to isolate their mental radiation waves. Therefore, even if Bai Linluo comes back, it should not affect the local area. But how did this mutant come out? Whose mental wave affects arrived them?

“Army Ministry arrived!”

The car stopped and they all got out of Little Chen. Li Fan followed, and entered the armed forces together. Nine Departments of National Security is in National Security Agency, if you want to get armed equipment, you have to come here to assemble. The formalities have been completed. Several people entered the arsenal, and no one stopped them.

Li Fan ca n’t help sighing after seeing the layers of inspection. With this efficiency, what really happened is too late! Since you own arrived Nine Departments of National Security, you have to improve this situation.

“The front is our three-country system.”

An Jing (quiet) pointed to a facility in front and said to Li Fan, “This was invented by a geek at that time. This system can be used to enhance the combat effectiveness of people. However, this equipment is very expensive to maintain, although each city They are equipped with a set, but almost never used it. “

“High maintenance costs? Isn’t that necessary?”

Li Fan couldn’t help but sneer, “Is the people paying less tax? These things are used to protect the people, but now worry about high maintenance costs? Really!”

An Jing (quiet) is a little surprised. The emotion is still the second generation of conscious officials!

“I guess, our department is about to withdraw, not to mention these devices.”

Little Chen kicked this dusty steel.

“Because it is the tax money of the people, the country cannot be wasted.”

Department Head Yang said, “Little Li, you have a good consciousness, but you are still young. However, it ’s time for arrived to show the value of this equipment today. It ’s not worth maintaining. Who is it, Little Zheng, please clean it up and let the Three Kingdoms system run quickly! “


Several logistics responsible for cleaning immediately got busy, and soon the place was full of fly ash, and they choked An Jing (quiet) enough.

Li Fan is depressed, I’m grassy, ​​hasn’t it been cleaned for hundreds of years? This ash can drown people! And wasting time in such a place is really too bad!

“Open all the windows, there will be dead people here!”

Department Head Yang said while coughing, An Jing (quiet) hurried over to open the window, but was tripped by the wood under his foot and fell on the ground. Li Fan is also served, this girl is also confused enough!

He used to support An Jing (quiet), but An Jing (quiet) touched the ground.

“What about my glasses …”

“What about this.”

Li Fan detected it with inner-force, sucked in the glasses that fell on it, and stuffed it back into arrived An Jing (quiet).

Little Chen opened the window in the past, and then the arsenal was considered to have some fresh air.

And that piece of steel can be seen as real. Li Fan lifted An Jing (quiet) and glanced at steel again, couldn’t help being surprised. Good guy, is it an exoskeleton?

The steel are all parts of the armor, but these armor form a complete set of exoskeletons for wearing on people. A few years ago, American Empire was also studying exoskeleton equipment. At the beginning, exoskeletons were used in medical facilities to help patients with disabilities get a new life.

But then, the army tried to use exoskeletons in individual combat, which greatly enhanced the combat capabilities of individual soldiers. Until they developed nano armor, gene chips, and later Zeus System, the exoskeleton was also eliminated.

However, in China, this exoskeleton is still asleep. Although the equipment is a bit behind, but it is properly used, which is also a good combat power.

“This suit is named Zhang Fei.”

Little Chen looked at this black armor somewhat obsessedly, “Putting on this armor is like Zhang Fei is alive. I always wanted to try its power, but unfortunately there is no chance.”

Little Chen, if you are a field worker, just assist the secret service.”

Department Head Yang hastened to remind him, “This time let Little Li use this armor!”

“Oh …”

Little Chen was obviously disappointed, Li Fan said immediately.

“No need, Department Yang, when I first arrived, I still need to learn. Brother Chen, this armor is still for you to wear, let me come to see its combat power.”

The China has already begun to use dragon chips. It is indeed rare to use exoskeletons alone. However, Li Fan always felt that this armor might have its unique combat capabilities.

Three Kingdoms system …

“So, in other cities, there are armors with other names?”

Li Fan asked.

“Of course, the strongest is Lu Bu armor, but in the Imperial City, I really want to see and see!”

Little Chen is excited.

Department Yang, this is my opinion, what do you think?”

How to say this is also the site of others, Li Fan can not be anti-guest.

“Also, let Little Chen come, anyway, you two are working, I am only responsible for the commander.”

Department Head Yang said, as long as Li Fan does not pick then it will be alright.

“Time is running out, please try the function of this armor!”

An Jing (quiet) urged the prisoners over there to confront the police!


Little Chen was also a little excited. He walked onto the stage and opened his arms. A panel pulled arrived in front of him, and some body values ​​of Little Chen popped up on it.

“Physical power: B; Speed: C; Power: B; Comprehensive combat ability B-, basic qualities meet the standard, you can use Zhang Fei armor.”

“Ha, I knew I could do it!”

Little Chen is terribly happy. After all, he came from a paratrooper group. It is more than enough to use this armor!

A piece of black armor was draped over Little Chen. After a while, Little Chen became an mighty extraordinary War God. As he reached out, an enlarged version of the Zhangba snake spear was handed over by the robot hand. This snake spear is made of all alloy and is more than three meters long. It was grasped by Little Chen and then waved.

The sound of breaking through the air makes the Alloy Snake Lance seem powerful.


Little Chen feels powerful and very happy. “At this time, I finally feel like an Nine Departments of National Security field! An Jing (quiet), where is the prisoner, let’s hurry up and pass!”

Li Fan stood beside him and couldn’t help nodded. The power exerted by this set of armor has at least a power of Reaching Highest Knowledge expert.

“Let ’s go, it ’s time to rectify the prisoner.”

Department Head Yang is also in high spirits, and their Nine Departments of National Security can fight the heroes!

“You … I have something …”

An Jing (quiet) raised his right hand somewhat timidly, with a screw in finger.

“Is this … is it on the armor?”

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