My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head: 1451 metamorphosis

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1451 metamorphosis

After Jiang Feng has possessed Dragon God, its strength seems to have improved a lot. But Senior Concubine Zhou doesn’t seem to worry much. Think about it too. When Li Fan and Murong Ying just became Dragon-Phoenix Yin-Yang Sword on the same day, their strength was also very strong, but they were still defeated by Senior Concubine Zhou. Senior Concubine Zhou‘s Martial Ideologies experience is very rich. Even in the hundreds of years in the tomb, she still did not give up meditation, constantly simulating fighting time and time in her mind.

Even after sleeping for so long, she still did not fall behind Martial Arts.

Senior Concubine is really powerful, but do n’t underestimate me!”

Jiang Feng stood there, the potential of his body was mobilized to the limit of arrived!

Asura Tiger! Dead door opened!”

He roared, and his entire body became black, completely a black fierce tiger standing. He flicked his feet and stepped the ground out of a pit instantly, blinking in front of arrived Senior Concubine Zhou.

Jiang Feng’s swept the palm of his hand, he combined his power and the instinct of the Tigers, and put his attack force to the limit of arrived!

Senior Concubine Zhou still hasn’t backed off. She rolled up her sleeves and swept on the paws of Jiang Feng’s.


In the blink of the art, the two have taken more than ten moves! The power of Jiang Feng is fierce, like a tiger. But Senior Concubine Zhou is just like Fairy, it’s not vulgar, it’s not close to evil spirits!

No matter how fierce and fast the Jiang Feng attack is, the sleeves of Senior Concubine Zhou follow the shadows, sweeping the paws of Jiang Feng’s every time, making his attack invisible.

“Amitabha, the inner-force of Senior Concubine Zhou is really unpredictable, and the old fellow admires it!”

Great Master Jade Void has already seen some clues and can’t help but sigh from the heart.

“This kind of screw thread has a theory, but no one can practice it.”

Wu Jizi also understands it, sweeping the dust and admiring it all over his face, “It turned out to be a Fairy character in the past, I can’t wait to sigh!”

precisely exhibited by Senior Concubine Zhou is a mysterious inner-force, which is a way to rotate inner-force and use it. How many years ago had Martial Arts expert set a whimsy, if the inner-force is rotated, it can increase the power like a drill, and it can also resolve the strength of the other like a vortex.

But it ’s easy to say, but it ’s even harder to do! Letting inner-force spin out of thin air is more difficult than letting inner-force turn into a trend! The effects of forces are mutual. If you want one force to rotate, you need another force to help.

Wudang once created a “Primal Chaos Sword“, one of the tricks is to make the long sword rotate to achieve this effect. However, such a simple approach, but empty defense ability, insufficient offensive.

At this time, the Senior Concubine Zhou‘s sun and cloud sleeves are both offensive and defensive, and the leader was surprised, and sighed.


Just when everyone was emotional, the sleeve of Senior Concubine Zhou‘s other hand suddenly swept across Jiang Feng’s‘s face. Jiang Feng‘s body was immediately hit and flew. He twirled in the air and fell directly down, lying on the ground to stabilize his figure.


The Jiang Feng, which is obviously witty, made a wild roar at this moment. At the same time, another Jiang Feng suddenly appeared in front of Senior Concubine Zhou.

Two Jiang Feng? External Body Incarnation?

The Martial Artists were surprised, but the Grandmaster barely saw that these were not two Jiang Fengs, staying there and lying there, but just a residual image of Jiang Feng’s! This guy’s speed is too fast, and it is faster than everyone’s eye capture, causing visual residual phenomenon!

At this moment, what drives Jiang Feng to fight is not his wisdom, but his instinct! The dragon body has temporarily activated his genes, and at this time his fighting power is also enough to have about three saints!

Especially in terms of speed, Jiang Feng even surpassed the speed of Li Fan’s. He came and went, leaving only an afterimage in front of everyone.

Senior Concubine Zhou lifted the sleeve involuntarily and blocked it.


The sleeves exploded, but at the same time, seven Jiang Feng’s afterimages appeared around Senior Concubine Zhou. But Senior Concubine Zhou doesn’t care, for her, this method can’t deceive her judgment.

One roll of Senior Concubine Zhou sleeves was scanned on one of the figures.

The figure was crushed directly, and Senior Concubine Zhou finally showed a little surprise. Is it just another afterimage? Senior Concubine Zhou almost subconsciously turned his long sleeves back, but Jiang Feng’s attack took a quicker step, directly pierced the belly of Senior Concubine Zhou and pulled it out of her.

However, Senior Concubine Zhou endured the pain, throwing the sleeves of his hands, like two mountains, hitting Jiang Feng’s together.


Jiang Feng shook his head and took two steps back. And Senior Concubine Zhou also turned around and took two steps back. She took a breath, and everyone in the room only felt that her inner-force was out of control, leaked from Yongquan Cave, and instantly poured into within the body of arrived Senior Concubine Zhou.

Just in a blink of an eye, art, Senior Concubine Zhou returned to health, and the wound on the lower abdomen has completely healed.

Undying Evil Buddha …”

Everyone was appalled.

Of these people, only Wang Zhenyi and Jiang Feng, which closed acupuncture point, survived, and inner-force was not taken away. The method studied by Qingcheng happened to block two strange points, blocking the power-absorbing route of Senior Concubine Zhou. However, it takes arrived a certain skill to block the cultivation technique door of Senior Concubine Zhou. If it is weaker, even if acupuncture point is blocked, it will be forcibly broken by the power of Senior Concubine Zhou!

After a fierce battle, Jiang Feng seems to calm down again.

He started to transform from a tiger walking upright, his face and body changed back to his original appearance, but his limbs still belong to the form of a black tiger.

“This is much easier.”

Jiang Feng shook his neck, “It ’s not like my style to fight by wildness.”

“It seems that you have finally transformed.”

Senior Concubine Zhou looked at the Jiang Feng in front of him, and could n’t help but compliment, “You ’re very good. In this era, this Highness, in addition to Li Fan, Murong Ying, the third person to appreciate.”

“Oh? Can I only be behind them?”

Although Jiang Feng has regained its sanity, it is inevitable that it is also contaminated with some of the arrogance of Asura Tiger. “May I have another comparison?”

“No need to compare.”

Senior Concubine Zhou said bluntly, “After all, you have reached this level with external force, but Li Fan has practiced to this point on her own.”

Li Fan sat next to him, his face flushed. Thinking of the special assistance provided by Murong Ai to himself, Senior Concubine Zhou is really a bit ashamed!

“I paid for it, have you ever seen it?”

Jiang Feng was a sneer. Then, a sudden shot under his feet left another afterimage, and then in front of arrived Senior Concubine Zhou. Jiang Feng decided to kill Senior Concubine Zhou completely without giving her a chance to recover her body! As the same immortal man, he knew too much about the terrible immortality! Today is to get rid of Li Fan, get True Immortal Secret Art, can’t fight with this Senior Concubine Zhou!

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