My Simping System Chapter 112:

Qixi in the picture, her fingers trembling slightly.

Gazed into the distance blankly.

Even though it was pierced between her eyebrows, the resentment left behind still left her spiritual consciousness.

Ye An looked in the direction she was looking at.

Only saw the demons dancing in a wild, the evil spirits were restored.

The evil spirit is diffused in the sky.

A group of temple generals fends off the enemy.

In this scene of prophecy, Ye An has seen many familiar figures.

Including a few days-level executioners of Qixi’s cronies.

Including Mu Qingxue, the Saintess of Tantai, including Elder Xuan, and even the Lord of the Square Temple is also defending the enemy.

In such a battle, the temple can be said to be rushing out.

That is no less than the situation of the evil war.

It is important to know that among the masters of the Sifang Temple, each one who pulls it out alone can turn over and destroy an army.

But in such a situation, who can directly kill the Temple Empress in the chaos army?

Suddenly, Ye An’s gaze stayed on Ji Huang——

The proud son of the Ji family in Zhongzhou.

In the prophecy screen.

Ji Huang’s eyes are red, her complexion is pale, and her skin has countless **** cracks.

The majestic evil spirit diffused from him, forming a black mist in the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

“Ji Huang is really an evil race hiding in the world…!”

“This level of strength is at least the first level of evil deity.”

Ye An gave a final conclusion.

Among the evil races, the division of realm and other levels is very simple: soldiers, generals, kings, respects, emperors, and gods.

Xie Zun is far from a threat from Qixi or the Master of the Sifang Temple.

But if that evil deity has used some tricks–

Using a challenge letter as a medium, the Master of the Sifang Temple, the Saint Son, and the Empress were invited to the scene at Ji’s house in advance.

The net has long been laid in secret, and the evil soldiers have been waiting to hide in Ji’s house.

And Ji Huang can also assassinate the female emperor with the sword of Tantai when he is close to the temple empress.

He knows that the realm of the Empress has been weakened, and secondly, he also has an assassination sword that is the only top grade in his hand.

Most of the people who came here came to see Ji Huang’s jokes.

Secondly, many people want to collect Ji Huang’s money again.

Those people came with a desire for pleasure, unprepared.

Even with precautions in advance, after all, it is difficult to predict that the evil race has been ambushing here for a long time, let alone that Ji Huang will be the evil deity of the evil race.

In the 40 years since the name “Ji Huang” was born in the world.

He almost frantically pursues the current female emperor, wantonly squandering Ji family’s property, buying people’s hearts from all over the world…

The outsiders only pursued the female emperor, and the insiders thought that he was deliberately rebelling for the bribery.

Actually, both of these are disguise.

“This is really…a master who knows how to pretend to be confused.”

Ye An suddenly opened his eyes.

The picture of the leaves of the world tree also stopped here abruptly.

When I opened my eyes, it was late at night.

Despite the decline of the heavens, the predictions are blurred, and it is impossible to see all the movements of all of them.

But just seeing Ji Huang’s exposure is enough.

Without the prophecy of this leaf, perhaps it would be a big problem to survive the seventh day.


Now that he knew about this, what Ye Anxu naturally did was to inform Yu Qixi.

You can choose to annihilate in one fell swoop, you can copy the Ji family in advance.

You can also follow Qi Xi’s meaning and stop shooting the grass and scare the snake for the time being, and then catch it all in one go.

If you can catch the job and ask who else is curled up in the human race, it is naturally the best,

But all this requires her decision, she is the empress after all, no matter how much she depends on Ye An, the latter can’t make the decision by herself.

Besides the things he can expect in the future, there is only time for the two of them to be alone in the dead of night.

Come to the door of Qixi’s room.

But Yue’er is waiting here.

“Master Saint Son.”

Yue’er stopped in front of the door, leaned slightly, and respectfully said: “Sorry, I can’t let you in at this time.”

Ye An said: “…I have something to ask your Majesty.”

Yue’er said helplessly: “Give your Majesty some rest time, don’t toss her too much.”

Ye An: “?? I have a serious matter to talk to her.”

“Huh? Oh…!”

Yue’er was taken aback for a moment, and smiled awkwardly: “Hug, sorry.”

“Your Majesty only reviewed some memorials. I was overworked and accidentally fell asleep.”

“Besides, it’s getting late. It’s rare for her to have a restful night, so please come back tomorrow.”

Ye An nodded slightly and said: “Wait for me.”

The voice fell, and he returned to his room.

Short the prophecy that I saw just now into a few lines and write it on the letter paper.

Add your own signature, and finally add a sentence of ‘seen in a dream’, so that’s enough



Go to the door of Qixi’s room again.

The maid Yue’er is not here.

It’s just right, so I don’t have to explain to the maid again.

Ye An didn’t bother Qixi, but stuffed the letter paper under the door.

When the latter wakes up, he will be able to see it for the first time, and then deploy early, so there is no need to bother Ye An.

Seven days is short, but it is not enough to say that there is plenty of time.

It happens to be at this moment.

Yue’er put her hands on her shoulders and sighed.

“Master Saint Son?”

She found Ye An and asked: “Are you… planning to attack your majesty’s room at night?”

Ye An was taken aback for a moment, too lazy to explain the envelope.

“No, I don’t.” He explained.

Yue’er covered her face and sighed heavily, “Forget it, forget it, if I knew I would come later, it would be fine if I didn’t know.”

Ye An’s mouth twitched slightly and the subject changed, “Where did you go?”

Yue’er said with a headache: “Your Majesty has been overworked, but there are still two people who want to see her. One is you…just forget it, you are the biggest.”

“The other one is His Royal Highness Tantai.”

Speaking of Tantai, Ye An was slightly startled.

He paid too much attention to Ji Huang, but he forgot about Tantai.

After all, the contradictions between the other party and Yue’er accusing each other are very deep.

Just listen to Yue’er continuing to say: “When I was in the Zhongzhou Night Market, I hid my breath and changed my face. For the time being, I was not discovered by His Highness Tantai.”

“But she has always wanted to see your majesty, I am worried…”

Ye An thought for a while and said, “I’ll go find her.”

Yue’er was taken aback, “Hey?”

Ye An said: “Your Majesty gave me a task to deal with the Saintess of Tantai.”

“It just so happens. I’ll go look for her.”

In addition to asking her relationship with Ji Huang, if there really is a deal.

Secondly, you can also listen carefully to why she suspected Yue’er.

In any case, there will always be a basis.

After all, from the previous prophetic pictures, Ye An didn’t see what Yue’er and Tantai had to do with Qixi’s death.

I’ll figure it out now.

Yue’er leaned over slightly and said: “Then I beg you, Master Shengzi.”

“I was almost spotted by Tantai…It was His Royal Highness Twilight who helped, she should still be in His Highness Tantai’s room.”


Mu Qingxue is also here.

That’s just… a headache.

Ye An rubbed his forehead and walked on the corridor of the temple.

He glanced at the night sky outside the window.

Although it was midnight, he didn’t feel sleepy at all.

This is the benefit of cultivation, no need to sleep, no need to eat or drink.

If he can, he can fight the Saintess of Tantai tonight until all night.

“Let’s wait until tomorrow morning.”

Ye An thought a little bit, taking Mu Qingxue into consideration, so he made up his mind.

Just as he was about to return to the room, he happened to see a familiar figure in the distance.

The person is Mu Qingxue, and obviously, she also discovered Ye An.

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