My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 5: Catch the leak! Facing the Threat

The sun rises and the moon sets.

After graduating from university, many people no longer live for themselves. They have the expectations of their parents and relatives, as well as social pressure.

Modern society is like a mould, which gradually engraves individuals with distinct personalities into similar individuals, and becomes a screw in the large structure of society day after day.

Even standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows sometimes, with the rapid development of technology, looking at the “prosperity” outside the window, even the real world, Sumo has a strange feeling.

After this trip, even with the huge pressure of survival, without the stimulation of the alarm clock, Su Mo experienced the joy of “sleep until he wakes up naturally” for the first time in a long time.

Waking up in the dark, he heard the good news from the survival system again.

[End calendar January 2]

【When you came to a strange world, you were at a loss, but you finally built the shelter, and you were very excited. (survival point +50)]

[You have upgraded the water intake device to ensure the daily water demand (survival point +5)]

[You created a bed that can barely sleep on people, and you feel that in the last days, it greatly improves your sense of happiness (survival point +5)]

【You built a set of simple furniture (survival point +1)】

【Your food is not bad (survival point +1)】

[Scanning the living environment of the host, during the evaluation of the survival points, 11 survival points were obtained today. 】

In the final settlement, you have obtained a total of survival points today: 73 points!

Remaining survival points: 103 points!

103 points!

Su Mo’s eyes lit up. After spending 75 survival points to expand the well water extractor yesterday, the survival points returned to 103 points today.

“From this point of view, the more movements I do every day, the more survival points I have. Even if I keep struggling, I can still gain more than ten points.”

Su Mo breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that this end-of-the-world survival system would be the same as those in the novels read on Earth, forcing him to do some tasks that would be obliterated if he did not complete them.

Even going too far, forcing him to do something against his heart will involve a series of **** things like betrayal and awakening.

“But today we must find a way to upgrade the lighting and ventilation of the base, otherwise people will not starve to death, but fall to death in the base”

After closing the wooden door, the base was very dark, with only a ray of light flowing through the gap in the wooden door.

Following his feeling, holding the wooden spear like a guide stick, Sumo walked to the stairs in the dark, walked up the stairs, and opened the wooden door of the shelter.

The morning sun streams in through the open void along with the chill.

After getting used to the stimulation brought by the strong light, Su Mo cautiously lay on the crack of the door and looked out for a while, and after confirming that there was no danger, he opened the wooden door completely.

The dull air in the underground shelter began to circulate as the wooden door opened.

The boards set up at the entrance of the shelter yesterday were all intact, and there was no sign of any mutant monsters coming to attack.

After breathing the fresh air for a while, Su Mo returned to the refuge.

First came to the well, and after lifting the bucket, Soma reaped the accumulation of the night.

[Record]: You got 920ml of water.

[Record]: Your current water storage capacity is 970ml.

Today’s harvest plus yesterday’s surplus is not a lot, but it is still a bit short of exchanging monster illustrations.

Under normal circumstances, a person drinks a sip of water, about 20ml-30ml.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Su Mo took about three sips of water.

Feeling the sweetness in his mouth, Su Mo opened the trading panel.

He only needs to ensure the minimum daily survival needs for the current water use, and he intends to use all the remaining water for trading.

Only by using water in exchange for enough resources in the early stage can we walk in front of everyone.

There are more transaction records today than yesterday, and Su Mo was overjoyed when he clicked on the collection panel.

I don’t know why, yesterday there was a monster illustrated book with one liter of water. After a night of fermentation, the seller, Chen Pingan, took the initiative to reduce the price by 300ml. Currently, you only need 700ml to buy it.

The pears hanging on the other side have also been reduced from 100ml to 50ml.

“It’s a big profit!”

Overjoyed, Su Mo put 800ml of water into the inventory and bought the monster illustrated book and two pears.

The brilliance of the transaction flashed, and the water in the inventory disappeared, turning into a monster illustrated book and two water pears.

Taking out the illustrated book and pears and putting them on the table, Su Mo first picked up the fist-sized pear, bit it down, and immediately felt that his teeth were delicious.

Although the water in the pear is less than 50ml, the pear meat can satisfy hunger, and the pear water contains vitamins. It is really nice to eat one in the end of the day.

However, Su Mo, who was eating pears at this time, did not know that in the world chat, because of his generous photography, it sparked a heated discussion.

“Chen Ping’an’s old dog’s illustrated book was photographed, a full 700ml of water, what the hell, is he really a local tyrant”

“The buyer seems to be Somo? This person sold 200ml yesterday and 700ml today. Do you think it’s too much water?”

“Can God Su come out and say something? How did you dig the water? Thousands of people’s blood book (1/10000) ask for a strategy”

“Ten Thousand Blood Books (2/10000)”

“I still have food here, does God Su need bread, I’m dying of thirst!”

“If there is no accident, he should have dug into the water storage place, alas, good luck”


A large group of people discussed the matter.

Within a day, the name Sumo has been imprinted in the hearts of many people.

Others would like to break 1ml of water into two halves to drink, but he was the only one who extravagantly exchanged 700ml for a garbage illustration book that was useless in the early stage.

On the other side, after eating a pear and last night’s Roujiamo, Su Mo picked up the books.

[Reminder]: Whether to use the Monster Illustrated Book, once used, it cannot be recycled and traded.


Following Su Mo’s voice, after the four functions on the game panel, a function called “Picture Book” appeared again.

Su Mo clicked on it.

A dense list appears.

【Dead Leaf Snake】

【Green Turtle】

【Mutated Goshawk】

Select Leaf Snake.

View details.

[Dead Leaf Snake]: The back of the snake is dark brown with vermilion horizontal spots, the belly is olive gray with white dots scattered therein, the head and neck are light yellowish white with dark brown spots markings, weak aggressiveness.

[Weakness]: Extremely afraid of fire and blunt objects

[Risk Factor]: 80

In addition to the information description, there is also a 3D image of the dead leaf snake, which can be viewed by adjusting the viewing angle.

After observing a few creature illustrated books, Su Mo exclaimed that it was blood money.

Although this illustrated book does not seem to be very useful now, the weaknesses marked on it are extremely useful. Hundreds of creatures, large and small, can save a lot of effort.

And this illustration book also has an extremely buggy function.


Following Su Mo’s voice, a radar-like graphic appeared on the game panel, and a red exclamation mark appeared below it.

[Detected 265 meters away from the player, there is a mutated camouflage chameleon, the risk factor is 65, please be careful]

[Today’s times 2/3]


Following the place scanned by the radar, Sumo climbed out of the refuge door to have a look, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The location of the mutated camouflaged chameleon is exactly where he cut down the tree Even if he actively observes now, it is difficult to see where the chameleon is lying.

Grasp the wooden spear in your hand.

Kill the past now?

Of course not.

“It’s too dangerous, let’s not talk about the sharpness of the wooden spear. With my half level, I’m afraid I used to deliver food”

After opening the illustrated book and finding the illustrated book of mutated and camouflaged chameleons, Su Mo looked at it patiently.

[Mutated camouflage chameleon]: The mutated skin greatly strengthens the chameleon’s camouflage, and the poison attached to the tongue allows it to have enough time to kill the prey after a sneak attack, and its aggressiveness is moderate.

[Weakness]: The mutation enhances the camouflage ability, but makes it unresponsive and fragile.

[Risk Factor]: 65

It’s not that there is no solution, Su Mo was thoughtful.

Under such a blazing sun, chameleons always have to eat and drink, right?

Did you wait until it was the most tired to attack, and then pick up a bargain?

“Let’s find a way to upgrade the weapon first, and when the sun is at its most vicious, go out and clean up this insidious beast”

Having made up his mind, Su Mo, who was full of sense of crisis in his heart, did not plan to go out to collect materials. He went straight back to the shelter, closed the wooden door, and lit the torch.

Sitting on the wooden chair, he took out the wooden spear and put it on the table. Sumo focused on it.

[Wooden Spear]: A brand new wooden spear, the lethality of the wooden spear head is worrying, it is not recommended to be your main weapon for survival.

Upgrade direction one: upgrade the overall material, improve the sharpness of the spearhead, need survival points (5)

Upgrade Direction 2: Upgrade the overall material, add electric power assist device, greatly increase the shooting speed, need survival points (40)

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