My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely! Chapter 1307: There is strength in numbers, a new journey!


The sky gradually becomes brighter.

When the morning sun climbed up from the sky, the sparse crowd began to enter the gathering place in twos and threes, preparing to pick up tools and go to work in the fields.

Although according to the experience shared by agricultural experts on the World Channel, almost no variety of rice can withstand this freeze disaster.

However, there are still many territories where rice is planted that are not willing to give up and have also shared their anti-freeze preparations.

The best way is naturally to insulate the greenhouse.

As long as the rice can be covered with an insulated shed, and then burned with firewood to keep the internal temperature no lower than minus five degrees, for five days, the yield loss caused by freezing damage can be greatly reduced.

As long as half of the harvest can be harvested, it will be enough for the survivors to last until the autumn harvest and hope to plant seeds next time.

“Have you noticed…it seems to be very quiet today.”

“Yes, in the past those people would be stuck here waiting for us to extort supplies, but we didn’t see them today.”

“They didn’t go too far last night, and now both sides are hurt, right?”

“I can’t tell, I heard a lot of gunshots last night, but luckily we were smart enough to spend the night outside.”

“In my opinion, we should go to the refugee area first to inquire about the news.”

“Let’s go together. We just happen to go over and see if the defense team is distributing supplies. It would be good to have a meal.”


The sparse figures entered the gathering place and immediately noticed the huge changes inside and yesterday.

The thugs who used to roam the streets seemed to have disappeared.

Occasionally seeing one is like a mouse seeing a cat, and it disappears without a trace.

It’s strange.

After the crowd gathered, many people immediately decided to rush to the refugee area to find out what happened last night.

However, before they even approached the refugee area, many people were shocked to discover…

Those who in the past would only stay in the refugee area, today were all walking arrogantly along the main road in the gathering place, following the guards wearing the logo of the defense force.

Wait… Defense Force?

Many people wiped their eyes, completely unable to believe what was happening in front of them.

With this serious expression, fierce murderous aura, and that wolf-like demeanor, are they still the guards who only acted as peacemakers in the past?

Holy shit, the sun is coming out from the west?

Did the defense team take the wrong medicine and finally remember to maintain order in the gathering place?

Everyone’s questions were quickly answered.

In front of the small courtyard where the notorious Red Wolf Club was stationed, in front of hundreds of pairs of eyes, the leading guard kicked open the courtyard door and walked in with seven guards.

I don’t know what happened inside, I just heard a burst of punches and kicks.

The refugees rushed into the courtyard excitedly and took out bags after bags of food.



I saw a refugee who accidentally dropped his foot and spilled some brown rice from the bag in his arms.

The melon-eaters who were still watching around were suddenly shocked and rushed forward in a swarm.

“Damn it, buddy, you even dare to rob someone from the Red Wolf Club, are you so brave?”

“The guards led the team to rob directly. Is it possible that the defense team now has to be like those gangs?”

“Is there any more? Is there any more inside? I’ll help you move it for free. Just give me a bite to eat.”

“Go away, go away, don’t step on the rice on the ground, it’s a waste of food, God’s punishment!”


Some rushed in to watch the guards beating the Red Wolf Club, while others squatted at the door to help pick up rice.

There were also some people who grabbed the refugees who had just rushed out and kept asking questions with nervous expressions on their faces.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that the scene before them was real.

In the past, we could only see gang members robbing refugees of supplies, but now refugees robbing gang members?

Chunchun rebels against Tiangang!

“Afraid of a hammer, Zhou Haichao, the gang leader of the Red Wolf Club, was taken to a small square and shot dead at night. The remaining people were serving food and didn’t even dare to fart.”

“There seems to be some supplies inside, please go in quickly and move them all away.”

“Are you afraid of his revenge? There is a defense team behind us, but Tianyuan!”

“Hey, I can have a full meal today. These beasts still eat four meals a day. What a luxury!”


The refugees were beaming with joy.

Perhaps the bullying was a little too much, and this rebound is also exaggerated.

“Tianyuan? What is Tianyuan?”

It seems a little familiar, but also seems very strange.

Immediately, doubtful voices came out from the crowd, and everyone looked at the face of the refugee who spoke first.

“Which other Tianyuan could it be? Of course it is Su Shen’s Tianyuan territory. We are saved!”

“In a few days, Su Shen will send a fleet to deliver resources by water, and will also take some of us to the territory over there. We will be blessed now!”

“As long as we find a way to get the tickets, we will be Tianyuan’s people!”

From the excited voice, it is not difficult to tell how excited the speaker’s mental state is at this time.

Like a dream, it was hard to imagine before that gangs of all sizes would be surrounded and annihilated by crazy refugees overnight.

At first, many gangs were cornered and wanted to resist and fight to the death.

However, Xi Ruyue had anticipated this and took advantage of the mob gathering to reveal a series of shocking news.

Whether it is material support from Tianyuan or the opportunity to leave Mengyue after being screened.

In the face of the temptation to survive, these news are like a heavy hammer, hitting the hearts of gang members hard, causing the original “tight” unity to instantly collapse.

Every bustle in the world is for benefit, and all the hustle and bustle in the world is for benefit.

The main means for the major gangs to win over people is nothing more than more supplies and the hope of survival.

Now the defense team has moved directly out of the human Su Shen and out of the Tianyuan territory.

No matter how powerful the various gangs are in helping, is it possible that Su Shenqiang is still there?

As for the authenticity of the news, no one questioned it, not even the gang leaders thought it was false news.

After all, everyone saw with their own eyes that Xi Ruyue followed Sumo throughout the entire competition.

It makes perfect sense to seek some support for this relationship.

With this understanding, fighting in the inner circle quickly became a reality. Large cracks instantly appeared within the gang, and the original atmosphere of common hatred and hatred disappeared without a trace.

In order to avoid being liquidated, but also to get a ticket to board the ship.

In many gangs, there are even funny scenes where deputy gang leaders or gang members rise up, kidnap the gang leader and surrender to the defense team station.

“Oh my god, pinch me now, are you dreaming now?”

“Su Shen, Tianyuan Territory, damn, I should have thought of the relationship between Lord Ruyue and Su Shen.”

“Lord Ruyue is so proud that he was able to ask God Su to come thousands of miles away for support.”

“As long as you have a ferry ticket, you can go to Tianyuan. Oh my god, how can I get a ferry ticket?”

The crowd that gathered around suddenly became crazy.

Especially after hearing that there was a chance to leave Mengyue Territory and go to Tianyuan, some people were even happy to dance.

Rather than continuing to live in this hellish place, leaving is obviously the best choice.

They have no feelings for the Mengyue Territory. Being able to go to a better place is simply a good thing that they never dare to dream of!

“Hey, don’t keep asking me, I’m also waiting for the ticket issuance rules!”

“Go away, go away, I have to go to Youyue Gang to grab… um, get supplies.”

Seeing more and more people coming around, the refugee who spoke smiled and left with a few words.

Being surrounded by him, everyone around them realized that something had indeed changed in the gathering place.

The previously arrogant thugs have become rats in the sewers.

When they thought about the large amount of materials these gangs had looted, the crowd that had gathered suddenly rushed into the courtyard with screams.

No one noticed that the refugee who just spoke dropped the food bag in his hand after leaving this block, turned around and ran to another block where people gathered, and continued to encourage the crowd with the same words.

“Hey, this method is really useful. Now I can understand the meaning of strength in numbers!”

Standing high, watching more and more refugees being stirred up, they participated in the vigorous liquidation.

Chu Chaofei clicked his tongue in amazement, a little surprised by Xi Ruyue’s methods.

But when he turned his head inadvertently, he was shocked to find that Lord Ruyue was so stunned that he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Sometimes he smiles fondly, and sometimes he frowns in annoyance.

There is nothing like the domineering look from last night, but she clearly looks like a teenage girl.

“Hey, this is…”

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

At the same time that Mengyue territory was restored to order by the defense team.

The temporary dock in Tianyuan Territory is also extremely busy.

It was already early in the morning, and the pier was still dimly lit and full of people.

The water on the river is sparkling, reflecting lights like stars falling on a river.

The river breeze brought a trace of moisture, passing around the port and blowing on everyone’s face.

Hunting Tiger, who had prepared his equipment and manpower, also took advantage of the hazy night to start a new chapter in his life.

“Are you all ready? The next battle will be very difficult. Before boarding the ship, I give you one last chance to choose. You can withdraw now.”

As one after another fully loaded cargo ships slowly left the dock, the manned warships began to approach from behind. Liehu turned around and faced the five hundred elite soldiers he brought out from Pingtan. .

These people are all the best among the best, and they are all in their prime.

In terms of frontal combat, they may not be much better than those retired volunteers, but in terms of side attack capabilities, everyone basically has a unique set of skills that others cannot learn.

It can be said that as long as the other party is not prepared in advance, the threat posed by these five hundred people may be more exaggerated than that of five thousand people.

“Report to Mr. Pingtan, we have no intention of quitting!”

“Follow Mr. Pingtan, we will die with honor on the battlefield!””

“We are born as Pingtan people, and we die as Pingtan ghosts! We will never back down!”


All the soldiers shouted in unison, the sound was loud.

Of course, the various voices were not neat, but the determination and loyalty contained in them made Yehu’s brows spread, and his nervousness was relieved a little.

He paused and his eyes became sharper, “Very good, I heard your determination. But the ugly words are still ahead. If there are still people who want to retreat after boarding this ship, don’t blame me. You’re welcome to hunt tigers!”

No one answered this time, but the serious expression made Yehu even more satisfied.

These are the soldiers of Pingtan!

He is willing to admit defeat in the construction and development of shelters, and he is also willing to admit his disadvantages in the diplomatic level of external exchanges.

But in terms of military training and foreign operations, he never felt that anyone could be better than himself.

This is not arrogance, but confidence.

Confidence derived from countless life and death tests!

Soon, when Liehu had restored military discipline, the warship just arrived and docked at the edge of the pier.

With the sound of mechanical operation, the long side panels unfolded from the belly of the warship, stretching and contracting freely like a giant dragon, and finally extended steadily to the dock.

According to modern infrastructure reserves, there is actually no need for such a crappy design.

But in the wasteland, no matter how complex and changeable the terrain is, it can ensure that people are safely sent to land.

At the same time, for Pingtan veterans who have never been exposed to water vehicles since they were born, this design can also make a group of landlubbers relax and not have to challenge the high difficulty as soon as they get up.

Including tiger hunting.

Although he can swim, when he was young, he took advantage of the boats passing by in the harbor to go out a few times and explore the nearby cities.

However, that was only a short-distance, small-scale voyage. Compared with the long-distance voyage spanning thousands of kilometers that we were about to face, it was a world of difference.

And now it’s a warship!

Where have I seen this kind of high-end goods in Qinggang City? Even though Qinggang Sanctuary has a lot of money, I have never thought about exploring outside through the port. I just want to protect my own one-third of an acre of land.

As soon as he set foot on the warship, Hunter Tiger curiously explored around like a child.

Touching here and looking there, the big bald man’s eyes were constantly flashing with curiosity about new things. Every detail and design made him feel unprecedentedly novel.

Of course, among these dazzling devices, what Yehu is most concerned about are the weapon systems.

“Mr. Yehu, before I introduce these weapons to you, I’m afraid I need to get your authorization first.”

“That power armor is too heavy. Can we move it to the ship behind it?”

Ouyang Fangyuan, the third officer of the Ziweixing fleet, ran over, pointed at the power armor box being hoisted on the dock and wondered.

Originally, he thought that this power armor was similar to Sumo’s sun-struck armor, and it would only weigh one ton when fully stretched.

But no one thought that this thing actually weighed five tons!

Who is a good person who wears a dump truck on his body and fights with others?

No wonder the power armor in the information disclosure is a much more advanced equipment than the exoskeleton, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. ccom This weight alone is enough to make people understand the horror of the materials used.

“Uh…this…” Yehu instinctively wanted to refuse, and even felt a strong sense of uneasiness welling up in his heart.

But when I changed my mind, I realized that I was now a member of Tianyuan, so I was still hesitant and afraid of a hammer.

“Okay, you can arrange it, but…it’s best to hoist it out quickly when I use it.”

“Don’t worry, the lord has already told us that this mission is entirely based on your opinion, and we will fully respect your every wish.”


Yehu scratched his head and opened his mouth, actually feeling a little embarrassed.

However, it has to be said that a scholar will die for his confidant.

This feeling of being trusted is really wonderful!


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