My Iyashikei Game Chapter 982: Being tricky

Chapter 983 is tricky

The big ghosts in the grave appeared at the same time, and they seemed to have noticed something.

The paper money was flying, and the old village chief with his head down lightly pressed the shoulder of the third son, and after the other party calmed down, he pushed the cart with the tribute and went forward alone.

Like a servant, he placed the sacrifices on the cart in front of the shrines, bowed his head, looking humble and pitiful.

“Fu Sheng, you should know that this is not what we want.” A neutral voice came from the shrine where the butterflies fell. The voice was neither sad nor happy, which made people scared and attracted at the same time. : “We have given you too many chances, but you always procrastinate. Now the night can no longer hold back, and the newborn ghost also wants to come out.”

“Give me some more time, I will convince those people in the city to volunteer…”

“You can’t do it!” Before the old village chief finished speaking, he was interrupted by another voice, and a human face emerged from the lump of flesh and blood, staring at the old village chief coldly: ” It’s time to end, we will give you another chance at last, do you choose to become a ghost? Or continue to be a human?”

The gray-haired old village chief seemed to have expected this day to come, and the expression on his face was extremely painful.

Becoming a ghost means that he can no longer leave the big tomb casually, and he will lose contact with the ground, which also means that he will become a member of the big tomb.

But if he continues to be a human being, not only will he not be able to leave tonight, but he will also be unable to protect those who want to protect him.

“Fu Sheng, think about your past, how did those people treat you in the past? Think back to your own life, your terrible childhood, your student days when you were treated as a patient and kept trying medicines, and how did you grow up? The living environment of the empress is full of deceit and betrayal, it is those people on the ground who made you look like this! It is they who make you desperate and painful! It is they who impose all the unbearable on you!” The gorgeous butterfly wings lightly Gently flapping the fan, the voice spoke the truth of what had happened: “There are five managers in Grave Village, and the reason why I agree with you as the last village head is because you have suffered despair that surprised even me. “

“I…” The wrinkles on the village chief’s face became more and more obvious, and he was still struggling in his heart.

The big ghosts became a little impatient. The roar of beasts sounded, and the beasts turned into negative emotions jumped off the shrine, and the whole passage was trembling.

“How about I ask your child to persuade you.” The black idol with a thousand arms opened its eyes, and it looked at the second son of the old village chief, the carpenter.

“Dad, my body has been severely alienated, and I probably can’t continue to be a human being.” The carpenter untied the cloth strips wrapped around his arms, tore off his shirt, and there were black blood vessels in the skin below his chest. Agitated, there were several huge wounds on his back that could not heal. It seemed that an arm had grown out of it, but he cut it off abruptly.

“No, we should remain neutral! Neither people nor ghosts!” The eldest son grabbed the village chief’s arm. When he said this, the eyes of the big ghost in the grave appeared Killing intent.

Neither humans nor ghosts like neutral grave villages.

“Your second son can no longer be a human being. If you still can’t make up your mind, then we can make your eldest son and third son also incapable of being a human being.” The voice in the Butterfly Shrine became vicious and terrifying. Coercion enveloped the old village chief and his children.

The yin energy in the big tomb seeped into the bodies of several people. Except for the old village chief, the rest of them began to show different degrees of alienation.

The process of alienation was very painful, and everyone held back their silence, but everyone could hear the sound of each other’s bones and flesh being torn and reassembled.

“Don’t think you can escape. If you don’t make a choice, this place will become your grave.” The ghosts in the shrine didn’t give the old village chief a chance at all, forcing him to make a decision.

Time passed, Yin Qi stagnated, and when the youngest third son fell to the ground with black blood vessels appearing on his face, the silent village chief finally spoke.

“I know what you want.” The old village chief stood up straight and looked up at the shrines in front of him: “I am willing to be a ghost.”

“You should have done this a long time ago. It’s not us who pushed you to such a point, it’s the living people on the ground who clearly enjoy everything but are still not satisfied!” The faces blurred in flesh and blood showed a smile: “Countless despair from the ground has been piled up in the big tomb. It’s time for those guys to pay the price. Death will be their best repentance.”

“After becoming a ghost, you can’t turn back.” The voice in the Butterfly Shrine sounded again. Before the village chief agreed, it kept persecuting. After the village chief agreed, it felt that the village chief agreed too soon. , feeling a problem.

The Butterfly Shrine has always been suspicious, but because none of the other big ghosts questioned it, the Butterfly Shrine did not obstruct it too much, but the gorgeous butterfly wings became a little dimmed.

The old village chief pushed the cart with tributes and led his three sons through the center of the shrine. Under the watchful eyes of the evil spirits, they walked towards the deepest part of the tomb.

The evil spirits on the shrine followed them all the way down for a long time, and they heard the sound of water drops.

Looking in the direction of the sound, they found a huge corpse in the deep darkness.

All negative emotions and despair fell on the corpse. It seemed human but not human, as if it appeared because of human beings, but it also hated human beings extremely.

“This is the first ghost buried in the grave.”

The big ghosts on the shrine are much weaker than this corpse, and their appearance seems to be related to this first ghost.

“This year’s grave opening ceremony is really interesting.” The face in flesh and blood stared at the old village chief: “Let’s start.”

Trapped by several big ghosts, the old village chief had nothing to do. He took out a knife from his arms and climbed onto the corpse with his children.

The small figure moved to the corpse’s heart little by little, and the old village head clenched the knife tightly. After he really came to this step, he was under tremendous pressure and pain in his heart.

“I am your adopted child. You gave me my life in the first place, so it’s okay to give it back to you now. I have earned nothing for twenty years, and I have lived happily in these twenty years.” The youngest The third son of the old village didn’t have too many worries. He wanted to be the first to do it, but the knife in the old village chief’s hand was snatched away by the carpenter first.

“My body is highly alienated, so I’ll do it first.” The carpenter was very decisive and stabbed the special knife into his heart.

Black blood vessels climbed up the carpenter’s body, and his beating heart fell from his chest, merging with the heart of the first ghost.

At that moment, the carpenter’s body began to completely alienate, as if there was a special connection between him and that huge corpse.

Yin Qi and various negative emotions rushed towards the carpenter’s body. His skin was torn, his face was completely disfigured, and he turned into a monster!

Tearing off the black blood vessels growing from the corpse, the reason in the carpenter’s eyes gradually dissipated. His soul and will exuded a unique smell, and his distorted arms waved gently, as if he could control a certain negative force in the tomb. Emotions.

“It’s my turn.” The middle-aged man picked up the knife that fell to the ground, and looked into the dark abyss like a poet.

The tip of the knife pierced the skin and pierced the heart. The severe pain of cutting out the heart is not something normal people can bear.

Blood splattered on his clothes, and the paint all over his body eventually turned to blood.

The heart full of vitality, as well as the extremely clean blood, all fell into the mire and darkness, and merged with the heart of the corpse.

The middle-aged man had a miserable smile on his face. He looked like he was going crazy, looking at his rapidly deformed body, as if he was looking at a painting washed by a flood.

The youngest third son also reached out to the knife, but before he touched it, the knife was already caught by the old village chief: “Don’t forget what you should do.”

“I remember…”

“Actually, I also hope that you can live a normal life, but… I’m sorry.” The old village head stood up holding the knife, and he looked at the big ghosts who had shrines: “Since I have decided to take responsibility for everyone despair, then you have to carry them to the end.”

The blade pierced through the heart, and blood gushed out. The old village chief seemed to have opened a certain seal, and the previously suppressed alienation completely broke out!

All kinds of terrifying visions appeared around. The old village chief’s heart did not fuse with the corpse. Instead, he absorbed some kind of power from the huge corpse.

“I hate the world, there are all the people who hurt me, but if I am like you ghosts, what is the difference between me and the murderer who hurt me?”

The despair of being able to compete with the entire abyss overflowed from the old village chief’s brain, and his body became completely deformed, and the degree of alienation even surpassed all the big ghosts present!

The most painful despair has been fermenting in the village head’s mind, mixed with the torment of each box owner, and finally formed a terrible force.

“Fu Sheng! What do you want to do!”

The Thousand-Handed God Statue was the closest to the village head, and it was the first to be attacked by the village head. Its hand, which was stained with human emotions and six desires, was cut off, and cracks appeared on its shrine.

“What I want to do is very simple, kill you ghosts in the tomb, and destroy this great tomb of despair!”

The village head made the final choice. The box hidden deep in his mind was opened, and an extremely complicated divine pattern appeared on his severely alienated body. He is the most desperate person in the real and virtual worlds. Humans are also ghosts who can turn all despair into strength.

“According to the plan!” The middle-aged man who turned into a ghost pushed the young man carrying a baby and a black package away, trying to send him out, but when he climbed up, the butterfly’s wings flickered slightly Suddenly, Mengchen turned into a ghost and blocked their way.

“Take the baby and leave! Don’t look back!” The alienation of the middle-aged man became more and more serious. He couldn’t maintain his reason. After sending his third son off for the last time, he fought with Butterfly.

The middle-aged man held back Butterfly, the old village head fought against the rest of the ghosts in the big tomb alone, and the second son, carpenter, was still hesitating.

A few seconds later, the carpenter rushed towards the third son, seemingly chasing him, but actually escorting him.

Each of the three children of the old village head has his own mission. If there is a problem with one of them, the old village head’s plan will fail.


The youngest third son has never experienced such a horrible thing. He has been sheltered by his father and elder brother. Now he has to go on the road alone, rushing out of the big grave full of ghosts.

“Can’t stop, can’t stop!”

Dodging ghosts and ghosts, bearing the curse and severe pain, the third son, escorted by the carpenter, ran towards the exit of the tomb.

Paying a painful price, when they finally saw the exit, a loud noise came from the inside of the deep pit, and the “medicine” provided by the living people outside the city was detonated, and most of the passages were blocked.

“Don’t be afraid, keep must take out father’s suicide note.” The carpenter’s eyes were red, and his alienated body supported the passage in front of him, allowing the third son of the old village chief to Walk the last stretch.

The carpenter watched his younger brother leave with his own eyes, a stiff smile appeared on his face, then he turned around and dragged his alienated body to the depths of the grave.

According to the plan of the old village chief, he needs to kill his father and the person he loves the most in his life with his own hands.

The gravel and darkness flooded the great tomb, and buried the shrine that guarded it.

The third son was injured all over his body. He struggled to climb out of the big grave, but when he looked up, the despair in his eyes became more intense.

The people on the ground didn’t abide by the agreement. They didn’t plan to take care of the villagers in the grave village at all, and directly launched a crazy and **** massacre!

The **** thrown into the deep pit by the outside world has been tampered with, hiding deep malice. After a loud noise came from inside the big tomb, the mountain of **** on the ground was also blasted, and the walls of the deep pit were collapsing!

“They want to bury the village alive and kill all the villagers…”

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