My Iyashikei Game Chapter 856: I’m back from “fooling around”

The man with the plum blossom tattoo on his face fell into a pool of blood. He stared at Han Fei unwillingly, unwilling to die.

What a crazy and perfect plan, because of Han Fei’s appearance, most of the companions and subordinates in Area A were sacrificed to the ghosts, and they felt hopeless for the first time given privileges by the gods.

“He was born on the same day as the god…”

Using his possessive personality, Ugly Brother’s will and soul are still hidden in the little boy, and he is also the only criminal alive at the scene.

Traveling on the ugly boy’s original body, Han Fei came to the boy with a night light in his hand. On his left was the torturer, and on the right was Wuchang. Two large grievances followed him closely like his two children. .

“Little friend, you stole the clothes my mother made for me.” Han Fei reached out and pressed the little boy’s head, using the secret of touching the depths of the soul, to let the starlight shine into the boy’s mind.

An ugly soul knows nothing, and even a beautiful skin can’t hide the stench.

Compared to a fairly normal body, Brother Chou’s soul is like a lake of mud, and his personality is completely integrated into the soul. All the people he fancy are finally wrapped in this mud, He died of suffocation little by little, and in the end there was only a shell left for him to play with.

“The more beautiful and powerful the body you possess, the more you will feel satisfied, and then further strengthen your possessive personality.” Han Fei knew Brother Chou’s ability by touching the secrets deep in his soul. Awakened five times, I hope that the small area of ​​Xincheng that he is in charge of is basically his “shell”.

This pervert teamed up with ghosts to sacrifice living people to evil gods, and killed all those who knew the truth and dared to resist him. Gradually, all the surviving elders thought he was a powerful and good man.

The evil deeds that are least likely to be discovered are often committed by well-recognized good people.

Han Fei didn’t kill Brother Chou, he still wanted to try to use this guy’s personality to save those “*** specimens”.

Prisoning Brother Chou’s soul and personality into the abyss of greed, Han Fei eliminated all the thugs. He gathered the black mist and let all the ghosts return.

The fish wandering in the dark fell into the abyss. The little girl didn’t attack the weak Han Fei. She seemed to regard the abyss as her second home and walked back obediently.

Han Fei didn’t know how No. 2 healed her, and now he didn’t have the energy to think about it. After the black mist cleared, his legs gave way and he ran down beside the blood pool.

The mental pollution index has skyrocketed to an exaggerated value. If it were someone else, they would have gone crazy long ago.

Relying on the healing of his personality to continue his life, Han Fei maintained his last trace of sobriety.

“Can you let him call you mother again? Your child is deeply hopeless and numb, and only you can wake him up.”

Han Fei reached out to the blood pool, and the ghost mother didn’t dodge this time.

“You shouldn’t be here.”

The healing starlight dispelled all kinds of misunderstandings. With the voice of the ghost mother, the boy who was numb to everything seemed to move. His heavy eyelids slowly opened, and the two dark holes stared blankly at someone. direction.

He has always wanted to open his eyes, not to see the colorful world that people say, but to see his father and mother who have been with him all the time.

“Gao Cheng, you have indeed grown up.”

The ghost mother’s voice sounded in Han Fei’s mind. She dragged her cracked body out of the pool of blood, endured unimaginable pain, and hugged Gao Cheng’s body.

“I never blamed you, both of you are my children, I wish I could bear that pain for you…”

The ghost mother’s lips were torn apart by a force, and the black blood flying scene mixed with the gods’ tears curse was everywhere. She did something against the will of the gods, but even if she endured the punishment of the gods, she He didn’t let go of his hand either.

With both eyes gouged out, she lightly touched Gao Cheng’s head with her hand.

The boy sleeping between the starlight and the abyss heard his mother’s words, he stood up, stretched out his hands, and staggered forward.

Han Fei’s healing starlight led the boy, but before the boy regained control of his body, the ghost mother’s soul was about to collapse.

The curse of the gods was fully triggered, and the ghost mother was roughly torn to pieces. If it continued, the ghost mother would probably lose her soul in front of the boy.

Like (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 856 I am back from “fooling around”

As if feeling the pain of his mother, the little boy condensed from Gao Cheng’s realistic memory stopped in his tracks.

There is nothing more desperate than this in the world, and heartbreaking is not enough to express.

“Hey.” Han Fei sighed softly, and he reached out to push the ghost mother away. If completing the task would cause permanent and irreparable trauma to the ghost mother, then he would rather give up the task.

Gentle people will always get together in a bright room to make the city a little warmer.

Like the boy in his mind, Han Fei stood where he was, then slowly backed away from the ghost mother.

“I should go, see you next time, I will help you remove his tear curse.”

Ghost Mother’s attitude is very clear, she still treats Gao Cheng as her own child. There is no need to answer, she has already proved with her actions that she still loves Gao Cheng.

Even if the body is fragmented, give strength to your child and embrace your child. Except for mothers, it is rare to find such pure and selfless love in the world.

“Before you came to me privately, you have already let yourself be severely injured by the curse of the gods, and now you have suffered more serious injuries. Don’t worry about me, take good care of yourself, and wait for me to come back.”

Han Fei said the message that Gao Cheng wanted to convey. He and the boy in his mind took a last look at the Ghost Mother. Just as he was about to leave, the Ghost Mother threw something to Han Fei.

“Attention, player number 0000, you have obtained a special shrine item – the key to room 601.”

Ghost Mother seems to want Han Fei to go to this room, because there is something hidden in the room that she wants Han Fei to see.

Picking up the key, Han Fei entered the corridor with the night light in his hand. The entire sixth floor was filled with curses related to happiness, including the missing person notice with his photo printed on it. A reward for collecting clues, some clothes for him, etc.

Passing through all the curses and coming to the end of the long toilet, Han Fei opened the door of room 601, a faint fragrance of flowers drifted through, and the room was filled with all kinds of flowers, it seemed that only this room in the whole building really belonged Ghost mother.

Close the door, Han Fei really can’t imagine such a warm and clean room in the depths of ghosts.

Smelling the familiar fragrance of flowers, the expression of the boy in Han Fei’s mind also changed.

When they came to the center of the room, they saw the notebook on the table, and every word on the opened pages was full of tenderness.

All kinds of flowers, all kinds of scents, all kinds of colors, this small flower room is the common memory of Ghost Mother and Gao Cheng, a blind child feels the world through touch and smell The beauty of life, the growth of life, the joy of the heart.

Han Fei raised his hand uncontrollably. When he touched the notebook, all the words on it turned into a strange force, and they all poured into his mind.

The note recorded many things that the ghost mother had done. Every progress and growth of Gao Cheng in childhood had a lot of contribution from the ghost mother. With Gao Cheng,

Another emotion gradually appeared in the eyes full of despair. The dark clothes on the little boy became colorful, and his mother had always protected him, no matter in the past or now.


A missing person notice fell off the wall and floated into the room. More and more missing person notices poured in like weird bugs, covering all parts of the room.

The faces in the photos are hideous and terrifying, all the flowers in the house are withered, and the fragrance of the flowers has turned into a stench. In the end, only the notebook that has been turned into a blank is left in the house.

The last room is also occupied by Xing Xing, but what the ghost mother wants to convey has already been conveyed, and the memory of that period of growing up will always accompany Gao Cheng.

“Attention, player number 0000! You have successfully completed the Shenzhen hidden mission — Gao Cheng’s wish, with the lowest degree of completion. Please choose one of the following three options,”

“Mission Reward 1: Gao Cheng and Gao Xing are twin flowers blooming together. Their destinies are intertwined and affect each other! You can choose to merge with Gao Cheng’s real memory. When you become Gao Cheng completely, You will have a chance to use some of the abilities of the shrine to compete with the gods for control of the memory world.”

“Task Reward 2: Keep Gao Cheng’s real memory, agree to kill the gods for him, and Gao Cheng’s friendliness will increase by ten!”

Task reward three (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 856 I am back from “fooling around”

: Now that Gaocheng has let go of all defenses against you, you can choose to dedicate it to the gods, and you will have a high probability of gaining control of part of the shrine!”

“Minimum level of completion?” Normally, Han Fei might have to face the ghost mother alone, but Brother Chou and the others affected the progress of the mission.

Looking at the three options, Han Fei didn’t make a choice right away.

The boy was also in a very mixed mood at this time. He knew that his mother did not blame him, and he also knew that if he continued like this, he would probably kill his mother. Back on the previous floor, the ghost mother had already left, and the ghost in the building signaled Han Fei to leave as soon as possible. It seemed that there were other hatreds moving this way.

Walking out of the ghost silently, with the faint light shining on him, Han Fei finally chose task reward two.

“The meaning of our efforts is to make the future better. In my opinion, you and your mother can reunite normally. This is the best ending.” Han Fei no longer struggled, and he also heard Gao Sincerely and friendly press the prompt for promotion: “I will help you kill the gods and get your destiny back on track.”

Finding the two Hidden Hope New City survivors, Han Fei sat in the cab of the black truck with them. Everything on the truck was ironclad evidence and needed to be brought back to the Bureau of Investigation.

I hope that the internal development of the new city will be serious, and those “necrotic” parts must be removed as soon as possible.

Driving a black heavy truck, Han Fei returned to Area C without any risk.

As soon as he appeared within the scope of the investigation situation, members of the inspection team of the Disaster Wish Investigation Bureau were already on the alert. In broad daylight, someone dared to drive a Hope New City heavy truck with the evil **** mark on it to the investigation bureau. provocative.

Touching the black ring, Han Fei contacted members of the investigation team in advance to find people. The modified vehicles of both sides met in the buffer zone established by the investigation bureau.

“Don’t get me wrong! My own! I’m Gao Cheng, the leader of the thirteenth team of the investigation squadron! This is my ID!”

Han Fei stopped the black heavy truck and got out of the car. He was in poor condition and fell to the ground halfway through.

Seeing him like this, the inspection team didn’t dare to approach him rashly. Many ghosts would possess acquaintances and launch surprise attacks.

“Is it Gao Cheng? But I remember that when he left, he was riding a motorcycle without even carrying a bag.”

A member of the inspection team looked at the dark heavy truck, the mottled blood stains on it, and the looming altar of the evil god. No one can just go out to do daily tasks and drive a heavy truck full of supplies and sacrifices. of?

“Get out of the way! The location is here!” Members of the investigation team also ran over, and the leader of the three teams, the first seven, rushed to Han Fei directly: “Gao Cheng! Wake up! You are seriously injured, What are you doing here again?!”

“There are two members of Hope Xincheng’s law enforcement team in the car. Hope Xincheng has a big problem. I need to take them to see the director as soon as possible.” Han Fei was helped up, and he covered his head: “You Is there ghost blood?”

“I’ll take you there now!”

“Is there ghost blood…”

The black truck was driven away by the investigation team, and everything on it was Han Fei’s spoils, but they had to be reviewed one by one before being sent to the investigation bureau.

Han Fei and the two hope new city survivors were brought to the conference room, and the three told Li Xue and other high-level officials of the Bureau of Investigation all about what had happened to them.

After listening to what they said, most of them looked very pale. They were desperately trying to repel the ghosts and take back the city, but they hoped that the new city had already been heavily infiltrated by ghosts.

“The evidence on the truck has been inspected, and it is basically confirmed that the three of them are telling the truth.” The tenth group leader, Xueba, entered the conference room with the inspection results, and handed the documents to Li Xue.

“District A is the most dangerous urban area in Xinhu, how can these people move freely there?”

“We hope that the population of Xincheng will exceed 600,000. We must handle this matter carefully, so as not to cause panic, and we must not let these beasts go.”

After discussing for a long time, Li Xue made a final decision, “Collect all the evidence, and patrol a group for 24 hours to protect the two survivors. Tomorrow, I will personally go to the New City of Hope.”

“You want to go there?” The other high-level officials were a little surprised: “Director, our investigation work in Area C is at the most critical moment, it is better for you to stay here and continue to be in charge of the headquarters.”

(This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 856 I am back from “fooling around”

“There are more than one or two of these people who deal with ghosts, and some of them may have already occupied key positions in Hope New City. It is not easy to catch them.” Li Xue inherited her teacher’s teaching Personality: “Gao Cheng stays, and the rest leave the meeting.”

After everyone left, Li Xue walked up to Han Fei and sat down: “Did you still keep some words?”

“How do you know?”

“You seem to have this habit all the time.” Li Xue stared at Han Fei’s eyes: “Tell me, what did you meet outside this time?”

Han Fei didn’t know that Li Xue had experienced those things during the disaster, she seemed to be able to see through Han Fei’s acting skills directly.

As for Li Xue, Han Fei had nothing to hide. He told all about Gao Xing, Gao Cheng and Ghost Mother, including encountering Ugly Brother and so on, without missing anything.

“The Gao Cheng memory you brought out from the deep sea aquarium has completely trusted you? Now you want to deal with the unspeakable who is entwined with his fate?” After thinking for a moment, Li Xue said to Han Fei: “I have a suggestion, do you want to hear it?”

“Go ahead.”

“Since you didn’t choose to integrate Gao Cheng’s memory, then use another method to let him display his Li Xue pushed Brother Chou’s information in front of Han Fei: “Under the Deep Sea Aquarium The hatred of the eyeballs is entwined with the life of the little boy in your mind. You said that their eyes have been replaced by each other, and the memory fragments of the two are also intertwined. We can use that, coupled with the possessive personality of this criminal, to try and get the little boy in your mind to occupy eyeballs. “

Han Fei was slightly taken aback: “Can other people’s personality abilities be used like this?”

“Go to the team leader of the tenth group to discuss it. The power of humans and ghosts is very different. We can survive until now because we can flexibly match the power of various personalities.” Li Xue got up and sorted out all the evidence , The door of the room was pushed open at this moment, and the leader of the investigation team came in, holding a black box in his hand.

“Where are you going?”

“Clean up the moths in Hope New City, and when they receive the report of their disappearance, they will definitely be prepared, so I decided to go there now.” Li Xue took the heavy black box with one hand, and strode away.

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Chapter 856 I am back from “fooling around”

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