My Iyashikei Game Chapter 852: He has an excessive enthusiasm for his work

After Han Fei wakes up in the memory world of the shrine, he occupies Gao Cheng’s body and controls his behavior.

In some respects, he has many similarities with Gao Cheng, such as endless greed, ambition to kill gods, and hatred for this ruined world, but he is not Gao Cheng after all.

Just like when Han Fei occupied Fu Yi’s body back then, Fu Yi would still come out to make trouble at the last moment. He didn’t trust Han Fei at all, he was just using Han Fei to ease the relationship between himself and all his lovers, and waited until the time was right. Come out and enjoy the final results.

Maybe Gao Cheng had a similar plan at the beginning, but in the process of his integration with Han Fei, he gradually made a completely different choice from Fu Yi.

In Gao Cheng’s view, Han Fei has to do better than himself. In order to satisfy his ambition and fulfill his final wish, he can completely give everything to Han Fei.

Gao Cheng’s hatred for the gods has become so strong that as long as he can destroy it, he will pay any price.

Wake up the little boy now and help him meet the ghost mother again. This is Gao Cheng’s final test for Han Fei and his last concern.

The core task of this shrine is not only related to Han Fei’s fate, but will also change Gao Cheng’s own fate.

“I will take you to see your mother and let her tell you in person what she really thinks in her heart.”

No matter how hard Han Fei tried, he couldn’t wake up the little boy, who just stayed between the starlight and the abyss, sealing himself off.

Sighing, Han Fei’s will left his mind: “No wonder Gao Xing regards Twin Flowers as the most important work. Gao Xing and Gao Cheng are twin flowers entangled in fate. One flower completely swallows the other to bloom. He wants to reproduce that despair in me and Kuan Xiao.”

In reality, Gao Cheng’s destiny at the beginning was destined to be swallowed by Gao Cheng, his family, happiness, life, including his eyes, but then something happened, and Gao Cheng completely swallowed Gao Cheng instead.

“Kanxiao and I are also twin flowers, but we both seem to be Buddhist, and we both want to hand over this mess to each other.”

Lying on the bed, looking out the window at the city shrouded in darkness, Han Fei slowly fell asleep.

Healing starlight gently covered every ghost, and the abyss of greed gradually calmed down, and even the black water that had accumulated a lot of despair receded a little.

When Han Fei woke up the next morning, the mental pollution index had dropped to thirty-nine, which was already a relatively safe value for him.

After putting on his clothes, Han Fei tried to move his body. After three days of recuperation, he had recovered more than half of it.

After a full meal, Han Fei took his salary card with a debt of 200,000 to the disaster investigation department. He wanted to receive some tasks about the ghost mother.

“Mr. Gao, aren’t you still receiving treatment?”

“Humanity is about to perish, how can I still have the mind to lie in bed and rest?” Han Fei’s voice was weak, but his words were firm: “Slight injuries can’t go to the line of fire. Now is the time for the investigation bureau to employ people. The resources of the Bureau of Investigation cannot be wasted.”

Han Fei used practical actions to explain what a mind is and what a character is. After suffering such a serious injury, he still thinks about the survivors who were bullied by ghosts, and he has to go to the most dangerous area A.

If he didn’t know in advance that he has a greedy personality, many staff members of the investigation bureau would probably think that he is a head teacher with great love.

After receiving a task about the Food Pavilion in Area A, all members of the thirteenth team of the investigation squadron set off.

Riding a motorcycle borrowed from other investigation teams, Han Fei approached Area A along a safe path. When he was about to arrive, he locked the motorcycle outside the danger zone.

Even during the day, sounds and smells can attract the attention of ghosts, and not all ghosts are afraid of light.

“This is my second time here.”

Looking at the red lantern hanging in front of the Shiwei Pavilion, Han Fei still remembered how embarrassed he was before: “It’s not what it used to be, the personality has been awakened six times, and after having two hatreds, I can walk sideways in ordinary red buildings .”

Han Fei casually opened the door of the Shiwei Pavilion just like going to eat at the barbecue stall downstairs in his own house. @重量·书阁…j·h·s·s·d·c·o(this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 852 He has an excessive enthusiasm for work

·M first. Issue. Update. New~~

“Is anyone there?”

Entering the hall, there are paper figurines sitting around the tables covered with red cloth, and creepy chewing sounds can be heard from all directions.

The temperature in the hall dropped a lot. To Han Fei’s surprise, not only did he not feel uncomfortable, but he felt very comfortable, and the heat in his heart dissipated a little.

Passing through the tables and tables of paper figurines, Han Fei went straight to the back kitchen. If the ghost from the Shiwei Pavilion didn’t come out, he would eat up everything in the back kitchen.

Prying open the floor skillfully, Han Fei summoned his jealousy and let him enter the basement warehouse of Shiwei Pavilion to move things: “Boss, if you don’t come out again, I will vacate this place.”

The blood feast is over, there is nothing important in the storeroom, only a small amount of ghost blood and various unknown meats, which seem to be good sacrificial tributes.

“It’s not the will and the soul, it can’t be swallowed into the abyss of greed, it can only be used here.”

Han Fei called out Impermanence again. This ghost is very special. He is the first ghost that Gao Cheng obtained. A blood sacrifice.

“These are sacrifices that are hard to see outside, you can eat them freely, I will find a way for the last blood sacrifice.

Opening Gao Cheng’s diary, Wuchang and Doniao are Gao Cheng’s best friends and the “people” he once trusted the most. Based on this alone, Han Fei would not abandon them.

With Han Fei’s consent, Wuchang had just picked up the sacrifice when the temperature in the kitchen dropped again. The paper figurines outside all turned their heads and looked at Han Fei.

“What are you looking at? Have you ever seen someone who eats Bawang’s meal?” Han Fei took out the butcher’s knife and said, “Let your boss come out, or I will demolish this red building.”

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, thirty years is too long for Han Fei, three days is enough to change many things.

There was a creepy creaking sound on the second floor, the wooden door was pushed open, and a family of seven walked out of the most luxurious box. The old man standing at the front was the owner of the Shiwei Pavilion.

“I really didn’t expect you to become like this.” Han Fei had seen this family on real TV. Their family has studied cooking skills for generations and is proficient in major cuisines. The ghosts will still stay in the Shiwei Pavilion and cook for other ghosts.

“I have no intention of conflicting with you.” Han Fei slowly tossed the coin of fate with the butcher’s knife in hand, and the abyss of greed quietly emerged behind him, and the breath of hatred spread unscrupulously in the hall: “Last time I Having been here, you should still have an impression.”

The purpose of showing strength was to avoid conflicts. When Han Fei really wanted to kill, he never took out the butcher knife in advance.

“I am the child of the ghost mother, I want to see her again.”

A living person who claims to be the child of the ghost mother, the owner of Shiwei Pavilion does not know how to answer Han Fei’s question, the ghost mother is the most special person in District A, no one wants to offend her, and no one Willing to have too deep involvement with her.

“The Shiwei Pavilion is the place you want to protect, and I also have something I want to protect. If you don’t say it, I can only force you to speak.”

The black mist of greed began to spread, and the headmaster opened his eyes in the abyss.

After a moment of confrontation, the old man beckoned to the youngest child beside him, and he lifted the child’s clothes.

Written on the child’s back are the names of various dishes and taboos. Those words engraved deep in the ghost itself are a kind of curse, very terrifying.

“Is this a recipe specially made for the mother of ghosts?” Han Fei regretted when he found that all the dishes had to be added with a negative human emotion: “Who made such a cruel thing to engrave the recipe on the backs of your offspring?” things?”

The old man pointed to the top of his head, not daring to say a word. He didn’t tell Han Fei anything about the ghost mother, but just patted the kid on the head.

The child understood, and led Han Fei to the third floor dedicated to the ghost mother. He got into the dining table where the ghost mother often sat, and took out a badly damaged night light from under the tablecloth.

Ghost Mother seemed to know that Han Fei would come to her again, and hid this thing in the Shiwei Pavilion after the last time we parted.

(This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 852 He has an excessive enthusiasm for work

“Do I need to turn it on?” Han Fei was about to try to turn on the light, but the little ghost waved his hands again and again. He brought Han Fei to the window, pointed to the buildings deep in Area A, and pointed to the dark cloud Sky.

“You mean to tell me to turn on the lights in those buildings after dark?” Han Fei checked a lot of investigation records at the Disaster Investigation Bureau. It is related to public welfare, and it is not too dangerous in itself. It can be regarded as a buffer zone between the **** buildings in District A. The kid nodded desperately, he was a little scared of Han Fei. “Then I will trust you once.”

Han Fei went back to the first floor and took the impermanence back into the abyss of greed: “I won’t take those ingredients for nothing. I will try my best to save your family’s life in the future. Of course, the premise is that you have not deceived me.”

Leaving the Shiwei Pavilion, Han Fei came to the welfare home in the adjacent block. In the empty compound, all kinds of toys were moving by themselves, and the cartoon portraits on the wall were still blinking, clearly looking at the cute paintings The wind, however, only feels weird.

“With the Shiwei Pavilion as the boundary, we will go deep into the core area of ​​Area A.”

District A is the most dangerous among several districts in Xinhu. There are five black buildings that have been identified, and there are still a large number of treacherous and forbidden buildings.

The main investigation area of ​​the Bureau of Investigation is Area C. Area A is completely occupied by ghosts. If something happens to me, I will not receive any support.

Restraining his breath, Han Fei put on a black peaked cap. As soon as he approached the orphanage, he noticed something abnormal.

In the middle of the compound were half-eaten food and unfinished bags of nutrient solution. Browser *search* search: @重量·书阁…the fastest update…

“The nutrient solution has not solidified, and the food is also very fresh. Has anyone been here within half an hour?”

The survivors in the city will not waste food at all, and the expensive nutrient solution is not affordable by ordinary disaster victims.

Han Fei, who has assisted the police in cracking various cases and is proficient in anti-reconnaissance and destroying corpses, has insight far beyond ordinary people. He sneaked into the orphanage quietly along the corner, and found a lot of traces of human activities here. .

“Ghosts don’t seem to have any influence on them. These guys are strong enough to crush most ghosts? Or are they believers in ghosts like the principal?

Following all the way, Han Fei came to the multifunctional activity room on the second floor of the orphanage. He heard the voices of several strangers through the door panel.

“In nineteen days it will be the birthday of the gods. Have you prepared any gifts for the gods?

“What it has, you don’t have; what it wants, you can’t give it at all.”

“That’s a gift too. Why don’t we turn Hope New City upside down? Hold a live sacrifice on an unprecedented scale to celebrate the god’s birthday.”

“Other companions will not agree, they also want to make Hope New City their own killing paradise.”

Through the crack in the door, Han Fei looked inside. There were three men in uniforms standing in the activity room, and there were two tortured and inhuman corpses at their feet.

“Not the clothes of the Disaster Investigation Bureau…”

Han Fei had seen a similar picture in the investigation bureau’s information, and it seemed to be the exclusive uniform of the high-contribution citizens of Hope New City.

“Why do these three people look familiar?

After staring at it for a long time, Han Fei finally remembered with his super memory, how many people he had seen in the police files in reality!

When laughing and usurping the **** entered the shrine, many criminals in the skyscraper also followed. These three people, like Ma Jing, are all perverted murderers with ghost cards!

“The gods gave them preferential treatment, and made them all awaken their special personalities. These guys seem to hope that they can do well in the new city.”

Many perverted killers are extremely good at hiding, plus they don’t have the slightest sense of guilt or shame. Even if these people dismember their victims at night they can still perfectly chat happily with the victims’ families during the day, Therefore, it is normal that their perverted nature has not been discovered by the people of Hope New City.

Gods also need birthday gifts, especially a **** who lacks love since childhood.

Looking at the oldest man among the three, he said: “We can’t give the gods what they want, (this chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 852 He has an excessive enthusiasm for work

But we can make the gods happy in other ways, such as using all means to torture the people the **** hates or helping the gods to gain the approval of his mother. “

“Brother ugly, do you already have a plan?”

“My personality contains a strong desire to possess. I want to occupy that ghost’s soul and love the gods for her.”

The three people in the room are all perverts in reality, and it’s not surprising that they have such an idea for Han Fei.

Chapter 852 He has an excessive enthusiasm for work

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