My Iyashikei Game Chapter 848: The pain of the past is like the deep sea

The abyss lies in front of the aquarium, and the black mist of greed is like a torrent, crashing into the building covered in hatred.

Han Fei, whose mental pollution index had been reduced to a safe range, made his first attack with all his strength. With the support of other investigation team members, he could vent and attack unscrupulously. This is the benefit of having a large number of people.

Windows and doors exploded, countless glass jars containing fish specimens were smashed, and lonely souls swimming in the dark were swallowed by the abyss. Torn apart and eaten.

Five awakenings of personality is not the limit, Han Fei wants to go to the end of personality to have a look.


The huge deep-sea sign above the aquarium fell to the ground. Under the double oppression of the principal and the executioner, the front hall of the aquarium collapsed, and the transparent glass was broken in the dark water. It was once used to display various fish. There was a gap in the pool, and now there are severely alienated water ghosts and deformed children inside.

Those glass showcases are like newborn embryos. Humans and ghosts are forcibly twisted together by a special force.

“The deep sea aquarium used to display fish, but the current deep sea aquarium seems to be used to display human beings.”

Everyone in reality has a normal appearance, but in the dark and viscous water tank of the aquarium, everyone has lost their camouflage. , and some were covered in scars, so ugly that it was hard to look directly at them.

Only when you are in it can you discover that the difference between people can be so huge.

Twelve investigation teams are still on standby outside, and the executioner has already stepped on the ruins of the front hall to the entrance of the subsea tunnel.

The deep-sea aquarium has the largest aquatic organism exhibition hall in Xinhu, extending more than 25 meters underground, nearly eight floors high, and a water tank with a diameter of 15 meters. It is equipped with a special sightseeing elevator and connects three submarine tunnels.

Before the catastrophe, there were more than 1,800 kinds of marine life swimming in the aquarium, and the staff needed to dive three times, each for up to two hours, to complete cleaning and feeding.

It used to be like a world in a fairy tale, a material library for countless children to dream about. Many people in Xinhu have left all kinds of beautiful memories here, about innocent and happy childhood, and about sincere love , about the warmth of the family, about expectations and yearning.

Some photos can still be vaguely seen on the cursed leaflets, couples kissing in front of the huge transparent water curtain, children chasing fish in the undersea tunnel, those beautiful and gorgeous fish, free and easy Swimming without any restraint, just like in a dream.

Crazy resentment crushed the leaflets, and all the good things were destroyed. Now the deep sea aquarium has become a tricky building. The largest underground water creature exhibition hall in Xinhu is occupied by pitch-black and smelly black water, as if a nightmare is fermenting .

The abyss of greed swallowed all the little ghosts. When the executioner was about to enter the subsea tunnel, human faces appeared on the dark water. They were dressed in the clothes of aquarium staff, but their bodies grew out of fish. similar organs.

“I’m curious, what’s under this bottomless deep water?”

The staff of the aquarium swim like fish, and the lights in the aquarium are also turned on. In the ever-changing light and shadow, more and more figures begin to appear, and the aquarium seems to have returned to the busiest time.

“Mr. Gao, we have detected the illusion, and hatred has appeared!” The voice of Ning Pan, the leader of the second team, came from the black bracelet. He has a firm personality, and nothing can shake him. Can’t affect him.

“Let me find out where it is.”

Han Fei tossed the coin of fate, and the black mist of the abyss spread wildly. The endless greed swallowed even the illusion. His ambition was burning like a flame, as if it would never be satisfied.

“The entrance of the subsea tunnel! Hate is a child!” The voice in the bracelet reminded Han Fei, and the twelve investigation teams also completed the encirclement at this time.

Looking in the direction Ning Pan said, an unremarkable child among the illusory crowd caught Han Fei’s attention.

The child stood alone in the undersea tunnel. She was attracted by the glowing jellyfish above her head. She didn’t find out that her mother made excuses to leave and never came back.

Abandoned in the most beautiful place, after a wish was granted, it seemed to be completely dark.

“It’s so beautiful…”

The little hand is pressed against the glass, and the girl’s eyes are like the deep sea. At first glance, they are blue and mysterious, but if you look closely, you can find the bottomless darkness.

Cracks appeared on the glass of the aquarium, and the girl’s hatred spread all over the deep sea aquarium, filling every corner, and the illusion here

Everything is in her imagination, or in other words, it is the scene frozen in her memory.

“Twelve investigation teams are escorting me. If I am more afraid, I will be really sorry for my job as a midnight butcher.”

Han Fei mainly wanted to try, to see how far there was between going all out and hating.

“When I was so weak before, Kuang Xiao used my body to kill hatred. I should be able to do what he can do.”

Since talking with Li Xue, Han Fei has always had a thorn in his heart: @重量_书阁…j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m “If Kuangxiao really sacrificed himself, then I will Go with his share.”

“Now I can’t rely on others anymore, I have to prepare for the worst.”

This body is full of greed. While devouring ghosts, it is also constantly strengthening itself. Neither Gao Cheng himself nor Han Fei have really brought out their potential.

“Speed ​​up!”

Using the ability of speech, Han Fei directly accelerated three times, and through self-suggestion, strengthened his body to the extreme.

“I have the sharpest knife in the world, and I can kill even butterflies. This hatred is far worse than butterflies.”

Adjusting his breathing, Han Fei has already made all the preparations. He is standing on the edge of the abyss with a knife in his hand, and his mental pollution index has soared.

Thirty seconds.

“Mr. Gao! It is detected that the breath of hatred is spreading! Back off! Attract it to leave!”

“Pay attention to our mission! Determine the type and ability of hatred!” Several team leaders began to prepare to take action. Han Fei was obviously different now. He seemed to want to fight the hatred alone.

“Mr. Gao! Hate is locked on you! Prepare to retreat! Lead it away!”

“Received.” Han Fei replied softly, and then used art appreciation to hate the girl: “If you can’t see the flaw, you can only create it.”

Ordinary large-scale grievances dare not attack hatred, but the executioner is different. This lunatic forged by killing intent has a desire for killing that surpasses everything else.

Han Fei just gave it a command, and the huge ax with the killing intent concentrated on the girl’s head!

The principal with an inclusive personality followed closely behind, and the collision of hatred and hatred tore apart the illusion woven by the girl. The tourists who were still visiting with laughter one moment, turned into mourning ghosts in pain the next moment.

“This child has nothing to do with happiness, but her experience is a little similar to happiness. The illusion woven with hatred is her experience on the last day. Her mother abandoned her in the aquarium, and the happy parents also It is very likely that after showing him around the aquarium, he signed an agreement to replace his eyes with Gao Cheng.”

“Abandoned in the most beautiful place, the splendor they see in front of them is already the last color in their lives.”

Han Fei grasped the butcher’s knife tightly with five fingers, and the bright light of the human knife merged with his heartfelt voice. He and his companions looked at the girl’s memory, and found the girl’s most vulnerable point under the surging hatred.

The healing stars slowly fell, and the world in Han Fei’s eyes changed subtly. The girl’s body exuded endless threads of hatred. And in this whole ghost, the safety door on the west side was deliberately avoided by hatred, and the girl kept her back to the safety door. She seemed to have turned her head and saw her mother leaving from here, but she didn’t choose to chase after it.

“Let me heal you.”

The principal and the torturer held the girl back, and Han Fei slowly bent down, concentrating all his strength on one point.

A ray of light dawned in the darkness, peeking at the weakness in the girl’s hate cage, Han Fei rushed forward, his speed getting faster and faster!

“Teacher Gao! Back off! What do you want to do! You have attracted the attention of hatred! Back off!”

“Team leader 13! Retreat immediately!”

Han Fei, who jumped out of the abyss of greed, is not at the same level as hatred, but he is like an abandoned child abandoned by fate, willing to bet everything and swing his knife at the shackles!


The dazzling knife light shattered the ghost image and darkness, and cut into the back of the girl’s neck. Countless fellows stretched out their hands, dragged the girl’s heavily polluted soul, and cut it open from the back of the neck to the waist !

Fate’s coin flipped in the air, and when the dust fell, ghost blood dripped down the butcher’s knife, and the girl’s severed body began to become unreal, and the wounds from past lives could not heal at all.

The twelve investigation teams on standby had forgotten to urge Han Fei to leave. Everyone thought that Han Fei had a greedy personality and all his power came from ghosts, but he chopped off his hateful body! Really cut the hatred in half!

The black fire core on the girl’s back was destroyed, and the flame pattern showed signs of extinguishing before it burned. I hated myself for not thinking that there would be such a sharp knife in the world.

“It’s a pity that I still didn’t kill her. I have found the place where she ignited the black flame of hatred, and also found the weakness of her obsession, but it is still a little bit close.”

The sequelae of excessively squeezing the body with the words spirit had already appeared, and Han Fei’s soaring mental pollution did not allow him to stay any longer.

Han Fei strictly followed the mission instructions, and after attracting the “hatred” of hatred, he immediately retreated.

“The task is completed, it’s your turn.”Browser*search*search:@精_华_书_阁…fastest update…

In the eyes of others, Han Fei had already broken the hatred, but in order not to fight for credit, he retreated at this time.

“To attract the ghost’s attention, you almost hacked it to death, isn’t it so scary?”

“I’ve reached my limit! Be careful! There should be other hatred hidden in the aquarium!” Han Fei found something after entering the deep sea aquarium. In the subsea tunnel of fear, there are even more terrifying things hidden in the giant underground aquatic life hall extending down 25 meters.

“Do it!” Twelve members of the investigation team came out of the shock brought by Han Fei. been fully exploited.

All team members are carefully selected, and their cooperation can multiply the ability of personality, which is a bit like the students in Class Seven.

Under the premise that Han Fei dispelled the black flames of hatred, twelve investigation teams entered the aquarium. It was not the first time they fought against hatred. Finally, it succeeded in obliterating it to the point where it was about to disappear.

Han Fei, who relied on ghost blood to “continue his life”, also saw the strength of the investigation bureau. All the team leaders of the investigation squadron had awakened their personalities at least three times, and the taciturn team leader even suffered the hatred alone It is said that his personality has awakened seven times, and he is one of the most powerful members of the investigation squadron.

Even without Han Fei’s help, they would have no problem killing Ordinary Hate, but forty percent of them might die.

Before, Han Fei let the ghost bear the attack of hatred, and then destroyed the black fire with a sneak attack, which made the battle easier.

“This child is related to the person the chief wants to investigate! Let me take it in for now!” Han Fei rushed over when the battle was about to end, and used the black mist of greed to trap the little girl into the abyss.

Different from the half-human, half-hatred principal, the little girl really has the hatred of the black fire. Although she is so weak that it is about to dissipate now, as long as she continues to provide her with Yin Qi and feed ghosts, she will be able to do so sooner or later. recover.

The abyss of greedy hunger was satisfied. After the little girl fell into the abyss, the abyss in Han Fei’s mind expanded again. Perhaps when the girl fully recovered, his greedy personality would usher in the sixth awakening.

Normally speaking, hatred must be dispelled. If there is less hatred, the pressure on the survivors will be reduced. However, because Han Fei did make a lot of effort, and he had good reasons, everyone didn’t care too much.

“Teams three, four, and five are responsible for vigilance! The rest of the teams take a five-minute rest on the spot!”

The girl’s hatred was absorbed by Han Fei, but the danger has not been lifted, and the ghosts of hatred covering the aquarium have not completely dissipated either.

“The last moment of fighting with that She wanted to escape into the submarine tunnel and the underground aquatic life hall several times, and there should be another hatred hidden in it.” The ghosts in the aquarium: “The little ghosts are afraid, and their real fear comes from the deep water.”

The members of the investigation team surrounded the giant glass water tank, looking at the dark water surface, and they all felt a little tricky.

“It’s not easy.” Han Fei sorted out the information in his mind: “The girl’s hatred is used to guard the door. This aquarium is the place where Gao Xing and Gao Cheng’s fate intertwined when they were young. If it is true to my guess Just like Gao Cheng, Gao Cheng’s adoptive parents gave Gao Cheng his eyes after they took him to visit the aquarium. This kind of resentment is unimaginable.”

The deep sea aquarium is very likely to be a place where he is happy to store his true memories, and his hatred is hidden under the deep water. His unbearable past, the pain he cannot look at directly, are constantly buried and sinking, and some terrible monsters are alienated It’s all possible.

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Chapter 848 – The pain of the past is like a deep sea.

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