My Iyashikei Game Chapter 796: Venom

Latest URL: Many times people are stuck in their own place, always thinking too much and doing too little.

Han Fei had been shrinking because of his blood volume, but after his brush with death just now, he completely untied himself. Rather than dying peacefully in a corner where no one is around, stinking and rotting, it is better to go crazy without any restraint while the gods are still awake. Although Han Fei and Kuan Xiao are two people, they are also influencing each other subtly, from their work style to their own personalities. If someone knew Han Fei very well, he would be able to find that the maniacal laughter on Han Fei’s body became more and more obvious.

The bright blade was the only light on the twenty-fifth floor, and those who had never seen hope were easily chopped open, and a large number of wounds that could not heal began to appear on the wriggling walls.

The hunchbacked man who sneaked up on Han Fei before had a smile on his face. Han Fei alone was easy to deal with, but if he added the big evil, the situation would be completely different.

He has survived on the twenty-fifth floor for a long time, and this is the first time he has seen such a terrifying giant ghost!

The walls of the corridor transformed by the taboo shattered directly. The 20th floor was where taboos and false gods competed for control, but that extremely ugly monster could easily tear apart the blockade between gods and taboos.

The body twisted again, and the man wanted to distance himself by switching places with the shadow, but he seriously underestimated Han Fei.

Han Fei would not make the same mistake twice. The man realized something was wrong before he merged into his shadow. His shadow seemed to hide something else! When he merged with the shadow, a black python came out His head poked out of the shadow, his huge mouth open.

The little pet raised by Xu Qin can’t even be identified by the system. It seems to be a space that can swallow foreign objects. Now it only appears in the form of a black python because it has not recovered.

The moment the black python succeeded, the blood beads scattered on the man’s body by the **** paper figurine turned into a thumb-sized paper figurine and got into the man’s body.

He let out a scream, and Da Nie and Han Fei had arrived by this time.

The breath of disaster made the man suffocate, Da Nie locked the man with both hands, and stuffed him directly into his mouth. Han Fei, who shot with all his strength, was terrifying. Although he was only level 25, there were too many miscellaneous things on him, and the accumulation of quantitative changes had already formed a qualitative change. keep eating

The murderer who was still smiling strangely just now has half of his body in the mouth of Da Xie. There was a crunching sound, and a new charge appeared on Da Nie – Liu Qingchun.

After obtaining this name, a huge shadow appeared beside Da Nie, and it seemed to be slowly transforming the abilities possessed by Liu Qingchun. Spit out a ball of dirty clothes, Daxie looked at the deformity whose arms and legs were about the same length, it let out a roar, and its huge body began to twist

Deformation. The next moment, one of its arms stretched out from the monster’s shadow, directly piercing through the monster’s back.

Da Nie seems to be very curious about his new ability. He keeps trying to twist various parts of his body, taking turns to damage monsters.

Because of its huge size, Da Xie couldn’t get his whole body into the shadow. It could only protrude a part of his body from the opponent’s shadow at a time.

In Han Fei’s view, this ability is equivalent to abnormality. What he didn’t expect was that Da Nie could easily transform and master the opponent’s ability after he was charged with the other party’s crime.

“As expected, it is a sinful obstacle that likes to compete with gods for food. If it continues to grow like this, it will be a natural disaster by itself.”

Before, Han Fei was afraid of getting into trouble, so he kept a low profile, and he didn’t let the big evil out. The current situation is more dangerous, and the situation can no longer allow him to keep a low profile.

I need to get a joke card on the twenty-fifth floor,

According to the description in the police file, each ghost card has the face of a perverted murderer painted on it, perhaps only the most perverted and crazy guy can be printed on the ghost card. “Han Fei turned Liu Qingchun’s “clothes” and there was no ghost card on him.

“Looking at it this way, the perverted killers in skyscrapers can be roughly divided into three levels. The lowest level is ordinary perverts, the middle level is those **** with criminal charges, and the higher level should be those A murderer with a ghost card engraved on it.” Han Fei was not sure about the fifty floors. He is also speculating a little bit about what is going on.

After killing the two, the lights in the corridor turned on again, but Han Fei and Li Rou found that they had left the previous corridor, and they seemed to be taken to other places by some kind of force.

Hacking against the wall, the place where the door used to be is now a wall, and the passage at the corner of the corridor has become a room.

The light above his head was still flashing, and he didn’t know when it would go out. Han Fei walked up to Li Rou, and was about to call her to leave together, but when he looked down, he found Li Rou’s hand stuck in

Among the murderer’s corpse, the expression on her face was also a bit strange. “What are you doing”

Hearing Han Fei’s voice, Li Rou was taken aback. She quickly got up and hid her left hand behind her back, looking a little panicked, as if her secret had been discovered. “We shouldn’t keep secrets between us. If it’s something that’s good for you, I’ll help you do it.”

Under Han Fei’s persuasion, Li Rou stretched out her left hand in embarrassment, and the bandage wrapped around her wrist was torn off, and a child’s mouth was hidden in the most densely deformed scar.

Li Rou explained in an unskilled voice: it, can drink the blood of sinners, and make me more beautiful. “It’s not just beautiful, is it?” Han Fei nodded.

“I don’t know much about grotesque ghosts. As long as you are willing to follow me, then I will help you become stronger and fulfill our original agreement.” There is an evil smile on the face of a villain, but

What Han Fei said was very heartwarming: “In such a ghostly place, instead of letting others bully us, we should bully others.” He let Li Rou drink up the blood of Liu Qingchun and the long-armed monster , not only did not despise the half-grotesque Li Rou, but even valued her even more. Let’s go to the life house first, and wait until it’s safe.

Meet others. “Han Fei is experienced. He saw from the beginning that Ji Zheng’s purpose for coming to the 25th floor was not so simple, but because he himself also wanted to come to this floor to do tasks, so he simply pushed the boat along.

After chatting for a few words, the frequency of the lights flickering became significantly faster. Han Fei had run away enough, and now he changed his mind.

Let’s hide in the room at the end of the corridor, wait for the lights to go out, and then come out to hunt. If it is really impossible to find the House of Life, then we will mark out a forbidden area by ourselves. “Han Fei was extremely thankful that he had stuffed Da Nie into the ghost pattern at the beginning. If there was no Da Nie, his situation would have been even more difficult. When he opened the door, Han Fei let Da Nie crash in first, regardless of what was inside. Anyway, ordinary ghosts will think “Damn it” when they see Da Nie.

Screams rang out in the house, and a young couple was crushed into meatloaf by Da Nie. If one only looked at the loving appearance of the two of them, one might think that Da Nie killed a good person by mistake, but if one looked at their dining table, would have a completely different view. A child was tied to a dining table with only half of his arms eaten away.

There is a fig leaf on the other floors, but on the 25th floor, all the hypocritical cover-ups have been ripped off, revealing the essence of the skyscraper, which is cannibalism.

Taking out the superficial world medicine, Han Fei tried to treat the child’s wound, and the lights in the room went out again.

The dark corridor began to change again. The difference from last time was that there was a sound of bells colliding on the other side of the corridor, and an old lady was humming a scary nursery rhyme. The cute and straightforward lyrics became dark when the old man sang them. When the children at the dinner table heard it, they trembled and became incontinent with fear.

“You escaped from that old grandma’s house, is she your family?” Han Fei tried to get some information from the boy, but the boy was so frightened that he couldn’t give Han Fei any hints.

Looking at you like this, the old lady is probably not a good person. Han Fei really wanted Da Nie to hide his aura and join him in a sneak attack, but as soon as Da Nie left the ghost pattern, the aura of disaster on his body would crazily spread in all directions. Han Fei seriously suspected that this guy was deliberately provoking trouble. Maybe he would only keep a low profile when he ran into the shrine to steal tributes from other people’s homes.

Don’t worry, wait until she gets closer before you go out. Han Fei patted Da Nie’s head, like an old father who had his heart broken.

Accompanied by the singing, there was a rustling sound similar to insects crawling. Han Fei glanced outside through the crack of the door, and saw children crawling on the walls and ceiling of the corridor. All of these children are physically disabled, and some

They were congenital deformities, and some had their limbs crippled the day after tomorrow. They were as miserable as they looked.

At this moment, those children were like enslaved stray cats, forced to move forward to explore the way, and finally they all stopped at the door of Han Fei’s room. She is very confident in herself, she senses the aura of Da Nie and dares to surround this place

As soon as Caofei had this idea in his mind, he saw the walls began to rot, the fleshy walls were torn apart by the children, and immature faces wanted to sneak into the house.

No wonder Ji Zheng said that only the house of life is safe, these rooms can’t stop them at all!

Knowing that there was no way to escape, Han Fei no longer stopped Da Nie: Go ahead, do whatever you want, I won’t restrain you anymore. In the past, Han Fei was always afraid that Da Nie would cause trouble. On the 25th floor, which was occupied by taboos, Han Fei took the initiative to untie Da Nie. Black blood full of soul poison oozes from the huge body

, Da Nie beat the ground, let out a deafening roar, it smashed through the wall, and crawled towards the source of the nursery rhyme with the flesh and blood all over its body.

With a body of more than five meters, a catastrophic aura like a torrent, coupled with the most ugly face in the world, Da Nie seemed to be the first ghost in the night, rushing towards the target extremely ferociously.

Seeing this scene, Li Rou was too scared to speak, but Han Fei felt his blood speed up. It seemed that only at this time could he clearly realize that he was still alive.

It turns out that I don’t hate this feeling, it’s just that my reason suppresses my nature because I’m too weak. “

Letting the **** paper figurine stand behind him, Han Fei walked out of the room with the butcher’s knife in hand.

Those children with deformities can’t stop the big evil at all, the strength and speed of both sides are not at the same level. “Driving children to kill, this guy is disgusting.” He ran forward following the sound, and when Han Fei arrived, the singing had stopped.

Three tall and strong fools collided with Da Nie. They used their own flesh and blood to form a wall to stop Da Nie. Behind the three fools stood an old lady with a fierce and mean face. It is very delicate, and in this environment, I even sewed a bag for myself out of human skin. Why does she look familiar? Han Fei recalled the files he had read. Many years ago, there was a shocking murder of children in the outer suburbs of Xinhu. Aunt Qing, the human trafficker, buried her three stupid sons alive in order to avoid being traced. Most of the abducted children.

She is the most disgusting witch in the outer suburbs of The normal children who are kidnapped will be resold by her at a high price, and she will not let go of those children with physical defects.

According to the records of the police Fang Zongzhong, Aunt Qing beat all the mentally and physically handicapped children into disabilities, sawed off their limbs, and forced them to beg for food.

The men of this perverted lunatic were eventually arrested by the police

Catch it, even the prisoners in the prison feel ashamed and disgusted by the things they did, and many of them died in the prison inexplicably. The cubes represent buried alive, and she might have the joker I need.

Han Fei concentrated his attention highly. There was another reason why he valued this vicious woman besides the joke.

There were a very small number of children who were rescued by the police. Their bodies and minds were greatly devastated, and they suffered from various strange mental illnesses.

In order to cure these children, the laboratory established by Yongsheng Pharmaceutical took the initiative to undertake the task of treating and raising them, and these children who were tortured by human traffickers were also the first batch of children who were sent to the depths of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical Welfare Institute.

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