My Iyashikei Game Chapter 775: It’s like 2 people

Latest URL: After watching Han Fei’s dance, Li Huang’s parents told Han Fei about the past that they had been unwilling to mention.

“My mother passed away a long time ago, and my father was the pillar of the family. At that time, his dance was not recognized by the mainstream. In addition, he had a bad temper, was stubborn, and refused to bow his head. The theater troupe he cooperated with always let him stand. Playing a supporting role on the edge of the stage. Later, because of some conflicts, his father was forced to leave the troupe, and he could only rely on odd jobs to maintain the family’s life.”

“Our family used to be really poor, but my father has always taught us that no matter how poor we are, we must not lose our integrity. If we live like that, the light in our eyes will disappear.”

“My father is really a good person. After the new neighbors moved in, he knew that the couple were blind, and he would take the initiative to help. At the beginning, he asked us children to spend more time with the neighbors. The child at home, take him to play with him.”

“I also knew him from that time, the child living in a visually impaired family, his name is Gao Xing.”

When Li Huang’s father pronounced this name, the blood on his entire face began to fade, and his skin instantly became much paler.

“Happy’s father was blind in both eyes and deaf in one ear due to a car accident when he was a child. When he grew up, he married a woman who was congenitally blind. Their life was very hard, and there was always darkness around them until Happy was born. “

“The appearance of that child is like a ray of light entering a dark cage, and both husband and wife regard the child as a gift from God.”

“Happy was brought up by blind parents. He has gathered all the advantages from his parents. He is kind, gentle, and knows how to be considerate and caring for others at a young age.”

“He knows that his parents are different from him, and he is also used to communicating with his parents in ways other than ‘looking’. He will sit next to his parents and tell about his new friends, and he will put the clay figure he made in the palm of his father. , Let the family guess who it is by touching, and he will bring flowers home, so that the fragrance of flowers can also appear in that isolated hut.”

“In the age we lived in, blind people rarely went out alone, and happy parents often shut themselves at home, relying on hand-woven crafts in exchange for a meager income.”

“Every weekend, they will go out once, hand over the woven works to the vendors, and then go to the market to purchase daily necessities.”

“When their family goes out, happiness is their eyes, leading their parents to walk on the sidewalk, and meeting other people’s strange eyes.”

“The blind man can’t see the faces with different expressions, but he is happy to see that he has seen the oppression of small vendors at a very young age, his mouth is full of bitterness and bitterness.”

“It was also at that time that Gao Xing understood a truth – he had to work harder than other children in order to live an ordinary life like ordinary people.”

“After another period of time, Gao Xing went to school, and after meeting many children of the same age, Xing Xing slowly changed.”

“While his parents taught him to be kind, they also imprinted the anxiety about the outside world deep in his heart.”

“When other children talked about various things, Gao Xing found that he had nothing; When the school is bullied, their parents will rush to the school immediately, happy but only bear, he doesn’t want to cause trouble for his parents, and he doesn’t want other children to know that their parents are different from theirs.”

Speaking of this, Li Huang’s father sighed softly: “The schools on the edge of the old city are too backward, one teacher has to take care of too many children, and I can’t manage it at all. I don’t know if I am happy or not. , but I know his family can only afford that kind of school.”

“This child’s experience is indeed bumpy, but it’s not what I expected.” What Han Fei is looking for this time is the mastermind behind the three major criminal organizations, a veritable super criminal.

“Afterwards, there will be renovation and demolition of the old city, and the popularization of intelligence and mechanization. There will no longer be any need for low-end labor. The blind couple will gradually lose their orders.”

“My father is very soft-hearted. After learning about the situation of the neighbor’s house, he lied that he knew several bosses, and he would pay for some handicrafts from the neighbor’s house every month. It’s full.”

“This kind of life has lasted for a long time. Xinhu began to build a smart new city, two technology giants rose, the old city gradually fell into disrepair, the outer area was planned as the outer suburbs, and fewer and fewer people lived in it. We are in this big city. grew up in the environment.”

“Probably when I was in junior high school, my father knocked on the door late one night, entered my room very seriously, and said something to me that I still can’t forget.”

“He warned me very sternly not to have any contact with Gao Xing’s family anymore, and he also said that he would move out from here after a while.”

“I don’t know what my father saw or heard, and I felt that he was inexplicable at that time.”

“I met Gao Xing when I went to school the next day. He became thinner and weaker, and there were injuries under his long sleeves.”

“He greeted me with a smile, just like before, with a cheerful and enthusiastic expression on his face, and kindness and joy in his eyes.”

“I wanted to go there, but I recalled my father’s warning, so I ignored him and left directly. I could see the surprise and a trace of disappointment on his face. Apart from me, he was in the compound It seems that there are no other friends here.”

“Everything changed three months later, when I was fully preparing for the entrance exam, my happy parents were killed. The murderer was a habitual burglary. This time I was unexpectedly discovered by my happy parents. There was a fierce fight between the two sides. The thief accidentally killed the happy parents.”

“I’m very sad after knowing the news, and I want to comfort and be happy.”

“I saw Joy for the last time at my parents’ funeral.”

“He said that sooner or later he will live in the tallest and most luxurious building in the city. If he can’t make everyone respect him, then let everyone fear him.”

“I can’t understand his thoughts, just like I can’t understand why such a kind child grows up like this step by step?”

“At that time, I was very sympathetic and happy, but my father hated him a little. He didn’t even attend his parents’ funeral, so he chose to move directly.”

“Since we left the compound, our family seems to have changed fortunes. My father’s dancing has gradually been recognized. He has earned money that was unimaginable before. Our family no longer has to worry about life. Arrived at the core of the old city, and moved from the old city to the smart new city…”

Li Huang’s father held his wife’s hand: “When I was about to forget Gao Xing, my father found me again one night, and he told me a very scary thing.”

“When the thief entered the house to steal and killed Gao’s parents, the whole thing seemed to be related to happiness.”

“With the help of a thief, he killed the blind parents who gave birth to him.”

Li Huang’s father’s words were creepy, and it was the first time Li Huang, who was standing next to Han Fei, heard them.

“Father disappeared shortly after he told me the news.”

“On the third day of the disappearance, we received a pair of eyeballs and a note with this sentence written on it – so you should be able to understand me, right?”

“My family’s situation has become worse and worse since then. It seems that all luck has been spent, and everything will fail. It was not until Li Huang grew up that the family returned to normal.”

Li Huang’s parents didn’t want to mention these things that happened in the past, but they didn’t expect Han Fei to be able to dance the old man’s dance before his death. The memory is like a needle buried in a sponge. Feel the sting.

“Have you been threatened by Gao Xing? I remember that the police seemed to help you find someone, but you refused the police’s help.”

“I’m sorry, I’ve already told you everything I can tell you.” Li Huang’s father looked at Han Fei and said, “Be sure to stay away from him. Anyone who approaches him, whether it’s good to him or Those who treat him badly will all die.”

“I’ll keep an eye out.”

“You don’t understand!” Li Huang’s father was very anxious: “He is different from the criminals you chased before, there is a fundamental difference! He…”

In the middle of Li Huang’s father speaking, there was a sudden noise from the phone, as if the vase had been blown down by the wind and shattered.

“In short, don’t try to find him, it’s best to get rid of even this idea.” Li Huang’s father said firmly: “If you hadn’t rescued Li Huang before, you would still dance my father’s dance. I won’t tell you this.”

The video call was interrupted, and Li Huang’s house became very quiet.

“This is the first time I’ve heard about that person. My parents never told me about it.” Li Huang picked up the phone, and she had already tried her best to convince her parents.

“They have already told me a lot of news.” Han Fei called Li Xue again, hoping to make Li Xue happy to help investigate.

A few minutes later, Li Xue brought bad news to Han Fei. There was no happy person in the citizen information database. The police also conducted an investigation around what Li Huang’s father said, and there was no happy person in all the data. The presence.

According to the files found by the police, the blind couple were indeed killed by thieves, but they had no children during their lifetime. I am glad that this person seems to be fabricated by Li Huang’s father.

“It’s not right, which link is wrong.” Han Fei frowned, and while he was still thinking, his phone vibrated again, and Liulimao called him: “What happened?” ?”

“Cai Bao was attacked! The opponent is not an ordinary player!”

“Are you all right?” Han Fei stood up and asked worriedly.

“I was targeted in the game, I’ll let Brother Huang tell you.” Liulimao handed the phone to Huang Ying.

“Han Fei, the people you provoked this time are terrible, they are the most notorious cocoon hackers!” For virus detection, the goal of those cocoon room hackers is not to destroy the game accounts of Liulimao and Caibao, they want to follow the game account to find Liulimao in reality!”

“”Perfect Life” is controlled by the brain, those hackers should not be easy to succeed.”

“The information barrier is a protection set up by the Xinhu Network Security Division for all citizens. Only hackers who have successfully broken the barrier are eligible to be called cocoon hackers. They are very powerful themselves, and this time it seems that there are many people Lianhe, I really don’t understand why the avatar of a sunny boy is being targeted by so many cruel guys?” Huang Ying’s voice was full of exclamation.

“What do you think is the probability of Caibao and Liuli Mao’s information being leaked?”

“There is no risk of leakage for the time being, but it will be hard to say in the future.” Huang Ying asked someone to do a special security assessment. This incident is also a reminder for himself.

“The online preliminaries should be almost over. Give me that avatar, and I’ll play it next.” Han Fei didn’t want anyone to be hurt because of him.

“Okay, I’ll tell Caibao now.”

The thick curtains blocked all sunlight, even at twelve o’clock in the noon, there was still no light in this musty smelling room.

In a building in the old city of Xinhu, a young man is counting the money on the table. He has not seen cash for a long time.

“Are you sure the cocoon hacker you contacted for me is the right person?” Sitting opposite the young man was a man wearing a guinea pig mask, with gloomy eyes, looking at the report in his hand.

“I’m sure, there should be a female gamer under the male holster. We found the best psychoanalyst, observed all her images, and speculated about her character and habits.” The young man didn’t have a head. lift.

“Did I find the wrong one? But why did he appear so coincidentally? And he chose to be in the same exhibition hall as Ye Xian?” The guinea pig read the report: “Female, introverted, somewhat socially afraid in front of strangers, After getting acquainted with each other, he seems careless…”

There is a huge gap between the sunny boy in the report and the sunny boy in the guinea pig’s heart, it’s like the difference between a seal and a sea monster.

“It’s so strange, it seems that I have to go and try it myself.”

March, early spring.

Download the iRead app to see the latest chapter content. The latest chapter content is already in the iRead app, and the website has not updated the latest chapter content. In the eastern part of Nanhuangzhou, a corner.

The hazy sky was gray and black, with a heavy depression, as if someone had spilled ink on the rice paper, and the ink soaked the sky, smudged the clouds.

The clouds overlapped and blended with each other, spreading out crimson lightning bolts, accompanied by rumbling thunder.

Like the low roar of the gods, echoing in the world.

Please download the iRead app to read the latest chapters for free without ads. The blood-colored rain, with sadness, fell to the mortal world.

The earth is hazy, and there is a ruined city, silent and lifeless in the red rain of blood.

In the city, there are ruins, everything is withered, collapsed houses can be seen everywhere, as well as blue and black corpses and minced meat, like broken autumn leaves, silently withering.

The bustling streets in the past are now bleak.

The sandy dirt road where people used to come and go is no longer noisy.

Only blood mud mixed with minced meat, dust, and paper remained, which was indistinguishable from each other, which was shocking.

Not far away, a wrecked carriage was sunk deep in the mud, full of mourning, only an abandoned rabbit doll hanging on the shaft, swaying in the wind.

The white fluff has already been soaked into wet red, full of eerie and strange.

The muddy pupils seemed to have some resentment left, and they looked at the mottled stones in front of them alone.

There, there was a figure lying on its stomach.

This is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy, his clothes are ragged and full of dirt, and there is a broken leather bag tied around his waist.

The young man squinted his eyes and remained motionless. The biting cold penetrated his worn coat from all directions, covering his whole body, gradually taking away his body temperature.

But even if the rain fell on his face he didn’t blink his eyes, staring coldly into the distance like a falcon.

Following his gaze, a skinny vulture was gnawing on the carrion of a wild dog at a distance of seven or eight feet, and looked around vigilantly from time to time.

It seems that in this dangerous ruin, if there is any slightest wind and grass, it will fly into the air in an instant.

Download the iRead app and read the latest chapters for free without ads. And the teenager is like a hunter, patiently waiting for the opportunity.

After a long time, the opportunity came, and the greedy vulture finally completely submerged its head into the wild dog’s abdominal cavity.

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Chapter 775 is different from two people.s81book

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