My Iyashikei Game Chapter 761: The Art of Death

Latest URL: Back home, Han Fei logged into the game for the first time during the day.

He was very resistant to entering the game before, but since leaving Fu Sheng’s memory shrine, he has changed a lot.

He didn’t say it, but he actually regarded the deepest despair as his home.

After a full meal, Han Fei put on the gaming helmet.

Blood filled Han Fei’s back when he logged in to the game. The **** monster who was back to back with him seemed to have climbed onto his shoulders, and his body was slowly bending down.

“Someday I will see you.”

Opening his eyes, Han Fei found that Kui and Ying Yue were staring at him curiously, as if wondering why he appeared so early today.

“Have you two become good friends now?” Han Fei patted the heads of the two children and cried. With the improvement of strength, they have grown rapidly recently, a bit like Ying Yue’s brother.

“Yeah.” Cry softly hummed: “We are in the same grade in the building, so we can talk a lot. I want to build our grave closer after we leave the deep world, so that at night We can also come out to play together.”

Children’s words are not taboo, but they are also very sincere.

Bringing his “left and right protectors”, Han Fei ran to the edge of the Heiyu area in one breath and entered the Yimin convenience store branch opened by Yinglong.

Lifting the lid of the sauce jar, Han Fei reached into the shattered skull and grabbed Bu Kaixin’s neck.

“I worked so hard to help you find your mother and treated her at my own expense, but you just repay me like this?” Han Fei used the language of flowers and the secret of touching the depths of the soul, but the strange thing is these two abilities There is no way to detect Bu Kaixin’s problem. There is no malice in the depths of his soul, only deep regret.

“You said to find your brother, but your mother said that she has only one child, and his name is Booming.”

Hearing the words of Bu Ming, Bu Xin, who was curled up at the bottom of the sauce jar, began to tremble all over.

“I thought your brother was unhappy?” Han Fei pinched Bu Kaixin’s neck and pulled him out of his broken skull: “Who is Buming? How many things are you hiding?”

The soul trembled, and a large number of black blood vessels spread out from Bu Xin’s corpse buried in the sauce jar, like the roots of plants, spreading along the gaps in the sauce jar, as if he wanted to escape from here.

“You ran away, what about your mother? Now the beasts of the Killing Club are trying their best to kill him. If it weren’t for me, your mother would have turned into a corpse an hour ago. You just have to tell me the truth, I can help you!”

Han Fei let go of his hand, and the happy soul in the sauce jar was like a small octopus, retracting into the skull as quickly as possible.

He only exposed his eyes and stared at Han Fei.

“Booming will use different emotions to deal with different situations. Do you think I am too kind and think I am a good person, so you want to use this kind of emotion to deal with me?”

The corners of his mouth were raised, and Han Fei usually only showed such a smile when killing people.

Bu Kaixin also felt that Han Fei had murderous intentions. He was very helpless. He thought he had escaped from the gardener’s suffering, but who knew he had fallen into Han Fei’s vortex again. Any living person who ever lived would be horrified.

As if he knew that if he didn’t do anything else, he would definitely be killed by Han Fei. Bu Kaixin slowly crawled out of his skull, pierced his chest with both hands, and bit by bit opened the shell of his soul, revealing his heart .

His heart turned into a colorful seed, very beautiful, containing all kinds of emotions in the world, bringing different colors to this deep world.

“Why do you let me look at things? Do you want to give your heart?”

Hearing Han Fei’s words, Bu Kai shook his head repeatedly. Enduring the pain, he pulled the seed out of his heart and held it in his palm.

The end of that seed is connected to Bu Kaixin’s soul, and the meaning of his existence seems to be to let this seed take root, germinate, blossom and bear fruit.

Han Fei gently touched it with curiosity, and a fresh fragrance came to his face. The seeds bred in the carrion were like pure natural candy, fresh and sweet, and just touching it made people feel very comfortable. .

“Not quite right.”

Han Fei slowly pressed his fingers hard, and under the beautiful shell, the inside of the seed was densely covered with bloodshot eyes, like an eyeball that had stayed up late for a month.

As the fresh fragrance dissipated, a sticky **** smell gushed out from the tiny seeds like sea waves.

“Whose memory is this?”

Han Fei used the secret of touching the depths of the soul. With the cooperation of Bu Kaixin, he saw a completely different picture from before.

There was a person with the same face as Bu Xin, who was eating a **** box lunch and sitting in a dark underground studio.

All kinds of tools are hung on the old wall. There are two wooden tables in the center of the secret room. , to be able to clearly see what you are going through.

What’s more cruel is that the secret room is also equipped with adrenaline, pain-magnifying potions, and various first-aid tools. The murderer is deliberately slowing down the killing speed, and regards death as a feast.

The picture changes, and Bu Kaixin, who is holding a box of lunch, raised his head. His facial features are the same as that of Bu Kaixin in front of Han Fei, but his temperament is completely different. When breathing, the surrounding air will become cold.

The picture in the depths of the soul changed again. A person wearing a guinea pig mask entered the basement. He was very satisfied with Bu’s happy performance and opened his mouth to say a few words.

“If you want to become a core member among us, you must pass such a test.”

“Now that death has bloomed, you will be the most beautiful flower. When Xinhu becomes a sea of ​​flowers, you will be reborn in a new world.”

Han Fei, who had learned lip language by himself, could barely repeat what the other party said.

“I’ll take you across the bridge.”

The guinea pig mask put a mirror in front of Bu Kaixin: “Are you willing to lose your happiness and never be able to smile again?”

Bu nodded happily, and then he in the mirror began to laugh, and he himself became even colder.

“Are you willing to be dominated by fury and receive the blessing of the gods?”

“Are you willing to embrace death, chase death, and spread death?”

“Are you willing to be your true self?”

Bu Kai passed the first few questions smoothly, but an accident occurred in the last question.

He nodded and wanted to be his real self, but there was a conflict between him in the mirror and him in reality.

The emotions that had been taken away from him began to fight back, and the whole person fell into frenzy and division, and the expression on his face changed every second.

Picking up the tools on the wall, he scratched his face and stabbed his body, but no matter what he did, he couldn’t get back to normal.

Until the whole body was soaked in blood, a trace of bewilderment appeared on Bu Kaixin’s face. The brutal and crazy him at the beginning disappeared, replaced by a big foolish boy.

When Guinea Pig Mask saw this, his eyes were full of disappointment.

“The mirror of the gods will not lie. The person you want to be the most is such a waste. I am really disappointed in you.”

The **** Bu Kaixin is pushed towards the mirror by the guinea pig mask, and the picture in the seed ends here.

Bu Kai in the sauce jar curled up happily and looked at Han Fei with some fear. Han Fei held his “core” in his hand, and the other party could kill him at any time.

“The guinea pig mask is the core member. The mirror in his hand should be something from the deep world, and the **** in his mouth is probably the unspeakable in the black rain area.”

Hate can affect reality through special means, and of course it can be unspeakable, and its impact is far more profound and terrifying than hatred.

“Those lunatics seem to be looking for special living people.”

Han Fei frowned slightly. There was an inextricable relationship between this black rain area and reality. He became more and more interested in the ghosts hidden deep in this area.

Instead of squeezing the cloth to be happy, Han Fei put him under the black rain again, and then went to the club by himself.

The gardener was not there, so Han Fei chatted with the dancer for a while.

He wanted to get useful information from the dancer, but the old dancer didn’t like it at all. He only wanted to teach Han Fei how to dance, and didn’t say much else.

As time passed, Han Fei raised all his interests and hobbies to advanced levels, took time out to complete an F-level ordinary task in the Black Rain area, and then hurriedly went offline. He still has important things to deal with today .

After exiting the game, Han Fei logged into his Sunshine Boy virtual account and checked the emails in the gray area.

“The offline meeting of the death management group chat is today, and I should still have time to go there now.”

Put on a set of clothes that he had never worn before. Han Fei knew that the place he was going to was dangerous. Instead of bothering the taxi driver this time, he rented a motorcycle and rushed to Dolphin Bay by himself. .

Netizens from other people’s homes usually eat and drink when they meet, but Han Fei’s offline gatherings are different.

Put on the clown mask that he walked along in Corpse Water Bay before, and Han Fei rode a motorcycle on the road, making him look like a normal person.

At 3:30 in the morning, Han Fei came to the vicinity of Dolphin Bay according to the navigation. Unlike what he expected before, there are still many people living in this place, and it is not as desolate as imagined.

Avoiding the lights, Han Fei walked slowly in the darkness, like a giant crocodile lurking underwater. Wherever he went, the darkness was slowly spreading.

“The room where the **** the invitation letter died is here.”

The further you go north, the less lights there are. The locals seem to know that there seems to be a murder here, so they seldom come here.

Crossing the street, Han Fei parked his motorcycle in the back alley, climbed over the courtyard wall, and entered a dilapidated neighborhood.

This is where the girl was killed, but due to various reasons, there are still residents in the community who have not moved out, most of them are helpless old people.

“Why put the party here? Aren’t they afraid of being discovered?”

Entering Building No. 5, Han Fei looked at the various advertisements posted on the wall. All the dirty and dark places forgotten by the mainstream were posted on the wall. Black clinics, lost children, all kinds of contraband, dirty Xi’s walls are like a black market in a gray area.

“The times are developing too fast, and these corners have been ignored.”

Pushing open the door on the third floor, Han Fei stopped at the door.

The floor between the third floor and the second floor was hollowed out, and there was a big hole in the doorway, if you were not careful, you might fall directly.

“I’m the only one here at this time?”

Han Fei looked into the house. On the yellowed wall, someone scrawled “Return my life” with red paint. All kinds of furniture were piled up randomly, and a large piece of black lacquer was stained on it. I don’t know if it’s blood or mold.

Taking a breath, Han Fei walked forward along the corner. He first checked the kitchen and bathroom, and finally pushed open the half-hidden door of the bedroom.

A faint fishy smell wafted from the house, and Han Fei found that besides him, there were four other people in the bedroom.

A fisherman wearing black rubber shoes, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, a skinny female patient, and a disheveled homeless man.

The four of them stood at the four corners of the bedroom, facing a TV in the room.

“Someone came here wearing a mask, so professional.” The middle-aged man was carrying a briefcase, and he gave the impression that he was off work and came to play script killing with his friends.

“Hello, I’m Deep Sea.” The fisherman smiled at Han Fei, showing his crooked teeth. He looked very ugly, like a deep sea fish.

Han Fei nodded. He didn’t intend to introduce himself.

“Aren’t there twenty people in that group? Why are we the only ones here now?”

“Some didn’t dare to come, some came too early and went to catch up on sleep.” The homeless man scratched his dirty and messy hair and spat at the big hole in the middle of the bedroom.

A few people looked towards the entrance of the cave, and there were two corpses lying on the ground on the second floor. They were sleeping peacefully, and they probably would never wake up again in this lifetime.

Ten minutes later, the door on the third floor was pushed open old man in ordinary clothes came in.

His eyes were blinded, and he should be begging for a living at ordinary times, and he walked tremblingly, looking very miserable.

“Is anyone there? I’m here to deliver the letter.” The old man just stopped in front of the big hole at the door, and if he took a step forward, he would fall down and be pierced by the exposed steel bars.

“Letter?” Han Fei was the first to go out, took the letter from the old man, and then drove the old man out of the room.

“You are so kind, I really want to be friends with someone like you.” The other four looked at the old man expectantly, but because of Han Fei’s existence, the good show they were looking forward to did not take place. All are a little dissatisfied.

Han Fei didn’t care what those people thought at all. He opened the letter, and there were only a few simple sentences in it.

“Congratulations for finding the right time. This offline communication meeting is mainly to select new core members. You will use this small town that is about to be abandoned as the stage to start the death art competition. The new death diffusion The core members of the group chat will be born among twenty of you.

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