My Iyashikei Game Chapter 735: 24 hours

Latest URL: The old man in the wheelchair has already made it very clear that Han Fei is an important witness in catching the butterfly, and he must not be allowed to have any accidents. This is the case before catching the butterfly.

“No matter how big the loopholes in “Perfect Life” are, it is also the business of those two companies. We can cooperate with them in the investigation, but if they dare to jump over us to do something beyond the legal principles, then don’t Blame us for being rude.”

A police officer in a white shirt gathered everyone’s opinions, and finally everyone reached a consensus—to protect Han Fei before catching the butterfly.

“Then how do we get rid of the people from Yongsheng Pharmaceutical?” A young policeman standing in the corner asked, and everyone turned their attention to Han Fei again. The old man in the wheelchair asked for the third time. that question.

“Han Fei, you appeared in the depths of the tunnel last night, is that person wearing the mask you?”

“I’ve watched the video too, but frankly, I don’t understand why everyone associates me with that person?” Han Fei was a little helpless. His Master Level 4 acting skills made every look in his eyes look very natural. What he said Even himself is convinced.

“There is a force on the Internet that is deliberately guiding you. In just twelve hours, the entire Internet has fermented and you have become a public enemy. If there is no one behind it, I don’t believe it.” The middle-aged policeman in the white shirt is very sensible: “Think about it, who have you offended?”

“I used to be the boss of the film and television company, and there were some perverted killers.”


“Except for Butterfly, those perverted killers have basically been brought to justice.” Han Fei was telling the truth.

“It seems that this should be Butterfly’s plan against you.” The old man leaned on the back of the wheelchair: “Find someone who is similar in size to you to destroy the “Perfect Life” game, and then kill people with a knife, blaming all the faults on you , let you become the enemy of the two major technology giants and tens of millions of players. After you lose the protection of public opinion, you will crush your heart step by step and destroy your life from the inside out. Yes, this is indeed a butterfly He never kills himself, and often forces the victim to commit suicide.”

Li Xue’s teacher and Die Die have been rivals for half their lives, and he knows each other very well.

“If you want to destroy Butterfly’s plan, you must first help Han Fei get rid of the suspicion. We can create an alibi for him.” The middle-aged police officer glanced at Han Fei:

“Before that masked man shows up next time, we will monitor you for 24 hours to ensure that you do not communicate with the outside world.”

Hearing the middle-aged police officer’s proposal, Han Fei was a little embarrassed, and he didn’t immediately agree.

“This is the easiest way. If you find it inconvenient, we can try other methods.” The old man didn’t force Han Fei, and his eyes stared at Han Fei with some vicissitudes, feeling that he had seen through Said a lot of things, just didn’t say it.

“What if the man in the mask never shows up?”

“The purpose of letting you disclose your life is to temporarily calm the public’s anger and prove your innocence. But we will not bet on our opponents. While you are attracting public attention, we will seize the time to investigate, Bring out all the black hands hiding behind the scenes, and cut them off one by one!”

“Okay, I agree.” Han Fei reluctantly agreed. In fact, this is the plan he prepared for himself. Bai Xian played Han Fei in charge of the deep world. Then stay in reality to get rid of the suspicion, and the three of them divide and cooperate, and each has his own role.

As soon as Han Fei agreed, there were hurried footsteps outside the corridor. Not long after, the door was knocked open, and the two middle-aged police officers sitting beside the conference table frowned.

“Representatives of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals and Deep Space Technology are here, and they hope to meet Han Fei.”

“How do they know we picked people up?” “I don’t know.”

“We have determined the solution. We can call them together and stop their mouths, so that they can help us investigate the butterflies.” The old man said a few words to the people around him,

He didn’t leave the room, but let Li Xue and Han Fei go there first.

Through the corridor, Han Fei was taken by the police to the largest conference room outside. Representatives of the two technology giants had already arrived, a total of seven people.

Six of them were dressed in suits and leather shoes, and they looked like elites from large companies, but what caught Han Fei’s attention the most was a young man standing in the middle, whose eyebrows were slightly similar to Fu Tian’s.

According to common sense, if such a serious incident happened not long after the service of “Perfect Life” was launched, a seasoned and prudent person would definitely be dispatched to take charge, but the two major technology companies entrusted such an important matter to a young people.

When Han Fei entered the conference room, the young man’s eyes were also focused on Han Fei. He looked somewhat similar to Fu Tian, ​​but he did not inherit Fu Tian’s benevolence and kindness. His eyes are very sharp, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling, like an eagle flying high in the sky, overlooking everything, ready to hunt at any time.

The police and the representative of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical began to communicate. The young man sat opposite Han Fei and left the chores to his subordinates. It seemed that he came here this time to observe Han Fei.

The police had reached a consensus before. They felt that Han Fei was wronged. Of course, the people from the two major technology companies would not let Han Fei go easily, and demanded a thorough investigation of all information related to Han Fei.

But this is the point of conflict between the two sides. Han Fei assisted the police in solving several shocking cases, many of which involved a wide range of issues, and it was not convenient to disclose them.

In addition, Butterfly has not yet been caught, so letting outsiders know of the police’s deployment is not conducive to subsequent arrests.

Of course, the most important point is that the police have no obligation to cooperate with the two technology giants. They have the right to doubt, but they cannot cross the line.

The representative of Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals was also very aware of this. After a long discussion, the two parties decided to follow the police’s proposal to disclose Han Fei’s life to the entire Internet until the masked man appeared in the passage again.

Han Fei is not the kind of person who is easy to bully. He insists that he was framed. Now that Yongsheng Pharmaceutical and Deep Space Technology are bullying others, he will definitely use legal means to protect his rights and interests after the truth is revealed.

The representatives of the two technology giants didn’t take what Han Fei said to heart at all, and casually promised to pay Han Fei a certain amount of compensation. Instead, the young man was thoughtful and kept recording something on his phone.

After the death of the former chairman of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical, there were several different voices within the company. There was a disagreement between Fu Tian’s children and the most valued subordinate. This huge multinational company is actually not as healthy as it appears on the surface. Got strong.

With regard to Han Fei’s matter, they were already divided.

Some people wanted to play tricks and hire Han Fei as a special spokesperson, falsely claiming that the accident was a brand new map upgrade, and then compensate those killed players a lot to calm public anger.

If it’s just a simple game, this is really fine.

The small number of people in Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals who know the secrets are very clear that the matter is not that simple. They know that this matter cannot be solved, the real culprit must be caught, and then the passage will be sealed forever.

In the end, the voice of the latter overwhelmed the voice of the former, but it also planted a hidden danger in the company.

“It’s eleven o’clock in the afternoon, and we will release the news to the public at one o’clock in the afternoon.” The police confirmed the time, and Han Fei didn’t realize until then that he had spent two days and two nights in the game. Fu Sheng’s shrine inheritance task takes longer than any previous task,

It’s no wonder that the nutrient solution in the game compartment will be exhausted.

“Since the time is determined by you, we will provide the location and equipment.” The young man said ahead of the police: “In the square of Deep Space Technology in the new smart city, there is a piece we created for game promotion.” The city giant screen, before the masked man appears again, Han Fei will live there first. We will provide him with the best food and various services, and we will also pay him for lost work every day. For security reasons, you don’t have to Worry, under the witness of the whole people, no one should dare to hurt him.”

The representatives of the two major technology companies seemed to be very talkative, which caught Han Fei’s attention. He always felt that the other party seemed to have other plans.

“I don’t trust them, I need the police to be with me.” Han Fei stood up from his seat and said it very bluntly.

“Of course the police will be with you, they will be responsible for your safety.” On such a serious occasion, the young man from Yongsheng Pharmaceutical didn’t feel the slightest bit nervous,

He seemed to know that the police would not refuse.

About a few minutes later, the police leading the team received a call informing them that they could meet the modest request of the two major technology companies.

“Let’s go.”

Both sides are very strong in execution. The police drove to the Smart New City with people from the two major technology giants. They arrived at the city’s giant screen at 11:40 noon. A police officer was sent into the building below the giant screen.

The building is not big. It was used to display the avatars of game characters before, but now it has been transformed into a place where people can live.

The rooms of the two police officers were on the left and right sides of Han Fei, while his own room was watched by numerous cameras, leaving him no privacy except for the bathroom.

“You are an actor, and living in the spotlight is your profession.” The young man took Han Fei out of the car himself, and he kept observing Han Fei, as if he wanted to confirm something: “Change your clothes first Well, there are no restrictions in the room except that you can’t log in to the “Perfect Life” game, you can do whatever you want.”

“Everyone’s every move is watched by everyone, what can I do?” Han Fei smiled coldly, opened the door, and walked in.

“I hope you can adapt to life here as soon as possible. You should spend a long time here in the future.” The young man turned and left. He locked the door and handed over the key to the police.

“For a long time?” Han Fei didn’t have any abnormal reactions. He looked around and his pupils moved slightly.

The interior layout of this room is exactly the same as Fu Sheng’s home in Xingfu Community!

“Originally this is a virtual character exhibition hall, and they temporarily transformed it into a living area. They are really testing me. The senior management of Yongsheng Pharmaceutical has grasped some clues.” Han Fei did not show any fluctuations on the surface, just like the first Like entering the room for the first time, his masterful acting makes everything feel natural and smooth.

Different from the calm appearance, Han Fei’s brain began to work rapidly. Eternal Life Pharmaceuticals and Deep Space Technology agreed to disclose Han Fei’s life. On the surface, they agreed with the police’s proposal. In fact, they still wanted to make Han Fei use their own methods. Show flaws.

The room is full of cameras, and any slight reaction of Han Fei here will be recorded and then analyzed repeatedly by professionals. His situation is very dangerous.

At twelve o’clock at noon, the Xinhu police and the two major technology companies announced that Han Fei was willing to take the initiative to disclose his life in order to prove his innocence.

The rumor has been spread a hundred times before it becomes a fact. A large number of netizens have already confirmed that the person is Han Fei, but they did not expect that Han Fei would be so stubborn and chose to live broadcast 24 hours a day to prove himself.

Some people started to speak out for Han Fei on the Internet. A horror movie actor with superb acting skills is still busy doing justice every day. Where does he have the time to study and become a top hacker who can destroy super servers?

Many sane people originally regarded this incident as a joke, but no one expected that it would become more and more troublesome. In the end, Han Fei was directly roasted on the fire, and some people even started asking him to pay for the game The loss of the character being canceled.

Han Fei turned a deaf ear to these voices from the outside world, and began to live at his own pace.

The room he is in is full of “traps” and “hints”, mixed with a lot of things that only those who know the existence of the black box and the deep world can understand.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, all the cameras were activated, and Han Fei’s day began to be displayed in front of everyone in all directions without dead ends.

Slumped on the sofa, Han Fei and the camera stared at each other with big eyes. On many live broadcast platforms, countless people are staring at this “beast-faced devil”, “evil king”,

“The worst cheater in the history of pushed open the bedroom door, Han Fei took out the thin quilt from the closet, then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

“Is it possible that he really fell asleep?”

“It turns out that good people like us like to take a nap.”

“I turned on the highest definition, you just show me this?”

Millions of netizens watched Han Fei sleep online. Han Fei, who was indeed very tired, really fell asleep. He took a nap until dark.

While he was asleep, a new incident occurred in the “Perfect Life” game. Hundreds of thousands of players gathered towards the maze of the paradise. .

The mountains and rain are about to come, and the following night is destined to become the most unforgettable night for all players.


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