My Iyashikei Game Chapter 729: Live like a villain BOSS

Reminder: In order to prevent incomplete access to the latest chapters and garbled characters, please do not use the browser reading mode. At this point, Han Fei still remembers the mission information he heard before entering the memory world of the God Box. ,

The requirements for this rank magic box succession mission are very low. The number of deaths is not more than one hundred times, but he has died ninety-nine times before, which is his last life. After the consciousness is completely merged with the first-generation ghost, then I will cease to exist. “Han Fei is very awake, he knows that he has reached the most critical moment, and the next few minutes will be the last time he stays in this magical world of memory.

“The first thing to destroy is the dream! Drive the unspeakable will out of Fu Sheng’s **** and the huge body that grows together with Le Yuan. Caring about the gazes of those spectators, he manipulated the arm of the corpse and reached out to grab the flesh of the corpse’s belly.

A sharp finger pierced the inside, and Han Fei pulled the piece of skin covered by the butterfly smudge, and tore off the entire piece of skin under the astonished gaze of everyone!

The crazy people in the park were all dumbfounded. No one would have thought that the first-generation ghost who was rumored to represent the source of the disaster, the first thing he did after waking up was actually self-harm.

Pain came into my mind, countless desperate souls roared in the sky, the whole night sky was shaking, and all the ghosts related to the deep world roared along with Han Fei.

The skin where the stains were located has been torn off, but the traces left by the dream have not been completely erased. Those black unknown substances have penetrated into the internal organs, and a huge cocoon is pregnant in the middle of the internal organs. . This cocoon has a relatively neutral face engraved on it. It is handsome and seductive. It is impossible to distinguish between men and women. The beautiful cheeks are branded on the ugly and disgusting cocoons, as if a beautiful human head grows on the body of the insect, it seems to be a monster crawling out of a nightmare.

After the cocoon was exposed, all the believers who carried the sacrifices went crazy. They charged forward with the sacrifices. Even if they sacrificed their lives, they had to be one step closer to their gods. After the cocoon was hidden in the corpse’s internal organs, he grabbed directly to his lower abdomen.

This kind of pure malice, in Han Fei’s opinion, must be eliminated as soon as possible.

You will regret it. The face on the cocoon twitched slightly, as if struggling to open his eyes and be born early.

Fu Sheng and I have different choices in many ways, but we have reached a consensus on how to deal with you, you must die! “Han Fei manipulated the arm of the corpse and grabbed the cocoon.

He doesn’t know how long the cocoon has existed inside the corpse. The large number of tentacles and blood vessels growing on the surface of the cocoon have all penetrated into the corpse’s internal organs. If you want to destroy it, the corpse will have to pay a lot of money. big price.

“You can coexist with me! Why burn with me? All your despair comes from reality, you and them abandoned, you isolated from them, and they left behind in a small room! You don’t remember when you were Do you look miserable? You have even forgotten your smile!”

“You risk your life and give everything just to save them? To save those who want to kill you?” “The occasional kindness they treat you is only because you can bring them benefits. In reality, there is no such thing as No one really cares about you!”

Han Fei turned a deaf ear to the sound coming from the cocoon. He grabbed the cocoon in his abdomen with both hands, tore off the tentacles and blood vessels, and pulled the cocoon out of his stomach little by little with his blood-stained hands!

“You will regret it! You will definitely be abandoned by them! You will see it soon! When you leave the memory world of the God Box, you will see their extremely selfish and terrible side! You saved them~ They will kill you with their own hands too!

The voice in the cocoon became sharp, as if he was not just intimidating Han Fei, but stating a fact. “I made a lot of people into despair and destroyed countless happiness and happiness, but don’t forget, I’m just taking advantage of the emotions that already exist in their hearts. If they don’t have despicable selfishness and cruelty in their hearts, what will I do? Might be easy to get?”

No matter what Zhongge said, Han Fei didn’t listen to it. He took Zhongying out. From the house, the internal organs and blood vessels of the corpse were glued to the bottom of Da Zhongying. You must know that when Fu Sheng was struggling in the deep world, he was just out of the first building at the nineteenth level.

This gap is so big that it can’t be understood. Meng later found a reason for himself. It found that Han Fei and Fu Sheng chose different paths, so he subconsciously thought that Han Fei chose to help the deep world because he chose to help the deep world. The difficulty dropped significantly, which allowed him to enter the paradise at level 21.

It is precisely because of this preconceived idea that the dream has made myself miserable.

Faced with Meng’s screams, Han Fei’s response was also very Han Fei. With one knife after another, he chopped the dream’s cocoon and the monster inside it directly. It wasn’t over yet, he still wanted to call out a big sin. , let it eat the remnants of the dream.

The special existence of Da Nie was not expected in a dream. It hoped that Han Fei would fall into the deep world, and part of the reason was because of Da Nie. It has weaved countless dream cocoons, but a special existence like the Great Sin has never appeared!


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