My Iyashikei Game Chapter 707: It lives in everyone’s body

  Chapter 708 It lives in everyone’s body

  The key in the underground shrine in the Xingfu community is very special, and the despair emanating from it makes Han Fei feel difficult to approach.

  ”The park managers reasonably built the happy community just to make such a desperate key? What do they want to use this key to open?”

   There was a stabbing pain in the back of his head, and Han Fei thought of the black box deep in his mind.

  Fu Sheng once said that only the most desperate people can have a black box, and the key may be used to open the black box.

  Stretched out his hand to grab the key. As soon as Han Fei reached into the shrine, his fingers were almost robbed of all vitality by the breath of despair. The negative emotions on the key were too strong, and it was jealous of all living creatures and ghosts.

  There was no other way, so Han Fei had no choice but to let Da Nie do it.

   Especially likes to steal the tribute from the shrine, and misunderstood Han Fei’s meaning. It put its head into the shrine and swallowed the key in one gulp.

  With the physique of Da Nie, the king of all poisons, he also fell to the ground in pain after swallowing the key. It curled up with a hideous expression, and it took a long time to get used to it.

  ”Are you all right?” Han Fei looked at Da Nie who was slowly standing up with a surprised expression.

  After swallowing the blood cocoon and the lake god, after gaining a trace of the “origin” of dreams, Da Nie is now likely to have become a D-rank “pet”, and it is not an ordinary D-rank.

  ”I always feel that the meaning of pets has been redefined by Da Sie. I don’t know if the worldview of those players in the shallow world will be distorted because of this, and they will start looking for all kinds of ugly monsters as pets in the future.”

  The secrets deep underground in the Xingfu Community have been revealed, and Han Fei feels a little more at ease. From this moment on, the Xingfu Community has truly become a safe area for the city.

   After a brief communication with Da Nie, and after confirming that Da Nie could still spit out the key, Han Fei stopped asking. He still needs to do two things next.

  First, destroy Meng’s other rituals, and second, help Li Guoer get 100 points as soon as possible, and then enter the paradise.

  Now the situation is out of control, a hundred ghosts are walking at night, and the whole city is plunged into darkness. All the citizens lost their basic human dignity in the catastrophe, tortured by fear, became sick and crazy, and finally assimilated into monsters. a member.

  Fu Sheng showed Han Fei everything that happened at the beginning, and told Han Fei in the most intuitive way how terrible the fusion of the deep world and reality was.

  In the midst of a catastrophe, Han Fei did not give up. He tried every means to turn the tide and change the doomed fate.

  His efforts are seen by everyone. When he encounters danger, he is the one who stands up to protect everyone; In the existing city, Han Fei is like a banner.

  Being fair and comfortable is often empty talk, but Han Fei actually saved everyone. This is a life-saving grace.

   “I’ll go! Are you too fierce?” Ah Chong and Xiao Jia walked out of the corridor. They wanted to meet Han Fei, but who knew that Han Fei and Da Nie would cooperate to wipe out all the monsters in the underground clean.

  ”Next, I will focus on Xingfu Community and clean up the surrounding area. Pay attention to the citizens in the community. If you find anyone who can communicate with ghosts like Xiao You, please tell me immediately.” Han Fei knew very well, Most of the ghosts exist because of their obsession, and the root of their obsession is people.

  For example, Xiaoyou’s mother, in order to save her daughter, also rushed here immediately after death, and her dead soul still insisted on her last wish.

  When the deep world and the real city overlap, similar situations should not be an exception. If such people can be gathered together, then they themselves can become a force that cannot be underestimated.

  Under Han Fei’s call, the players searched for all the survivors, and finally found two special citizens.

  One of them is Zhao Gu. He is a child who escaped from the orphanage. He is 14 years old this year and usually takes care of orphans younger than him. After the entire dormitory was haunted, he was the only one who survived. He hated his cowardice and cowardice, and even thought of ending his life, but when he did it, he heard the voices of his younger brothers, and the dead orphans turned into remnant souls and guarded him by his side.

   Another special citizen is Shanshan. Her husband died in a car accident a few years ago, and she has never smiled since then. Until last night when a crazy murderer sneaked into her house, when she was extremely desperate, a remnant soul hugged her like spread wings.

  There should be special survivors like this, but they don’t want to reveal their secrets. In fact, Han Fei also understands their approach, so he didn’t force it, but chose to lead Zhao Gu and Shanshan to go out to clean up those buildings , to help them improve the strength of the ghost family.

  When the other survivors saw the great benefits of following Han Fei, they would naturally choose to confess.

  ”You stay in the community, the others are with me.”

  The black taxi drove slowly, Han Fei started hunting evil spirits in the night, Zhao Gu and Shanshan also showed a very strong side, they are all working hard to become stronger.

  Man is an extremely complicated life. Sometimes he commits suicide and begs for death, and sometimes he tries his best to adapt and change in order to survive. Of course Han Fei knew that the integration of the deep world and reality would bring catastrophe, but even under such a disaster, the brilliance of human nature still shines brightly.

  The remembrance, reluctance, kindness and companionship in the past have brought those dead souls back to their families. They are like compensation for people in this crazy and evil world.

  Having stayed in the deep world for a long time, Han Fei found the feeling he had when he first played the game. He spent one night creating a safe zone around the happy community, which he had never done in the deep world. Things work out here.

  The children around Gu Zhao and Shanshan’s husband also followed Han Fei to devour ghosts, and successfully became resentment. Together with Xiaoyou’s mother, the three of them were enough to protect the happy community.

  “Whether it’s Fu Sheng or Maniac, they ignore the original residents of the city. Although individuals are insignificant compared to the times, it is undeniable that any era is pioneered by those insignificant people. “

  Kan Xiao and Fu Sheng wantonly destroyed the city for their own plans, only Han Fei is saving people, they have their own foresight, Han Fei doesn’t have so many ideas, he just follows his heart to do everything.

  After five o’clock in the morning, Han Fei returned to the Happy Community with all kinds of living supplies. After seeing the changes in Zhao Gu and Shanshan, some survivors let go of their worries, and three more were guarded by the departed souls. citizens stood up.

  Han Fei asked someone to make a rough calculation of the ratio. There is one special citizen in every three hundred people. Based on this calculation, at least thirty thousand people in this city with a population of tens of millions have their own “Guardian” spirit”.

  ”Even if the deep world and reality coincide, people should be able to survive, but they will pay a very heavy price.”

  Communication with those special citizens face to face, Han Fei taught them how to get along with ghosts, and also told those lost souls how to become stronger. In order to make them believe in him 100%, Han Fei also showed Xu Qin’s red rope and told everyone the story of himself and Xu Qin.

  After dealing with these, he went to rest for a while until nine o’clock in the morning.

  All the residents were looking forward to the dawn, but to everyone’s disappointment, the sun never rose after it set last night, and the whole city seemed to be dragged into the night forever.

   “I really want to bask in the sun…” Xiao Jia was playing with his computer. He hadn’t slept all night, and his mind was dizzy. Just as he was about to catch up on sleep, an urgent news notification popped up on the computer.

  Not only him, but the cell phones of all survivors in the city seem to have received the message.

  Everyone opened it in doubt, and slowly, their expressions became a little strange.

   “Damn! This is too shameless!” Xiao Jia sat up from the chair with a carp, he hugged the computer and hurried to Han Fei: “Something happened! Han Fei!”

  Almost at the same time, Qiangwei and Li Guoer also came to Han Fei’s room, both holding phones that were playing videos.

  ”What’s the matter?” Han Fei was in a light sleep, and when someone approached, he immediately woke up.

   “Look at your phone! That F went to the city TV station with your adoptive parents, and they said that this disaster happened because of you! They took you as a scapegoat!” Xiao Jia shouted loudly, and put the computer on In front of Han Fei.

  The live broadcast on the screen was a bit blurry. The middle-aged couple who brought Han Fei home from the hospital stood in the middle of the camera. They had gray hair and looked extremely haggard. The pressure to choose to tell the truth.

  The host took out all the murder tools, murder diaries, and murder scripts that Han Fei had stored in the basement. The disasters and turmoil that occurred were all blamed on Han Fei, saying that he was a child of the devil. He was a mentally abnormal lunatic since he was a child, who liked to kill and abuse, and had a serious tendency to violence.

  They said that they finally repented in the face of the disaster, and this time in order to save more people, they chose to kill relatives righteously.

  Han Fei’s adoptive parents also called on the survivors to be careful of Han Fei, and not to believe what Han Fei said, and to kill him if they saw him.

  If you only watch the things in the video, everyone will think that Han Fei is a heinous bastard, but Han Fei has no way to refute it.

  F played this live video to the whole city before the eternal night fell and all signals were interrupted.

  Everyone is living in fear and despair. Their inner anger and pain need an outlet to vent. F just wants to make Han Fei the target of everyone’s anger and prevent him from uniting more forces.

  ”Han Fei, what your adoptive parents said…is it true?” Li Guoer believed in Han Fei very much, so when others hesitated, she dared to ask directly, because she knew that Han Fei was not the kind of addict kill people.

  ”I have retrieved a lot of memories and understood a lot of things.” Han Fei’s expression was very calm, and he was not angry because he was framed, nor did he have any anxiety: “The orphanage under the Paradise will give some orphans a choice. Parents, raise them into the most desperate children. The parents they found for No. 11 were human traffickers, and the adoptive parents they found for me were serial killers.”

  Han Fei recalled many details: “The old couple has gone crazy. They created an illusion that their child is the murderer, hiding corpses and killing every day in the name of helping the child cover up the truth.” They put all their crimes in the name of love, and their hearts are already distorted.”

  Out of the room, Han Fei came downstairs. He walked around the neighborhood with empty hands.

  Many people were watching him secretly, and he could also feel the changes in the eyes of those survivors.

  ”The people who caused this disaster now want to put all the sins on me.” Standing in the center of the community, Han Fei looked directly at everyone: “They are the ones who hurt you, and I am the one who saved you. I will tell you the truth, and I hope you will listen carefully to my words. If you still feel uneasy in the end, you can leave at any time. The guards in this happy community only prevent ghosts from entering, and will never prevent everyone from leaving. “

  From the time he started playing “Perfect Life” until now, Han Fei has been framed and attacked countless times, and he has a very strong psychological capacity.

  Facing the enemy’s slander, the best way is to save more people and unite with more trustworthy forces.

  Han Fei told the survivors all about Paradise and his past, and he no longer wanted to hide it.

  Before Han Fei finished speaking, a few figures had already slipped out from the back door of Xingfu District. People who didn’t believe Han Fei left one after another, and the rest were those who thought Han Fei was innocent.

   “Don’t you really need to worry about them?” Xiao Jia looked at the survivors who left: “We have saved their lives, but they left because of a video that I don’t know where. It’s really chilling. “

  ”It’s normal. As long as you choose a path to go forward, there will always be people leaving during the journey.” Looking at the remaining survivors, Han Fei felt a long-lost warmth in his heart. What he did Being recognized by most people, this feeling of being trusted is very good: “I will make the happy community the happiest place, whether it is in memory or in reality.”

  After finishing speaking Han Fei found Yan Le: “It seems that the sun will not rise again, isn’t the manager of the paradise planning to completely disconnect the deep world from reality? Why is the situation getting worse now?” Worse?”

   “I don’t know how to cut off the connection. They should be in the final game.” Yan Le’s mother glanced in the direction of the paradise, and the night sky over there seemed to be missing, and a swallow everything appeared. Black Hole: “Paradise is also in trouble now.”

   “Looks like a maniacal laugh.” Han Fei no longer cared about the paradise, his goal was to kill the dream: “Tell me the location of the other four ceremonies, we will try to destroy them all today.”

  ”The fifth ceremony and the sixth ceremony were in the same place. It was a hospital located in the urban area. It had the largest organ reserve and morgue in the city. Meng picked the organs that were suitable for her there. And put it into the body of a living person to warm it up, you can understand it as a dream with a body scattered all over the city, we need to control all those people before we have a chance to truly destroy it.”

  ”If it spreads all over the city, I’m afraid the water ghosts will need to help find people.” Han Fei asked Da Nie to try to drive the water ghosts into the underground water network.

  “I hope that those hands protruding from the toilet and the eyeballs hidden in the water pipe will not scare innocent citizens.”

  (end of this chapter)

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