My Iyashikei Game Chapter 699: Water monster, water monster

  Chapter 700 Water monster, water trick

  ”Our photo?”

  Han Fei, who came out of the nightmare, was wrapped in a curse, and he pushed the door open forcefully.

  There was a strong rancid smell coming from the dark bedroom. The small room was filled with all kinds of colored pencil drawings. Among all the pictures, there was a little boy locked in chains.

  He held a severed finger, stained with various paints, and lay down on the ground to draw.

  ”Number Four?”

  Han Fei saw the boy’s clothes. The uniform jacket of the orphanage was badly damaged, and the number on the back of the child was also a bit blurred.

  ”Why do you have a picture of us?” The boy didn’t look up, and continued to draw on the ground. This time he drew a child. The child had been imagining death in his mind, but he didn’t hurt anyone. People, just suppress that urge by constantly hurting themselves.

   “Just like you, I am a child who walked out of that orphanage.” Before Han Fei finished speaking, his backpack was torn, and the ugly cat took out a photo from the page of the script.

  The children’s group photo had been hidden in the script in the basement. This gift from the painter to Han Fei seemed to be used at this moment.

  As if feeling something, the boy with his head down slowly looked at Han Fei, his blood-stained eyelids blinked slowly, and then, like an enraged leopard, he rushed towards Han Fei!


  The chains were tightened and cut into the flesh. The boy hovered in front of Han Fei’s eyes with his hands. He opened his mouth, revealing a mouth full of broken teeth.

  His mother and grandma seemed worried that he would continue to hurt others, so they pulled out his teeth and clipped his nails.

   “Don’t get excited, if you want to see it, I can give it to you.” Han Fei handed the boy a group photo of the orphans. In the embrace of his partner, he gained a long-lost sense of security.

  The blood scabs on his eyelids began to fall off, and a trace of reason returned to his eyes.

  ”When you entered Building No. 11, you should have seen the incarnation of No. 11’s childhood memories, right?” The boy’s voice was gentle and peaceful, which was completely opposite to his performance just now, and it was more terrifying than schizophrenia.

  ”Yes.” Han Fei didn’t deny it. He found that after the boy touched the group photo, a child’s face gradually became clear in the photo. This group photo seemed to be the key to reminding the orphans of the past.

  ”No. 11 and I died a long time ago. We were sent to the paradise in the deep world by Fu Tian. Later, we seemed to meet Fu Sheng. He made us a part of the paradise.” After touching the group photo given to Han Fei by the painter, I remembered many things: “This shrine of memory belongs to Fu Sheng, and everything operates according to Fu Sheng’s memory and consciousness. No. 11 and I managed a lot of things. Years can’t change anything, until you appear here. In the death after death, you leveraged fate and turned the happy community into a special place.”

  ”A special place?”

  ”This community was transformed based on your memory. With each death, you are gradually swallowed by Fu Sheng’s shrine, and your memories are constantly merging. You slowly lose yourself and become this shrine A part of the memory world, and a part of this slow fusion is the happy community.” Boy No. 4 lay on the ground: “The whole world belongs to Fu Sheng, only this happy community belongs to the orphans, this is what you use ninety-nine What you won at the price of one death is the greatest help that No. 11 and I can give you.”

   Han Fei risked losing all his memories, died again and again, and even begged for death. While he was being swallowed by the memory world of the shrine, he was also trying to influence and change the world.

  Fu Sheng wanted to be reborn on Han Fei’s body, while Han Fei wanted to climb up Fu Sheng’s shrine and look far away.

  Break the boat, Han Fei did win the bet. This happy community is no longer the community in Fu Sheng’s memory, but has been changed by three children from the orphanage, which combines Han Fei, No. 4 and No. 11 memory.

  ”No wonder I feel very strange. I obviously entered Fu Sheng’s memory world. I was not born when Fu Sheng was the same age as me, but there are traces of me everywhere in this community. “Han Fei gradually understood: “With your cooperation, it seems that the paradise has been changed.”

  “Paradise is still the same paradise, and it will not change for many years. The tragedy keeps repeating itself, but the children in the paradise are changed again and again. All of us only live as a symbol in the end, and our whole life is just someone else A number in his mouth.” The man wearing size four was lying on the ground, his voice was immature, but his words were full of maturity that did not match his age.

  ”I don’t really understand what you’re talking about.” Han Fei held the death knife in his hand. He didn’t have any impression of No. 4, except that he had a good relationship with the painter in the plastic surgery hospital.

  “The original Happy Community was used to cultivate orphans. Eleven different kinds of despair lived in eleven apartments. After so many years, the Happy Community is still a place to cultivate despair. Eleven became thirty-one.” Blood oozes from No. 4’s mouth, and the bloodshot eyes under his eyes are like slender worms, writhing crazily: “This body is the embodiment of my childhood memories. , but I didn’t expect Meng to stare at me, you must be careful about it! The dream that was once contemporary with Fu Sheng has become unspeakable, it is the only ghost that has existed until now, and it can even pass Fu Sheng’s memory to him To influence Fu Sheng’s world of shrines. The eight resurrection ceremonies that Fu Sheng dreamed of preparing for himself in his memory have changed. Many ceremonies are different from before. I suspect that his real goal is you.”

  ”That is to say, in this memory world, I should not only be careful about Fu Sheng, but also pay special attention to the manager’s dream?”

  ”That’s right, Meng was sealed into the deep world by Fu Sheng at the beginning. It vowed to let Fu Sheng’s soul fly away and erase all traces of Fu Sheng’s existence.” Cracks began to appear on No. 4’s young body. His stomach bulged slightly: “My childhood memories are about to collapse. After you enter the paradise, you can find me and No. 11’s body.”

  ”Where is your body in Paradise?”

  ”I was buried underground, with children’s paintings painted on my skin, and No. 11 made up as a tourist, and he will take the initiative to contact you.” The boy’s stomach began to swell rapidly, and he stared at the death note in Han Fei’s hands The knife suddenly rushed towards it: “Ninety-nine times of death, you gave up everything to get this opportunity, I hope you can go on smoothly, don’t repeat the same mistakes, and go back to Fu Sheng’s old path.”

  The bright knife light penetrated the boy’s abdomen, and under the belly, a black cocoon carved with the cheek of number four fell out.

  This cocoon contains more death and despair than all the previous cocoons combined, and the monster in the cocoon seems to be about to break out of the cocoon.

  A cat’s paw pressed the cocoon, and the ugly cat lowered its head. The nine ghost lines on its body extended through the hair, got into the cocoon, and devoured everything contained in it.

  After absorbing more and more cocoons, the ghost pattern glowed with life. It seemed that something in the nine ghost patterns was calling Han Fei eagerly, wanting to be intimate with Han Fei.

  ”I have already destroyed the three resurrection rituals of the dream, and I have to speed up the speed. The more you delay, the more people in the city will die, and the despair and negative emotions will continue to spread. The power of ghosts It will become stronger and stronger.” Han Fei didn’t want to be the savior, but now he seems to be the only one in this city who still cares about the lives of ordinary people and is willing to help them.

  Han Fei drew out the Rebirth Knife, the boy’s childhood memories disappeared, and he was no longer in the house.

  The bedroom returned to normal, and all the eerie feelings disappeared. Han Fei walked out of the room and found the old man.

  He didn’t tell the other party that the boy was dead, he just said that the boy was not in the house and probably escaped when the old man was not paying attention.

  It doesn’t matter whether the old lady believes it or not. No. 4 chose to run into the Knife of Rebirth by himself. Perhaps deep down in his heart, he also felt that the old man could truly be freed only after he disappeared.

  The cat meowed, and the ugly cat that had absorbed the power of the cocoon became different from before, with shiny hair and sharp eyes. It was a pet raised by the **** of death, and there was a gloomy light in his eyes.

  ”Han Fei, the old lady didn’t do anything to you, did she?” Xiao Jia, who was guarding downstairs, saw Han Fei coming out, and hurried up to meet him.

  ”Building No. 4 has been cleaned up, let’s hurry up and go to other apartment buildings.” When walking towards Building No. 5, Han Fei called Yan Le and his daughter to his side and stared at them for a long time.

  ”What kind of eyes are you looking at?” The head of the office couldn’t understand: “Have we been possessed by ghosts?”

   “I just think it’s too coincidental to meet you, as if I was guided by some kind of power.” Han Fei didn’t delve into this issue, he looked at Yan Le: “Where is the resurrection ceremony closest to here? “

  ”Exit the happy community and go west. There is a large lake on the outskirts of the city. The fourth ceremony is by the lake. It seems to be related to water monsters and water ghosts.”

  ”Lake?” Han Fei was expressionless, but he was thinking about various things in his heart.

  At around three o’clock in the afternoon, Han Fei cleaned up all the buildings in Xingfu Community, and the citizens who followed him moved in one after another.

  With Han Fei here, everyone’s fear was dispelled a little bit, but Han Fei himself frowned. The conjoined monsters he had seen that were completely formed by despair hadn’t appeared yet.

  The sky is getting dark again. After the sun sets this time, I don’t know when it will rise next time.

  The Xingfu community was shrouded in darkness, and the residents did not dare to turn on the lights, so they could only close the doors and windows tightly and huddle in a building.

  ”There are still not enough people.” Han Fei taught the players how to deal with ghosts, and asked Xiaoyou and her mother to guard the entrance of the apartment.

  From last night to now, all the ghosts that Han Fei and the others killed have finally entered Xiaoyou’s mother’s stomach. Now Xiaoyou’s mother has swelled several times in size, which can be regarded as a terrifying existence in the midst of resentment.

  ”I’ll go to the western suburbs and try to come back before twelve o’clock in the evening. You protect everyone.”

  Getting into the black taxi, Han Fei set off this time with only Li Guoer, Yan Le and a player with good water quality. Can be of some help.

  The big lake that Yan Le’s mother mentioned was not far from the Xingfu Community, and it only took Han Fei and the others more than ten minutes to drive there.

   What is more strange is that when the black hearse approached the lake, it turned into a small road away from the big lake. The nine victims in the car seemed unwilling to approach the lake.

  The sun went down early, and the darkness was like a big hand, blinding everyone’s eyes.

  The lights came on, and the hearse drove a few hundred meters along the dirt road near the great lake, and finally stopped at the end of the road.

  Neon signs emitting cold light stand by the roadside, and there is a resort town by the lake, but there seems to be no one in the town now.

  ”Did the fourth ceremony of the dream be held in this small town? Or in the lake?” Han Fei didn’t get out of the car, and he looked around vigilantly.

   “I don’t know the specific situation, I only know that it has something to do with this lake.” Yan Le’s mother manipulated Yan Le’s body, her lips squirmed, and she paused for a long time before saying: “By the way, the dream is for this lake.” The Great Lakes have a very special name called mind.”


  Han Fei nodded. He put on his backpack and opened the car door.

   “Li Guoer, stay in the car and be ready to meet him at any time. The others will come with me.” Han Fei grabbed Yan Le’s shoulder, and the two walked forward side by side.

  This resort town is not big. There are only a few buildings in total. It seems that the developer ran away after half of the construction.

  ”Hot Spring Hotel, Fishing Tackle Rental Center, Boat Rental Center, Tourist Information Center, Fish Restaurant…”

  Looking at the buildings on both sides of the road, Han Fei stopped suddenly, his nose twitched, and he turned and walked towards the boat rental center.

  “There is a faint smell of blood in the house, and the shoe prints on the ground are also new. The weeds have not recovered after being trampled down, and someone just stayed here.”

  Han Fei approached quietly and reached out to open the door of the boat rental center.


  The plate full of food fell to the ground, and a figure in the darkness opened the window and jumped out.

  ”Did you see that thing?” Han Fei was a little black shadow that just left was not in the shape of a human.

  Take out a flashlight and shine it on the shattered dinner plate. Inside is a piece of **** raw meat, which seems to have just been torn from an animal.

   “The words fish restaurant are written on the plate, but the meat is the meat of some kind of large mammal.” Han Fei picked up the fragments of the plate on the ground and looked out the window. There are no shoe prints in the place, only a trace of being dragged by a heavy object.

  ”Aren’t there any living people in this resort town?” Han Fei jumped out of the window holding the plate fragments. He followed the traces on the ground to the back door of the fish restaurant.

   “Both of you, pay attention behind you.” Han Fei held the past life and slowly opened the door, a pungent stench came over his face.

Holding the knife forward, Han Fei looked inside.

  An old lady wearing rubber shoes and a headscarf was sitting in front of the huge freezer. With her back to Han Fei, she scraped fish scales in the dark with a special knife.

  The freezer in the back kitchen has long stopped working, and a large amount of fish stored in it has rotted, but the old man continued to work as if he could not smell the smell.

   There was a rustling sound, and fish scales splashed everywhere.

  (end of this chapter)

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