My Iyashikei Game Chapter 693: The body of the dream

  Chapter 694 Dream Body

  After a long time of mental preparation, Huang Mao was finally forced by Li Gui to take over the blood-stained mobile phone.

  He slowly put the phone to his ear, his heart rose to his throat: “Hello? How are you?”

   “I remember you and Fu Sheng are students in the same school. Has he done anything outrageous in school this year?” Han Fei’s voice came from the phone, and Huang Mao was a little puzzled when he heard it , because Han Fei’s voice was different from Fu Yi’s.

  When he was surprised, Han Fei spoke again: “You’d better answer me honestly. If you dare to think anything wrong, I will throw you on the street this time and use you to seduce those ghosts.”

  Even if the voice has changed, but the tone of the speech is right, all the doubts in Huang Mao’s heart disappeared in an instant: “Hi uncle, I am not very familiar with Fu Sheng. I heard from his classmates that he is working hard After a period of time, I easily got the first place in the school, and then I became a little… different from ordinary people.”

  ”Different from ordinary people?”

   “Yes, his communication with the ‘ghost’ has become more serious, and he can no longer see the joy on his face, as if the end of the world is coming, but only he knows.” In order not to Being used as a bait, Huang Mao tried hard to show Han Fei his other values: “We don’t know what happened to him. From a certain moment, he seemed to hate making choices, and he was empty of all the multiple-choice questions in the test paper. Come down, he has the same life track every day, eats the same meal, and if that meal is sold out, he would rather be hungry than choose other food.”

  ”This is no longer a difficulty in choosing. He is afraid of choosing.” Han Fei felt that it was at this time that Fu Sheng in reality got the black box, and he wanted to make the decision that would affect his life.

  ”But he seems to be very grateful to you. In the most painful and uncomfortable time, he will write to you and take out the mobile phone you bought for him to edit text messages. You are his support.” Talking too much: “It went on like this for a while, and after that, Fu Sheng never came to school.”

  ”Do you know where he went?”

   “Some people saw him in the night market of Paradise, some said he likes to go back to school for self-study at night, and some said he was dead, and they saw his body hung on the clock of the Times Building.” Huang Mao said here, It seemed that he suddenly remembered something: “By the way, about a few months ago, a teacher in the school went to see Fu Sheng. She met Fu Sheng in the plastic surgery hospital in the city. She said that Fu Sheng gathered around him at that time. He seems to be going to sew all those things into his body.”

  ”He wants to merge with a ghost?” Han Fei frowned when he heard that. Fu Sheng seemed to be forced to do nothing, so he tried such a crazy thing.

   “It’s not necessarily a ghost…” Huang Mao turned his head and glanced at Xiaoyou’s mother: “Anyway, I heard from that teacher that the things around him didn’t hurt him, and he also persuaded him not to care about them.” Feel, let’s find a way to save more people together.”

  ”Ghosts hope that Fu Sheng’s choice is to save people, and those ghosts are helping him make a choice.” Han Fei understood why the female student became like that, and the whole thing was more serious than he imagined. Much more complicated.

  ”Uncle, Fu Sheng’s predictions are not all true, right?”

   “What do you think? Ghosts, monsters, and lunatics appear all over the city. The so-called purgatory is nothing more than that.” Han Fei asked Huang Mao to return the phone to Xiaoyou: “You two stay where you are, I will take someone right away In the past, take care to protect yourself.”


  Han Fei, who was sitting in the taxi, hung up the phone. He saw the tragedy outside the window, and his hard and cold heart fluctuated a little.

  In this super-large city with a population of over ten million, various tragedies are happening all the time. The voice everyone is most accustomed to.

   “It’s terrible.” Xiao Jia gasped, he didn’t even dare to look at the scene outside the car window.

  ”Did you notice something?” Han Fei stared at the scenery that flashed by on both sides of the street: “When we came out of the paradise family courtyard, the situation was not so serious. The closer to the paradise area, ghosts appeared The greater the probability, the crazier people will become.”

  ”I don’t dare to think about anything now.” Xiao Jia held his head: “The deep world merges with reality, and ghosts appear everywhere. This is even scarier than the end of the world. I think it’s easier to die.”

  Spiritual events occur frequently, the city is stained with blood, the number and types of ghosts are too many, and people seem to be just toys.

  Not only Xiao Jia, but even the other players were frightened. This is not a warm and healing game. All end-of-the-world games are not as scary and desperate as this city.

  ”Compared with them, we are lucky. At least we have the tools to resist.” Han Fei looked at the buildings outside the car window. Lock the door, hide in your own home, and wait for death to knock at the door.

  Among all the people, only Li Guoer drove the car silently. She did not participate in the conversation among the people. It is useless to say anything now. More things must be done in order to save more people.

  The black taxi leads the way in front, and the two vans of the players follow behind. Han Fei’s team has expanded to thirteen people. These people are carefully selected by Han Fei. Their abilities are more or less At least it can affect ghosts.

  In fact, Han Fei can completely leave the players alone, but he has a deeper plan. He wants to train these players who have died countless times in the memory world of the shrine, so that they also have a Brave hearts, fear no more the ghosts of the deep world.

  If the deep world really gets out of control and merges with reality in the future, then this group of players might become seeds, take root and sprout on their respective soils, and grow big trees that can shelter more people.

  An hour later, Han Fei came to the hiding place of Xiaoyou and Huangmao, and took them to the plastic surgery hospital.

  Han Fei was very impressed with that hospital, but he still couldn’t recall some specific details.

  Pushing open the door of the hospital, Han Fei immediately raised his hand to tell everyone to slow down.

  There were screams and wailing everywhere outside the hospital, but the inside of the hospital was so quiet that even a needle dropped on the ground could be heard clearly.

  ”There are no ghosts in the hospital? Or is there a most terrifying ghost in the hospital, which has killed everyone?” Han Fei grabbed the yellow hair in front of him: “Lead the way.”

   “Damn it? Why is it me again?” Huang Mao’s lips were bitter, feeling that bile was welling up. If time could be turned back, he would never bully Fu Sheng.

  ”Stop talking nonsense, where did your teacher say you saw Fu Sheng?”

  ”The emergency room in building seven is the place where his mother died.” Huang Mao walked forward reluctantly, and Han Fei and all the players followed.

  Revisiting the old place, but things have changed here, and there is no one figure in the hospital, as if everything that moves has evaporated.

  ”Han Fei, save my daughter first, the wound on Yan Le’s body needs to be treated properly.” The head of the office also left the Paradise Family Hospital with Han Fei, and now his daughter’s situation is not optimistic.

  The situation of this girl Yan Le is more complicated. Under the guidance of Butterfly, she was overwhelmed by jealousy and hurt many people. Her mother even killed all the girls Yan Le was jealous of in order to mend her soul.

  This pair of mother and daughter are actually similar to demons, and even the players hate them.

   “They are at fault, they deserve to die, but they can’t die now, my wife’s ability can help you.” The head of the office tried hard to convince Han Fei: “She killed ten people, if they can save one Hundreds of people…”

  ”But the ten people she killed couldn’t be resurrected.” Han Fei didn’t get entangled with his predecessor on this issue. He took out his past life and walked through the wards.

  The further you go into the hospital, the quieter the surrounding area becomes.

  Nurses and patients who can be seen everywhere on weekdays seem to be locked up. At first glance, there are only pale walls, pale floors and half-opened doors.

  ”Someone seems to have come one step ahead of us, and the doors of many wards have been destroyed.”

  When they reached building six, the ugly cat in Han Fei’s backpack jumped out, and ran down the stairs into the underground passage.

  There is a secret passage underground in the plastic surgery hospital, connecting the seven buildings, and only a handful of doctors are qualified to enter it.

   “It feels like the temperature has dropped a lot.” Xiao Jia unconsciously lowered his voice, as if speaking loudly would attract some monsters.

   “Pay attention to the walls around you. The lines painted on it are very similar to the lines in the resurrection ceremony of the blue and white cram school.” Li Guoer’s fingers touched the wall lightly, and those lines came back like tentacles with life. Automatically shrink.

   “It seems that Meng has already been here.” Han Fei pieced together the scattered memory fragments in his mind: “Fu Sheng and Meng have been rivals since a long time ago. After the deep world was closed, Fu Sheng He and Meng seem to be locked in the deep world.”

  Back then, Fu Sheng had the support of other managers and inherited their ideas, but even so, he still didn’t completely kill the butterfly. Now Han Fei has nothing and is an enemy of everyone. How far can he go?

   “Laughter comes from the Scarlet Orphanage deep in my mind. He should be another me.” Han Fei had no external support, and he had already realized one thing very early, when he fell into despair Time, only self-help.

  The underground ritual pattern has been connected into one piece, it is scary to look at it this way, the dream seems to be planning to use the whole hospital as an altar, and sacrifice all the doctors and patients in the hospital.

  ”If I hadn’t changed the fate of the plastic surgery hospital before, then most of the desperate and crazy people in the city should be imprisoned here, whether it’s the rich who are crazy about life and beauty, or ordinary people who are driven to collapse by life , The loopholes in their hearts will be exploited by the butterfly and become the sacrifices of his resurrection.”

  Han Fei knew that this hospital was very important, but he didn’t expect that his dream of being the manager of the park would also focus on it.

  Continuing to go down, the color of the lines deepened, and blood began to be mixed in them.

  By the time he reached the second basement floor, all the lines had been replaced by various hairs, and those hairs from patients and doctors were crawling all over the ground, and Han Fei finally saw the first live hair in the hospital. people.

  ”Du Jing?”

  When seeing that face, a name came to Han Fei’s mind. After Du Shu’s death, her sister Du Jing became the new head of the hospital.

  In my impression, the fate has been changed. The people who should have died were saved by Han Fei. Everything should be moving in a good direction, but Du Jing did not get happiness.

  ”Why is this happening?”

  The new dean, Du Jing, holds two sharp pens in her hands, one with hate written on it, and the other with love written on it. She is weaving black hair all over the floor like a sweater.

   Heads hung between the second and third floors of the basement. There were patients and doctors. The dream gave everyone the fairest ending, so that those people were still immersed in the nightmare woven by butterflies until their death.

  As if sensing something, Du Jing suddenly stopped what she was doing. She turned her head, glanced at everyone, and then continued to braid her black hair.

  ”Du Jing?”

  Han Fei noticed that the other party’s eyes were dull and depressed, as if he had lost all hope, and became a puppet at the mercy of nightmares.

  Walking forward, Han Fei saw Du Jing weaving the patient’s black hair into different things, including children’s clothes, footballs, and people who he would never forget but never see again.

  Every time a product is woven, a patient’s head will close its eyes. Du Jing seems to be using this method to steal every patient’s wishes and good expectations.

  What she weaves will exist for a those dead people’s hairs will become part of the great pattern on the wall.

   “Dream left all the negative emotions to the living, and stole their only goodness?” Han Fei wanted to stop Du Jing, but Du Jing didn’t respond when his hand touched Du Jing, but when he When trying to stop the other party from continuing to weave, Du Jing suddenly waved the pen in her hand like crazy, shouted her daughter’s name, and attacked Han Fei.

   “Could it be that Meng took her daughter away and used her daughter to threaten her?” In reality, Du Jing’s daughter is still alive, and has even become friends with Fu Sheng and Fu Tian: “Maybe it was Fu Sheng and Fu Tian who saved her at the beginning.” I left that girl, but in reality no one except me knows about Fu Sheng’s existence.”

  Passing by Du Jing, Han Fei came to Building No. 7 through the underground corridor. He also saw the most shocking scene after waking up in the hospital.

  The entire basement of Building No. 7 was hollowed out, and the bodies of patients and doctors were used as bricks to build a No. 8 Building downwards.

   Between Building No. 7 and Building No. 8, there is a huge mirror. A person’s birthday is written on the mirror, and a young man who is very similar to Fu Sheng is imprisoned in the mirror.

  ”The butterfly in the dead building regards me as a resurrected body. Could the body that Meng chooses for himself be the former Fu Sheng?”

  (end of this chapter)

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