My Iyashikei Game Chapter 659: This is not the meat I want to eat

“Is the corpse lying on the bed in the bedroom?” Xiao Jia ran with Han Fei all night, and now his angle of thinking has gradually become the same as Han Fei’s.

“Don’t talk nonsense.” Smelling the smell of meat in the air, Han Fei’s eyes slowly returned to normal, he woke up from his contemplation, and his stomach made a gurgling sound.

The awe-inspiring Han Fei suddenly looked like this, which surprised both Li Guoer and Xiao Jia.

“I like meat very much. It seems that there is a kind of meat that is very important to me. I must eat it.” When Han Fei spoke, the owner of the house who was cooking in the kitchen heard a noise and held a wok. Get out of the kitchen.

The smell of meat in the air is more intense, Han Fei’s nose twitches, and he looks at the place where the aroma is the strongest.

A middle-aged man with a height of 1.85 meters appeared in the living room. He was wearing white clothes. His face, neck, and hands were burned and left with scars on the exposed skin.

The man’s facial features seem to have melted, almost invisible, but his ugly appearance is in stark contrast to his superb cooking skills.

Just one stop there, the aroma of meat in the wok fills the house, mouthwatering.

“Who let you in?”

The half-burned mouth opened slowly, the man’s voice was hoarse and unpleasant, and the scars on his face would tremble with the muscle shaking, which was very scary.

“A child has been lost in the community recently. We would like to know the situation.”

Li Guoer continued to use the excuse just now, but the man didn’t believe it at all, the scar on his face twisted, and the whole face seemed to be crowded together: “I don’t know about the children, you all go.”

The man’s attitude was bad, Li Guoer wanted to persuade one more sentence, but Han Fei suddenly said: “Can I make a somewhat presumptuous request? Can I taste the meat you made, I will pay for it OK.”

Went to someone else’s house at 5 or 6 in the morning to grab a meal, Li Guoer and Xiao Jia did not expect Han Fei to make such a request.

The man with the disfigured face holding the frying pan was also stunned for a moment. His eyes hidden in the scars stared at Han Fei for a long time, as if he could see Han Fei’s desire for meat: “Are you… a gourmet?”

“No, I just simply like to eat meat. I seem to have eaten all kinds of meat. There is one kind of meat that I can’t forget for a long time, but now I forget what kind of meat it is?” Han Fei’s expression Slightly sick, his eyes showed two negative emotions of gluttony and greed.

“It’s a coincidence, I like to cook meat. I cook all kinds of rare and delicious meat. It just so happens that my wife hasn’t gotten up yet, so I can show you my hands first.” The corners of the disfigured man’s mouth rose, revealing a A terrifying smile.

Thinking about what the two of them said, they both felt very terrifying.

Xiao Jia, who was standing at the door, and Li Guoer, who had just entered the house, were very resistant to eating the meat made by the other party, but Han Fei insisted on entering the house, so they had to keep up.

“My dear, this is also a themed restaurant.” Xiao Jia avoided the white invitations on the ground, as well as those cut out white 囍 characters, he didn’t even dare to sit.

Li Guo’er also frowned slightly. She didn’t understand why Han Fei suddenly came in to eat. She felt that Han Fei should not be the kind of person who would be dominated by appetite.

When the two were tangled, Han Fei sat very obediently at the table. He tapped the table with his index finger, as if he couldn’t wait to eat.

“Han Fei, be careful with the meat.”

“I know.”

A few minutes later, the kitchen door was opened and the disfigured man brought out two dishes.

The big red plate is full of meat, and the fat is alternately mixed. It seems that it has been marinated with secret ingredients in advance.

On the other white plate, a white 囍 character was spelled out of meat. All the meat was carefully selected and looked ordinary, but when it was approached, the saliva would flow uncontrollably.

“Try it.”

One plate of red meat, one plate of white meat, the disfigured man is definitely a master chef. He accurately grasps the characteristics of each meat and cooks it accordingly.

Xiao Jia and Li Guo’er looked at each other, sitting at the table as if they were being tortured, while Han Fei couldn’t wait to pick up his chopsticks and devoured the meat on the plate under the astonished gaze of his companions.

Han Fei’s way of eating meat is a little scary. All the meat seemed to melt in his mouth, and he swallowed it without chewing.

This scene not only made Li Guoer and Xiao Jia stunned, but the disfigured man next to him also stared at Han Fei, as if he was repeatedly confirming the purpose of Han Fei’s actions.

There have been guests in his house before. Those people liked to eat his meat when they didn’t know what he looked like, but after seeing the chef himself, they couldn’t even eat the meat he made.

The wind was blowing, Han Fei seemed to be afraid that Li Guoer and Xiao Jia would be embarrassed. He ate all the two plates of meat by himself. He touched his stomach, and his face showed three-point satisfaction.

Eating meat can make Han Fei’s body recover quickly, and he is gradually getting rid of his weakness.

After devouring all kinds of meat, Han Fei’s soothing brows quickly wrinkled together again. The meat made by the disfigured man is delicious, including all kinds of meat and various methods. , but these are not the tastes in his memory, and he has not eaten the meat he really wants to eat.

“You seem a little dissatisfied with the meat I’ve made?” The disfigured man in white walked over to the table, looking at the empty plate.

“I’ve been looking for a flavor that’s unique, dangerous, beautiful, and has an irresistible attraction that I want to eat as if I wanted to eat her.” Han Fei looked up at the man with the disfigured face, he didn’t care about the terrifying appearance of the other party, he just wanted to find the meat he wanted to eat.

Li Guoer and Xiao Jia couldn’t understand what Han Fei was talking about. They thought that the weirdest man in the room would be a disfigured man, but Han Fei’s situation seemed to be more serious.

“I probably understand what you mean.” As soon as the disfigured man finished speaking, Li Guoer and Xiao Jia, who were sitting at the table, turned to look at the disfigured man again. They really didn’t know what the disfigured man understood. This call is the same as encrypted, and I really can’t understand it unless I’m sick to a certain extent.

Re-entering the kitchen, the disfigured man locked the kitchen door in great detail.

The three heard the sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets outside. Li Guoer quietly got up while the chef closed the door and dragged Xiao Jia, who was in a daze, into the wedding room. She had long wondered what was lying under the quilt.

“Should I just lift the quilt? Wouldn’t it be good?” Xiao Jia was a little nervous, but he was not mentally prepared: “If there is a corpse lying under the quilt, then this scene is estimated to become My psychological shadow for the next few days.”

“Don’t worry, it’s nothing compared to what you might encounter in the next few days. People have to keep growing.” Li Guoer grabbed a corner of the quilt. At that moment, she felt She felt a strange feeling, as if her every move was being watched by something, and she felt the gaze of others in this room.

Looking up, Li Guo’er looked at the black and white wedding photo hanging on the bedside. The pair of newlyweds in the photo stared straight at her.

“Do you think this can scare me?” Li Guo’er pulled the quilt back with force, and on the soft double bed lay a puppet that was about the same size as a real person. All kinds of talisman papers and torn photos, wearing bright red wedding dresses, with red threads tied around them.

“It’s not a corpse.” Xiao Jia breathed a sigh of relief: “Xiao Guo, let’s go out quickly, this room is so weird.”

Li Guo’er nodded, she covered the quilt again, and when she was smoothing out the folds of the quilt, she seemed to have accidentally touched the red rope, and the puppet’s feet twisted by itself.

Because they were too nervous, neither of them noticed it.

They restored everything, went back to their tables and sat down, and waited another half hour before the locked kitchen door was finally opened.

The disfigured man walked out with a dinner plate covered by a metal cover, as if he was worried that the aroma would escape.

“The cooking method of this kind of meat is very special, very few people have eaten it, and you have a good time today.” The disfigured man put the plate on the dining table, and a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes: “Originally this meat is mine I prepared it for my wife, if I hadn’t met you today, I wouldn’t have made it.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Han Fei controlled his muscles and showed an ugly smile.

Opening the metal hood, the fragrance instantly poured out, even Li Guoer and Xiao Jia were attracted, and they didn’t feel close to the plate.

Slices of meat are placed on the colorful plates, and the thick sauce secret slips from the crystal clear meat, like a work of art.

Xiao Jia swallowed his saliva. He was already very hungry after running all night. How could he withstand such a temptation?

The smell of meat was like a thick arm grabbing his body and bringing his mouth close to the plate.

Subconsciously picked up the chopsticks, Xiao Jia licked his lips: “How about? Try it?”

Li Guoer glared at Xiao Jia, as if she would not let Xiao Jia eat, but Xiao Jia didn’t understand what Li Guoer meant at all.

“This meat is precious and precious, and if it is not precious, it is not precious. You can try it, but don’t make it public after you go out. Just remember the taste yourself.” The disfigured man seems to have been studying food at home. , rarely goes out to communicate with people, and his words gradually become more and more.

“The fragrance is very unique.” Han Fei picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth to chew slowly. He reminisced about the fragrance of the meat and slowly closed his eyes.

Li Guoer wanted to stop Han Fei just now, but Han Fei moved too fast.

Seeing that Han Fei had no problem after eating it, the greedy Xiao Jia also ate a slice. He put the meat in his mouth, and the unique fragrance lingered between his lips and teeth.

“What kind of meat is this? It’s so fragrant! It doesn’t have the mutton smell of mutton, nor the sourness of horse meat, which is different from donkey meat and beef. The layering of the fat is very obvious, so tender! So fragrant! !”

Xiao Jia picked up another slice and ate it. The more he ate, the more addicted he became, as if a voice in his head was urging him.

“Haha.” The disfigured man just smiled, he didn’t answer Xiao Jia’s question, he turned to look at Li Guoer: “Aren’t you going to eat some? Such rare meat can’t be eaten anywhere else.”

“I’m a vegetarian.” Li Guoer patted Xiao Jia on the shoulder, as if trying to calm Xiao Jia: “Let’s talk about the recent disappearance of children in the community, children It won’t disappear inexplicably, your meat is so tender, shouldn’t those children be here?”

Originally, Xiao Jia enjoyed his meal, but Li Guoer’s words rang in his ears like thunder.

He suddenly thought of something. The disfigured man just now said that the meat was for his wife, but her wife seemed to be dead, so he would perform those terrible rituals.

In other words, the meat he is eating now seems to be prepared for “ghosts”.

The meat in his mouth was still very fragrant, but Xiao Jia couldn’t swallow it. His face slowly turned purple, and his body completely froze.

“Your meat is really delicious, but it’s not what I want, or it’s far from the meat I’m familiar with.” Han Fei put down his chopsticks and glanced at Xiao Jia: ” Don’t worry, these thin slices are made from lamb, beef and chicken in some proportions, not what you might think.”

“Oh, that’s how it is.” Xiao Jia swallowed the meat in his mouth with confidence, but soon he seemed to think of something again, and suddenly looked at Han Fei, the staring boss!

The disfigured man and Li Guoer also realized that, the three people in the room except Han Fei all retreated a little.

The atmosphere in the room instantly became subtle, and it was dead silent, except for the sound of Han Fei’s index finger tapping the table lightly.

“Who the **** are you?” The scars on the disfigured man’s face began to twist. He pushed Xiao Jia, who had moved to his side, away, with a flash of vigilance in his eyes.

“Don’t pick me up, I don’t know! Really!” Xiao Jia felt a little nauseous, he was scared now.

“Don’t be nervous, in fact, it’s different from what you think. I just like eating meat. I have never done anything taboo. The special flavor I’m looking for is not that kind of meat.” Han Fei’s eyes were filled with disappointment. , he still hasn’t found his favorite kind of meat: “Who did you learn your cooking skills from?”

“Does it matter?” The disfigured man said after a moment of silence: “It was taught to me by a She is very good at cooking all kinds of meat.”

“Where is she?”


“Are you holding a ghost-marrying ceremony at home just to invite her home?” Han Fei didn’t forget his fundamental purpose.

“No, I just wanted to call my wife back. This ritual, and what happened in this haunted house, was told to me by the woman who taught me to cook.” The disfigured man also realized something: “Do you know that woman?”

“What’s her name?”

“I don’t know her name, all I know is that she seems to be looking for someone in this city, and when she finds that person is when she dies, but she still wants to find that person.” /

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