My Iyashikei Game Chapter 627: Delusion of persecution

  Chapter 628 Persecution Paranoia

  ”Are you awake? The effect of the medicine wears off so quickly?” The doctor surnamed Fu walked to the bedside. He saw that Han Fei had woken up, with a surprised expression on his face.

  Compared with the doctor, the middle-aged woman’s reaction was greater. She hurried to Han Fei’s side and stretched out her hands to check Han Fei’s condition.

  The hands were gouged, and the wound was deep. The middle-aged woman also noticed this. After she remembered what the doctor said just now, she quickly retracted her hands.

   “It seems that he has calmed down.” Dr. Fu waved his hand to the nurse, who untied Han Fei’s restraint belt and gave Han Fei freedom.

   “There is no problem with blood routine, urine routine, cranial MRI, and EEG. Now it can be ruled out that he has an organic disease such as a head injury. For the hospitalization fee, I personally suggest that you take him home first.” Doctor Fu is a very nice person, and he is very considerate of the patient and the patient’s family: “The effect of home treatment may be better, after all, it is an environment he is familiar with. , can reduce his inner fear.”

   “Okay, thank you, Dr. Fu.” The middle-aged woman thanked you repeatedly.

  Han Fei, who was lying on the hospital bed, also heard the words Dr. Fu. A certain nerve in his brain seemed to be touched, and his eyes moved to Dr. Fu.

  It was obviously the first time he had met someone, but Han Fei always felt that the other party wanted to kill him, and that kind-hearted face seemed to reveal a sinister and vicious expression in the next second.

  ”He didn’t want to save me, he wanted to kill me!”

  A thought came to Han Fei, struggling to get up from the hospital bed, he had to escape as soon as possible.

   “Take him home, communicate with him well, remember to pay attention to the things I explained, and then take the medicine on time.” Dr. Fu comforted the middle-aged woman, and then left with the nurse.

  It wasn’t until the doctor walked out of the ward that Han Fei’s nervousness eased.

  ”Han Fei…” The middle-aged woman sat by the bed. She knew that her child was in danger. Even though she had been attacked not long ago, she still sat at the place closest to Han Fei.

  ”Han Fei?” Han Fei repeated the name, which should be his own name, but he couldn’t think of anything other than this name.

  ”You stay here by yourself first, I’ll go through the discharge procedures for you.” The middle-aged woman went to the closet and took out Han Fei’s own clothes from it: “I’ll be back soon.”

  The woman left, and Han Fei was the only one left in the ward. He lowered his head numbly, looking at his palm, at the rings of fingerprints.

  ”Me, Han Fei?”

  There was a creaking sound above his head, and Han Fei was attracted by the sound. Looking up, the fan in the hospital ward was constantly turning.

  Adam’s apple rolled, and Han Fei kept staring at the fan, his face gradually turning pale.

  He always felt that the fan would fall down the next moment, and the high-speed rotating metal fan blades would cut his neck and cut off his head.

   His fingers were a little stiff. Han Fei moved his body. He stepped on the ground with his bare feet and squatted beside the hospital bed.

  The fan was still turning, and the switch was far away from here. Han Fei kept staring at the fan. The cold sweat on his cheeks was getting more and more cold. It seemed that it was not safe to hide by the bed, so he hid under the bed again.

Curled up, Han Fei became more and more uneasy looking at the empty ward.

  He doesn’t remember anything, he seems to be the only one left here.

  Breathing became short of breath, and with his hands folded in front of his chest, his inner anxiety was gradually magnified. When he was about to lose his breath, the middle-aged woman who ran out just now came back.

  ”Han Fei?”

  With the discharge certificate in her hand, the middle-aged woman saw Han Fei at once. She pushed the hospital bed away and helped Han Fei up.

  ”The doctor said there is nothing serious about your illness. Don’t think too much about it, just take a good rest for a while.” The middle-aged woman helped Han Fei get dressed. Carrying a big bag of daily necessities: “Take your time.”

  The middle-aged woman accompanied Han Fei out of the ward. When they reached the first floor, there was a strange noise upstairs, as if something had happened.

   Walking out of the hospital, Han Fei stepped back several steps in a row when loud noises hit him.

   “It’s okay, I will protect you.”

  Under the guidance of the middle-aged woman, Han Fei walked out of the hospital again. His eyes were trembling, his eyes were constantly attracted by the sound, and he looked at different things. Every nerve was tense.

   “Relax, don’t think so much.” The woman patted Han Fei on the back lightly, and she let Han Fei walk on the sidewalk for internal testing, and walked outside by herself.

  My mind went blank, Han Fei couldn’t remember anything, and everything around him brought him deep fear.

  Maybe a passing car will suddenly lose control and hit him; maybe a car will stop suddenly beside him, and then the people in the car will get out of the car and take him away; Someone was following him not far behind.

  Every step is difficult to take, and what seems to be left to him in this strange world is endless fear.

   “Come on, walk home slowly.” The middle-aged woman grabbed Han Fei’s hand and patiently accompanied Han Fei.

  She didn’t urge her, nor did she speak in a stronger tone. If Han Fei stood still, she would stop too.

   It took almost forty minutes to stop and go like this before the middle-aged woman brought Han Fei to the gate of a community.

  This community is very old and very large. There are several tube buildings next to each other, which makes people feel very depressed.

  Han Fei stopped in front of the gate of the community. Looking at the old residential buildings, he always felt that those buildings would collapse towards him at any moment and bury him alive inside.

  ”Han Fei, we’re home soon.”

The word   home came to his ears, and Han Fei slowly turned his head to look at the woman. After hesitating for a moment, he followed the middle-aged woman into the community.

  ”Morning! Are you taking the kids to work again?” The community security guard is a fat man in his thirties with a round face. He is very enthusiastic and greets everyone he sees.

  ”It’s already off work.” The middle-aged woman replied with a smile, and then walked into the No. 4 family building with Han Fei.

  The woman seemed to know that Han Fei never took the elevator, so she pushed open the door of the safe passage and led Han Fei up the stairs.

  The noise from outside gradually disappeared, and Han Fei gradually became quiet.

  They went up to the ninth floor and stopped at the door of room 4904.

  The key was inserted into the lock, and the sound of the door lock turning made Han Fei feel a little uncomfortable. Looking at the house number, he felt an inexplicable urge to escape.

   “It’s home, don’t stand outside.”

  ”This…is not my home.” Han Fei slowly opened his chapped lips and said in a low voice.

  The middle-aged woman gently grabbed Han Fei’s arm. She didn’t refute Han Fei’s words, but comforted him softly: “Take a good rest, don’t think too much, and let yourself go.”

   Entering the house, Han Fei scanned the room vigilantly.

  In the crowded living room, various kinds of furniture are piled up, and two sets of torn doll clothes are placed near the door. It seems that someone in this family is an actor playing a doll in a paradise.

  ”Go back to your room and rest, I’ll go and get the food ready right away.” The middle-aged woman closed the door, and she saw that Han Fei was still standing there, as if she had forgotten where her room was: ” Here, everything will be fine.”

  Han Fei’s bedroom was in the deepest part of the room, and there were all kinds of things in it, which looked a bit messy.

  Usually, Han Fei didn’t seem to like other people entering his room, so the middle-aged woman left after seeing Han Fei enter the room.

  In this home, the innermost bedroom belongs to Han Fei’s own space.

  Sitting on the bed blankly, nothing around Han Fei gave him any familiar feeling. He stroked the bed sheet and saw the manuscript paper thrown randomly on the bed.

  stretched out his hand and unfolded it, and the beginning of a script was written on it.

  “On that day, I found that all the stories I wrote had become reality.”

  “The first story ten years ago was the closet.”

  “Whenever I stand with my back to the closet, the closet door will always open a gap, and I know there is a person hidden inside.”

  Just after reading the first sentence, Han Fei immediately turned to look behind him.

  Beside the single bed is the closet, which is very close to his desk. Whenever he is lying on the desk to write something, the closet is behind him.

  Getting up, Han Fei opened the closet door. There were only a few clothes and boxes of old books inside.


  Han Fei reached out and took out a book to read. The book was about basic acting.

  He has forgotten everything, but he is familiar with the contents of the book, and even unconsciously follows to relax his expression.

  ”Am I an actor?” Han Fei turned to look at the doll suit by the living room door: “Paradise cartoon doll actor?”

Dragging the cardboard box, Han Fei wanted to take out the book box, but the clothes hanging in the closet suddenly shook as if blown by the wind.

  Han Fei’s movements froze. He stared at the clothes in the closet, as if realizing something, and kept going backwards until his back touched the window.

  The room was quiet, and the clothes in the closet stopped shaking.

  Han Fei listened to the wind whistling outside, turned his head and glanced behind him.

  The position of the window sill is a bit low, and the concrete floor downstairs seems to be constantly enlarged in Han Fei’s eyes. At this time, it seems that someone came and pushed him lightly, and he would fall directly and fall on the concrete floor.

   Breathing gradually became heavy. Han Fei grasped the window sill with both hands, and veins appeared on the back of his hands. He felt that this was not the first time he was standing here. land!

  The corpses were placed in various poses on the hard gray concrete floor, and the blood was constantly flowing towards the surroundings. The corpses on the ground seemed to be moving in this way!

  There was a tingling pain in his brain, and Han Fei suddenly shouted: “This is not the first time I have died!”

  ”Han Fei?”

  The middle-aged woman in the kitchen hurried over. She quickly pulled Han Fei away from the window and closed the thick curtains.

  ”Han Fei, don’t think so much, take a good rest.”

  (end of this chapter)

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