My Iyashikei Game Chapter 625: Hide Map Paradise

Huang Ying is the number one player in the Shallow World. If he is delayed for a day, other players are likely to take advantage of the day to shorten the gap with Huang Ying, which is very detrimental to Han Fei’s overall plan.

He must ensure that Huang Ying sits firmly on the throne of the first player before he can use the name of the first player for other operations.

But if the soul-returning skill is used on Huang Ying, then Shen Luo will stay in the deep world until tomorrow. Han Fei is very afraid of this player now, and he is very worried that he will cause another moth.

As a player who has explored the deep world for the second time by virtue of his own strength, Han Feizhen feels that Shen Luo is a bit unusual.

You must know that the lowest luck value is zero, and Han Fei can’t see through the specific attributes of Shen Luo. He is the most special one among all the players.

“Han Fei, I count to three, let’s run together.” Shen Luo held the broken porcelain piece and quietly discussed the escape route with Han Fei. .

“You run to the top floor, find a place to hide, and I’ll help you divert it away.” Han Fei didn’t say it casually, he knew that Xu Qin was on the fifth floor, so letting Shen Luo go to the top floor could maximize the Avoid contact between the two.

“No! How can I let you do such a dangerous thing alone?” Shen Luo refused decisively. Although he was not very lucky, he was still very good.

“Stop talking nonsense!” Han Fei sensed the excitement of Da Xie. Whenever Da Xie started to get excited, it meant that Han Fei was about to encounter a life-and-death crisis again.

The big villain in the room hit Han Fei happily. The wall was torn and the gravel flew. Han Fei decisively pulled Shen Luo out of the room: “Go! Don’t leave the top floor!”

He sacrificed himself for others when we first met. Han Fei’s actions warmed Shen Luo’s winter. He originally thought that Han Fei was very eye-catching, but now he thinks that Han Fei is not bad.

“Brother! I…” Before Shen Luo finished speaking, he saw Han Fei being knocked three meters away by the big evil.

Da Evil saw Han Fei and excitedly wanted the master to give him a loving hug. This was a very warm scene in Da Ei’s eyes, but in Shen Luo’s eyes, it was like a restricted-level heavy-mouthed horror movie.

A living person is thrown down by a black alien, and the next moment should be extremely bloody.

Speaking of which, Shen Luo is really interesting. His legs were weak in fright, but he still threw the broken porcelain pieces in his hands to Dae’s head, as if he wanted to help attract Dae’s attention. Create an opportunity for Han Fei to escape.

“Go away! Go to the top floor and hide!” Han Fei didn’t even bother to use the master-level acting switch, so he perfunctoryly performed the parting of life and death, and then let the big evil take him away.

“Han Fei!” Shen Luo summoned the courage to chase, but his speed was far less than that of Da Xie.

Looking at the dark and empty corridor, Shen Luo remembered Han Fei’s words, bit his lip, and ran towards the top floor.

After Shen Luo left, Han Fei walked out of the darkness. He frowned and sat on the back of Da Xie: “Send away, can you find it by yourself?”

If Shen Luo is the kind of person with extremely bad character, Han Fei would just throw him into the deep world and let him fend for himself.

The key point is that Shen Luo is generally a good person, and he has no bad intentions. Han Fei doesn’t want to send such a person to a more dangerous place like Paradise.

“This buddy has lost his memory and still thinks that I am in line with him. He was thinking of saving me just now… Forget it, let him be locked up on the top floor first.” Han Fei called Feng Ziyu and especially told the other party, Find a way to lock Shen Luo into the most difficult room to escape on the top floor, and don’t let him out.

“Then put him in the room where Xiaobaixie is located? That’s the room where Butterfly once lived. It’s the most secret.” Feng Ziyu and the other security guards quickly understood what Han Fei meant, and they also knew Shen Luo It was Xu Qin’s opportunity to break through the hatred that day. Everyone attached great importance to this player who almost destroyed the dead building.

“Tonight I will take most of my neighbors to go to the department store, starting from there, and officially start exploring the paradise. I will take the little white shoes away later, and the rest of you are protecting yourselves. Under the premise, be careful not to let Shen Luo run around.”

Han Fei attaches great importance to the park, and it can be said that he will do his best this time.

He sent Huang Ying away first with the Soul Recall, and then went to meet Jin Sheng and Wei Youfu.

After Jin Sheng cast a spell on Han Fei last time, he fell into a deep sleep and has not recovered until now.

Wei Youfu put on the coat that Han Fei brought out from the department store, concealed his special breath, and followed the other neighbors out of the fog.

The two haters, plus the big villain and the top hated victims, Han Fei is now full of confidence.

“Paradise has just been attacked by the unspeakable. It is the weakest time. This opportunity should not be missed.”

Han Fei mobilized almost all the forces he could use, and everyone gathered in the department store.

“Are you sure you’re going to do it today?” Jingshen stood beside the shrine with a worried expression on his face: “That paradise was also a special place for Fu Sheng at the beginning, and the ghosts and people there were very different. Weird, the ability is not the same as ours.”

“I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. If we drag it on, our strength will not improve much, but Paradise is slowly recovering from the unspeakable destruction.” Han Fei is very rational, and every decision he makes It was made after thinking for a long time.

“Just think about the consequences.” Jingshen said a few more words worriedly: “The number of ghosts in the paradise is very small, but the overall strength is the most terrifying among these areas. If you meet in the paradise If you have a ‘person’, remember to stand behind Xu Qin.”

“You’re saying that I eat soft rice?” Han Fei didn’t continue to refute, he put the faceless woman’s head into the shopping mall shrine, and then took out a pair of small white shoes wrapped in mist : “They will ask you to take care of them.”

“What’s hidden in these shoes? You shouldn’t bring out that hateful kindness, right?” Jingshen looked at the unremarkable little white shoes, he was worried about the hatred of the plastic surgery hospital Come over, take the shoes quickly, and suppress them with the shrine.

“There is a very special person in the dead building. I am worried that something bad will happen, so I will transfer the important things to you first.” Taking precautions, after Han Fei finished speaking, he joined the others. Going out of the mall, with the help of the neighbors, I completed a G-level mission.

In less than three hours, Han Fei can go offline, and he will have one more hole card at that time.

All preparations were made, everyone stayed at the junction of the park and the plastic surgery hospital area.

The night sky that is always dark is like a huge curtain. No one knows what is hidden behind the curtain, but today, some people are willing to try to seize a corner of the curtain and try to find the truth hidden behind the curtain.

A dull and oppressive breath came from the area of ​​the plastic surgery hospital. The painter was walking in the distorted building with a painting on his back. He and Han Fei were clearly far apart, but it only took a few seconds for him to appear in Han Fei. Not in front of you.


The heavy frame hit the ground, dripping blood and red paint, and the painter brought a picture of a woman in a long dress.

The skirt on the woman’s body is half blood red, soaking the canvas; the other half is pure white, clean and elegant, as if it does not belong to this filthy world.

“The red dress is in your painting?”

The large red dress of resentment in the dead building had chased Shizhi and left, but disappeared in the plastic surgery hospital. I didn’t expect that she was caught by the painter.

The painter with a red iron bucket still didn’t speak, but handed the painting to Han Fei. As for how to get the people in the painting out, that may be another “price”.

“Since you are here, you must have promised to explore the paradise with us. Since you are so sincere, I will not say so much. After the exploration is completed, I will return the faceless woman to you, and you will put the red skirt on. Come out.”

Hearing Han Fei’s words, the painter turned to look at Paradise. After he nodded lightly, he was the first to walk towards the huge distorted shadow.

“Let’s go too.” Han Fei stood next to Wei Youfu. When he stepped into the twisted buildings around the park, a new area on his game exploration map was lit up, and he was also prompted by the system. Sounded in my mind.

“Attention number 0000 players! You have successfully entered the large hidden map – Paradise.”

“Paradise (hidden map): I don’t know since when, the laughter here is getting more and more.”


The fog on the edge of the dead building began to surge, and a pair of pure white shoes walked out of the fog. His footsteps contained a fixed melody. Every step he took, it seemed that an innocent soul was wailing.

The heavy iron door was easily pushed open, and he stepped on the steps, stepping up, as if entering a no-man’s land.

The Death Tower was empty, and he passed through countless death curses easily without any obstruction.

The heart that was burning with black fire was beating slowly, and the perception that was seriously hindered by the fog seemed to recover a little, and he felt the breath of his kindness!

Accelerating your pace, the pair of white shoes quickly came to the top floor.

The black fire burned more and more fiercely, and he pushed open the door marked with butterfly patterns, and he entered the most secret room of the dead building.

There are no traces of butterflies here, and all the furniture has the breath of his kindness.

That timid and kind child seems to be imprisoned here!

Little white shoes moved around the room, and he gently pushed the bedroom door open.

A young man in his twenties was lying in ambush behind the door. He held a wooden chair with both hands and was about to smash it down, only to find that a child came in. He abruptly changed direction and smashed the wooden chair into the white shoes.

“Fortunately I changed direction, I almost hit you on the head just now.” The young man in his twenties let out a long sigh of relief, then looked at the child in front of him with some doubts: “In this building And children?”

He kicked the chair aside and looked at the child in the uniform of the orphanage: “Why are you running around at night? Where are your parents? Should I take you to find them?”

The boy in white shoes lowered his head. He looked at the black stains on the shoes, and blood slowly appeared from the bottom of his eyes.

“Speak!” Crouching down, the young man saw the text on the child’s coat with the help of a little candlelight on the offering table: “You are not an orphan, are you? Are you adopted? Then you raised Do your parents live in this building?”

There is the sound of soul being torn from the black fire. Every time the young man speaks, the flame will become more violent!

“Mute? Deaf-mute?” The young man still remembered that “Perfect Life” is a game that focuses on healing. After thinking for a while, he patted the boy on the shoulder and gestured in a non-standard sign language: “I My name is Shen Luo, how about you? Little kid?”

The boy’s drooping head slowly lifted, the tender face on his face, and all the facial features turned into pitch-black holes.

The black fire of hatred that could no longer be suppressed burst out from the bottom of my heart, the boy let out an extremely harsh scream, and then he grabbed Shen Luo, smashed the glass on the top floor, and galloped above the building with boundless hatred !

The wind of the night poured into both ears, Shen Luo looked at the broken glass, and his mind was still in a blank state.

It took about three seconds before he let out a heart-wrenching scream.

The boy who had been driven by hatred, grabbed Shen Luo and rushed towards the paradise. His face was twisted and ferocious, and he vowed not to let Shen Luo die so easily.


Han Fei stepped into the paradise area, and his right eye suddenly twitched slightly. He felt something and glanced around.

“Left eye jumps for money, right eye jumps for disaster, is something going to happen?”

Taking a deep breath, Han Fei calmed down and continued to follow everyone forward.

The park area is dominated by the park, and there are many other types of buildings around it, but it may be because of the influence of the park, those houses are all twisted and crooked, and you can’t find that kind of square in this whole area. building.

“There are indeed the fewest ghosts in the paradise area. These buildings are basically empty, and not a single ghost can be seen.”

Not only Han Fei, but everyone who enters the park area will feel discomfort. The stronger the strength, the stronger the discomfort.

“Nursery? Elementary School? Kindergarten? Welfare Home? Disabled Children’s Ambulance Center?”

There are many buildings related to children built around the park. Those buildings are empty, and there is no hilarity in the past, only a dead silence.

The painter was leading the way. I don’t know how long it took. The silence was broken and everyone heard the child’s laughter.

“It seems to come from the paradise?”

Speed ​​ While everyone was focusing on the kid’s laughter, Han Fei suddenly saw a costumed clown standing at the window of a room.

He just stood quietly by the window, without a trace of vitality or yin emanating from his body, just like a human-shaped standing card.

All the neighbors including hatred ignored him, only Han Fei saw each other inadvertently.

With exaggerated makeup, a perpetually laughing mouth, and an inconspicuous red tear on the left side of his cheek, this clown is very similar to the clown Han Fei saw in the park this morning.

“Number 11?”

Han Fei stopped, just as he was about to inform others that something suddenly happened in the depths of the park, and countless balloons were released, each with a child’s face painted on it.

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