My Iyashikei Game Chapter 620: D-Class Curse

One eyeball of the monster outside the window occupies almost the entire window. Its body is extremely huge, and it carries a sense of oppression that surpasses hatred.

“It’s a little worse than singing, it’s not indescribable, but it’s stronger than hatred?”

Stared at by those huge eyes, Han Fei seemed to be facing a statue of a **** that had been standing for hundreds of years, and all his secrets could not be hidden.

Black blood slid down the window frame, the painter’s bones made a horrific sound of being squeezed, his flesh rolled to the sides, and the window on his back seemed to be about to open.

Obviously it’s a painted window, but it gives the impression that there really is a world over there.

When the window was pushed a little bit, bloodshots began to appear in that eyeball.

In just a second or two, the crimson bloodshot completely occupied the huge pupil, and Han Fei’s figure was also reflected in the monster’s eyes.

However, the Han Fei that the monster saw was different from the normal Han Fei. .

Enduring the enormous pressure, Han Fei looked at the monster outside the window. He found that the monster saw himself as two different people.

A normal him is standing in front, and behind him is a blood-covered self with a hysterical smile at the corners of his mouth.

Two themselves back to back, one lost his smile forever, one kept his smile forever.

“This monster is the body of No. 4? All the power of the painter comes from No. 4?” Han Fei took a step forward. The three hated to prevent accidents and also stepped forward together. They surrounded the painter around middle.

“What can I do to communicate with the people outside the window?” Han Fei wanted to communicate with the monsters outside the window, but neither the painters nor the monsters outside the window spoke.

A large amount of black blood dripped, and the painter’s body was torn into a deformed appearance. If the window continued to be forcibly opened, the painter would be completely torn apart.

The numbered “4” scar on the arm no longer bleeds, and the painter reaches for the head of the faceless woman in the shrine.

Han Fei probably understood what the painter meant. The other party wanted to take away the faceless woman’s head. If Han Fei did not agree, the painter would be ready to break the net and release the monster outside the back window.

“Is it your request to take away this hatred? Actually, it’s not impossible.” Han Fei moved a chair and sat next to the shrine. He was actually the real owner of this department store.

“I didn’t intend to hurt you. Everything I did was for self-protection. If you have been to the community where I live, you will find that I am a typical pacifist, advocating the harmony of neighbors and pursuing happiness. A stable life.” Han Fei once faced singing alone, he admitted that the monster outside the window was terrifying, but he was not afraid.

“The death building, the plastic surgery hospital and the paradise are next to each other. The paradise is the most mysterious and has the most hidden things. If you are willing to join us to explore the paradise, you can not only take this hated head away, but also meet with you in the future. You can come to us in any difficulty.”

Han Fei opened the properties panel, glanced at the still gray exit button, and pressed the master acting switch in his mind.

“To be frank, I have forgotten some things from the past, but from the clues I have grasped, the hope of saving all the numbered orphans is in me.”

“Maybe I can heal their wounds and rescue them from their desperate nightmare.”

Looking at the huge eyes outside the window, Han Fei stood up: “You and I met outside, you should remember what No. 4 said to me.”

Mentioning orphan No. 4, waves appeared on the painter’s unchanging face. He used to want to save those children, but unfortunately the only thing he could do for the children at that time was to paint a few pictures on the closed underground wall. A window full of color.

“I’m going to do what you didn’t do at the beginning. I don’t expect you to help me wholeheartedly, I just hope you can cooperate with me a little. I can return this hated head to you.”

Han Fei looked sideways in the direction of the park: “On the fourth basement floor of the plastic surgery hospital, you also heard the warning from No. 4. After clearing all the games in the park, a monster will resurrect on me, and he will occupy me. Everything. But even in the face of these death threats, I still won’t stop because I know some things are more important than my own life, and some things have to be done by someone.”

Everything Han Fei said was the truth. He knew that Paradise was very dangerous, but he knew even more that if he stopped, everything he had now might be destroyed one day in the near future.

He can no longer accept that the neighbors who follow him are distraught, and he has long regarded them as family.

“If someone has to go forward, I want that person to be me.”

Han Fei really thinks so in his heart. Coupled with his masterful acting skills and devilish voice, every word he says is straight to the heart.

The painter, who was numb to everything, twisted his neck and looked at Han Fei from a weird angle.

He remains silent, no one knows what he’s thinking.

A few seconds later, a crack appeared on the window on the painter’s back, and Han Fei in the huge eyeball became more and more clear.

The monster outside the window seemed to remember something. The Han Fei in its eyes began to change in the body, the skin became tender, and the stature became shorter, as if he had changed from an adult to a childhood.

As Han Fei’s figure changed, the monster became more and more out of control. Its eyes were almost occupied by blood, and the terrifying sense of oppression seemed to crush Han Fei.

“It remembers me…”

Han Fei and the monster looked at each other. He looked at the monster’s huge eyeballs, as if he was looking at a life-size mirror. In the mirror were the memories of the monster’s past, reflecting the real appearance of Han Fei’s childhood.

Han Fei, who will never smile, and Han Fei, who will never stop smiling, stand back to back.

They returned to their childhood at the same time, and the two back-to-back children slowly merged, but just when they were about to become one person, the monster’s huge eyes were pierced, blood splashed on the window, and a roar From outside the window, the entire department store trembled.

A large area of ​​cracks appeared in the glass of the black window, and those cracks spread directly to the painter. It seems that as long as the window is fully opened, the painter will also lose his soul, and this seems to be the meaning of his existence.

Raising his arm, the painter controlled the window at the last minute, all the black blood flowed back into the scar, the window pattern on his back returned to normal little by little, and the huge eyeball disappeared.

The window has become an ordinary window painting, but the wounds all over the painter’s body have not disappeared. Now is his weakest time.

Standing up, the painter didn’t say a word and walked silently towards the back door of the department store.

He did not agree to Han Fei’s request, nor did he take the faceless woman’s head, and even his facial expressions did not change, and he was still numb.

The Mirror God sensed that this was an opportunity, and he communicated with Han Fei through the shrine, ready to act directly.

But Han Fei shook his head. After seeing the window behind the painter, he felt that the price to pay for killing the painter was too great.

Once the monsters outside the window are released, it’s hard to say who wins or loses.

In addition, the top priority now is to enter the park to retrieve the memory, and rescue the group of players by the way. If you don’t care about that group of players, there will definitely be more people who pass through the paradise maze and stray into the deep world.

“We’re not 100% sure we’ll kill the painter, and if we let him escape, all plans will be delayed.”

To survive in a place like the Deep World, killing is not going to work. Of course, just being kind and patient is not enough.

Han Fei didn’t do anything. The painter successfully walked to the back door of the mall. When he opened the door and was about to step out of the mall, he suddenly stopped.

Slowly twisting his neck, the painter grabbed something from the scar on his arm and threw it on the ground.

In order to prevent Han Fei from being in danger, Xu Qin directly picked up the blood-stained things on the ground to check.

It was a group photo wrinkled and soaked in blood. She carefully opened the photo, and there was a hard candy inside.

“Is that candy a birthday present from the painter to No. 4? Orphan No. 4 has not eaten it?”

Han Fei took the group photo first. Thirty-one children were crowded in the photo, but there were thirty-two numbers under the photo, from zero to thirty-one.

Because too much time has passed, the memories that made up the photos are blurred, and the faces of those children have rotted away. Han Fei looked at it several times, but he couldn’t find himself.

“Attention player number 0000! You have successfully discovered the D-class curse – their photo.”

“A group photo of them (D-class curse): When someone’s name cannot be pronounced, it means that there is an unspeakable existence among them.”

“Attention! This photo may bring you great disaster, please do not recite their number!”

“Class D?” Han Fei’s hands holding the photo froze in the air. This is the first time he has seen a Class D curse: “Is there still something hidden in the painter?”

“It’s pretty normal. Back then, Butterfly, as the owner of the Dead Building, had two shrines and an unspeakably shed underground body. Compared with Butterfly, he was already very poor.” Mirror God deserves to have seen the world. man, said casually.

“That’s true.” Han Fei put the photo into the inventory. This photo usually looks normal, but if the number of everyone is recited, the curse on the photo is likely to be triggered. It is estimated that the person who recites the curse and the people around him will be cursed and killed.

“It’s also a good trump card.” After putting the group photo, Han Fei picked up the very ordinary candy again.

“Attention number 0000 players! You have successfully discovered the E-class quest item – the candy that changes fate.”

“The Candy that Changes Destiny (E-Class Quest Certificate): This candy changed his destiny, and maybe yours too.”

“Attention! This candy can be used in the shrine memory world and has a special effect!”

The painter left, but left Han Fei with two important things.

“That guy is quite arrogant, he came in without a word, and threw a D-rank curse when he left.”

Han Fei doesn’t think that he convinced the painter that the monster locked out of the window chose him.

“You propose to wait until the joint exploration of the park is completed, and then return the faceless woman’s head to the painter. Just now the painter left not only without the faceless woman’s head, but also left two ‘grand gifts’. Does it mean that he has agreed?” The Mirror God appeared next to the shrine, he looked at the head of the Wulian woman, and the balance in his eyes shook, as if he was estimating hatred.

“Let’s take the faceless woman’s head away first, and when the time is right to start exploring the paradise, I will put her head in the shrine and you will take care of it.” Han Fei planned everything: “The paradise It may be the last shrine that Fu Sheng left for me, what kind of person he is, I should be able to see it clearly this time.”

“Han Fei, I still don’t think you should trust Fu Sheng. The old building director is very obsessed. In order to achieve his goals, he can do anything.” Jing Shen hesitated for a while before opening his mouth: “I have seen it with my own eyes. He…was born again in his own child, only to go to the darker, more desperate parts of the deep world.”

Hearing Mirror God’s words, Han Fei’s expression also became serious. He walked to the window and looked at the paradise shrouded in darkness.

“You mean, is it possible for him to be reborn on me this time?”

Retracting his gaze, Han Fei looked at the three haters beside him, and suddenly showed a very relaxed expression: “If the old building chief wants to be detrimental to me, are you willing to help him or me?” /

Xu Qin stood firmly on Han Fei’s side. Zhuang Wen was not familiar with Fu Sheng, so she naturally chose Han Fei.

After being stunned for a moment, Jingshen seemed to understand what Han Fei meant: “You are indeed a more suitable person than him.”

“Fu Sheng should also understand this truth.” Han Fei’s path is different from that of Fu Sheng, and he believes that his choice is the correct one.

Having eaten the pig’s heart, Han Fei walked out of the department store. With the help of the two haters, he completed a G-level mission. After returning to the dead building, he went offline and left the game.

Removing the game helmet, Han Fei climbed out of the game cabin. He immediately started searching the Internet for information about the Fu Tian was from Xinhu and lived in the outer city when he was a child. According to the information on the Internet, Han Fei It was finally determined that the paradise where the other party and Fu Sheng went together in childhood should be Xinhu Paradise in the northern suburbs.

The park was abandoned decades ago, and was later bought by Yongsheng Pharmaceutical together with the land. It was simply rebuilt and became a private park that is not open to the public.

“It would be a bit of a hassle if it wasn’t made public.”

Han Fei glanced at the watch on the wall. He quit the game earlier today, it’s only 3:30 in the morning.

After thinking for a moment, Han Fei changed his clothes and walked out of the house.

Considering that he had just made a big news last night, Han Fei didn’t even dare to leave the main entrance of the community. He was worried that he would be squatted by reporters and climbed the wall to leave the community.

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