My Iyashikei Game Chapter 572: Beautiful God’s Dining Table

Cao Lingling on the hospital bed had stopped struggling violently, her eyes were staring blankly at the ceiling, the expression on her face slowly froze, as if her soul had fallen into a dormancy.

“What did she see last night?” Zhao Qian came to the bedside and held Cao Lingling’s cold hand. This strong woman is also a little helpless now.

“After she wakes up, we will start treatment as soon as possible.” The nurse checked Cao Lingling’s body: “Except for the strong mental stimulation, she has no other injuries. You can rest assured that the hospital will provide her with The best service, but in terms of cost…”

“Money is not a problem, you must cure her.” Zhao Qian handed a card she had obtained at the Perfect Plastic Surgery Hospital to the nurse: “All treatment expenses will be deducted from me first.”

“It’s really lucky for her to meet such a good leader like you.” The nurse smiled and left with her card.

Not paying attention to the nurse’s compliment, Zhao Qian turned her eyes away from Cao Lingling and then looked at Han Fei again.

“Why do you suddenly want to come here to work as a nurse? Could it be that you have heard some rumors? Do you think this place can maximize your advantages?” Zhao Qian glanced at Agou with some disgust, and then left In front of Han Fei: “The octopus disappeared, Du Shu was kidnapped, the company’s senior management was in a mess, and the “Eternal Life Project” was also affected. Now is your chance to come back.”

“Go back to the company?” Han Fei shook his head again and again. His life had already entered the countdown, and he could no longer waste time on making games.

“I know you hate the company, but isn’t it your dream to complete the “Eternal Life Game”? I can allow you to work from home, command you and the octopus’ subordinates remotely, and coordinate other departments of the company to cooperate with you.” Zhao Qian said Very sincere.

“If there is really no one who can take over, you can choose one of my former subordinates. Some of them are very capable, but they have never had the opportunity to display them.”

“Hey, you really don’t think about it anymore?”

“My suggestion to you is to concentrate on driving out the horror love game I made before. If it becomes a big hit, it can relieve a lot of pressure on the company, and maybe it can help the company tide over the difficulties. “

“This is the only way to do it now.” Zhao Qian’s eyes moved to Cao Lingling and Han Fei: “Since you are the nurse here, then Cao Lingling will ask you to take care of them, and I will come here often recently. “

Zhao Qian left with one of the policemen, while the other policeman stayed in Cao Lingling’s private ward.

As the only witness of several disappearance cases, the police also attach great importance to Cao Lingling’s safety.

“Fu Yi, if someone named you to be her nurse, then I won’t compete with you. From tomorrow onwards, you will be in charge of taking care of this patient.” Agou looked at Han Fei with a smile, like Ordinary employees like Cao Lingling don’t have much money and have mental problems, so they can’t squeeze much money.

“Okay.” Han Fei didn’t care.

“After the injection, she can be quiet for at least four hours. I’ll take you for a walk first.” Agou secretly glanced at the policeman. Look straight at the policeman.

Leaving the private ward, Ah Gou changed back to his previous appearance, playing around, and I don’t know whether he came here to be a nurse or a cowherd, anyway, he seems to enjoy this job very much Profession.

In one morning, Ah Gou took Han Fei to visit all the idle wards. Because of Du Shu’s kidnapping, there were not many customers in Building 1 for the time being.

As a comprehensive plastic surgery building with multiple functions, the interior of Building No. 1 is quite complicated, and the luxurious decoration is only its surface. The deeper you go, the more weird it feels.

“The last place I will take you to is the most important place in Building No. 1.” Agou and Han Fei came to the basement floor, where Building No. 1 and Building No. 2 are connected There is a special room.

“All the beauty and love are hidden here, the secret of not being old, the young soul, this is the source of all good things.” A Gou is like a devout believer, when his hand touches the door in front of him, There was an abnormal sense of frenzy on his face, and the blood vessels under his skin bulged upwards, as if his body was in a state of extreme excitement.

Pushing open the door, the bright lights were a bit dazzling, and it took Han Fei a long time to get used to it.

This underground room located in the middle of the two hospital buildings has a very large interior space, with dark red patterns painted on the walls. It contains various high-tech medical equipment and some human props that Han Fei can’t recognize at all.

“The major customers in Building No. 1 are operating here. Many of them have sensitive identities, and information about them must not be leaked out.” Agou stared at those strange medical equipment with incomparable eyes The frenzy, as if those equipment were gifts from the gods: “Don’t touch anything here, we are usually not qualified to come in, today I mainly want to show you around.”

Han Fei couldn’t understand Ah Gou’s enthusiasm. To him, this place was just a relatively large operating room.

The two moved carefully in the room, and they soon saw an operating table in the depths of the room that was more than two meters long.

All the light in the room was focused on the operating table, Ah Gou’s body trembled slightly, as if he was about to climax, he walked towards the operating table step by step, and pressed his face against the operating table very gently.

“Come and feel it while the doctors are not here.” A Gou’s expression was a little sick: “This is the dining table of the Goddess of Beauty, and it is the closest place to perfection.”

Different from Ah Gou’s pious face, Han Fei stared at the operating table, feeling uncomfortable all over, as if the operating table was full of minced meat, and every place was clotted with blood.

Walking to the operating table, Han Fei’s inner discomfort became more intense. A picture even appeared in his mind. He was fixed on the operating table as he was dying, and ten “beauty gods” stared at the table on the dining table. himself, and then bit by bit the knife cut open his body and soul.

“The dining table of the beautiful god…”


The door of the operating room was pushed open, and two doctors appeared at the door: “Who let you in!”

When one of the doctors saw Han Fei and Agou, he shouted, “Get out!”

Agou behaved like an obedient dog in front of the doctor. He dragged Han Fei and ran out dejectedly while apologizing.

When Han Fei passed the two doctors, he secretly glanced at each other.

The doctor who scolded Agou was all normal, just like the doctors in ordinary hospitals, but the other doctor next to him was emitting a strong smell. There were bandages around his neck and wrists, and the smell seemed to be It just floated out from under the bandage.

Close the door of the operating room, A Gou still has that sickness on his face: “When I save enough money, I must try again.”

“Try what?”

“You will understand later.” Ah Gou smiled mysteriously: “You are really lucky, you were assigned to Building No. The future is absolutely bright.”

Agou wanted to say something more, but his walkie-talkie rang at this moment, and the voice of the fat nurse came from inside, telling him to take Han Fei to the second floor.

Back to the “safe house”, the fat nurse was pushing a small cart containing Han Fei’s two work uniforms, a walkie-talkie and a temporary worker card.

“This is something for you. You will work with Agou for three days first. Once the probationary period is over, we will immediately prepare a formal contract for you.” Get off work, do less and ask less.”

“Understood.” Han Fei picked up his uniform, pushed open the door of the “safe house”, and looked at another man in a nurse’s uniform.

The man is tall and tall, but his skin is loose, his face is full of age spots, and his mental state is not very good.

“Zhang Zhuangzhuang, this is our new colleague named Fu Yi.” Agou enthusiastically introduced Han Fei to the strong man.

Hearing Agou’s voice, the strong man just glanced at Agou, then grabbed Han Fei’s shoulder and walked out of the “safe house”.

The strong man was so strong that Han Fei couldn’t break free with one-fifth of his strength.

“I advise you to leave this hospital and find another job.” The strong man was half a head taller than Han Fei, and should be 1.9 meters tall. He stared at Han Fei with a sense of oppression.

“Why? The treatment in this hospital seems to be very good.” Han Fei pretended to be puzzled.

“Many people can’t even survive the trial period.” The strong man saw the greed on Han Fei’s face. He had seen many such people and knew that he could not persuade him: “I can’t tell you too much , just remember, don’t believe what anyone in this hospital says, especially that dog, it’s probably not a human being, it hasn’t changed since I came here.”

“Since you came here?”

“I came to work here at the age of twenty-three, and now I am twenty-six. In three years, the oldest Agou seems to have become younger.” The strong man let go of Han Fei’s shoulder Hand: “Working here is indeed very profitable, but don’t risk your life just to make money.”

The man named Zhang Zhuangzhuang left after speaking. Han Fei looked at the other person’s face full of age spots and felt incredible: “Twenty-six years old?”

“Don’t listen to that Zhang Zhuangzhuang’s nonsense.” A Gou quietly appeared behind Han Fei: “He was spotted by a customer before, and they hired him as a personal nurse, but this trash was taken away within two months.” He was kicked out. If his sister was not a doctor here, he would not be qualified to stay here and continue to work. He can’t see me, and I can’t see him.”

“It’s all nurses, why do you still despise each other?” Han Fei put his uniform in the closet, and the fat nurse gave him a three-day trial period. Find out the secrets of the hospital before.

At one o’clock in the afternoon, Han Fei and Agou went to eat. When they passed by the entrance of the hospital, Han Fei accidentally saw Zhang Zhuangzhuang walking outside the hospital with a lunch box.

“Doesn’t he eat in the hospital cafeteria?”

“Leave him alone.” Agou tugged at Han Fei: “The food in the cafeteria is delicious, especially the meat here. I guarantee that you will never forget the taste after eating it once.”

At first, Han Fei was planning to go to the cafeteria to eat, but after Ah Gou mentioned meat, Han Fei suddenly thought of some bad pictures.

The meat in this plastic surgery hospital should not be eaten indiscriminately.

Finding an excuse, Han Fei sneaked away, and he left the hospital with Zhang Zhuangzhuang.

“Brother, why did you come out of the hospital to eat? Doesn’t the hospital provide room and board?” Han Fei ran to Zhang Zhuangzhuang and asked casually.

“Food and lodging are included, but do you know what you are eating?” Zhang Zhuangzhuang sneered, and he bought a box lunch from the vendors outside the hospital.

“You seem to have a big opinion on this hospital? Then why don’t you resign?” This was what Han Fei was most confused about. Zhang Zhuangzhuang obviously knew that there was a problem with the hospital, but he was unwilling to leave.

“My sister is a doctor in this hospital. She has been bewitched by evil spirits. I have to take her away.” Zhang Zhuangzhuang turned his head to look at Han Fei, and said very seriously, “Let’s go quickly, don’t let her go again.” I’m back.”

Without waiting for Han Fei to answer, Zhang Zhuangzhuang left with his lunch box.

“This Zhang Zhuangzhuang is worth fighting for. The old staff in the hospital are getting younger and younger, but he is getting old. There must be something wrong with it.” Han Fei also bought a lunch box. He was about to go back when suddenly his nose and head There was pain again, and when I looked down, my mouth and nose were bleeding again.

“The swelling pain is getting stronger and stronger, and the duration is starting to get longer.”

Han Fei felt a little dizzy. He leaned on the fence to go back to the plastic surgery hospital, but at this moment, three men in nurse uniforms came out of the hospital and stopped in front of him.

“We’ve been waiting for you here for a long time.” The bald prisoner blocked Han Fei’s way. What? Why would he be willing to help you kidnap Du Shu?”

“If you want to survive, then cooperate with me.” Han Fei looked at the prisoner and said, “If you make trouble, don’t blame me.”

“Blame you? Do you deserve it?” The prisoner grabbed Han Fei’s collar: “The black box is probably hidden in the hidden map of “A Perfect Life, and Qiangwei is the top black box hunter of inevitable truth. Is he right?” What was found in this hospital with a hidden map?”

“Then you have to ask Qiangwei.”

“Tell me everything you know! It shouldn’t be easy for your number to reach the current level, and you don’t want to lose everything like this?” The prisoner is not too stupid: “We have studied you, you are There are seven wives in the hidden map, your account should be a top-quality account with a very high initial charm, if it is ruined like this, you will definitely be very heartbroken, right?”

He was dizzy, and Han Fei felt that Fu Yi’s face was hidden in his mind. He was eating his brain and memory, growing continuously, and trying to spread to his whole body.

“Speak!” The prisoner locked Han Fei’s neck and threatened viciously, “Tell me what you know! Is the black box hidden somewhere in this hospital!”

With a tingling sensation, Han Fei’s nasal cavity began to ooze a lot of blood. This strange scene made the prisoner a little puzzled.

“I didn’t hit you in the face either? Why did you spray blood?”

The prisoner threw Han Fei on the ground, and wiped his hands with some bad luck: “Don’t pretend to be dead, if you don’t make it clear, you will have good fruit in the future.”

The other two players didn’t know what was going on. Seeing that the prisoner threw Han Fei on the ground, they also came over.

They were about to drag Han Fei aside when a high school student in school uniform rushed out of the bushes in the distance.

The student seemed to have been squatting outside the hospital for a long time. He took a branch and a schoolbag and stood in front of Han Fei.

“I have called the police! Be careful!”

Hearing a familiar voice, Han Fei opened his eyes and found Fu Sheng standing in front of him.

“Why did you come here!” Fu Yi’s face became more and more obvious in his mind, and the image of Fu Sheng being **** on the hospital bed kept flashing in his memory. Han Fei couldn’t control his emotions, he knew the players They are all outsiders, they don’t care so much, they may really do something that hurt Fu Sheng.

The prisoner ignored Fu Sheng at all, and his eyes were always on Han Fei: “The days to come are still long, can you escape today, and can you escape every day in the future? Speak out, don’t push yourself to a dead end.”

The three players have just joined the plastic surgery hospital, and they don’t want to cause too much trouble now, so they turned and left Seeing the three men walking away, Fu Sheng quickly checked Han Fei’s physical condition: “You Didn’t you find a job? Why did you end up in a plastic surgery hospital?”

Han Fei stared at Fu Sheng’s face, and said in a very serious tone: “Don’t get too close to this hospital, don’t come here!”

In reality, Fu Sheng completely collapsed under the intervention of the plastic surgery hospital. Han Fei felt that he had changed the future of the memory world of the shrine, but Fu Sheng still appeared near the plastic surgery hospital, which made him a little worried , Fate may be gradually correcting the deviated trajectory.

“Why are you wearing the nurse’s clothes?” The father in Fu Sheng’s impression was a delicate and selfish man, wearing suits and leather shoes every day, with great temperament. But the father he saw now, his mouth and nose were covered with blood, he was wearing the uniform of a nurse, his forehead was covered with veins due to the pain, and his whole face was extremely haggard.

“I’m here to work.” Han Fei made a plan in his heart. If the plastic surgery hospital insisted on putting someone on the operating table, he would be willing to replace Fu Sheng as his father.

“Let’s find another job. With your ability, I’m sure.” Fu Sheng never thought that he would meet such a father.

“It’s okay to find another job. You can do whatever you want. I can meet all your requirements, but you have to promise me two things.” Han Fei looked into Fu Sheng’s eyes: “Don’t come near this place.” Take care of your mother and your brother at the hospital.”

The pain eased slightly, and Han Fei got up from the ground: “Go back quickly.”

Holding on to the railing, he walked slowly. After a while, he looked back, and Fu Sheng was still standing there.

“Also… don’t skip class, I have started working, you have to move forward.”

A tired voice came from his tired body, and Han Fei walked directly towards the hospital without looking back.

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