My Iyashikei Game Chapter 558: Level 20!

“I… want to go home. I haven’t finished my homework yet, and my family has been looking for me.” After meeting Han Fei, Huang Mao seemed to see the light, and the darkness in his heart was completely eliminated. , Now he just wants to study hard, master any craft at will, and then escape from this city, never to return.

Han Fei is different from those bad guys who bullied Huang Mao. He is a person with a strong sense of justice. Anyone can see this, but an overly strong sense of justice seems to have entered another extreme.

“Do you want to go home now? Do you want to study hard now?” Han Fei stared at Huang Mao’s regretful face: “The prodigal son will not change his money when he turns back. If you can make such a big change, I can be regarded as doing it.” It’s a good thing.”

“Can I go then?” Huang Mao looked at Han Fei expectantly, but when he saw Han Fei’s eyes, he quickly avoided it.

There are two things in the world that cannot be looked at directly for a long time. One is the sun at noon, and the other is Han Fei’s eyes full of justice.

“You can leave at any time, but there must be many children like you who are lost in Huahua City. I remember that when you bullied Fu Sheng, a large group of people gathered together. I feel that those friends of yours also Redemption is needed.” Han Fei helped Huang Mao up.

Seeing that Han Fei suddenly became gentler, yellow goosebumps appeared: “Then why don’t I call them?”

“Alright, you can leave when they come over.” Han Fei also felt quite fulfilled in his heart, and he could help these depraved children get back on track.

“What if they don’t come…” Huang Mao knew the horror of adults. Compared with it, the school environment is purer, and he decided not to learn from others in the future.

“You continue to stroll here until they come, and I will protect you.” Han Fei smiled, and he was very satisfied with the increased experience points.

The title of being brave for righteousness fits him very well. The experience given for being brave for righteousness is not too much, which is not as good as the higher-level tasks, but it can’t hold back Han Fei’s bravery for justice.

Strictly speaking, he didn’t do anything excessive. He didn’t force those bad guys to rob Huangmao, nor did he hurt innocent passers-by. Instead, he maintained law and order in the city.

In the world of Mirror God, the owner of the shopping mall takes advantage of people’s greed to turn the wishing well into an unspeakable well of curse.

As the new boss of the shopping mall, Han Fei also took advantage of the greed of people’s hearts and turned those bad guys into his experience for upgrading.

When the sun was about to set, Han Fei called Huang Mao to the back alley again. His brave actions all day greatly increased his experience.

If there are no accidents, he should be able to rise to level 20 tomorrow.

In the “Perfect Life” game, every tenth level is a threshold, and Han Fei is also very much looking forward to unlocking those new things after level 20.

“What kind of friends do you make? After making so many phone calls, no one came to replace you.” Han Fei took the famous watch and money on Huang Mao’s wrist back to his pocket: “I already know The place where you live, your phone number, and the location of your school, you can continue to help tomorrow.”

After Han Fei finished speaking, he took out two hundred yuan from his pocket and stuffed it into Huang Maoli: “I will pay you according to the group performer’s salary for a day, let’s use it to buy some delicious food, this hard-earned money is no better than stolen money Is the money spent steadily?”

Huang Mao held the two hundred yuan in his hand, which was really the hard-earned money he earned with his life.

“Continue tomorrow.” Han Fei put on his suit smartly: “If you don’t come to me, I will go to you.”

Listening to Han Fei’s words, Huang Mao’s shoulders were trembling, and he was haunted by evil spirits.

Take a taxi back to the company, and Han Fei checked the progress of the team members. Contrary to his expectations, everyone is working hard, and the completion time of the game is constantly shortening.

“It seems that everyone wants to seize this opportunity.”

These subordinates are all old employees who followed Fu Yi. After Fu Yi was transferred from the popular project, they were also implicated, but no one resigned, and no one left Fu Yi’s team.

From this point of view, Fu Yi is indeed a master in employing people. He is very good at handling relationships between people and has a very high emotional intelligence.

Without disturbing the team members, Han Fei found Zhao Qian with the music he made. He had been running outside for a day, and he needed some results.

It happened that Zhao Qian had never heard of his “curse” before, so this time was a chance.

Knocking on the door, Han Fei entered Zhao Qian’s office. He put the song he made in front of Zhao Qian: “Mr. Zhao, come and listen to this.”

“Are you really going to record a song? I heard from people in your department that you sang a theme song. I thought they were joking.”

“I revised another version. Listen carefully. This song contains a lot of things I want to say.” Han Fei handed the earphones to Zhao Qian, and he sat beside her, watching Zhao Qian.

When the prelude sounded, the darkness spread over the ankles, a little bit upward, and the song seemed to have its own soul.

Zhao Qian’s expression gradually became surprised. She looked at Han Fei, and Han Fei didn’t dodge this time.

The singing is the voice of the soul, and all of Han Fei’s emotions are integrated into it, and Zhao Qian seems to have entered Han Fei’s heart for the first time.

Different from the imaginary inner world full of sensuality, Han Fei’s mind is extremely clean, but it is wrapped in layers of darkness, making it difficult for others to enter.

“My crime is unforgivable, and my death is approaching. I know I can’t get your forgiveness. I just hope that I can slightly reduce the hatred in your heart.” Han Fei used the ability of language, combined with an unnamed ballad The curse, and the assistance of master acting skills.

When a song ended, he heard the sound of the system.

“Player number 0000, please pay attention! Zhao Qian’s hatred for you will be reduced by one point, and the total reduction will be two points.”

Take off the earphones, the expression on Zhao Qian’s face is still very shocked: “The melody is very special, not good to say, but I just want people to listen to it all the time, it feels like lying on the same bed with darkness, no matter what you do posture, will be embraced by it.”

As if realizing that what she said was inappropriate, Zhao Qian recovered and coughed: “It seems that I underestimated you. This song is very suitable for that game. You did a good job.”

“Tomorrow I will continue to improve the background music and songs.” Han Fei smiled happily, and he had another excuse not to go to work tomorrow.

Zhao Qian didn’t know what Han Fei really thought. She thought that Han Fei was happy because he got her approval.

Recalling that when Fu Yi first joined the company, Zhao Qian taught Fu Yi who knew nothing step by step. At that time, Fu Yi was young and smart, with a strong learning ability. Every time he went to work, he only had Zhao Qian in his eyes. .

There was a sound of closing the door, and after Han Fei left, Zhao Qian walked out of her memories. She stared at the closed door, a little irritable.

Han Fei couldn’t help with work matters at the moment. He asked the team members what they wanted to eat, and ordered takeaway for everyone, which was considered a treat for his subordinates.

After the takeaway was delivered, Han Fei, who had nothing to do, went home first.

Carrying a briefcase, Han Fei saw Fu Sheng as soon as he entered the community. The child was wearing a school uniform and sitting alone on the fitness equipment in the community.

“Why don’t you go home?” Han Fei didn’t ask Fu Sheng if he went to school today or if anything happened. Compared with those, he cared more about hoping that Fu Sheng could go home and sit together as a family.

Fu Sheng still doesn’t seem to be used to talking to Han Fei. He picked up his schoolbag and said after a long time: “I didn’t go to school today, that place always feels like it will bring me back to the past.”

“It’s okay, take your time, there is still time.” When Han Fei saw Fu Sheng in front of him, he always thought of Fu Sheng who was wearing a hospital gown and tied to the hospital bed in the manager’s task.

They have the same face, which portends a dire future.

The house in the manager’s task is very crowded, and each room is very small, which is very different from the house Han Fei lives in now, which also caught Han Fei’s attention.

In the near future, Fu Sheng’s family is likely to experience major changes.

“It takes a lot of preparation.”

Han Fei helped Fu Sheng pick up his schoolbag, with a smile on his face: “Let’s go, let’s go home.”

In the evening, Han Fei cooked another table of meals for his family. This time, Fu Sheng also came to the living room rarely, and everyone had dinner together.

Han Fei doesn’t know how long such a warm day can last, but he will try his best to help Fu Sheng leave some good memories.

Fu Sheng changed Han Fei’s world, and now Han Fei wants to change Fu Sheng’s world too.

Satisfied with wine and food, as night fell, Han Fei calculated the time when the ghost would arrive, and then fell asleep.

The next day, Han Fei and Fu Sheng got up on time. Fu Sheng tried hard to get rid of the shadow in his heart and went back to school; Han Fei went to the company to check in first, and then went to meet Huang Mao.

The little yellow hair didn’t keep his promise, which made Han Fei go to his house again in person.

Huang Mao’s family is very rich, and he lives in a second-floor villa, but it is also because his parents have been busy with business and have no time to take care of him, which caused him to degenerate.

Fortunately, when God closes a door for man, he always opens a window for him.

The decadent Huang Mao was lucky enough to meet Han Fei. When Han Fei’s face appeared in the window of Huang Mao’s house, the little **** almost fainted from happiness as if he had seen an angel.

“If you don’t come to me, I will come to you. You have to learn to be obedient in the future.” Han Fei left the villa with Huang Mao.

“Let’s go, let’s go to a place with worse law and order today…”

The Xiacheng District, which is some distance from the city center, is the most chaotic neighborhood in the local Say it is poor, there are several night streets built here, brightly lit, there are regular bars, karaoke restaurants, and many more An informal special business place; but if this area is very rich, four out of five homeless people gather in the lower city area, many of them have no serious jobs, and the law and order is extremely poor.

In the past, the downtown area was the most troublesome place for the police, but now everything seems to be undergoing subtle changes.

I don’t know when, a very scary urban legend began to spread in the lower city.

Whenever the sun rises, a boy with yellow hair will appear in the alley with dull eyes and a sad face.

He would constantly wink at passers-by, speak silent spells with his lips, and then those who met him would fall into a coma.

Some people said that the child was an innocent bystander who was mistakenly killed by gangs a few years ago, and his soul returned to his life; others said that he was the reincarnation of Huang Daxian, half human and half ghost.

Until later, a high-ranking gang member also met that boy. As the most prestigious figure in the gang, that big brother’s personality changed a lot after meeting Huang Mao.

No one knows what terrible things happened to him in the alley. People only know that the elder brother started to gather the younger brother later, and he was all about preparing to clean up his crimes.

The turmoil in the lower city is gradually spreading, the poker tables are pushed down, the new forces see the opportunity, and the old forces feel uneasy.

The sun was slowly setting, and Han Fei put on his suit again. He stood on the empty street, looking at the attribute bar with satisfaction.

When he acted so bravely that the bad guys didn’t dare to go out easily, he finally succeeded in reaching level 20!

“It’s not easy. Others’ level 20 has just left Novice Village, but mine has reached the deepest part of hell.”

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