My Iyashikei Game Chapter 527: Huang Ying, Bai Xian, Jin Jun

   If you want to move forward in the dark, you must yearn for the light in your heart.

  Because there is no hope in the endless dark night, and the sight is completely surrounded by terror, coldness and despair. At this time, a person can only rely on himself. He needs to remain awake in that situation and not be Desperate and shaken, not be seduced by the darkness.

People like    are rare, but Han Fei is undoubtedly lucky. He met Huang Ying, who had been killed hundreds of times in nightmares and still hadn’t bowed to the butterfly, and met Bai Xian, who was extremely kind in heart.

   Han Fei walks alone in the dark. He wants to accumulate as much power as possible in the deep world and explore the secrets.

   Huang Ying and Bai Xian are his strengths in the shallow world. In fact, Han Fei has been thinking about a question in the deep world. Why does Fu Sheng have to go to the depths of the city to fight with those indescribable? Why not destroy the deep world at all costs?

   After thinking for a long time, Han Fei guessed a possibility. Perhaps in the deepest part of the city, the most terrifying and terrifying things could not be said. They wanted to open the channel between the deep world and the shallow world, and let the darkness drown everything.

  Han Fei’s current level is too low. He still has no ability to verify this guess, but he must start to prepare in advance.

   opened both sides of the black box at the same time. Han Fei chose the most difficult path. He could not get the recognition of the deep world, nor the help of the shallow world, he could only rely on himself.

   All the layouts he has done now are for a certain day that may exist in the future.

   If despair really comes, the deep world will do its best to kill him, and the shallow world will treat him as the darkest devil. In this extreme situation, someone will stand firmly with him. .

   After chatting with Bai Xian for a long time, Han Fei left.

   He received a call from the police outside the community. Li Xue offered him several candidates, all of whom met the characteristics of 019 and 030.

   Everyone has a dream, but how many can really realize their dreams?

   In the message sent by Li Xue, most of the people are engaged in occupations that have nothing to do with actors, and none of them actually robbed the bank.

   The police just followed Han Fei’s description of the appearance and personality of those children, based on the human body development curve, and simulated their growth with the help of brains, and then conducted a large-scale comparison in the database, and finally concluded A preliminary screening result was obtained.

   After checking the information provided by the police, Han Fei took out his mobile phone and called Jin Jun, the most famous paparazzi in Xinhu. He had saved Jin Jun’s life before. Zhuang Ren entered the game for the first time. Jun also helped.

   “Boss, congratulations on winning the Best Supporting Actor Award. I have seen so many actors, you can say that you are the fastest promoted!”

   The phone rang only twice and was connected, and Jin Jun’s voice came from the phone.

   “I want to ask you about two people.” After checking the results of Li Xue’s investigation, Han Fei picked out the only two actors among them: “Both of them are about the same age as me, one is The professional opera actor is named Qiang Wei. The other is a very low-key fourth-line actor who has played many supporting roles. His name is Li Changxiong.”

  ”Li Changxiong, I know, he had a car accident before and was almost disfigured. This actor is very dedicated, he is still a doctorate, and his life is very self-disciplined, even a bit self-abuse. He likes fitness and reading, using the words in our industry. In other words, it is the kind of entertainer who is very reassuring.” Jin Jun deserves to be the handle of the new Shanghai paparazzi, and the information of these stars can be said casually.

   “What about the other one?”

  ”For opera actors, I need to get in touch slowly. Generally speaking, stage plays actually test their performance skills. Because they are directly facing the audience and there is no opportunity to stop, many actors who pursue acting skills will focus on stage plays and Opera.” After Jin Jun remembered the information that Han Fei had sent, he hung up the phone. He promised to help Han Fei check it out and give Han Fei a reply tomorrow at the latest.

   “Jin Jun is still very reliable.”

   After lunch, Han Fei returned to the old city. He randomly found a quiet little shop and chose a particularly cultural and youthful location. While listening to the song, he flipped through the murder photos on his mobile phone and started by the way. Take various notes.

   There were no customers in the small shop in the afternoon. The waitress in the shop looked at Han Fei sitting at the table, and was surprised at Han Fei’s temperament. Several little sisters whispered and laughed, and finally a shy girl was pushed out.

   Encouraged by other colleagues, she took out her mobile phone and walked towards Han Fei.

   her cheeks fluttered with disappointment, she walked to Han Fei a little nervously.

  ’s lips opened slightly. Before she could say what she wanted to say, her big beautiful eyes saw the blood stabbing photo of the murder on Han Fei’s phone screen.

   her pupils trembled, and the lovely girl saw the notes made by Han Fei, which contained various murder hypotheses and skin grafting techniques.

  , which was originally tense because of shyness, has become more tense now.

   She froze at the table, unable to squeeze a word.

   “What’s the matter?” Han Fei raised his head to look at the girl next to him, and the sunlight slid down his side face to outline the perfect edges and corners.

   The girl’s face turned red again in an instant, she poured a glass of water for Han Fei, and then ran away quickly.

  ”Are you my fan?”

  Han Fei shook his head and continued to study. She didn’t know that several waiters in the back kitchen of the shop had gathered to discuss him.

   “That little brother seems to have a special hobby!”

   “Should we call the police?”

   “Do you think he looks like a star?”

  ”Pull it down, how could a star come to our small shop for a drink?”

   “I want to be eaten by him.”

   “Hey! You are sober!”

  Han Fei did not hear the whispers of the back chef. On the contrary, he felt that the service of this small shop was very good, and he could come frequently in the future.

   After dark, when Han Fei was about to go home, his phone vibrated suddenly.

After    clicked on, Han Fei discovered that Jin Jun had sent him a candid photo. In a dark room full of debris, a man with long hair was eating raw meat.


   Shortly after Han Fei received the photo, Jin Jun sent another string of garbled characters. He seemed unable to speak. This text message was blindly typed out by him.

   “Something happened?”

  Han Fei is very keen. He repeatedly looked at the photos. Some items on the props were marked with the words Central Opera House.

   Han Fei put away his phone and rushed outside without stopping.

   “That man with long hair is Qiangwei?”

  Han Fei kept urging the driver to drive faster. He rushed to the Opera House in only twenty minutes. Today was the closing day, and there was no one around the Opera House.

   “Jin Jun’s car is still parked here, he shouldn’t leave, but why has he never sent me any more messages?”

   Jin Jun has been a paparazzi for many years, and he has never lost his hand in tracking sneak shots, but this time he seems to have met a special actor.

  While cleaning the floor of the theater, Han Fei took the opportunity to sneak in. He was like a cat, moving quickly, and there was no sound when he walked.

   came to the backstage on the first floor, Han Fei quietly entered the backstage, he looked at the actor preparation rooms on both sides, and felt that the place was strangely cold.

  ”Are the theaters so gloomy on weekdays?”

  Han Fei rarely goes to the opera, but he has visited this place once before.

   At the end of the corridor, Han Fei saw a concealed door with the words prop room written on the door.

   slowly pushed the door open, Han Fei’s nose moved slightly. After confirming that there was no **** smell he was familiar with, he breathed a sigh of relief.

   took out the swinging stick from his sleeve, Han Fei moved between various weird props. He concentrated his attention and stared carefully around.

  The horrors experienced in the deep world have become Han Fei’s most precious experience. He entered the dark prop room alone, not only did not feel scared, but also had a feeling of accustomed to everything.

   step by step, Han Fei saw a lot of children’s toys in the corner of the prop room. This place seemed to be built into a small paradise.

  ”Why are there so many toys in the prop room of the opera house?”

   The rag dolls are neatly placed on the wall. They are wearing delicate coats and makeup on their faces. But Han Fei always feels uncomfortable looking at them, perhaps because they look too human.

   The eyes of the dolls all looked at the innermost wall of the prop room. There was a huge mirror with petals scattered in front of the mirror. Footprints remained on the petals, as if someone had stood here barefoot for a long time.

   “This place was taken in that photo of Jin Jun.”

   Looking in the mirror, the world in the mirror is even more gloomy. The various props are piled up together, as if reflecting the deep world.

   his eyes moved slowly, and when Han Fei swept toward the mirror, he suddenly saw a person standing behind an item.

   The two of them looked at each other through the mirror, but when Han Fei turned around, the figure had disappeared.

   chased out the prop room, Han Fei looked around, there was no one in the corridor.

   took out his cell phone, Han Fei called Jin Jun again.

  Weird melody sounded in the corridor, and Jin Jun’s cell phone seemed to be in the safe passage of the theater!

   Han Fei did not hesitate, and rushed into the corridor at the fastest speed. His physical fitness was much better than that of ordinary people, but even so, he couldn’t narrow the distance between the phone and the ringtone.

   “He is going to the top of the theater?”

   Within ten seconds, Han Fei had chased to the top of the theater. The door that only the staff could enter was opened, the door lock fell to the ground, and the ladder leading to the theater roof was lowered.

   had a bad premonition in his heart, and Han Fei climbed onto the roof of the theater through a ladder.

   The cold wind pours into both ears, blowing the weird melody away.

   Han Fei saw Jin Jun holding his mobile phone, his eyes dull, and he walked towards the rooftop guardrail.


   Hearing Han Fei’s voice, Jin Jun seemed to have realized something. He suddenly started to speed up, as if he was about to jump over the guardrail directly!

   At the critical moment, Han Fei’s speed increased again. When Jin Jun was a few meters away from the guardrail, he knocked Jin Jun to the ground.

   “Brother, calm down!”

   Locked Jin Jun’s arms with one hand, Han Fei held a swinging stick in the other hand, alerting his surroundings.

   His five senses were very keen, and he carefully watched every place where people could hide. It took about half a minute before he finally made sure that there was no one else on the roof.

   Jin Jun, who was held by Han Fei, also slowly recovered his sanity. His sluggish eyes were slowly occupied by fear. If Han Fei hadn’t controlled him at this time, he would have been frightened.

   “What did you see just now?”

   “Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!” Jin Jun shouted loudly.

   “What does a ghost look like? Where did you see it?” Han Fei protects Jin Jun. He is the first to protect the paparazzi actor in this way.

   “In the prop room, the ghost is eating a child, and he hid the meat in the doll’s body!” Jin Jun was still very excited, but after seeing Han Fei, he finally slowly started to regain his sanity “By the way, I took it! I took the picture of him eating a child!”

   Jin Jun is worthy of being a professional paparazzi. He was half-deadly scared. The first thing he did after regaining his sanity was to check his phone.

   He clicked on his phone, but all his latest videos have been deleted: “It’s okay! I thought about this situation when I secretly filmed celebrities. All videos will be sent to the cloud in real time and backed up by multiple lines.”

   After fiddling for a long time, Jin Jun suddenly shouted in excitement: “Found it!”

   He put his phone in front of Han Fei, and a very strange video began to play.

   In the dim prop room, a man with long hair was standing in front of the mirror and dancing. He stepped on the petals on the ground, and the circle of exquisite dolls around seemed to be the audience admiring his performance.

   The dance he danced has a special sense of beauty, with the desolation of death and the inexplicable loneliness. It is the first time that Han Fei and Jin Jun have seen that kind of dance.

   “What ceremony does he seem to be holding?”

   After finishing the dance, the man picked up a rag doll, he screwed it on the head of the doll, drank the red liquid in the doll, and then he wrung off the head of the second doll from the inside. I took out something and started swallowing.

   When he went to get the third doll, his face suddenly lifted, and his cheeks covered by long hair were pointed at where Jin Jun was hiding.

   The next moment Jin Jun seems to be preparing to escape, the camera shakes wildly, and finally falls to the ground. The video ends here.

   “He didn’t eat children either, don’t scare yourself.” Han Fei comforted Jin Jun.

  ”The picture taken is different from what I saw. I remembered that guy with blood red eyes, and he was still interacting with himself in the mirror, that is, the person in the mirror first found me, and then he Chasing it.”

   “Do you remember what happened later? How did you run to the rooftop by yourself? Did he do anything to you?”

   “I don’t remember.” Jin Jun grabbed his hair hard with both hands: “In fact, since I was rescued by you that time, I have always been in a daze. I always feel scared inexplicably, sometimes watching ordinary things. , It will also produce very bad associations.”

   “What do you mean?”

  ”It’s very strange. For example, didn’t you ask me to check the entertainment for you before? I saw a painter when I got into the elevator. He was a very ordinary worker, but I always thought he was A murderer scared me from then on to take the elevator alone. Another time I went to follow the lover of the CEO of Wuwu Entertainment. She dragged a suitcase as if she was going to leave Xinhu by plane. Look at the suitcase too. Nothing went wrong, but I felt like a corpse was hidden in the suitcase. Later, I read the news report that the woman’s own body was found in that suitcase!”

   Jin Jun was holding his hair in pain, but Han Fei’s eyes were full of surprise. He didn’t expect Jin Jun to have quietly passed by the **** of death so many times.

   This brother’s life can be roughly divided into two stages. The dividing line is the moment Han Fei saves him. It seems that after being saved by Han Fei, his life is entangled with Han Fei for the rest of his life.

   “Something you see should not be an illusion.” Han Fei had a guess in his mind: “Jin Jun, what is your talent in the “Perfect Life” game?”

   Holding his hair, Jin Jun didn’t understand why Han Fei would suddenly ask such a question: “My talents are all useless junk talents. One is called Pathfinder, a C-level talent that can be obtained by exploring unknown maps. Double the exploration value. The higher the exploration value, the better the ability to unlock. I started running maps from the night of the game public beta, but the maps I can go to have long been explored by players.”

   “What is your other talent?” Han Fei doesn’t think that Jin Jun’s talent is rubbish. The vast deep world needs people with great wisdom and great courage to act as pathfinders.

  ”The other talent is even more useless, called the soul-returner, and it is also a C-level talent. The talent introduction is very long, saying that someone who should have died, because the fate was accidentally rewritten. The effect is that after the life value is cleared, you fall into In a suspended animation state, when you meet a player who has the talent to regain your soul, you have a chance to get a new life.” Jin Jun smiled bitterly and shook his head: “When I first built my account, I found that I was a double-C talent. After the level, do you know what professions the system recommends to me? It says that the profession with the highest fit for me is psychics, and the best places to work are crematoriums and cemeteries. Such a stupid brain can be deeply rooted. Kong Technology calls it the future of mankind?”

   Jin Jun has slowly walked out of fear, but his mood is still very depressed at this time.

  ” It is said that the brainwaves developed by Deep Space Technology can capture some special brain waves. Now you will run into ghosts and evil spirits. Maybe something really entangles you~ You should be more careful. “Han Fei didn’t want to scare Jin Jun either, he just felt that he should be responsible to Jin Jun: “Leave it to me to investigate Qiangwei. What you need now is to temper your courage and learn more self-defense.” /

  Han Fei is really thinking about Jin Jun. Although the death building in the deep world is extremely terrifying and eerie, but at least it will not die when tempering the will there. How many people want to have such an opportunity yet.

   Had it not been for Han Fei to see Jin Jun helped him a lot, and he was indeed in danger, Han Fei would not give Jin Jun this precious opportunity.

  ”You should also have a spiritual physique, but don’t be afraid, I will help you get used to those horrible things. Go look in the mirror at night.”

   Han Fei rescued Jin Jun once, but he can’t protect Jin Jun forever, so the best way is to let Jin Jun have the ability to protect himself, no matter how bad he is, he must have the courage to face it.

   “Can’t look in the mirror? Am I really wicked?” Jin Jun looked terrified.

   “Don’t think too much, play games and relax after you go back. You should not be so scared after dawn.” After Han Fei comforted Jin Jun, he began to count his friends: “Huang Ying, Bai Xian, Jin Jun, Liuli Mao, plus one person, you can build a community.”


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