My Iyashikei Game Chapter 525: Han Fei’s first hate neighbor

Following the department store, Han Fei got another special building-the white orphanage.

Han Fei doesn’t know what special function this building has for the time being. He doesn’t care about exploring it now. After all, this is still on the site of a plastic surgery hospital.

Yinglong approached the child with Han Fei on his back, and the neighbors also came along, and a group of kind and lovely adults surrounded the child.

“Come with us, we will show you the outside world.”

Han Fei stared at the child in front of him. The other party represented the innocence and simplicity of the white shoes, which can also be said to be part of the white shoes.

The boy was clutching his chest, the white heart hidden in the puppet was completely dyed red, and he was reborn on all the corpses of distracting thoughts.

“Those bad guys want to train you to be the next me, but they are doomed to fail, because you are unique, you have your own special personality, and you are you.” Han Feichao extended his hand to the child:” I will help you find yourself.”

The orphan No. 024 is relatively friendly with Han Fei. After hesitating for a while, he grabbed Han Fei’s hand.

At that moment, Han Fei also used the secret of touching the depths of the soul. He did not feel a trace of malice in the child, but only felt the fear of the past and the confusion about the future. The boy’s soul was white and flawless. It is simply an incredible thing in the world.

“Get ready to leave.”

The white orphanage has been turned into rubble, and Han Fei is going to wait until he takes over the plastic surgery hospital before returning to rebuild it.

The appearance of this special building made up for the void in the Hanfei community.

Without staying any longer, the neighbors rushed towards the department store with the seriously injured Han Fei and No. 024.

After they left the orphanage, Han Fei, who had become the new owner of the white orphanage, felt a little bit. He turned to look at the center of the ruins of the orphanage.

On that large piece of destroyed mural, the remaining life ropes dipped in blood on the ground and slowly gathered, they painted a man on the cracked floor.

The man carried a paint bucket full of blood and sneer, and his eyes collided with Han Fei.

His mouth opened, and the painter seemed to say something. He stretched out his hand and drew a window on the cracked wall. Outside the window was a beautiful landscape, with blue sky, grass, running animals, and A boy who can only smile.

The painter did not chase him, and Han Fei did not dare to stay, and quickly fled back to the department store.

When they entered the mall, Jingshen and Zhuang Wen appeared at the same time, and the plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. The two evil spirits that could rival hatred hadn’t taken any action, and Ten Fingers had already been beheaded.

“How did you do it? Ten fingers stole the most important merchandise in the mall, and also possessed the black fire of hatred. How could you kill him?” Jingshen was surprised, and the neighbors didn’t know. How to explain, just look at Han Fei and Xu Qin.

“Shizhi was trapped by the hatred of the plastic surgery hospital, let us pick up the bargain.” Han Fei was very humble. The person who killed Shizhi just now was not him, but laughed wildly.

The lunatic didn’t leave the Scarlet Orphanage. He just manipulated Han Fei’s body and attacked the limit of the human body.

Han Fei also learned a lot through a series of operations of laughing wildly.

For example, by lowering the bloodline in exchange for a sharp increase in attributes, using the Ling Ling curse to strengthen himself five times, coupled with the artistic appreciation that can see through the weaknesses and the death knife that kills all sins, Han Fei can already pose a threat to the top resentment.

It’s just a threat. He needs someone to contain his opponent from the front, because he only has one chance to shoot the sword. If he can’t directly kill the opponent, he will be dissipated if he is rubbed a little.

The style of laughing wildly is based on absolute confidence and madness, using three drops of blood to initiate a charge. Even if normal people can think of this, they will never dare to try it lightly.

“Have you brought back the heart of hatred of the ten fingers? This is a good thing!” The mirror **** dug out a black heart from the corpse of the ten fingers that is slowly festering, and the heart has been shattered into pieces. It took several pieces, and the mirror took a lot of effort to put them together.

When the black fragments approached each other, a very faint black fire ignited among the fragments.

“This last bit of black fire of hatred is burning the heart of the ten fingers. After the heart of the ten fingers is burned, it can be considered to be completely gone.” The mirror **** handed the black fire to Zhuang Wen: “This is a good thing. You are only a little away from becoming a real hate, and its black fire may be able to help you.”

Zhuang Wen failed to transform her hatred and turned into an irrational monster. Later, Han Fei used the shrine’s wish to inherit the task to help Zhuang Wen recover. Her strength had reached the culmination of her hatred.

Although the black fire left over by hatred is precious, it is not something anyone can use. If the difference in strength is too great, it might be affected by the ten fingers instead.

Everyone agreed to let Zhuang Wen use it, and she was not polite, and directly crushed the black heart with her fingers, and when the black fire burned to its strongest, she swallowed it in one bite.

“Let’s stop disturbing her.”

Everyone took the remaining body of the ten fingers into the underground storeroom. After the black fire was taken away, the body of the ten fingers quickly festered and disappeared. The despair on his body was taken away by crying, and the remaining Yin Qi was eaten by everyone. Jingshen also found several missing malls in the department store on the remnant of Ten Fingers.

“Han Fei, these are the most important items in the department store. See if there are any that you can use.” Jingshen took out pieces of **** goods and placed them in front of Han Fei. He used the system The identification function, touch one by one.

“The cloak of desire (E-class special item): This is a garment woven from worldly greed. After putting on the cloak of desire, all eyes that look at you will be dominated by desire and will no longer be able to perceive Your body.”

“Joker’s Tears (E-level special item): One of the job transfer props of the Hidden Professional Laughing Clown. It can be used in the hidden map Lost Paradise to trigger the job transfer task.”

“Department store bills (E-level exclusive items): Special construction department store managers can only use them. All regrets, resentments and hatreds made into goods will appear in the accounts. Touching their names can vaguely perceive them. To their place. Attention! This bill is the link between the store manager and all the goods, so remember not to lose it.”

“Unspeakable mind (D-level material):???”

After seeing the four objects on the ground, Han Fei had a feeling of earning blood. It was worth the price for him to kill the ten fingers this time.

“The robe of desire can be used by Xiaoba, she should be able to leave the happy community. I will be at level 20, and then I can try to unlock a new hidden class. This laughing clown should feel good, at least more reliable than Giff Point.”

Reaching out and opening the bill, Han Fei found the name of Cry and the red dress on it. He lightly touched the name of the red dress, vaguely feeling that the other party was in the plastic surgery hospital area.

“It’s fine if nothing happens.”

Finally, Han Fei looked at the strange piece of meat and said it was meat, but it felt like a stone.

“This is the D-grade material?” Han Fei didn’t know what the meat was for, so he could only save it temporarily.

After putting away all the items, Han Fei looked at the location of the neighbors.

Everyone is diligent and thrifty, and is also carrying out the CD operation to the end. The remnants of the ten-finger have disappeared, and there is no more dust left.

“You’d better go back to the dead building as soon as possible. The breath on this child is very wrong. Staying out of the mist for too long may attract bad things.” Jingshen reminded: “Speaking of you How can I pick up people at home anywhere?”

“He is part of the hatred of a certain plastic surgery hospital. I want to use him as a bridge to slowly communicate with the hatred of the plastic surgery hospital.”

“Don’t hold on too much hope, every hate hides an unforgettable hate, and they will never waver easily.” Jingshen stared at No. 024 for a long time, and the balance in his left eye shook slightly. It seems to be measuring the value of the 024 soul.

“I will pay attention.” Han Fei communicated with Jingshen for a while. When he was about to leave, an extremely terrifying breath suddenly came from the top of the department store. He was the owner of the department store for an instant. I noticed something was wrong.

Everyone walked out of the mall together and looked up, Zhuang Wen was standing on the top of the department store.

It seems that she was worried that the black fire would run out of control and damage the interior of the mall, so Zhuang Wen chose to make the final breakthrough at the top of the building.

A harsh scream came from the flame, and Zhuang Wen threw all the memory fragments into the black fire.

With resentment and hatred as fuel, the black flame pierced from Zhuang Wen’s heart and rose instantly.

The ten-finger killing intent and the death intent of the death building are intertwined, and a period of death curse emerges under Zhuang Wen’s skin, and all the memories, everything in the past, are all burning in the black fire.

Zhuang Wen’s soul body is also changing rapidly, as if it might be swallowed by the black fire at any time.

In the city always shrouded in darkness, the black flame on Zhuang Wen seemed to be part of the night sky. She struggled and screamed in the black fire, feeling the deepest pain and despair, but she did not choose to bow her head.

The creepy roar pierced the eternal night, the resentment in Zhuang Wen’s heart completely turned into hatred, and her cold heart began to beat again.

Towards the black fire burning around, it was pulled back a little bit as the heart beat, it only burned in Zhuang Wen’s heart.

The tragic past scenes were torn apart, and the boundless hatred stabbed at fate like a sharp knife.

The burned soul body began to regenerate, and the aura exuding from Zhuang Wen’s body was completely different from before.

She looked at the end of the night, and then jumped down the tall building.

The black fire spread all over the body instantly, and the flame contained both strong killing intent and endless death intent, as well as an unclear number of death curses.


Falling to the ground, the black fire dissipated, and Zhuang Wen stood in front of the neighbors with astringent aura.

“Please pay attention to players with number 0000! Hate Zhuang Wen’s friendliness increases by ten! Congratulations on your first friendship with Hate!”

After swallowing the ten-finger black fire, Zhuang Wen became a real hatred. For various reasons, she seemed to be stronger than ordinary hatred.

The neighbors didn’t dare to approach Zhuang Wen. At this time, Zhuang Wen felt extremely dangerous to them. It seemed that as long as they approached her, they might be killed by her at any time.

Taking a deep breath, Han Fei was the first to walk over. He looked at Zhuang Wen’s slowly opening eyes and greeted Zhuang Wen as usual.

Hate was gathered in the black fire, Zhuang Wen tried her best to suppress her hate, but the people around could still feel the terrifying coercion.

Now Han Fei finally understands why when a hate enters other regions, the hatred in other regions will be immediately noticed. The aura of these hatreds can’t converge at all, and the hatred has become so strong that it is very strong. You can feel it from afar.

“The dead building area finally has a new hatred.” Han Fei is now relieved. As the manager elected by the dead building owner, he knows how dangerous the situation before the dead building area is. .

Jingshen can only exert the power of hate in the department store. There is no real hate in the dead building area. If three hate in the plastic surgery hospital forcibly break in, the resentment in the dead building area will not be blocked.

“We are going to leave.”

Han Fei led everyone to the dead building area. When passing through the plastic surgery hospital area, he handed the coat of desire to Zhuang Wen, and asked Zhuang Wen to put it on and try to enter the plastic surgery hospital area.

After trying several times, Han Fei’s eyes were bright. The coat of desire can conceal Zhuang Wen’s hatred. As long as Zhuang Wen puts on the coat, he can enter the plastic surgery hospital with Han Fei.

“With this coat, after the evildoer suppresses the unspeakable curse, I will send a surprise to the plastic surgery hospital.”

Back in the mist, the owner of the dead building began to devour the goods of the department store, quickly recovering from his injuries and strengthening his soul.

Han Fei took the child #024 and the neighbors to the happiness community, and he asked Xiao Ba to try the coat.

As long as the eight victims of the human body mosaic pattern did not lose their minds, the coat could also cover their breath.

“This time the gain from killing the ten fingers is bigger than hatred is a treasure!”

Han Fei looked at Orphan No. 024. He dragged his badly injured body and sat in front of the child: “My child, what else do you know about the orphanage? Can you still recall the names and looks of other children in the same period? Right?”

Some things can’t be rushed. I want to make the little white shoes “discard the dark and cast the light”. So Han Fei asked No. 024 other questions first, step by step to let the child relax his vigilance.

“I have forgotten many things, but I still remember the looks of the two people. One of them is my best friend, and the other is the bad guy who bullied me the most. Their numbers are 019 and 030. “The boy tried to think about the past: “019 knows a lot of things. He is a very smart boy. He is also very good-looking. His dream is to be an actor. 030 is very naughty and takes pleasure in bullying. He has better physical development than his peers. Be early, tall, and like to force others to do things they don’t like. He privately said that his dream is to rob the bank.”

The boy told Han Fei all the looks and characteristics of children No. 019 and No. 030, and Han Fei also took notes carefully, and prepared to try his luck in reality after he quit the game.

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